blob: ccfd5fcd211ba2571fc51718cd0fef3552fc1dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2009-2010. All rights reserved.
* Portions are Copyright (C) 2001
* Other contributors:
* Stuart Parmenter <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
* (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
* License Version 2.0, found at
* (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
* version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
* licenses (the MPL or the GPL) and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the LGPL, indicate your decision by
* deletingthe provisions above and replace them with the notice and
* other provisions required by the MPL or the GPL, as the case may be.
* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
* version of this file under any of the LGPL, the MPL or the GPL.
#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageReader.h"
#include <memory>
#include "platform/image-decoders/FastSharedBufferReader.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/SegmentReader.h"
#include "platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h"
#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include "zlib.h"
namespace {
inline blink::PNGImageDecoder* imageDecoder(png_structp png) {
return static_cast<blink::PNGImageDecoder*>(png_get_progressive_ptr(png));
void PNGAPI pngHeaderAvailable(png_structp png, png_infop) {
void PNGAPI pngRowAvailable(png_structp png,
png_bytep row,
png_uint_32 rowIndex,
int state) {
imageDecoder(png)->rowAvailable(row, rowIndex, state);
void PNGAPI pngFrameComplete(png_structp png, png_infop) {
void PNGAPI pngFailed(png_structp png, png_const_charp) {
longjmp(JMPBUF(png), 1);
} // namespace
namespace blink {
PNGImageReader::PNGImageReader(PNGImageDecoder* decoder, size_t initialOffset)
: m_width(0),
m_ignoreAnimation(false) {
m_png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, pngFailed, 0);
m_info = png_create_info_struct(m_png);
png_set_progressive_read_fn(m_png, m_decoder, nullptr, pngRowAvailable,
PNGImageReader::~PNGImageReader() {
png_destroy_read_struct(m_png ? &m_png : 0, m_info ? &m_info : 0, 0);
DCHECK(!m_png && !m_info);
// This method reads from the FastSharedBufferReader, starting at offset,
// and returns |length| bytes in the form of a pointer to a const png_byte*.
// This function is used to make it easy to access data from the reader in a
// png friendly way, and pass it to libpng for decoding.
// Pre-conditions before using this:
// - |reader|.size() >= |readOffset| + |length|
// - |buffer|.size() >= |length|
// - |length| <= |kBufferSize|
// The reason for the last two precondition is that currently the png signature
// plus IHDR chunk (8B + 25B = 33B) is the largest chunk that is read using this
// method. If the data is not consecutive, it is stored in |buffer|, which must
// have the size of (at least) |length|, but there's no need for it to be larger
// than |kBufferSize|.
static constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 33;
const png_byte* readAsConstPngBytep(const FastSharedBufferReader& reader,
size_t readOffset,
size_t length,
char* buffer) {
DCHECK(length <= kBufferSize);
return reinterpret_cast<const png_byte*>(
reader.getConsecutiveData(readOffset, length, buffer));
bool PNGImageReader::shouldDecodeWithNewPNG(size_t index) const {
if (!m_png)
return true;
const bool firstFrameDecodeInProgress = m_progressiveDecodeOffset;
const bool frameSizeMatchesIHDR =
m_frameInfo[index].frameRect == IntRect(0, 0, m_width, m_height);
if (index)
return firstFrameDecodeInProgress || !frameSizeMatchesIHDR;
return !firstFrameDecodeInProgress && !frameSizeMatchesIHDR;
// Return false on a fatal error.
bool PNGImageReader::decode(SegmentReader& data, size_t index) {
if (index >= m_frameInfo.size())
return true;
const FastSharedBufferReader reader(&data);
if (!m_isAnimated) {
if (setjmp(JMPBUF(m_png)))
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(0u, index);
m_progressiveDecodeOffset += processData(
reader, m_frameInfo[0].startOffset + m_progressiveDecodeOffset, 0);
return true;
const bool decodeWithNewPNG = shouldDecodeWithNewPNG(index);
if (decodeWithNewPNG) {
m_png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, pngFailed, 0);
m_info = png_create_info_struct(m_png);
png_set_progressive_read_fn(m_png, m_decoder, pngHeaderAvailable,
pngRowAvailable, pngFrameComplete);
if (setjmp(JMPBUF(m_png)))
return false;
if (decodeWithNewPNG)
startFrameDecoding(reader, index);
if (!index && (!firstFrameFullyReceived() || m_progressiveDecodeOffset)) {
const bool decodedEntireFrame = progressivelyDecodeFirstFrame(reader);
if (!decodedEntireFrame)
return true;
m_progressiveDecodeOffset = 0;
} else {
decodeFrame(reader, index);
static png_byte IEND[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'E', 'N', 'D', 174, 66, 96, 130};
png_process_data(m_png, m_info, IEND, 12);
png_destroy_read_struct(&m_png, &m_info, 0);
DCHECK(!m_png && !m_info);
return true;
void PNGImageReader::startFrameDecoding(const FastSharedBufferReader& reader,
size_t index) {
// If the frame is the size of the whole image, just re-process all header
// data up to the first frame.
const IntRect& frameRect = m_frameInfo[index].frameRect;
if (frameRect == IntRect(0, 0, m_width, m_height)) {
processData(reader, m_initialOffset, m_idatOffset);
// Process the IHDR chunk, but change the width and height so it reflects
// the frame's width and height. ImageDecoder will apply the x,y offset.
constexpr size_t headerSize = kBufferSize;
char readBuffer[headerSize];
const png_byte* chunk =
readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_initialOffset, headerSize, readBuffer);
png_byte* header = reinterpret_cast<png_byte*>(readBuffer);
if (chunk != header)
memcpy(header, chunk, headerSize);
png_save_uint_32(header + 16, frameRect.width());
png_save_uint_32(header + 20, frameRect.height());
// IHDR has been modified, so tell libpng to ignore CRC errors.
png_set_crc_action(m_png, PNG_CRC_QUIET_USE, PNG_CRC_QUIET_USE);
png_process_data(m_png, m_info, header, headerSize);
// Process the rest of the header chunks.
processData(reader, m_initialOffset + headerSize, m_idatOffset - headerSize);
// Determine if the bytes 4 to 7 of |chunk| indicate that it is a |tag| chunk.
// - The length of |chunk| must be >= 8
// - The length of |tag| must be = 4
static inline bool isChunk(const png_byte* chunk, const char* tag) {
return memcmp(chunk + 4, tag, 4) == 0;
bool PNGImageReader::progressivelyDecodeFirstFrame(
const FastSharedBufferReader& reader) {
size_t offset = m_frameInfo[0].startOffset;
// Loop while there is enough data to do progressive decoding.
while (reader.size() >= offset + 8) {
char readBuffer[8];
// At the beginning of each loop, the offset is at the start of a chunk.
const png_byte* chunk = readAsConstPngBytep(reader, offset, 8, readBuffer);
const png_uint_32 length = png_get_uint_32(chunk);
DCHECK(length <= PNG_UINT_31_MAX);
// When an fcTL or IEND chunk is encountered, the frame data has ended.
// Return true, since all frame data is decoded.
if (isChunk(chunk, "fcTL") || isChunk(chunk, "IEND"))
return true;
// If this chunk was already decoded, move on to the next.
if (m_progressiveDecodeOffset >= offset + length + 12) {
offset += length + 12;
// Three scenarios are possible here:
// 1) Some bytes of this chunk were already decoded in a previous call.
// Continue from there.
// 2) This is an fdAT chunk. Convert it to an IDAT chunk to decode.
// 3) This is any other chunk. Pass it to libpng for processing.
size_t endOffsetChunk = offset + length + 12;
if (m_progressiveDecodeOffset >= offset + 8) {
offset = m_progressiveDecodeOffset;
} else if (isChunk(chunk, "fdAT")) {
// Skip the sequence number.
offset += 12;
} else {
png_process_data(m_png, m_info, const_cast<png_byte*>(chunk), 8);
offset += 8;
size_t bytesLeftInChunk = endOffsetChunk - offset;
size_t bytesDecoded = processData(reader, offset, bytesLeftInChunk);
m_progressiveDecodeOffset = offset + bytesDecoded;
if (bytesDecoded < bytesLeftInChunk)
return false;
offset += bytesDecoded;
return false;
void PNGImageReader::processFdatChunkAsIdat(png_uint_32 fdatLength) {
// An fdAT chunk is build up as follows:
// - |length| (4B)
// - fdAT tag (4B)
// - sequence number (4B)
// - frame data (|length| - 4B)
// - CRC (4B)
// Thus, to reformat this into an IDAT chunk, do the following:
// - write |length| - 4 as the new length, since the sequence number
// must be removed.
// - change the tag to IDAT.
// - omit the sequence number from the data part of the chunk.
png_byte chunkIDAT[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 'I', 'D', 'A', 'T'};
png_save_uint_32(chunkIDAT, fdatLength - 4);
// The CRC is incorrect when applied to the modified fdAT.
png_set_crc_action(m_png, PNG_CRC_QUIET_USE, PNG_CRC_QUIET_USE);
png_process_data(m_png, m_info, chunkIDAT, 8);
void PNGImageReader::decodeFrame(const FastSharedBufferReader& reader,
size_t index) {
size_t offset = m_frameInfo[index].startOffset;
size_t endOffset = offset + m_frameInfo[index].byteLength;
char readBuffer[8];
while (offset < endOffset) {
const png_byte* chunk = readAsConstPngBytep(reader, offset, 8, readBuffer);
const png_uint_32 length = png_get_uint_32(chunk);
DCHECK(length <= PNG_UINT_31_MAX);
if (isChunk(chunk, "fdAT")) {
// The frame data and the CRC span |length| bytes, so skip the
// sequence number and process |length| bytes to decode the frame.
processData(reader, offset + 12, length);
} else {
png_process_data(m_png, m_info, const_cast<png_byte*>(chunk), 8);
processData(reader, offset + 8, length + 4);
offset += 12 + length;
// Compute the CRC and compare to the stored value.
static bool checkCrc(const FastSharedBufferReader& reader,
size_t chunkStart,
size_t chunkLength) {
constexpr size_t kSizeNeededForfcTL = 26 + 4;
char readBuffer[kSizeNeededForfcTL];
DCHECK(chunkLength + 4 <= kSizeNeededForfcTL);
const png_byte* chunk =
readAsConstPngBytep(reader, chunkStart + 4, chunkLength + 4, readBuffer);
char crcBuffer[4];
const png_byte* crcPosition =
readAsConstPngBytep(reader, chunkStart + 8 + chunkLength, 4, crcBuffer);
png_uint_32 crc = png_get_uint_32(crcPosition);
return crc == crc32(crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0), chunk, chunkLength + 4);
bool PNGImageReader::checkSequenceNumber(const png_byte* position) {
png_uint_32 sequence = png_get_uint_32(position);
if (sequence != m_nextSequenceNumber || sequence > PNG_UINT_31_MAX)
return false;
return true;
// Return false if there was a fatal error; true otherwise.
bool PNGImageReader::parse(SegmentReader& data, ParseQuery query) {
if (m_parseCompleted)
return true;
const FastSharedBufferReader reader(&data);
if (!parseSize(reader))
return false;
if (!m_decoder->isDecodedSizeAvailable())
return true;
// For non animated images (identified by no acTL chunk before the IDAT),
// there is no need to continue parsing.
if (!m_isAnimated) {
FrameInfo frame;
frame.startOffset = m_readOffset;
// This should never be read in this case, but initialize just in case.
frame.byteLength = kFirstFrameIndicator;
frame.duration = 0;
frame.frameRect = IntRect(0, 0, m_width, m_height);
frame.disposalMethod = ImageFrame::DisposalMethod::DisposeKeep;
frame.alphaBlend = ImageFrame::AlphaBlendSource::BlendAtopBgcolor;
m_parseCompleted = true;
return true;
if (query == ParseQuery::Size)
return true;
DCHECK_EQ(ParseQuery::MetaData, query);
// Loop over the data and manually register all frames. Nothing is passed to
// libpng for processing. A frame is registered on the next fcTL chunk or
// when the IEND chunk is found. This ensures that only complete frames are
// reported, unless there is an error in the stream.
char readBuffer[kBufferSize];
while (reader.size() >= m_readOffset + 8) {
const png_byte* chunk =
readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_readOffset, 8, readBuffer);
const size_t length = png_get_uint_32(chunk);
if (length > PNG_UINT_31_MAX)
return false;
const bool IDAT = isChunk(chunk, "IDAT");
if (IDAT && !m_expectIdats)
return false;
const bool fdAT = isChunk(chunk, "fdAT");
if (fdAT && m_expectIdats)
return false;
if (fdAT || (IDAT && m_idatIsPartOfAnimation)) {
m_fctlNeedsDatChunk = false;
if (!m_newFrame.startOffset) {
// Beginning of a new frame's data.
m_newFrame.startOffset = m_readOffset;
if (m_frameInfo.isEmpty()) {
// This is the first frame. Report it immediately so it can be
// decoded progressively.
m_newFrame.byteLength = kFirstFrameIndicator;
if (fdAT) {
if (reader.size() < m_readOffset + 8 + 4)
return true;
const png_byte* sequencePosition =
readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_readOffset + 8, 4, readBuffer);
if (!checkSequenceNumber(sequencePosition))
return false;
} else if (isChunk(chunk, "fcTL") || isChunk(chunk, "IEND")) {
// This marks the end of the previous frame.
if (m_newFrame.startOffset) {
m_newFrame.byteLength = m_readOffset - m_newFrame.startOffset;
if (m_frameInfo[0].byteLength == kFirstFrameIndicator) {
m_frameInfo[0].byteLength = m_newFrame.byteLength;
} else {
if (isChunk(chunk, "fcTL")) {
if (m_frameInfo.size() >= m_reportedFrameCount)
return false;
} else { // IEND
if (m_frameInfo.size() != m_reportedFrameCount)
return false;
m_newFrame.startOffset = 0;
if (reader.size() < m_readOffset + 12 + length)
return true;
if (isChunk(chunk, "IEND")) {
m_parseCompleted = true;
return true;
if (length != 26 || !checkCrc(reader, m_readOffset, length))
return false;
chunk = readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_readOffset + 8, length, readBuffer);
if (!parseFrameInfo(chunk))
return false;
m_expectIdats = false;
} else if (isChunk(chunk, "acTL")) {
// There should only be one acTL chunk, and it should be before the
// IDAT chunk.
return false;
m_readOffset += 12 + length;
return true;
// If |length| == 0, read until the stream ends. Return number of bytes
// processed.
size_t PNGImageReader::processData(const FastSharedBufferReader& reader,
size_t offset,
size_t length) {
const char* segment;
size_t totalProcessedBytes = 0;
while (reader.size() > offset) {
size_t segmentLength = reader.getSomeData(segment, offset);
if (length > 0 && segmentLength + totalProcessedBytes > length)
segmentLength = length - totalProcessedBytes;
png_process_data(m_png, m_info,
offset += segmentLength;
totalProcessedBytes += segmentLength;
if (totalProcessedBytes == length)
return length;
return totalProcessedBytes;
// Process up to the start of the IDAT with libpng.
// Return false for a fatal error. True otherwise.
bool PNGImageReader::parseSize(const FastSharedBufferReader& reader) {
if (m_decoder->isDecodedSizeAvailable())
return true;
char readBuffer[kBufferSize];
if (setjmp(JMPBUF(m_png)))
return false;
if (!m_parsedSignature) {
if (reader.size() < m_readOffset + 8)
return true;
const png_byte* chunk =
readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_readOffset, 8, readBuffer);
png_process_data(m_png, m_info, const_cast<png_byte*>(chunk), 8);
m_readOffset += 8;
m_parsedSignature = true;
m_newFrame.startOffset = 0;
// Process APNG chunks manually, pass other chunks to libpng.
for (png_uint_32 length = 0; reader.size() >= m_readOffset + 8;
m_readOffset += length + 12) {
const png_byte* chunk =
readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_readOffset, 8, readBuffer);
length = png_get_uint_32(chunk);
if (isChunk(chunk, "IDAT")) {
// Done with header chunks.
m_idatOffset = m_readOffset;
m_fctlNeedsDatChunk = false;
if (m_ignoreAnimation)
m_isAnimated = false;
if (!m_isAnimated || 1 == m_reportedFrameCount)
return true;
// Wait until the entire chunk is available for parsing simplicity.
if (reader.size() < m_readOffset + length + 12)
if (isChunk(chunk, "acTL")) {
if (m_ignoreAnimation)
if (m_isAnimated || length != 8 || !m_parsedIHDR ||
!checkCrc(reader, m_readOffset, 8)) {
m_ignoreAnimation = true;
chunk = readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_readOffset + 8, length, readBuffer);
m_reportedFrameCount = png_get_uint_32(chunk);
if (!m_reportedFrameCount || m_reportedFrameCount > PNG_UINT_31_MAX) {
m_ignoreAnimation = true;
png_uint_32 repetitionCount = png_get_uint_32(chunk + 4);
if (repetitionCount > PNG_UINT_31_MAX) {
m_ignoreAnimation = true;
m_isAnimated = true;
m_decoder->setRepetitionCount(static_cast<int>(repetitionCount) - 1);
} else if (isChunk(chunk, "fcTL")) {
if (m_ignoreAnimation)
if (length != 26 || !m_parsedIHDR ||
!checkCrc(reader, m_readOffset, 26)) {
m_ignoreAnimation = true;
chunk = readAsConstPngBytep(reader, m_readOffset + 8, length, readBuffer);
if (!parseFrameInfo(chunk) ||
m_newFrame.frameRect != IntRect(0, 0, m_width, m_height)) {
m_ignoreAnimation = true;
m_idatIsPartOfAnimation = true;
} else if (isChunk(chunk, "fdAT")) {
m_ignoreAnimation = true;
} else {
png_process_data(m_png, m_info, const_cast<png_byte*>(chunk), 8);
processData(reader, m_readOffset + 8, length + 4);
if (isChunk(chunk, "IHDR")) {
m_parsedIHDR = true;
m_width = png_get_image_width(m_png, m_info);
m_height = png_get_image_height(m_png, m_info);
// Not enough data to call headerAvailable.
return true;
void PNGImageReader::clearDecodeState(size_t index) {
if (index)
png_destroy_read_struct(m_png ? &m_png : nullptr,
m_info ? &m_info : nullptr, 0);
DCHECK(!m_png && !m_info);
m_progressiveDecodeOffset = 0;
const PNGImageReader::FrameInfo& PNGImageReader::frameInfo(size_t index) const {
DCHECK(index < m_frameInfo.size());
return m_frameInfo[index];
// Extract the fcTL frame control info and store it in m_newFrame. The length
// check on the fcTL data has been done by the calling code.
bool PNGImageReader::parseFrameInfo(const png_byte* data) {
if (m_fctlNeedsDatChunk)
return false;
png_uint_32 frameWidth = png_get_uint_32(data + 4);
png_uint_32 frameHeight = png_get_uint_32(data + 8);
png_uint_32 xOffset = png_get_uint_32(data + 12);
png_uint_32 yOffset = png_get_uint_32(data + 16);
png_uint_16 delayNumerator = png_get_uint_16(data + 20);
png_uint_16 delayDenominator = png_get_uint_16(data + 22);
if (!checkSequenceNumber(data))
return false;
if (!frameWidth || !frameHeight)
return false;
if (xOffset + frameWidth > m_width || yOffset + frameHeight > m_height)
return false;
m_newFrame.frameRect = IntRect(xOffset, yOffset, frameWidth, frameHeight);
if (delayDenominator)
m_newFrame.duration = delayNumerator * 1000 / delayDenominator;
m_newFrame.duration = delayNumerator * 10;
enum DisposeOperations : png_byte {
const png_byte& disposeOp = data[24];
switch (disposeOp) {
m_newFrame.disposalMethod = ImageFrame::DisposalMethod::DisposeKeep;
m_newFrame.disposalMethod =
m_newFrame.disposalMethod =
return false;
enum BlendOperations : png_byte {
const png_byte& blendOp = data[25];
switch (blendOp) {
m_newFrame.alphaBlend = ImageFrame::AlphaBlendSource::BlendAtopBgcolor;
m_newFrame.alphaBlend =
return false;
m_fctlNeedsDatChunk = true;
return true;
} // namespace blink