blob: 5d4595800c6421b34789ad68937b9d6a94805d4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef PhotoCapabilities_h
#define PhotoCapabilities_h
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptWrappable.h"
#include "media/capture/mojo/image_capture.mojom-blink.h"
#include "modules/imagecapture/MediaSettingsRange.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
class PhotoCapabilities final
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<PhotoCapabilities>,
public ScriptWrappable {
static PhotoCapabilities* create();
virtual ~PhotoCapabilities() = default;
MediaSettingsRange* imageHeight() const { return m_imageHeight; }
void setImageHeight(MediaSettingsRange* value) { m_imageHeight = value; }
MediaSettingsRange* imageWidth() const { return m_imageWidth; }
void setImageWidth(MediaSettingsRange* value) { m_imageWidth = value; }
String fillLightMode() const;
void setFillLightMode(media::mojom::blink::FillLightMode fillLightMode) {
m_fillLightMode = fillLightMode;
bool redEyeReduction() const { return m_redEyeReduction; }
void setRedEyeReduction(bool redEyeReduction) {
m_redEyeReduction = redEyeReduction;
PhotoCapabilities() = default;
Member<MediaSettingsRange> m_imageHeight;
Member<MediaSettingsRange> m_imageWidth;
media::mojom::blink::FillLightMode m_fillLightMode =
bool m_redEyeReduction;
} // namespace blink
#endif // PhotoCapabilities_h