blob: 6c437731db20617f079f6fc06e8ae2bb75081697 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <tuple>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/direct_renderer.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/sync_query_collection.h"
#include "components/viz/service/viz_service_export.h"
#include "gpu/vulkan/buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPictureRecorder.h"
#include "ui/latency/latency_info.h"
class SkNWayCanvas;
class SkPictureRecorder;
namespace gpu {
struct Capabilities;
namespace viz {
class DebugBorderDrawQuad;
class PictureDrawQuad;
class SkiaOutputSurface;
class SolidColorDrawQuad;
class TextureDrawQuad;
class TileDrawQuad;
class VulkanContextProvider;
class YUVVideoDrawQuad;
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT SkiaRenderer : public DirectRenderer {
// Different draw modes that are supported by SkiaRenderer right now.
enum DrawMode { GL, DDL, VULKAN, SKPRECORD };
// TODO(penghuang): Remove skia_output_surface when DDL is used everywhere.
SkiaRenderer(const RendererSettings* settings,
OutputSurface* output_surface,
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
SkiaOutputSurface* skia_output_surface,
DrawMode mode);
~SkiaRenderer() override;
void SwapBuffers(std::vector<ui::LatencyInfo> latency_info) override;
void SetDisablePictureQuadImageFiltering(bool disable) {
disable_picture_quad_image_filtering_ = disable;
bool CanPartialSwap() override;
void UpdateRenderPassTextures(
const RenderPassList& render_passes_in_draw_order,
const base::flat_map<RenderPassId, RenderPassRequirements>&
render_passes_in_frame) override;
void AllocateRenderPassResourceIfNeeded(
const RenderPassId& render_pass_id,
const RenderPassRequirements& requirements) override;
bool IsRenderPassResourceAllocated(
const RenderPassId& render_pass_id) const override;
gfx::Size GetRenderPassBackingPixelSize(
const RenderPassId& render_pass_id) override;
void BindFramebufferToOutputSurface() override;
void BindFramebufferToTexture(const RenderPassId render_pass_id) override;
void SetScissorTestRect(const gfx::Rect& scissor_rect) override;
void PrepareSurfaceForPass(SurfaceInitializationMode initialization_mode,
const gfx::Rect& render_pass_scissor) override;
void DoDrawQuad(const DrawQuad* quad, const gfx::QuadF* draw_region) override;
void BeginDrawingFrame() override;
void FinishDrawingFrame() override;
bool FlippedFramebuffer() const override;
void EnsureScissorTestEnabled() override;
void EnsureScissorTestDisabled() override;
void CopyDrawnRenderPass(std::unique_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> request) override;
void SetEnableDCLayers(bool enable) override;
void DidChangeVisibility() override;
void FinishDrawingQuadList() override;
void GenerateMipmap() override;
struct DrawRenderPassDrawQuadParams;
class ScopedSkImageBuilder;
class ScopedYUVSkImageBuilder;
void ClearCanvas(SkColor color);
void ClearFramebuffer();
void PrepareCanvasForDrawQuads(
const gfx::Transform& transform,
const gfx::QuadF* draw_region,
const gfx::Rect* scissor_rect,
base::Optional<SkAutoCanvasRestore>* auto_canvas_restore);
void DrawDebugBorderQuad(const DebugBorderDrawQuad* quad, SkPaint* paint);
void DrawPictureQuad(const PictureDrawQuad* quad, SkPaint* paint);
void DrawRenderPassQuad(const RenderPassDrawQuad* quad, SkPaint* paint);
void DrawRenderPassQuadInternal(const RenderPassDrawQuad* quad,
sk_sp<SkImage> content_image,
SkPaint* paint);
void DrawSolidColorQuad(const SolidColorDrawQuad* quad, SkPaint* paint);
void DrawTextureQuad(const TextureDrawQuad* quad, SkPaint* paint);
bool MustDrawBatchedTileQuadsBeforeQuad(const DrawQuad* new_quad,
const gfx::QuadF* draw_region);
void AddTileQuadToBatch(const TileDrawQuad* quad,
const gfx::QuadF* draw_region);
void DrawBatchedTileQuads();
void DrawYUVVideoQuad(const YUVVideoDrawQuad* quad, SkPaint* paint);
void DrawUnsupportedQuad(const DrawQuad* quad, SkPaint* paint);
bool CalculateRPDQParams(sk_sp<SkImage> src_image,
const RenderPassDrawQuad* quad,
DrawRenderPassDrawQuadParams* params);
bool ShouldApplyBackgroundFilters(
const RenderPassDrawQuad* quad,
const cc::FilterOperations* backdrop_filters) const;
bool IsUsingVulkan() const;
const TileDrawQuad* CanPassBeDrawnDirectly(const RenderPass* pass) override;
// A map from RenderPass id to the texture used to draw the RenderPass from.
struct RenderPassBacking {
sk_sp<SkSurface> render_pass_surface;
gfx::Size size;
bool mipmap;
gfx::ColorSpace color_space;
ResourceFormat format;
// Specific for SkPictureRecorder.
std::unique_ptr<SkPictureRecorder> recorder;
sk_sp<SkPicture> picture;
RenderPassBacking(GrContext* gr_context,
const gpu::Capabilities& caps,
const gfx::Size& size,
bool mipmap,
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space);
RenderPassBacking(const gfx::Size& size,
bool mipmap,
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space);
RenderPassBacking& operator=(RenderPassBacking&&);
base::flat_map<RenderPassId, RenderPassBacking> render_pass_backings_;
const DrawMode draw_mode_;
// Get corresponding GrContext in DrawMode::GL or DrawMode::VULKAN. Returns
// nullptr when there is no GrContext.
GrContext* GetGrContext();
bool is_using_ddl() const { return draw_mode_ == DrawMode::DDL; }
bool is_using_vulkan() const { return draw_mode_ == DrawMode::VULKAN; }
// Interface used for drawing. Common among different draw modes.
sk_sp<SkSurface> root_surface_;
sk_sp<SkSurface> non_root_surface_;
SkCanvas* root_canvas_ = nullptr;
SkCanvas* current_canvas_ = nullptr;
SkSurface* current_surface_ = nullptr;
bool disable_picture_quad_image_filtering_ = false;
bool is_scissor_enabled_ = false;
gfx::Rect scissor_rect_;
// Specific for overdraw.
sk_sp<SkSurface> overdraw_surface_;
std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> overdraw_canvas_;
std::unique_ptr<SkNWayCanvas> nway_canvas_;
// Specific for GL.
ContextProvider* context_provider_ = nullptr;
base::Optional<SyncQueryCollection> sync_queries_;
bool use_swap_with_bounds_ = false;
gfx::Rect swap_buffer_rect_;
std::vector<gfx::Rect> swap_content_bounds_;
// State common to all tile quads in a batch
struct BatchedTileState {
gfx::Transform transform;
gfx::Rect scissor_rect;
gfx::QuadF draw_region;
SkBlendMode blend_mode;
bool is_nearest_neighbor;
bool has_scissor_rect;
bool has_draw_region;
BatchedTileState batched_tile_state_;
std::vector<SkCanvas::ImageSetEntry> batched_tiles_;
// Specific for Vulkan.
VulkanContextProvider* vulkan_context_provider_ = nullptr;
// Specific for SkDDL.
SkiaOutputSurface* const skia_output_surface_ = nullptr;
// Lock set for resources that are used for the current frame. All resources
// in this set will be unlocked with a sync token when the frame is done in
// the compositor thread. And the sync token will be released when the DDL
// for the current frame is replayed on the GPU thread.
// It is only used with DDL.
DisplayResourceProvider::LockSetForExternalUse lock_set_for_external_use_;
// Promise images created from resources used in the current frame. This map
// will be cleared when the frame is done and before all resources in
// |lock_set_for_external_use_| are unlocked on the compositor thread.
// It is only used with DDL.
base::flat_map<ResourceId, sk_sp<SkImage>> promise_images_;
using YUVIds = std::tuple<ResourceId, ResourceId, ResourceId, ResourceId>;
base::flat_map<YUVIds, sk_sp<SkImage>> yuv_promise_images_;
// Specific for SkPRecord.
std::unique_ptr<SkPictureRecorder> root_recorder_;
sk_sp<SkPicture> root_picture_;
sk_sp<SkPicture>* current_picture_;
SkPictureRecorder* current_recorder_;
} // namespace viz