blob: 348a1e23f61178b7fbf1ed8ec6ba4f67c7c417e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/frame/Deprecation.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameConsole.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/inspector/ConsoleMessage.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/workers/WorkerOrWorkletGlobalScope.h"
namespace {
enum Milestone {
const char* milestoneString(Milestone milestone) {
// These are the Estimated Stable Dates:
switch (milestone) {
case M60:
return "M60, around August 2017";
case M61:
return "M61, around September 2017";
case M62:
return "M62, around October 2017";
case M63:
return "M63, around December 2017";
case M64:
return "M64, around January 2018";
case M65:
return "M65, around March 2018";
return nullptr;
String replacedBy(const char* feature, const char* replacement) {
return String::Format("%s is deprecated. Please use %s instead.", feature,
String willBeRemoved(const char* feature,
Milestone milestone,
const char* details) {
return String::Format(
"%s is deprecated and will be removed in %s. See "
" for more details.",
feature, milestoneString(milestone), details);
String replacedWillBeRemoved(const char* feature,
const char* replacement,
Milestone milestone,
const char* details) {
return String::Format(
"%s is deprecated and will be removed in %s. Please use %s instead. See "
" for more details.",
feature, milestoneString(milestone), replacement, details);
} // anonymous namespace
namespace blink {
Deprecation::Deprecation() : mute_count_(0) {
Deprecation::~Deprecation() {}
void Deprecation::ClearSuppression() {
void Deprecation::MuteForInspector() {
void Deprecation::UnmuteForInspector() {
void Deprecation::Suppress(CSSPropertyID unresolved_property) {
bool Deprecation::IsSuppressed(CSSPropertyID unresolved_property) {
return css_property_deprecation_bits_.QuickGet(unresolved_property);
void Deprecation::WarnOnDeprecatedProperties(
const LocalFrame* frame,
CSSPropertyID unresolved_property) {
Page* page = frame ? frame->GetPage() : nullptr;
if (!page || page->GetDeprecation().mute_count_ ||
String message = DeprecationMessage(unresolved_property);
if (!message.IsEmpty()) {
ConsoleMessage* console_message = ConsoleMessage::Create(
kDeprecationMessageSource, kWarningMessageLevel, message);
String Deprecation::DeprecationMessage(CSSPropertyID unresolved_property) {
// TODO: Add a switch here when there are properties that we intend to
// deprecate.
// Returning an empty string for now.
return g_empty_string;
void Deprecation::CountDeprecation(const LocalFrame* frame,
WebFeature feature) {
if (!frame)
Page* page = frame->GetPage();
if (!page || page->GetDeprecation().mute_count_)
if (!page->GetUseCounter().HasRecordedMeasurement(feature)) {
ConsoleMessage* console_message =
ConsoleMessage::Create(kDeprecationMessageSource, kWarningMessageLevel,
void Deprecation::CountDeprecation(ExecutionContext* context,
WebFeature feature) {
if (!context)
if (context->IsDocument()) {
Deprecation::CountDeprecation(*ToDocument(context), feature);
if (context->IsWorkerOrWorkletGlobalScope())
void Deprecation::CountDeprecation(const Document& document,
WebFeature feature) {
Deprecation::CountDeprecation(document.GetFrame(), feature);
void Deprecation::CountDeprecationCrossOriginIframe(const LocalFrame* frame,
WebFeature feature) {
// Check to see if the frame can script into the top level document.
SecurityOrigin* security_origin =
Frame& top = frame->Tree().Top();
if (!security_origin->CanAccess(
CountDeprecation(frame, feature);
void Deprecation::CountDeprecationCrossOriginIframe(const Document& document,
WebFeature feature) {
LocalFrame* frame = document.GetFrame();
if (!frame)
CountDeprecationCrossOriginIframe(frame, feature);
String Deprecation::DeprecationMessage(WebFeature feature) {
switch (feature) {
// Quota
case WebFeature::kPrefixedStorageInfo:
return replacedBy("'window.webkitStorageInfo'",
"'navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage' or "
case WebFeature::kConsoleMarkTimeline:
return replacedBy("'console.markTimeline'", "'console.timeStamp'");
case WebFeature::kPrefixedVideoSupportsFullscreen:
return replacedBy("'HTMLVideoElement.webkitSupportsFullscreen'",
case WebFeature::kPrefixedVideoDisplayingFullscreen:
return replacedBy("'HTMLVideoElement.webkitDisplayingFullscreen'",
case WebFeature::kPrefixedVideoEnterFullscreen:
return replacedBy("'HTMLVideoElement.webkitEnterFullscreen()'",
case WebFeature::kPrefixedVideoExitFullscreen:
return replacedBy("'HTMLVideoElement.webkitExitFullscreen()'",
case WebFeature::kPrefixedVideoEnterFullScreen:
return replacedBy("'HTMLVideoElement.webkitEnterFullScreen()'",
case WebFeature::kPrefixedVideoExitFullScreen:
return replacedBy("'HTMLVideoElement.webkitExitFullScreen()'",
case WebFeature::kPrefixedRequestAnimationFrame:
return "'webkitRequestAnimationFrame' is vendor-specific. Please use the "
"standard 'requestAnimationFrame' instead.";
case WebFeature::kPrefixedCancelAnimationFrame:
return "'webkitCancelAnimationFrame' is vendor-specific. Please use the "
"standard 'cancelAnimationFrame' instead.";
case WebFeature::kPictureSourceSrc:
return "<source src> with a <picture> parent is invalid and therefore "
"ignored. Please use <source srcset> instead.";
case WebFeature::kConsoleTimeline:
return replacedBy("'console.timeline'", "'console.time'");
case WebFeature::kConsoleTimelineEnd:
return replacedBy("'console.timelineEnd'", "'console.timeEnd'");
case WebFeature::kXMLHttpRequestSynchronousInNonWorkerOutsideBeforeUnload:
return "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated "
"because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. "
"For more help, check";
case WebFeature::kGetMatchedCSSRules:
return "'getMatchedCSSRules()' is deprecated. For more help, check "
case WebFeature::kPrefixedWindowURL:
return replacedBy("'webkitURL'", "'URL'");
case WebFeature::kRangeExpand:
return replacedBy("'Range.expand()'", "'Selection.modify()'");
// Blocked subresource requests:
case WebFeature::kLegacyProtocolEmbeddedAsSubresource:
return String::Format(
"Subresource requests using legacy protocols (like `ftp:`) are "
"are blocked. Please deliver web-accessible resources over modern "
"protocols like HTTPS. See "
" for details.");
case WebFeature::kRequestedSubresourceWithEmbeddedCredentials:
return "Subresource requests whose URLs contain embedded credentials "
"(e.g. `https://user:pass@host/`) are blocked. See "
" for more "
// Powerful features on insecure origins (
case WebFeature::kDeviceMotionInsecureOrigin:
return "The devicemotion event is deprecated on insecure origins, and "
"support will be removed in the future. You should consider "
"switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. "
"See for more details.";
case WebFeature::kDeviceOrientationInsecureOrigin:
return "The deviceorientation event is deprecated on insecure origins, "
"and support will be removed in the future. You should consider "
"switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. "
"See for more details.";
case WebFeature::kDeviceOrientationAbsoluteInsecureOrigin:
return "The deviceorientationabsolute event is deprecated on insecure "
"origins, and support will be removed in the future. You should "
"consider switching your application to a secure origin, such as "
"HTTPS. See for more details.";
case WebFeature::kGeolocationInsecureOrigin:
case WebFeature::kGeolocationInsecureOriginIframe:
return "getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() no longer work on "
"insecure origins. To use this feature, you should consider "
"switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. "
"See for more details.";
case WebFeature::kGeolocationInsecureOriginDeprecatedNotRemoved:
case WebFeature::kGeolocationInsecureOriginIframeDeprecatedNotRemoved:
return "getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() are deprecated on "
"insecure origins. To use this feature, you should consider "
"switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. "
"See for more details.";
case WebFeature::kGetUserMediaInsecureOrigin:
case WebFeature::kGetUserMediaInsecureOriginIframe:
return "getUserMedia() no longer works on insecure origins. To use this "
"feature, you should consider switching your application to a "
"secure origin, such as HTTPS. See for more "
case WebFeature::kMediaSourceAbortRemove:
return "Using SourceBuffer.abort() to abort remove()'s asynchronous "
"range removal is deprecated due to specification change. Support "
"will be removed in the future. You should instead await "
"'updateend'. abort() is intended to only abort an asynchronous "
"media append or reset parser state. See "
" for more "
case WebFeature::kMediaSourceDurationTruncatingBuffered:
return "Setting MediaSource.duration below the highest presentation "
"timestamp of any buffered coded frames is deprecated due to "
"specification change. Support for implicit removal of truncated "
"buffered media will be removed in the future. You should instead "
"perform explicit remove(newDuration, oldDuration) on all "
"sourceBuffers, where newDuration < oldDuration. See "
" for more "
case WebFeature::kApplicationCacheManifestSelectInsecureOrigin:
case WebFeature::kApplicationCacheAPIInsecureOrigin:
return "Use of the Application Cache is deprecated on insecure origins. "
"Support will be removed in the future. You should consider "
"switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. "
"See for more details.";
case WebFeature::kNotificationInsecureOrigin:
case WebFeature::kNotificationAPIInsecureOriginIframe:
case WebFeature::kNotificationPermissionRequestedInsecureOrigin:
return String::Format(
"Using the Notification API on insecure origins is "
"deprecated and will be removed in %s. You should consider "
"switching your application to a secure origin, such as HTTPS. See "
" for more details.",
case WebFeature::kNotificationPermissionRequestedIframe:
return String::Format(
"Using the Notification API from an iframe is deprecated and will "
"be removed in %s. You should consider requesting permission from "
"the top-level frame or opening a new window instead. See "
" for more "
case WebFeature::kElementCreateShadowRootMultiple:
return "Calling Element.createShadowRoot() for an element which already "
"hosts a shadow root is deprecated. See "
" for more "
case WebFeature::kCSSDeepCombinator:
return "/deep/ combinator is no longer supported in CSS dynamic profile. "
"It is now effectively no-op, acting as if it were a descendant "
"combinator. You should consider to remove it. See "
" for more "
case WebFeature::kVREyeParametersOffset:
return replacedBy("VREyeParameters.offset",
"view matrices provided by VRFrameData");
case WebFeature::kCSSSelectorInternalMediaControlsOverlayCastButton:
return willBeRemoved(
"-internal-media-controls-overlay-cast-button selector", M61,
case WebFeature::kSelectionAddRangeIntersect:
return "The behavior that Selection.addRange() merges existing Range and "
"the specified Range was removed. See "
" for more "
case WebFeature::kRtcpMuxPolicyNegotiate:
return String::Format(
"The rtcpMuxPolicy option is being considered for "
"removal and may be removed no earlier than %s. If you depend on it, "
"please see "
"for more details.",
case WebFeature::kVibrateWithoutUserGesture:
return willBeRemoved(
"A call to navigator.vibrate without user tap on the frame or any "
"embedded frame",
M60, "5644273861001216");
case WebFeature::kChildSrcAllowedWorkerThatScriptSrcBlocked:
return replacedWillBeRemoved("The 'child-src' directive",
"the 'script-src' directive for Workers",
M60, "5922594955984896");
case WebFeature::kCanRequestURLHTTPContainingNewline:
return "Resource requests whose URLs contained both removed whitespace "
"(`\\n`, `\\r`, `\\t`) characters and less-than characters (`<`) "
"are blocked. Please remove newlines and encode less-than "
"characters from places like element attribute values in order to "
"load these resources. See "
" for more "
case WebFeature::kV8RTCPeerConnection_GetStreamById_Method:
return willBeRemoved("RTCPeerConnection.getStreamById()", M62,
case WebFeature::kV8SVGPathElement_GetPathSegAtLength_Method:
return willBeRemoved("SVGPathElement.getPathSegAtLength", M62,
case WebFeature::kCredentialManagerCredentialRequestOptionsUnmediated:
return replacedWillBeRemoved(
"The boolean flag CredentialRequestOptions.unmediated",
"the CredentialRequestOptions.mediation enum", M62,
case WebFeature::kCredentialManagerIdName:
case WebFeature::kCredentialManagerPasswordName:
case WebFeature::kCredentialManagerAdditionalData:
case WebFeature::kCredentialManagerCustomFetch:
return String::Format(
"Passing 'PasswordCredential' objects into 'fetch(..., { "
"credentials: ... })' is deprecated, and will be removed in %s. See "
" for more "
"details and"
"credential-management-updates for migration suggestions.",
case WebFeature::kPaymentRequestNetworkNameInSupportedMethods:
return replacedWillBeRemoved(
"Card issuer network (\"amex\", \"diners\", \"discover\", \"jcb\", "
"\"mastercard\", \"mir\", \"unionpay\", \"visa\") as payment method",
"payment method name \"basic-card\" with issuer network in the "
"\"supportedNetworks\" field",
M64, "5725727580225536");
case WebFeature::kCredentialManagerRequireUserMediation:
return replacedWillBeRemoved(
"The CredentialsContainer.requireUserMediation method",
"the CredentialsContainer.preventSilentAccess method", M62,
case WebFeature::kDeprecatedTimingFunctionStepMiddle:
return replacedWillBeRemoved(
"The step timing function with step position 'middle'",
"the frames timing function", M62, "5189363944128512");
case WebFeature::kHTMLImportsHasStyleSheets:
return String::Format(
"Styling master document from stylesheets defined in HTML Imports "
"is deprecated, and is planned to be removed in %s. Please refer to "
" for possible migration paths.",
// Features that aren't deprecated don't have a deprecation message.
return String();
} // namespace blink