blob: cbab3d9455ed48e7bcb40e926e17515cc6258105 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
new BenchmarkSuite('StringRepeat', [10], [
new Benchmark('StringRepeat', false, false, 0,
Repeat, RepeatSetup, RepeatTearDown),
new BenchmarkSuite('StringStartsWith', [10], [
new Benchmark('StringStartsWith', false, false, 0,
StartsWith, WithSetup, WithTearDown),
new BenchmarkSuite('StringEndsWith', [10], [
new Benchmark('StringEndsWith', false, false, 0,
EndsWith, WithSetup, WithTearDown),
new BenchmarkSuite('StringIncludes', [10], [
new Benchmark('StringIncludes', false, false, 0,
Includes, IncludesSetup, WithTearDown),
new BenchmarkSuite('StringFromCodePoint', [10000], [
new Benchmark('StringFromCodePoint', false, false, 0,
FromCodePoint, FromCodePointSetup, FromCodePointTearDown),
new BenchmarkSuite('StringCodePointAt', [1000], [
new Benchmark('StringCodePointAt', false, false, 0,
CodePointAt, CodePointAtSetup, CodePointAtTearDown),
new BenchmarkSuite('StringCodePointAtSum', [100000], [
new Benchmark('StringCodePointAtSum', false, true, 3,
CodePointAtSum, CodePointAtSumSetup),
var result;
var stringRepeatSource = "abc";
function RepeatSetup() {
result = undefined;
function Repeat() {
result = stringRepeatSource.repeat(500);
function RepeatTearDown() {
var expected = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
expected += stringRepeatSource;
return result === expected;
var str;
var substr;
function WithSetup() {
str = "abc".repeat(500);
substr = "abc".repeat(200);
result = undefined;
function WithTearDown() {
return !!result;
function StartsWith() {
result = str.startsWith(substr);
function EndsWith() {
result = str.endsWith(substr);
function IncludesSetup() {
str = "def".repeat(100) + "abc".repeat(100) + "qqq".repeat(100);
substr = "abc".repeat(100);
function Includes() {
result = str.includes(substr);
const K = 1024;
function FromCodePointSetup() {
result = new Array((MAX_CODE_POINT + 1) / K);
function FromCodePoint() {
for (var i = 0; i <= MAX_CODE_POINT; i += K) {
result[i] = String.fromCodePoint(i);
function FromCodePointTearDown() {
for (var i = 0; i <= MAX_CODE_POINT; i += K) {
if (i !== result[i].codePointAt(0)) return false;
return true;
var allCodePoints;
function CodePointAtSetup() {
allCodePoints = new Array((MAX_CODE_POINT + 1) / K);
for (var i = 0; i <= MAX_CODE_POINT; i += K) {
allCodePoints = String.fromCodePoint(i);
result = undefined;
function CodePointAt() {
result = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= MAX_CODE_POINT; i += K) {
result += allCodePoints.codePointAt(i);
function CodePointAtTearDown() {
return result === (MAX_CODE_POINT / K) * ((MAX_CODE_POINT / K) + 1) / 2;
var payload;
function CodePointAtSumSetup() {
payload = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for(var j = 0; j < 16; ++j) payload += payload;
function CodePointAtSum() {
var c = 0;
for(j=payload.length-1; j >=0; --j) c+=payload.charCodeAt(j);
return c;