blob: 7e7b442b895bcf71328348aaf9b0b5349391cc36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "SkFont.h"
#include "SkTo.h"
#include "SkTypeface.h"
#include "SkUTF.h"
#define kDefault_Size 12
#define kDefault_Flags 0
#define kDefault_Hinting SkFont::kNormal_Hinting
static inline SkScalar valid_size(SkScalar size) {
return SkTMax<SkScalar>(0, size);
SkFont::SkFont(sk_sp<SkTypeface> face, SkScalar size, SkScalar scaleX, SkScalar skewX,
uint32_t flags, int align)
: fTypeface(face ? std::move(face) : SkTypeface::MakeDefault())
, fSize(valid_size(size))
, fScaleX(scaleX)
, fSkewX(skewX)
, fFlags(flags & kAllFlags)
, fAlign(SkToU8(align))
, fHinting(kDefault_Hinting)
SkASSERT(align >= 0 && align <= 2);
SkFont::SkFont() : SkFont(nullptr, kDefault_Size, 1, 0, kDefault_Flags, 0)
SkFont::SkFont(sk_sp<SkTypeface> face, SkScalar size, uint32_t flags)
: SkFont(std::move(face), size, 1, 0, flags) {}
static inline uint32_t set_clear_mask(uint32_t bits, bool cond, uint32_t mask) {
return cond ? bits | mask : bits & ~mask;
void SkFont::setForceAutoHinting(bool predicate) {
fFlags = set_clear_mask(fFlags, predicate, kForceAutoHinting_Flag);
void SkFont::setEmbeddedBitmaps(bool predicate) {
fFlags = set_clear_mask(fFlags, predicate, kEmbeddedBitmaps_Flag);
void SkFont::setSubpixel(bool predicate) {
fFlags = set_clear_mask(fFlags, predicate, kSubpixel_Flag);
void SkFont::setLinearMetrics(bool predicate) {
fFlags = set_clear_mask(fFlags, predicate, kLinearMetrics_Flag);
void SkFont::setEmbolden(bool predicate) {
fFlags = set_clear_mask(fFlags, predicate, kEmbolden_Flag);
void SkFont::DEPRECATED_setAntiAlias(bool predicate) {
fFlags = set_clear_mask(fFlags, predicate, kDEPRECATED_Antialias_Flag);
void SkFont::DEPRECATED_setLCDRender(bool predicate) {
fFlags = set_clear_mask(fFlags, predicate, kDEPRECATED_LCDRender_Flag);
void SkFont::setHinting(Hinting h) {
fHinting = SkToU8(h);
void SkFont::setSize(SkScalar size) {
fSize = valid_size(size);
void SkFont::setScaleX(SkScalar scale) {
fScaleX = scale;
void SkFont::setSkewX(SkScalar skew) {
fSkewX = skew;
void SkFont::setFlags(uint32_t flags) {
fFlags = flags & kAllFlags;
SkFont SkFont::makeWithSize(SkScalar newSize) const {
return {this->refTypeface(), newSize, this->getScaleX(), this->getSkewX(), this->getFlags()};
SkFont SkFont::makeWithFlags(uint32_t newFlags) const {
return {this->refTypeface(), this->getSize(), this->getScaleX(), this->getSkewX(), newFlags};
int SkFont::textToGlyphs(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkTextEncoding encoding,
uint16_t glyphs[], int maxGlyphCount) const {
if (0 == byteLength) {
return 0;
int count = 0; // fix uninitialized warning (even though the switch is complete!)
switch (encoding) {
case kUTF8_SkTextEncoding:
count = SkUTF::CountUTF8((const char*)text, byteLength);
case kUTF16_SkTextEncoding:
count = SkUTF::CountUTF16((const uint16_t*)text, byteLength);
case kUTF32_SkTextEncoding:
count = SkToInt(byteLength >> 2);
case kGlyphID_SkTextEncoding:
count = SkToInt(byteLength >> 1);
if (!glyphs) {
return count;
// TODO: unify/eliminate SkTypeface::Encoding with SkTextEncoding
SkTypeface::Encoding typefaceEncoding;
switch (encoding) {
case kUTF8_SkTextEncoding:
typefaceEncoding = SkTypeface::kUTF8_Encoding;
case kUTF16_SkTextEncoding:
typefaceEncoding = SkTypeface::kUTF16_Encoding;
case kUTF32_SkTextEncoding:
typefaceEncoding = SkTypeface::kUTF32_Encoding;
SkASSERT(kGlyphID_SkTextEncoding == encoding);
// we can early exit, since we already have glyphIDs
memcpy(glyphs, text, count << 1);
return count;
(void)fTypeface->charsToGlyphs(text, typefaceEncoding, glyphs, count);
return count;
SkScalar SkFont::measureText(const void* text, size_t byteLength, SkTextEncoding encoding) const {
// TODO: need access to the cache
return -1;
#include "SkPaint.h"
void SkFont::LEGACY_applyToPaint(SkPaint* paint) const {
paint->setEmbeddedBitmapText(SkToBool(fFlags & kEmbeddedBitmaps_Flag));
paint->setFakeBoldText(SkToBool(fFlags & kEmbolden_Flag));
paint->setAutohinted(SkToBool(fFlags & kForceAutoHinting_Flag));
paint->setSubpixelText(SkToBool(fFlags & kSubpixel_Flag));
paint->setLinearText(SkToBool(fFlags & kLinearMetrics_Flag));
paint->setAntiAlias(SkToBool(fFlags & kDEPRECATED_Antialias_Flag));
paint->setLCDRenderText(SkToBool(fFlags & kDEPRECATED_LCDRender_Flag));
SkFont SkFont::LEGACY_ExtractFromPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
uint32_t flags = 0;
if (paint.isEmbeddedBitmapText()) {
flags |= kEmbeddedBitmaps_Flag;
if (paint.isFakeBoldText()) {
flags |= kEmbolden_Flag;
if (paint.isAutohinted()) {
flags |= kForceAutoHinting_Flag;
if (paint.isSubpixelText()) {
flags |= kSubpixel_Flag;
if (paint.isLinearText()) {
flags |= kLinearMetrics_Flag;
if (paint.isAntiAlias()) {
flags |= kDEPRECATED_Antialias_Flag;
if (paint.isLCDRenderText()) {
flags |= kDEPRECATED_LCDRender_Flag;
SkFont font(sk_ref_sp(paint.getTypeface()), paint.getTextSize(), paint.getTextScaleX(),
paint.getTextSkewX(), flags
, (int)paint.getTextAlign()
return font;