blob: eefa6192145af84abde843bc1fab202f42ea3579 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
from recipe_engine import util as recipe_util
from .util import GTestResults, TestResults
# TODO(luqui): Destroy this DEPS hack.
import DEPS
JsonOutputPlaceholder = DEPS['json'].api.JsonOutputPlaceholder
class TestResultsOutputPlaceholder(JsonOutputPlaceholder):
def result(self, presentation, test):
ret = super(TestResultsOutputPlaceholder, self).result(presentation, test)
return TestResults(ret)
# TODO(martiniss) replace this with step.AggregateResults once
# aggregate steps lands
class GTestResultsOutputPlaceholder(JsonOutputPlaceholder):
def result(self, presentation, test):
ret = super(GTestResultsOutputPlaceholder, self).result(presentation, test)
return GTestResults(ret)
class TestUtilsApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
def format_step_text(data):
Returns string suitable for use in a followup function's step result's
presentation step text.
data - iterable of sections, where each section is one of:
a) tuple/list with one element for a single-line section
(always displayed)
b) tuple/list with two elements where first one is the header,
and the second one is an iterable of content lines; if there are
no contents, the whole section is not displayed
step_text = []
for section in data:
if len(section) == 1:
# Make it possible to display single-line sections.
step_text.append('<br/>%s<br/>' % section[0])
elif len(section) == 2:
# Only displaying the section (even the header) when it's non-empty
# simplifies caller code.
if section[1]:
step_text.append('<br/>%s<br/>' % section[0])
step_text.extend(('%s<br/>' % line for line in section[1]))
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
'Expected a one or two-element list, got %r instead.' % section)
return ''.join(step_text)
# TODO(martinis) rewrite this. can be written better using 1.5 syntax.
# TODO(phajdan.jr): Deduplicate this and chromium_tests.create_test_runner.
def run_tests(self, caller_api, tests, suffix, test_filters=None):
Utility function for running a list of tests and returning the failed tests.
caller_api - caller's recipe API; this is needed because self.m here
is different than in the caller (different recipe modules
get injected depending on caller's DEPS vs. this module's
tests - iterable of objects implementing the Test interface above
suffix - custom suffix, e.g. "with patch", "without patch" indicating
context of the test run
test_filters - a dict mapping test full name to a list of tests, e.g.:
'base_unittests on Windows-XP-SP3': [
'browser_tests on Windows-XP-SP3': [
The list of failed tests.
failed_tests = []
test_filters = test_filters or {}
#TODO(martiniss) convert loops
for t in tests:
t.pre_run(caller_api, suffix, test_filter=test_filters.get(
# TODO(iannucci): Write a test.
except caller_api.step.InfraFailure: # pragma: no cover
except caller_api.step.StepFailure: # pragma: no cover
for t in tests:
try:, suffix, test_filter=test_filters.get(
except caller_api.step.InfraFailure: # pragma: no cover
# TODO(iannucci): How should exceptions be accumulated/handled here?
except caller_api.step.StepFailure:
for t in tests:
t.post_run(caller_api, suffix, test_filter=test_filters.get(
# TODO(iannucci): Write a test.
except caller_api.step.InfraFailure: # pragma: no cover
except caller_api.step.StepFailure: # pragma: no cover
return failed_tests
def run_tests_with_patch(self, caller_api, tests):
self.run_tests(caller_api, tests, 'with patch')
failing_tests = []
with self.m.step.defer_results():
for t in tests:
if not t.has_valid_results(caller_api, 'with patch'):
elif t.failures(caller_api, 'with patch'):
return failing_tests
def determine_new_failures(self, caller_api, tests, deapply_patch_fn):
Utility function for running steps with a patch applied, and retrying
failing steps without the patch. Failures from the run without the patch are
caller_api - caller's recipe API; this is needed because self.m here
is different than in the caller (different recipe modules
get injected depending on caller's DEPS vs. this module's
tests - iterable of objects implementing the Test interface above
deapply_patch_fn - function that takes a list of failing tests
and undoes any effect of the previously applied patch
# Convert iterable to list, since it is enumerated multiple times.
tests = list(tests)
failing_tests = self.run_tests_with_patch(caller_api, tests)
if not failing_tests:
result = deapply_patch_fn(failing_tests)
self.run_tests(caller_api, failing_tests, 'without patch')
return result
with self.m.step.defer_results():
for t in failing_tests:
self._summarize_retried_test(caller_api, t)
def _invalid_test_results(self, test):
self.m.python.failing_step(, 'TEST RESULTS WERE INVALID')
def _summarize_retried_test(self, caller_api, test):
"""Summarizes test results and exits with a failing status if there were new
if not test.has_valid_results(caller_api, 'without patch'):
ignored_failures = set(test.failures(caller_api, 'without patch'))
new_failures = (
set(test.failures(caller_api, 'with patch')) - ignored_failures)
'new_failures': sorted(new_failures),
step_name = '%s (retry summary)' %
step_text = self.format_step_text([
['failures:', new_failures],
['ignored:', ignored_failures]
if new_failures:
self.m.python.failing_step(step_name, step_text)
self.m.python.succeeding_step(step_name, step_text)
if new_failures:
elif ignored_failures:
self.m.step.active_result.presentation.status = self.m.step.WARNING
def create_results_from_json(self, data):
return TestResults(data)
def test_results(self, add_json_log=True):
"""A placeholder which will expand to '/tmp/file'.
The recipe must provide the expected --json-test-results flag.
The test_results will be an instance of the TestResults class.
return TestResultsOutputPlaceholder(self, add_json_log)
def gtest_results(self, add_json_log=True):
"""A placeholder which will expand to
Provides the --test-launcher-summary-output flag since --flag=value
(i.e. a single token in the command line) is the required format.
The test_results will be an instance of the GTestResults class.
return GTestResultsOutputPlaceholder(self, add_json_log)