blob: 22bac890bdf7f787eea3b567233675ed8db08035 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iterator>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/resource/image_resource_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/display_item_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scroll/scroll_types.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutInline;
struct LayoutSelectionStatus;
struct PaintInfo;
enum class NGOutlineType;
// The NGPaintFragment contains a NGPhysicalFragment and geometry in the paint
// coordinate system.
// NGPhysicalFragment is limited to its parent coordinate system for caching and
// sharing subtree. This class makes it possible to compute visual rects in the
// parent transform node.
// NGPaintFragment is an ImageResourceObserver, which means that it gets
// notified when associated images are changed.
// This is used for 2 main use cases:
// - reply to 'background-image' as we need to invalidate the background in this
// case.
// (See
// - image (<img>, svg <image>) or video (<video>) elements that are
// placeholders for displaying them.
class CORE_EXPORT NGPaintFragment : public RefCounted<NGPaintFragment>,
public DisplayItemClient,
public ImageResourceObserver {
NGPaintFragment(scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment>,
NGPhysicalOffset offset,
~NGPaintFragment() override;
static scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment> Create(
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment>,
NGPhysicalOffset offset,
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment> previous_instance = nullptr);
const NGPhysicalFragment& PhysicalFragment() const {
return *physical_fragment_;
void UpdateFromCachedLayoutResult(
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> fragment,
NGPhysicalOffset offset);
// Next/last fragment for when this is fragmented.
NGPaintFragment* Next() { return next_fragmented_.get(); }
void SetNext(scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment>);
NGPaintFragment* Last();
NGPaintFragment* Last(const NGBreakToken&);
static scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment>* Find(scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment>*,
const NGBreakToken*);
template <typename Traverse>
class List final {
explicit List(NGPaintFragment* first) : first_(first) {}
class Iterator final
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, NGPaintFragment*> {
explicit Iterator(NGPaintFragment* first) : current_(first) {}
NGPaintFragment* operator*() const { return current_; }
NGPaintFragment* operator->() const { return current_; }
Iterator& operator++() {
current_ = Traverse::Next(current_);
return *this;
bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ == other.current_;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
return current_ != other.current_;
NGPaintFragment* current_;
Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(first_); }
Iterator end() const { return Iterator(nullptr); }
// Returns the first |NGPaintFragment| in |FragmentRange| as STL container.
// It is error to call |front()| for empty range.
NGPaintFragment& front() const;
// Returns the last |NGPaintFragment| in |FragmentRange| as STL container.
// It is error to call |back()| for empty range.
// Note: The complexity of |back()| is O(n) where n is number of elements
// in this |FragmentRange|.
NGPaintFragment& back() const;
// Returns number of fragments in this range. The complexity is O(n) where n
// is number of elements.
wtf_size_t size() const;
bool IsEmpty() const { return !first_; }
void ToList(Vector<NGPaintFragment*, 16>*) const;
NGPaintFragment* first_;
class TraverseNextSibling {
static NGPaintFragment* Next(NGPaintFragment* current) {
return current->next_sibling_.get();
using ChildList = List<TraverseNextSibling>;
// The parent NGPaintFragment. This is nullptr for a root; i.e., when parent
// is not for NGPaint. In the first phase, this means that this is a root of
// an inline formatting context.
NGPaintFragment* Parent() const { return parent_; }
NGPaintFragment* FirstChild() const { return first_child_.get(); }
NGPaintFragment* NextSibling() const { return next_sibling_.get(); }
ChildList Children() const { return ChildList(first_child_.get()); }
// Note, as the name implies, |IsDescendantOfNotSelf| returns false for the
// same object. This is different from |LayoutObject::IsDescendant| but is
// same as |Node::IsDescendant|.
bool IsDescendantOfNotSelf(const NGPaintFragment&) const;
// Returns the first line box for a block-level container.
NGPaintFragment* FirstLineBox() const;
// Returns the container line box for inline fragments.
const NGPaintFragment* ContainerLineBox() const;
// Returns true if this fragment is line box and marked dirty.
bool IsDirty() const { return is_dirty_inline_; }
// Returns offset to its container box for inline and line box fragments.
const NGPhysicalOffset& InlineOffsetToContainerBox() const {
DCHECK(PhysicalFragment().IsInline() || PhysicalFragment().IsLineBox());
return inline_offset_to_container_box_;
// Update VisualRect for fragments without LayoutObjects (i.e., line boxes,)
// after its descendants were updated.
void UpdateVisualRectForNonLayoutObjectChildren();
void AddSelfOutlineRect(Vector<LayoutRect>*,
const LayoutPoint& offset,
NGOutlineType) const;
// TODO(layout-dev): Implement when we have oveflow support.
// TODO(eae): Switch to using NG geometry types.
bool HasOverflowClip() const;
bool ShouldClipOverflow() const;
bool HasSelfPaintingLayer() const;
// This is equivalent to LayoutObject::VisualRect
LayoutRect VisualRect() const override { return visual_rect_; }
void SetVisualRect(const LayoutRect& rect) { visual_rect_ = rect; }
LayoutRect SelectionVisualRect() const { return selection_visual_rect_; }
void SetSelectionVisualRect(const LayoutRect& rect) {
selection_visual_rect_ = rect;
// CSS ink overflow
// Encloses all pixels painted by self + children.
LayoutRect SelfInkOverflow() const;
// Union of children's ink overflows.
LayoutRect ChildrenInkOverflow() const;
NGPhysicalOffsetRect ComputeLocalSelectionRectForText(
const LayoutSelectionStatus&) const;
NGPhysicalOffsetRect ComputeLocalSelectionRectForReplaced() const;
// Set ShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation flag in the corresponding LayoutObject.
void SetShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation();
// Set ShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation flag in the corresponding LayoutObject
// recursively.
void SetShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationRecursively();
// Set ShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation flag to all objects in the first line of
// this block-level fragment.
void SetShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationForFirstLine();
// Paint all descendant inline box fragments that belong to the specified
// LayoutObject.
void PaintInlineBoxForDescendants(const PaintInfo&,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset,
const LayoutInline*,
NGPhysicalOffset = {}) const;
// DisplayItemClient methods.
String DebugName() const override;
// Commonly used functions for NGPhysicalFragment.
Node* GetNode() const { return PhysicalFragment().GetNode(); }
LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const {
return PhysicalFragment().GetLayoutObject();
const ComputedStyle& Style() const { return PhysicalFragment().Style(); }
NGPhysicalOffset Offset() const { return offset_; }
NGPhysicalSize Size() const { return PhysicalFragment().Size(); }
// Converts the given point, relative to the fragment itself, into a position
// in DOM tree.
PositionWithAffinity PositionForPoint(const NGPhysicalOffset&) const;
// The node to return when hit-testing on this fragment. This can be different
// from GetNode() when this fragment is content of a pseudo node.
Node* NodeForHitTest() const;
// Utility functions for caret painting. Note that carets are painted as part
// of the containing block's foreground.
bool ShouldPaintCursorCaret() const;
bool ShouldPaintDragCaret() const;
bool ShouldPaintCarets() const {
return ShouldPaintCursorCaret() || ShouldPaintDragCaret();
// Returns true when associated fragment of |layout_object| has line box.
static bool TryMarkFirstLineBoxDirtyFor(const LayoutObject& layout_object);
static bool TryMarkLastLineBoxDirtyFor(const LayoutObject& layout_object);
// A range of fragments for |FragmentsFor()|.
class CORE_EXPORT FragmentRange {
explicit FragmentRange(
NGPaintFragment* first,
bool is_in_layout_ng_inline_formatting_context = true)
: first_(first),
is_in_layout_ng_inline_formatting_context) {}
bool IsInLayoutNGInlineFormattingContext() const {
return is_in_layout_ng_inline_formatting_context_;
bool IsEmpty() const { return !first_; }
class iterator final
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, NGPaintFragment*> {
explicit iterator(NGPaintFragment* first) : current_(first) {}
NGPaintFragment* operator*() const { return current_; }
NGPaintFragment* operator->() const { return current_; }
iterator& operator++() {
current_ = current_->next_for_same_layout_object_;
return *this;
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
return current_ == other.current_;
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const {
return current_ != other.current_;
NGPaintFragment* current_;
iterator begin() const { return iterator(first_); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(nullptr); }
// Returns the first |NGPaintFragment| in |FragmentRange| as STL container.
// It is error to call |front()| for empty range.
NGPaintFragment& front() const;
// Returns the last |NGPaintFragment| in |FragmentRange| as STL container.
// It is error to call |back()| for empty range.
// Note: The complexity of |back()| is O(n) where n is number of elements
// in this |FragmentRange|.
NGPaintFragment& back() const;
// Returns number of fragments in this range. The complexity is O(n) where n
// is number of elements.
wtf_size_t size() const;
NGPaintFragment* first_;
bool is_in_layout_ng_inline_formatting_context_;
// Returns NGPaintFragment for the inline formatting context the LayoutObject
// belongs to.
// When the LayoutObject is an inline block, it belongs to an inline
// formatting context while it creates its own for its descendants. This
// function always returns the one it belongs to.
static NGPaintFragment* GetForInlineContainer(const LayoutObject*);
// Returns a range of NGPaintFragment in an inline formatting context that are
// for a LayoutObject.
static FragmentRange InlineFragmentsFor(const LayoutObject*);
NGPaintFragment* LastForSameLayoutObject();
// Called when lines containing |child| is dirty.
static void DirtyLinesFromChangedChild(LayoutObject* child);
// Mark this line box was changed, in order to re-use part of an inline
// formatting context.
void MarkLineBoxDirty();
// Computes LocalVisualRect for an inline LayoutObject in the
// LayoutObject::LocalVisualRect semantics; i.e., physical coordinates with
// flipped block-flow direction. See layout/ for the coordinate
// spaces.
// Returns false if the LayoutObject is not in LayoutNG inline formatting
// context.
static bool FlippedLocalVisualRectFor(const LayoutObject*, LayoutRect*);
static scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment> CreateOrReuse(
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> fragment,
NGPhysicalOffset offset,
NGPaintFragment* parent,
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment> previous_instance,
bool* populate_children);
void PopulateDescendants(
const NGPhysicalOffset inline_offset_to_container_box,
HashMap<const LayoutObject*, NGPaintFragment*>* last_fragment_map);
void AssociateWithLayoutObject(
HashMap<const LayoutObject*, NGPaintFragment*>* last_fragment_map);
// Helps for PositionForPoint() when |this| falls in different categories.
PositionWithAffinity PositionForPointInText(const NGPhysicalOffset&) const;
PositionWithAffinity PositionForPointInInlineFormattingContext(
const NGPhysicalOffset&) const;
PositionWithAffinity PositionForPointInInlineLevelBox(
const NGPhysicalOffset&) const;
// Dirty line boxes containing |layout_object|.
static void MarkLineBoxesDirtyFor(const LayoutObject& layout_object);
// Following fields are computed in the layout phase.
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> physical_fragment_;
NGPhysicalOffset offset_;
NGPaintFragment* parent_;
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment> first_child_;
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment> next_sibling_;
// The next fragment for when this is fragmented.
scoped_refptr<NGPaintFragment> next_fragmented_;
NGPaintFragment* next_for_same_layout_object_ = nullptr;
NGPhysicalOffset inline_offset_to_container_box_;
// For a line box, this indicates it is dirty. This helps to determine if the
// fragment is re-usable when part of an inline formatting context is changed.
// For an inline box, this flag helps to avoid traversing up to its line box
// every time.
unsigned is_dirty_inline_ : 1;
// Following fields are computed in the pre-paint phase.
LayoutRect visual_rect_;
LayoutRect selection_visual_rect_;
extern template class CORE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE_EXPORT
} // namespace blink