blob: 727b8cfca5cceef52e7da84e496784eb18f68831 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SafePoint_h
#define SafePoint_h
#include "platform/heap/ThreadState.h"
#include "wtf/ThreadingPrimitives.h"
namespace blink {
class SafePointScope final {
explicit SafePointScope(BlinkGC::StackState stackState,
ThreadState* state = ThreadState::current())
: m_state(state) {
if (m_state) {
m_state->enterSafePoint(stackState, this);
~SafePointScope() {
if (m_state)
ThreadState* m_state;
// The SafePointAwareMutexLocker is used to enter a safepoint while waiting for
// a mutex lock. It also ensures that the lock is not held while waiting for a
// GC to complete in the leaveSafePoint method, by releasing the lock if the
// leaveSafePoint method cannot complete without blocking, see
// SafePointBarrier::checkAndPark.
class SafePointAwareMutexLocker final {
explicit SafePointAwareMutexLocker(
MutexBase& mutex,
BlinkGC::StackState stackState = BlinkGC::HeapPointersOnStack)
: m_mutex(mutex), m_locked(false) {
ThreadState* state = ThreadState::current();
do {
bool leaveSafePoint = false;
// We cannot enter a safepoint if we are currently sweeping. In that
// case we just try to acquire the lock without being at a safepoint.
// If another thread tries to do a GC at that time it might time out
// due to this thread not being at a safepoint and waiting on the lock.
if (!state->sweepForbidden() && !state->isAtSafePoint()) {
state->enterSafePoint(stackState, this);
leaveSafePoint = true;
m_locked = true;
if (leaveSafePoint) {
// When leaving the safepoint we might end up release the mutex
// if another thread is requesting a GC, see
// SafePointBarrier::checkAndPark. This is the case where we
// loop around to reacquire the lock.
} while (!m_locked);
~SafePointAwareMutexLocker() {
friend class SafePointBarrier;
void reset() {
m_locked = false;
MutexBase& m_mutex;
bool m_locked;
class SafePointBarrier final {
// Request other attached threads that are not at safe points to park
// themselves on safepoints.
bool parkOthers();
// Resume executions of other attached threads that are parked at
// the safe points.
void resumeOthers(bool barrierLocked = false);
// Park this thread if there exists a request to park attached threads.
// This method must be called at a safe point.
void checkAndPark(ThreadState*, SafePointAwareMutexLocker* = nullptr);
void enterSafePoint(ThreadState*);
void leaveSafePoint(ThreadState*, SafePointAwareMutexLocker* = nullptr);
void doPark(ThreadState*, intptr_t* stackEnd);
static void parkAfterPushRegisters(SafePointBarrier* barrier,
ThreadState* state,
intptr_t* stackEnd) {
barrier->doPark(state, stackEnd);
void doEnterSafePoint(ThreadState*, intptr_t* stackEnd);
static void enterSafePointAfterPushRegisters(SafePointBarrier* barrier,
ThreadState* state,
intptr_t* stackEnd) {
barrier->doEnterSafePoint(state, stackEnd);
// |m_unparkedThreadCount| tracks amount of unparked threads. It is
// positive if and only if a thread has requested the other threads
// to park themselves at safe-points in preparation for a GC.
// The last thread to park itself will make the counter hit zero
// and should notify GC-requesting thread that it is safe to proceed.
// If no other thread is waiting for other threads to park then
// this counter can be negative: if N threads are at safe-points
// the counter will be -N.
volatile int m_unparkedThreadCount;
// |m_parkingRequested| is used to control the transition of threads parked
// at a safepoint back to running state. In the event a thread requests
// another GC, threads that have yet to leave their safepoint (due to lock
// contention, scheduling etc), shouldn't be allowed to leave, but continue
// being parked when they do end up getting to run.
// |m_parkingRequested| is set when parkOthers() runs, and cleared by
// resumeOthers(), when the global GC steps have completed.
// Threads that were parked after they were requested to and then signalled,
// check that no other thread has made another parking request when attempting
// to resume in doPark().
volatile int m_parkingRequested;
Mutex m_mutex;
ThreadCondition m_parked;
ThreadCondition m_resume;
} // namespace blink