blob: 1067b444f2ea1ff2a588abc3c7551e347fcb7cbd [file] [log] [blame]
import json
from recipe_engine import recipe_test_api
from .util import GTestResults, TestResults
class TestUtilsTestApi(recipe_test_api.RecipeTestApi):
def test_results(self, test_results, retcode=None):
return self.m.json.output(test_results.as_jsonish(), retcode)
def canned_test_output(self, passing, minimal=False, passes=9001,
"""Produces a 'json test results' compatible object with some canned tests.
passing - Determines if this test result is passing or not.
passes - The number of (theoretically) passing tests.
minimal - If True, the canned output will omit one test to emulate the
effect of running fewer than the total number of tests.
num_additional_failures - the number of failed tests to simulate in
addition to the three generated if passing is False
if_failing = lambda fail_val: None if passing else fail_val
t = TestResults()
sep = path_separator or '/'
t.raw['path_separator'] = sep
t.raw['num_passes'] = passes
t.raw['num_regressions'] = 0
t.add_result('flake%stotally-flakey.html' % sep, 'PASS',
if_failing('TIMEOUT PASS'))
t.add_result('flake%stimeout-then-crash.html' % sep, 'CRASH',
if_failing('TIMEOUT CRASH'))
t.add_result('flake%sslow.html' % sep, 'SLOW',
if_failing('TIMEOUT SLOW'))
t.add_result('tricky%stotally-maybe-not-awesome.html' % sep, 'PASS',
t.add_result('bad%stotally-bad-probably.html' % sep, 'PASS',
if not minimal:
t.add_result('good%stotally-awesome.html' % sep, 'PASS')
for i in xrange(num_additional_failures):
t.add_result('bad%sfailing%d.html' % (sep, i), 'PASS', 'FAIL')
if unexpected_flakes:
t.add_result('flake%sflakey.html' % sep, 'PASS', 'FAIL PASS')
ret = self.test_results(t)
if retcode is not None:
ret.retcode = retcode
ret.retcode = min(t.raw['num_regressions'], t.MAX_FAILURES_EXIT_STATUS)
return ret
def raw_test_output(self, jsonish, retcode):
t = TestResults(jsonish)
ret = self.test_results(t)
ret.retcode = retcode
return ret
def gtest_results(self, test_results, retcode=None):
return self.m.json.output(test_results.as_jsonish(), retcode)
def canned_gtest_output(self, passing, minimal=False, passes=9001,
"""Produces a 'json test results' compatible object with some canned tests.
passing - Determines if this test result is passing or not.
passes - The number of (theoretically) passing tests.
minimal - If True, the canned output will omit one test to emulate the
effect of running fewer than the total number of tests.
extra_json - dict with additional keys to add to gtest JSON.
cur_iteration_data = {
'Test.One': [
'elapsed_time_ms': 0,
'output_snippet': '',
'status': 'SUCCESS',
'Test.Two': [
'elapsed_time_ms': 0,
'output_snippet': '',
'status': 'SUCCESS' if passing else 'FAILURE',
if not minimal:
cur_iteration_data['Test.Three'] = [
'elapsed_time_ms': 0,
'output_snippet': '',
'status': 'SUCCESS',
canned_jsonish = {
'per_iteration_data': [cur_iteration_data]
canned_jsonish.update(extra_json or {})
retcode = None if passing else 1
return self.raw_gtest_output(canned_jsonish, retcode)
def raw_gtest_output(self, jsonish, retcode):
t = GTestResults(jsonish)
ret = self.gtest_results(t)
ret.retcode = retcode
return ret
def generate_simplified_json_results(self, shards, isolated_script_passing,
per_shard_results = []
for i in xrange(shards):
jsonish_results = {}
jsonish_results['valid'] = valid
# Keep shard 0's results equivalent to the old code to minimize
# expectation diffs.
idx = 1 + (2 * i)
tests_run = ['test%d.Test%d' % (idx, idx),
'test%d.Test%d' % (idx + 1, idx + 1)]
if isolated_script_passing:
jsonish_results['failures'] = []
jsonish_results['successes'] = tests_run
jsonish_results['failures'] = tests_run
jsonish_results['successes'] = []
jsonish_results['times'] = {t : 0.1 for t in tests_run}
return per_shard_results
def generate_json_test_results(self, shards, isolated_script_passing,
per_shard_results = []
for i in xrange(shards):
jsonish_results = {
'interrupted': False,
'path_delimiter': '.',
'version': 3,
'seconds_since_epoch': 14000000 + i,
'num_failures_by_type': {
'FAIL': 0,
'PASS': 0
if not valid:
del jsonish_results['path_delimiter']
idx = 1 + (2 * i)
if isolated_script_passing:
tests_run = {
'test_common': {
'Test%d' % idx: {
'expected': 'PASS',
'actual': 'FAIL FAIL PASS',
'test%d' % idx: {
'Test%d' % idx: {
'expected': 'PASS',
'actual': 'PASS',
'Test%d' % (idx + 1): {
'expected': 'PASS TIMEOUT',
'actual': 'TIMEOUT',
jsonish_results['num_failures_by_type']['PASS'] = 2
tests_run = {
'test%d' % idx: {
'Test%d' % idx: {
'expected': 'PASS',
'actual': 'FAIL FAIL TIMEOUT',
'Test%d' % (idx + 1): {
'expected': 'PASS TIMEOUT',
'actual': 'FAIL FAIL FAIL',
jsonish_results['num_failures_by_type']['FAIL'] = 2
jsonish_results['tests'] = tests_run
return per_shard_results
def canned_isolated_script_output(self, passing, is_win, swarming=False,
shards=1, swarming_internal_failure=False,
isolated_script_passing=True, valid=True,
"""Produces a test results' compatible json for isolated script tests. """
per_shard_results = []
per_shard_chartjson_results = []
for i in xrange(shards):
chartjsonish_results = {}
idx = 1 + (2 * i)
chartjsonish_results['dummy'] = 'dummy%d' % i
chartjsonish_results['enabled'] = benchmark_enabled
chartjsonish_results['charts'] = {'entry%d' % idx: 'chart%d' % idx,
'entry%d' % (idx + 1): 'chart%d' % (idx + 1)}
if use_json_test_format:
per_shard_results = self.generate_json_test_results(
shards, isolated_script_passing, valid)
per_shard_results = self.generate_simplified_json_results(
shards, isolated_script_passing, valid)
if swarming:
jsonish_shards = []
files_dict = {}
for i in xrange(shards):
'failure': not passing,
'internal_failure': swarming_internal_failure,
'exit_code': '1' if not passing or swarming_internal_failure else '0'
swarming_path = str(i)
swarming_path += '\\output.json' if is_win else '/output.json'
chartjson_swarming_path = str(i)
chartjson_swarming_path += \
'\\chartjson-output.json' \
if is_win else '/chartjson-output.json'
# Determine what output we are writing and if it is empty or not
output_missing = i in missing_shards and not output_chartjson
chartjson_output_missing = i in missing_shards and output_chartjson
output_empty = i in empty_shards and not output_chartjson
chartjson_output_empty = i in empty_shards and output_chartjson
if not output_missing:
files_dict[swarming_path] = \
'' if output_empty else json.dumps(per_shard_results[i])
if not chartjson_output_missing and output_chartjson:
files_dict[chartjson_swarming_path] = \
'' if chartjson_output_empty \
else json.dumps(per_shard_chartjson_results[i])
jsonish_summary = {'shards': jsonish_shards}
files_dict['summary.json'] = json.dumps(jsonish_summary)
return self.m.raw_io.output_dir(files_dict)
return self.m.json.output(per_shard_results[0])