blob: 874b7d06e12a3f288ac7c7d56ac845b6f1a6bcfa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2009-2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "platform/image-decoders/ImageDecoder.h"
#include "platform/PlatformInstrumentation.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/graphics/BitmapImageMetrics.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/bmp/BMPImageDecoder.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/gif/GIFImageDecoder.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/ico/ICOImageDecoder.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/jpeg/JPEGImageDecoder.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/webp/WEBPImageDecoder.h"
#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
struct QCMSProfileDeleter {
void operator()(qcms_profile* profile)
if (profile)
using QCMSProfileUniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<qcms_profile, QCMSProfileDeleter>;
#endif // USE(QCMSLIB)
inline bool matchesJPEGSignature(const char* contents)
return !memcmp(contents, "\xFF\xD8\xFF", 3);
inline bool matchesPNGSignature(const char* contents)
return !memcmp(contents, "\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A", 8);
inline bool matchesGIFSignature(const char* contents)
return !memcmp(contents, "GIF87a", 6) || !memcmp(contents, "GIF89a", 6);
inline bool matchesWebPSignature(const char* contents)
return !memcmp(contents, "RIFF", 4) && !memcmp(contents + 8, "WEBPVP", 6);
inline bool matchesICOSignature(const char* contents)
return !memcmp(contents, "\x00\x00\x01\x00", 4);
inline bool matchesCURSignature(const char* contents)
return !memcmp(contents, "\x00\x00\x02\x00", 4);
inline bool matchesBMPSignature(const char* contents)
return !memcmp(contents, "BM", 2);
std::unique_ptr<ImageDecoder> ImageDecoder::create(SniffResult sniffResult, AlphaOption alphaOption, GammaAndColorProfileOption colorOptions)
size_t maxDecodedBytes = Platform::current() ? Platform::current()->maxDecodedImageBytes() : noDecodedImageByteLimit;
switch (sniffResult) {
case SniffResult::JPEG:
return wrapUnique(new JPEGImageDecoder(alphaOption, colorOptions, maxDecodedBytes));
case SniffResult::PNG:
return wrapUnique(new PNGImageDecoder(alphaOption, colorOptions, maxDecodedBytes));
case SniffResult::GIF:
return wrapUnique(new GIFImageDecoder(alphaOption, colorOptions, maxDecodedBytes));
case SniffResult::WEBP:
return wrapUnique(new WEBPImageDecoder(alphaOption, colorOptions, maxDecodedBytes));
case SniffResult::ICO:
return wrapUnique(new ICOImageDecoder(alphaOption, colorOptions, maxDecodedBytes));
case SniffResult::BMP:
return wrapUnique(new BMPImageDecoder(alphaOption, colorOptions, maxDecodedBytes));
case SniffResult::InsufficientData:
case SniffResult::Invalid:
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
ImageDecoder::SniffResult ImageDecoder::determineImageType(const char* contents, size_t length)
const size_t longestSignatureLength = sizeof("RIFF????WEBPVP") - 1;
DCHECK_EQ(14u, longestSignatureLength);
if (length < longestSignatureLength)
return SniffResult::InsufficientData;
if (matchesJPEGSignature(contents))
return SniffResult::JPEG;
if (matchesPNGSignature(contents))
return SniffResult::PNG;
if (matchesGIFSignature(contents))
return SniffResult::GIF;
if (matchesWebPSignature(contents))
return SniffResult::WEBP;
if (matchesICOSignature(contents) || matchesCURSignature(contents))
return SniffResult::ICO;
if (matchesBMPSignature(contents))
return SniffResult::BMP;
return SniffResult::Invalid;
ImageDecoder::SniffResult ImageDecoder::determineImageType(const SharedBuffer& data)
const char* contents;
const size_t length = data.getSomeData<size_t>(contents);
return determineImageType(contents, length);
ImageDecoder::SniffResult ImageDecoder::determineImageType(const SegmentReader& data)
const char* contents;
const size_t length = data.getSomeData(contents, 0);
return determineImageType(contents, length);
size_t ImageDecoder::frameCount()
const size_t oldSize = m_frameBufferCache.size();
const size_t newSize = decodeFrameCount();
if (oldSize != newSize) {
for (size_t i = oldSize; i < newSize; ++i) {
return newSize;
ImageFrame* ImageDecoder::frameBufferAtIndex(size_t index)
if (index >= frameCount())
return 0;
ImageFrame* frame = &m_frameBufferCache[index];
if (frame->getStatus() != ImageFrame::FrameComplete) {
return frame;
bool ImageDecoder::frameHasAlphaAtIndex(size_t index) const
return !frameIsCompleteAtIndex(index) || m_frameBufferCache[index].hasAlpha();
bool ImageDecoder::frameIsCompleteAtIndex(size_t index) const
return (index < m_frameBufferCache.size()) &&
(m_frameBufferCache[index].getStatus() == ImageFrame::FrameComplete);
size_t ImageDecoder::frameBytesAtIndex(size_t index) const
if (index >= m_frameBufferCache.size() || m_frameBufferCache[index].getStatus() == ImageFrame::FrameEmpty)
return 0;
struct ImageSize {
explicit ImageSize(IntSize size)
area = static_cast<uint64_t>(size.width()) * size.height();
uint64_t area;
return ImageSize(frameSizeAtIndex(index)).area * sizeof(ImageFrame::PixelData);
size_t ImageDecoder::clearCacheExceptFrame(size_t clearExceptFrame)
// Don't clear if there are no frames or only one frame.
if (m_frameBufferCache.size() <= 1)
return 0;
size_t frameBytesCleared = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_frameBufferCache.size(); ++i) {
if (i != clearExceptFrame) {
frameBytesCleared += frameBytesAtIndex(i);
return frameBytesCleared;
void ImageDecoder::clearFrameBuffer(size_t frameIndex)
size_t ImageDecoder::findRequiredPreviousFrame(size_t frameIndex, bool frameRectIsOpaque)
ASSERT(frameIndex <= m_frameBufferCache.size());
if (!frameIndex) {
// The first frame doesn't rely on any previous data.
return kNotFound;
const ImageFrame* currBuffer = &m_frameBufferCache[frameIndex];
if ((frameRectIsOpaque || currBuffer->getAlphaBlendSource() == ImageFrame::BlendAtopBgcolor)
&& currBuffer->originalFrameRect().contains(IntRect(IntPoint(), size())))
return kNotFound;
// The starting state for this frame depends on the previous frame's
// disposal method.
size_t prevFrame = frameIndex - 1;
const ImageFrame* prevBuffer = &m_frameBufferCache[prevFrame];
switch (prevBuffer->getDisposalMethod()) {
case ImageFrame::DisposeNotSpecified:
case ImageFrame::DisposeKeep:
// prevFrame will be used as the starting state for this frame.
// FIXME: Be even smarter by checking the frame sizes and/or alpha-containing regions.
return prevFrame;
case ImageFrame::DisposeOverwritePrevious:
// Frames that use the DisposeOverwritePrevious method are effectively
// no-ops in terms of changing the starting state of a frame compared to
// the starting state of the previous frame, so skip over them and
// return the required previous frame of it.
return prevBuffer->requiredPreviousFrameIndex();
case ImageFrame::DisposeOverwriteBgcolor:
// If the previous frame fills the whole image, then the current frame
// can be decoded alone. Likewise, if the previous frame could be
// decoded without reference to any prior frame, the starting state for
// this frame is a blank frame, so it can again be decoded alone.
// Otherwise, the previous frame contributes to this frame.
return (prevBuffer->originalFrameRect().contains(IntRect(IntPoint(), size()))
|| (prevBuffer->requiredPreviousFrameIndex() == kNotFound)) ? kNotFound : prevFrame;
return kNotFound;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
m_planes[i] = 0;
m_rowBytes[i] = 0;
ImagePlanes::ImagePlanes(void* planes[3], const size_t rowBytes[3])
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
m_planes[i] = planes[i];
m_rowBytes[i] = rowBytes[i];
void* ImagePlanes::plane(int i)
ASSERT((i >= 0) && i < 3);
return m_planes[i];
size_t ImagePlanes::rowBytes(int i) const
ASSERT((i >= 0) && i < 3);
return m_rowBytes[i];
namespace {
const unsigned kIccColorProfileHeaderLength = 128;
bool rgbColorProfile(const char* profileData, unsigned profileLength)
ASSERT_UNUSED(profileLength, profileLength >= kIccColorProfileHeaderLength);
return !memcmp(&profileData[16], "RGB ", 4);
bool inputDeviceColorProfile(const char* profileData, unsigned profileLength)
ASSERT_UNUSED(profileLength, profileLength >= kIccColorProfileHeaderLength);
return !memcmp(&profileData[12], "mntr", 4) || !memcmp(&profileData[12], "scnr", 4);
// The output device color profile is global and shared across multiple threads.
SpinLock gTargetColorProfileLock;
qcms_profile* gTargetColorProfile = nullptr;
#endif // USE(QCMSLIB)
} // namespace
// static
void ImageDecoder::setTargetColorProfile(const WebVector<char>& profile)
if (profile.isEmpty())
// Take a lock around initializing and accessing the global device color profile.
SpinLock::Guard guard(gTargetColorProfileLock);
// Layout tests expect that only the first call will take effect.
if (gTargetColorProfile)
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace = SkColorSpace::NewICC(, profile.size());
// FIXME: Add optional ICCv4 support and support for multiple monitors.
gTargetColorProfile = qcms_profile_from_memory(, profile.size());
if (!gTargetColorProfile)
if (qcms_profile_is_bogus(gTargetColorProfile)) {
gTargetColorProfile = nullptr;
#endif // USE(QCMSLIB)
void ImageDecoder::setColorProfileAndComputeTransform(const char* iccData, unsigned iccLength, bool hasAlpha, bool useSRGB)
// Sub-classes should not call this if they were instructed to ignore embedded color profiles.
m_colorProfile.assign(iccData, iccLength);
m_hasColorProfile = true;
// With color correct rendering, we use Skia instead of QCMS to color correct images.
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::colorCorrectRenderingEnabled())
// Create the input profile
QCMSProfileUniquePtr inputProfile;
if (useSRGB) {
} else {
// Only accept RGB color profiles from input class devices.
if (iccLength < kIccColorProfileHeaderLength)
if (!rgbColorProfile(iccData, iccLength))
if (!inputDeviceColorProfile(iccData, iccLength))
inputProfile.reset(qcms_profile_from_memory(iccData, iccLength));
if (!inputProfile)
// We currently only support color profiles for RGB profiled images.
ASSERT(rgbData == qcms_profile_get_color_space(inputProfile.get()));
// Take a lock around initializing and accessing the global device color profile.
SpinLock::Guard guard(gTargetColorProfileLock);
// Initialize the output device profile to sRGB if it has not yet been initialized.
if (!gTargetColorProfile) {
gTargetColorProfile = qcms_profile_sRGB();
if (qcms_profile_match(inputProfile.get(), gTargetColorProfile))
qcms_data_type dataFormat = hasAlpha ? QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8 : QCMS_DATA_RGB_8;
// FIXME: Don't force perceptual intent if the image profile contains an intent.
m_sourceToOutputDeviceColorTransform.reset(qcms_transform_create(inputProfile.get(), dataFormat, gTargetColorProfile, QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8, QCMS_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL));
#endif // USE(QCMSLIB)
} // namespace blink