blob: 6d626342fa81b84aa867ece66b3cbd7159ced59f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ScrollManager_h
#define ScrollManager_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/page/EventWithHitTestResults.h"
#include "platform/PlatformEvent.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutSize.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/heap/Visitor.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h"
#include "public/platform/WebInputEventResult.h"
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
#include <deque>
namespace blink {
class AutoscrollController;
class FloatPoint;
class FrameHost;
class LayoutBox;
class LayoutObject;
class LocalFrame;
class PaintLayer;
class PaintLayerScrollableArea;
class PlatformGestureEvent;
class Scrollbar;
class ScrollState;
// This class takes care of scrolling and resizing and the related states. The
// user action that causes scrolling or resizing is determined in other *Manager
// classes and they call into this class for doing the work.
class CORE_EXPORT ScrollManager
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<ScrollManager> {
explicit ScrollManager(LocalFrame*);
void clear();
bool middleClickAutoscrollInProgress() const;
AutoscrollController* autoscrollController() const;
void stopAutoscroll();
// Performs a chaining logical scroll, within a *single* frame, starting
// from either a provided starting node or a default based on the focused or
// most recently clicked node, falling back to the frame.
// Returns true if the scroll was consumed.
// direction - The logical direction to scroll in. This will be converted to
// a physical direction for each LayoutBox we try to scroll
// based on that box's writing mode.
// granularity - The units that the scroll delta parameter is in.
// startNode - Optional. If provided, start chaining from the given node.
// If not, use the current focus or last clicked node.
bool logicalScroll(ScrollDirection,
Node* startNode,
Node* mousePressNode);
// Performs a logical scroll that chains, crossing frames, starting from
// the given node or a reasonable default (focus/last clicked).
bool bubblingScroll(ScrollDirection,
Node* startingNode,
Node* mousePressNode);
void setFrameWasScrolledByUser();
// TODO( Consider moving all gesture related functions to
// another class.
// Handle the provided scroll gesture event, propagating down to child frames
// as necessary.
WebInputEventResult handleGestureScrollEvent(const PlatformGestureEvent&);
WebInputEventResult handleGestureScrollEnd(const PlatformGestureEvent&);
bool isScrollbarHandlingGestures() const;
// Returns true if the gesture event should be handled in ScrollManager.
bool canHandleGestureEvent(const GestureEventWithHitTestResults&);
// These functions are related to |m_resizeScrollableArea|.
bool inResizeMode() const;
void resize(const PlatformEvent&);
// Clears |m_resizeScrollableArea|. if |shouldNotBeNull| is true this
// function DCHECKs to make sure that variable is indeed not null.
void clearResizeScrollableArea(bool shouldNotBeNull);
void setResizeScrollableArea(PaintLayer*, IntPoint);
WebInputEventResult handleGestureScrollUpdate(const PlatformGestureEvent&);
WebInputEventResult handleGestureScrollBegin(const PlatformGestureEvent&);
WebInputEventResult passScrollGestureEventToWidget(
const PlatformGestureEvent&,
void clearGestureScrollState();
void customizedScroll(const Node& startNode, ScrollState&);
FrameHost* frameHost() const;
bool isEffectiveRootScroller(const Node&) const;
bool handleScrollGestureOnResizer(Node*, const PlatformGestureEvent&);
void recomputeScrollChain(const Node& startNode,
std::deque<int>& scrollChain);
// NOTE: If adding a new field to this class please ensure that it is
// cleared in |ScrollManager::clear()|.
const Member<LocalFrame> m_frame;
// Only used with the ScrollCustomization runtime enabled feature.
std::deque<int> m_currentScrollChain;
Member<Node> m_scrollGestureHandlingNode;
bool m_lastGestureScrollOverWidget;
// The most recent element to scroll natively during this scroll
// sequence. Null if no native element has scrolled this scroll
// sequence, or if the most recent element to scroll used scroll
// customization.
Member<Node> m_previousGestureScrolledNode;
// True iff some of the delta has been consumed for the current
// scroll sequence in this frame, or any child frames. Only used
// with ScrollCustomization. If some delta has been consumed, a
// scroll which shouldn't propagate can't cause any element to
// scroll other than the |m_previousGestureScrolledNode|.
bool m_deltaConsumedForScrollSequence;
Member<Scrollbar> m_scrollbarHandlingScrollGesture;
Member<PaintLayerScrollableArea> m_resizeScrollableArea;
m_offsetFromResizeCorner; // In the coords of m_resizeScrollableArea.
} // namespace blink
#endif // ScrollManager_h