blob: 3f94da75a43e62643f60f971f3aa736bc9b822ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/presentation/presentation.mojom.h"
namespace cast_channel {
class CastMessage;
namespace media_router {
class MediaSinkInternal;
// Represents a message sent or received by the Cast SDK via a
// PresentationConnection.
struct CastInternalMessage {
// TODO( Add other types of messages.
enum class Type {
kClientConnect, // Initial message sent by SDK client to connect to MRP.
kAppMessage, // App messages to pass through between SDK client and the
// receiver.
kV2Message, // Cast protocol messages between SDK client and the
// receiver.
kReceiverAction, // Message sent by MRP to inform SDK client of action.
kNewSession, // Message sent by MRP to inform SDK client of new
// session.
kUpdateSession, // Message sent by MRP to inform SDK client of updated
// session.
kOther // All other types of messages which are not considered
// part of communication with Cast SDK.
// Returns a CastInternalMessage for |message|, or nullptr is |message| is not
// a valid Cast internal message.
static std::unique_ptr<CastInternalMessage> From(base::Value message);
const Type type;
const std::string client_id;
const base::Optional<int> sequence_number;
const std::string& session_id() const {
DCHECK(type == Type::kAppMessage || type == Type::kV2Message);
return session_id_;
const std::string& app_message_namespace() const {
DCHECK(type == Type::kAppMessage);
return namespace_or_v2_type_;
const std::string& v2_message_type() const {
DCHECK(type == Type::kV2Message);
return namespace_or_v2_type_;
const base::Value& app_message_body() const {
DCHECK(type == Type::kAppMessage);
return message_body_;
const base::Value& v2_message_body() const {
DCHECK(type == Type::kV2Message);
return message_body_;
CastInternalMessage(Type type,
const std::string& client_id,
base::Optional<int> sequence_number,
const std::string& session_id,
const std::string& namespace_or_v2_type_,
base::Value message_body);
// Set if |type| is |kAppMessage| or |kV2Message|.
const std::string session_id_;
const std::string namespace_or_v2_type_;
const base::Value message_body_;
// Represents a Cast session on a Cast device. Cast sessions are derived from
// RECEIVER_STATUS messages sent by Cast devices.
// TODO(jrw): Rename either this class or ::CastSession to avoid confusion.
class CastSession {
// Returns a CastSession from |receiver_status| message sent by |sink|, or
// nullptr if |receiver_status| is not a valid RECEIVER_STATUS message.
static std::unique_ptr<CastSession> From(const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const base::Value& receiver_status);
// Returns a string that can be used as the description of the MediaRoute
// associated with this session.
std::string GetRouteDescription() const;
// Partially updates the contents of this object using data in |from|.
void UpdateSession(std::unique_ptr<CastSession> from);
// Sets the 'media' field of |value_| with a value received from the client.
void UpdateMedia(const base::Value& media);
// ID of the session.
const std::string& session_id() const { return session_id_; }
// ID of the app in the session.
const std::string& app_id() const { return app_id_; }
// ID used for communicating with the session over the Cast channel.
const std::string& transport_id() const { return transport_id_; }
// The set of accepted message namespaces. Must be non-empty, unless the
// session represents a multizone leader.
const base::flat_set<std::string>& message_namespaces() const {
return message_namespaces_;
// The dictionary representing this session, derived from |receiver_status|.
// For convenience, this is used for generating messages sent to the SDK that
// include the session value.
const base::Value& value() const { return value_; }
std::string session_id_;
std::string app_id_;
std::string transport_id_;
base::flat_set<std::string> message_namespaces_;
base::Value value_;
// The human-readable name of the Cast application, for example, "YouTube".
// Mandatory.
std::string display_name_;
// Descriptive text for the current application content, for example “My
// Wedding Slideshow”. May be empty.
std::string status_;
// Utility methods for generating messages sent to the SDK.
// |hash_token| is a per-profile value that is used to hash the sink ID.
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionMessagePtr CreateReceiverActionCastMessage(
const std::string& client_id,
const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const std::string& hash_token);
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionMessagePtr CreateReceiverActionStopMessage(
const std::string& client_id,
const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const std::string& hash_token);
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionMessagePtr CreateNewSessionMessage(
const CastSession& session,
const std::string& client_id,
const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const std::string& hash_token);
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionMessagePtr CreateUpdateSessionMessage(
const CastSession& session,
const std::string& client_id,
const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const std::string& hash_token);
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionMessagePtr CreateAppMessageAck(
const std::string& client_id,
int sequence_number);
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionMessagePtr CreateAppMessage(
const std::string& session_id,
const std::string& client_id,
const cast_channel::CastMessage& cast_message);
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionMessagePtr CreateV2Message(
const std::string& client_id,
const base::Value& payload,
base::Optional<int> sequence_number);
base::Value SupportedMediaRequestsToListValue(int media_requests);
} // namespace media_router