blob: 01dba757777222d4c9ad96f3c61ae8529af39910 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ast/ast.h"
#include "src/ast/scopes.h"
#include "src/parsing/parser-base.h"
#include "src/parsing/preparse-data.h"
#include "src/parsing/preparse-data-format.h"
#include "src/parsing/preparser.h"
#include "src/pending-compilation-error-handler.h"
namespace v8 {
class ScriptCompiler;
namespace internal {
class ParseInfo;
class ScriptData;
class ParserTarget;
class ParserTargetScope;
class FunctionEntry BASE_EMBEDDED {
enum {
explicit FunctionEntry(Vector<unsigned> backing)
: backing_(backing) { }
FunctionEntry() : backing_() { }
int start_pos() { return backing_[kStartPositionIndex]; }
int end_pos() { return backing_[kEndPositionIndex]; }
int literal_count() { return backing_[kLiteralCountIndex]; }
int property_count() { return backing_[kPropertyCountIndex]; }
LanguageMode language_mode() {
return static_cast<LanguageMode>(backing_[kLanguageModeIndex]);
bool uses_super_property() { return backing_[kUsesSuperPropertyIndex]; }
bool calls_eval() { return backing_[kCallsEvalIndex]; }
bool is_valid() { return !backing_.is_empty(); }
Vector<unsigned> backing_;
// Wrapper around ScriptData to provide parser-specific functionality.
class ParseData {
static ParseData* FromCachedData(ScriptData* cached_data) {
ParseData* pd = new ParseData(cached_data);
if (pd->IsSane()) return pd;
delete pd;
return NULL;
void Initialize();
FunctionEntry GetFunctionEntry(int start);
int FunctionCount();
bool HasError();
unsigned* Data() { // Writable data as unsigned int array.
return reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(const_cast<byte*>(script_data_->data()));
void Reject() { script_data_->Reject(); }
bool rejected() const { return script_data_->rejected(); }
explicit ParseData(ScriptData* script_data) : script_data_(script_data) {}
bool IsSane();
unsigned Magic();
unsigned Version();
int FunctionsSize();
int Length() const {
// Script data length is already checked to be a multiple of unsigned size.
return script_data_->length() / sizeof(unsigned);
ScriptData* script_data_;
int function_index_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Parser;
class SingletonLogger;
struct ParserFormalParameters : FormalParametersBase {
struct Parameter {
Parameter(const AstRawString* name, Expression* pattern,
Expression* initializer, int initializer_end_position,
bool is_rest)
: name(name),
is_rest(is_rest) {}
const AstRawString* name;
Expression* pattern;
Expression* initializer;
int initializer_end_position;
bool is_rest;
bool is_simple() const {
return pattern->IsVariableProxy() && initializer == nullptr && !is_rest;
explicit ParserFormalParameters(DeclarationScope* scope)
: FormalParametersBase(scope), params(4, scope->zone()) {}
ZoneList<Parameter> params;
int Arity() const { return params.length(); }
const Parameter& at(int i) const { return params[i]; }
template <>
struct ParserTypes<Parser> {
typedef ParserBase<Parser> Base;
typedef Parser Impl;
typedef Variable GeneratorVariable;
// Return types for traversing functions.
typedef const AstRawString* Identifier;
typedef v8::internal::Expression* Expression;
typedef v8::internal::FunctionLiteral* FunctionLiteral;
typedef ObjectLiteral::Property* ObjectLiteralProperty;
typedef ClassLiteral::Property* ClassLiteralProperty;
typedef ZoneList<v8::internal::Expression*>* ExpressionList;
typedef ZoneList<ObjectLiteral::Property*>* PropertyList;
typedef ParserFormalParameters FormalParameters;
typedef v8::internal::Statement* Statement;
typedef ZoneList<v8::internal::Statement*>* StatementList;
typedef v8::internal::Block* Block;
typedef v8::internal::BreakableStatement* BreakableStatement;
typedef v8::internal::IterationStatement* IterationStatement;
// For constructing objects returned by the traversing functions.
typedef AstNodeFactory Factory;
typedef ParserTarget Target;
typedef ParserTargetScope TargetScope;
class Parser : public ParserBase<Parser> {
explicit Parser(ParseInfo* info);
~Parser() {
delete reusable_preparser_;
reusable_preparser_ = NULL;
delete cached_parse_data_;
cached_parse_data_ = NULL;
// Parses the source code represented by the compilation info and sets its
// function literal. Returns false (and deallocates any allocated AST
// nodes) if parsing failed.
static bool ParseStatic(ParseInfo* info);
bool Parse(ParseInfo* info);
void ParseOnBackground(ParseInfo* info);
// Deserialize the scope chain prior to parsing in which the script is going
// to be executed. If the script is a top-level script, or the scope chain
// consists of only a native context, maybe_outer_scope_info should be an
// empty handle.
// This only deserializes the scope chain, but doesn't connect the scopes to
// their corresponding scope infos. Therefore, looking up variables in the
// deserialized scopes is not possible.
void DeserializeScopeChain(ParseInfo* info,
MaybeHandle<ScopeInfo> maybe_outer_scope_info);
// Handle errors detected during parsing, move statistics to Isolate,
// internalize strings (move them to the heap).
void Internalize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script, bool error);
void HandleSourceURLComments(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script);
friend class ParserBase<Parser>;
friend class v8::internal::ExpressionClassifier<ParserTypes<Parser>>;
// Runtime encoding of different completion modes.
enum CompletionKind {
enum class FunctionBodyType { kNormal, kSingleExpression };
Variable* NewTemporary(const AstRawString* name) {
return scope()->NewTemporary(name);
// Limit the allowed number of local variables in a function. The hard limit
// is that offsets computed by FullCodeGenerator::StackOperand and similar
// functions are ints, and they should not overflow. In addition, accessing
// local variables creates user-controlled constants in the generated code,
// and we don't want too much user-controlled memory inside the code (this was
// the reason why this limit was introduced in the first place; see
// ).
static const int kMaxNumFunctionLocals = 4194303; // 2^22-1
// Returns NULL if parsing failed.
FunctionLiteral* ParseProgram(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info);
FunctionLiteral* ParseLazy(Isolate* isolate, ParseInfo* info);
FunctionLiteral* DoParseLazy(ParseInfo* info, const AstRawString* raw_name,
Utf16CharacterStream* source);
// Called by ParseProgram after setting up the scanner.
FunctionLiteral* DoParseProgram(ParseInfo* info);
void SetCachedData(ParseInfo* info);
ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options() const {
return compile_options_;
bool consume_cached_parse_data() const {
return compile_options_ == ScriptCompiler::kConsumeParserCache &&
cached_parse_data_ != NULL;
bool produce_cached_parse_data() const {
return compile_options_ == ScriptCompiler::kProduceParserCache;
void ParseModuleItemList(ZoneList<Statement*>* body, bool* ok);
Statement* ParseModuleItem(bool* ok);
const AstRawString* ParseModuleSpecifier(bool* ok);
void ParseImportDeclaration(bool* ok);
Statement* ParseExportDeclaration(bool* ok);
Statement* ParseExportDefault(bool* ok);
void ParseExportClause(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* export_names,
ZoneList<Scanner::Location>* export_locations,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* local_names,
Scanner::Location* reserved_loc, bool* ok);
struct NamedImport : public ZoneObject {
const AstRawString* import_name;
const AstRawString* local_name;
const Scanner::Location location;
NamedImport(const AstRawString* import_name, const AstRawString* local_name,
Scanner::Location location)
: import_name(import_name),
location(location) {}
ZoneList<const NamedImport*>* ParseNamedImports(int pos, bool* ok);
Statement* ParseFunctionDeclaration(bool* ok);
Statement* ParseAsyncFunctionDeclaration(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
bool default_export, bool* ok);
Expression* ParseAsyncFunctionExpression(bool* ok);
Statement* ParseClassDeclaration(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
bool default_export, bool* ok);
Statement* ParseNativeDeclaration(bool* ok);
Block* BuildInitializationBlock(DeclarationParsingResult* parsing_result,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names,
bool* ok);
void DeclareAndInitializeVariables(
Block* block, const DeclarationDescriptor* declaration_descriptor,
const DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration* declaration,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, bool* ok);
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* DeclareLabel(
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, VariableProxy* expr, bool* ok);
bool ContainsLabel(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels,
const AstRawString* label);
Expression* RewriteReturn(Expression* return_value, int pos);
Statement* RewriteSwitchStatement(Expression* tag,
SwitchStatement* switch_statement,
ZoneList<CaseClause*>* cases, Scope* scope);
Statement* DeclareFunction(const AstRawString* variable_name,
FunctionLiteral* function, int pos,
bool is_generator, bool is_async,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, bool* ok);
Expression* ParseYieldStarExpression(bool* ok);
class PatternRewriter final : public AstVisitor<PatternRewriter> {
static void DeclareAndInitializeVariables(
Parser* parser, Block* block,
const DeclarationDescriptor* declaration_descriptor,
const DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration* declaration,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, bool* ok);
static void RewriteDestructuringAssignment(Parser* parser,
RewritableExpression* expr,
Scope* Scope);
static Expression* RewriteDestructuringAssignment(Parser* parser,
Assignment* assignment,
Scope* scope);
PatternRewriter() {}
#define DECLARE_VISIT(type) void Visit##type(v8::internal::type* node);
// Visiting functions for AST nodes make this an AstVisitor.
enum PatternContext {
PatternContext context() const { return context_; }
void set_context(PatternContext context) { context_ = context; }
void RecurseIntoSubpattern(AstNode* pattern, Expression* value) {
Expression* old_value = current_value_;
current_value_ = value;
current_value_ = old_value;
void VisitObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral* node, Variable** temp_var);
void VisitArrayLiteral(ArrayLiteral* node, Variable** temp_var);
bool IsBindingContext() const { return IsBindingContext(context_); }
bool IsInitializerContext() const { return context_ != ASSIGNMENT; }
bool IsAssignmentContext() const { return IsAssignmentContext(context_); }
bool IsAssignmentContext(PatternContext c) const;
bool IsBindingContext(PatternContext c) const;
bool IsSubPattern() const { return recursion_level_ > 1; }
PatternContext SetAssignmentContextIfNeeded(Expression* node);
PatternContext SetInitializerContextIfNeeded(Expression* node);
void RewriteParameterScopes(Expression* expr);
Variable* CreateTempVar(Expression* value = nullptr);
AstNodeFactory* factory() const { return parser_->factory(); }
AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory() const {
return parser_->ast_value_factory();
Zone* zone() const { return parser_->zone(); }
Scope* scope() const { return scope_; }
Scope* scope_;
Parser* parser_;
PatternContext context_;
Expression* pattern_;
int initializer_position_;
Block* block_;
const DeclarationDescriptor* descriptor_;
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names_;
Expression* current_value_;
int recursion_level_;
bool* ok_;
Statement* ParseForStatement(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, bool* ok);
Expression* MakeCatchContext(Handle<String> id, VariableProxy* value);
TryStatement* ParseTryStatement(bool* ok);
// !%_IsJSReceiver(result = &&
// %ThrowIteratorResultNotAnObject(result)
Expression* BuildIteratorNextResult(Expression* iterator, Variable* result,
int pos);
Expression* GetIterator(Expression* iterable, int pos);
// Initialize the components of a for-in / for-of statement.
Statement* InitializeForEachStatement(ForEachStatement* stmt,
Expression* each, Expression* subject,
Statement* body, int each_keyword_pos);
Statement* InitializeForOfStatement(ForOfStatement* stmt, Expression* each,
Expression* iterable, Statement* body,
bool finalize,
int next_result_pos = kNoSourcePosition);
Statement* DesugarLexicalBindingsInForStatement(
Scope* inner_scope, VariableMode mode,
ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, ForStatement* loop, Statement* init,
Expression* cond, Statement* next, Statement* body, bool* ok);
void DesugarAsyncFunctionBody(Scope* scope, ZoneList<Statement*>* body,
FunctionKind kind, FunctionBodyType type,
bool accept_IN, int pos, bool* ok);
Expression* RewriteDoExpression(Block* body, int pos, bool* ok);
FunctionLiteral* ParseFunctionLiteral(
const AstRawString* name, Scanner::Location function_name_location,
FunctionNameValidity function_name_validity, FunctionKind kind,
int function_token_position, FunctionLiteral::FunctionType type,
LanguageMode language_mode, bool* ok);
Expression* InstallHomeObject(Expression* function_literal,
Expression* home_object);
FunctionLiteral* SynthesizeClassFieldInitializer(int count);
FunctionLiteral* InsertClassFieldInitializer(FunctionLiteral* constructor);
Expression* ParseClassLiteral(const AstRawString* name,
Scanner::Location class_name_location,
bool name_is_strict_reserved, int pos,
bool* ok);
// Get odd-ball literals.
Literal* GetLiteralUndefined(int position);
// Check if the scope has conflicting var/let declarations from different
// scopes. This covers for example
// function f() { { { var x; } let x; } }
// function g() { { var x; let x; } }
// The var declarations are hoisted to the function scope, but originate from
// a scope where the name has also been let bound or the var declaration is
// hoisted over such a scope.
void CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(Scope* scope, bool* ok);
// Insert initializer statements for var-bindings shadowing parameter bindings
// from a non-simple parameter list.
void InsertShadowingVarBindingInitializers(Block* block);
// Implement sloppy block-scoped functions, ES2015 Annex B 3.3
void InsertSloppyBlockFunctionVarBindings(DeclarationScope* scope);
VariableProxy* NewUnresolved(const AstRawString* name, int begin_pos,
int end_pos = kNoSourcePosition,
VariableKind kind = NORMAL_VARIABLE);
VariableProxy* NewUnresolved(const AstRawString* name);
Variable* Declare(Declaration* declaration,
DeclarationDescriptor::Kind declaration_kind,
VariableMode mode, InitializationFlag init, bool* ok,
Scope* declaration_scope = nullptr);
Declaration* DeclareVariable(const AstRawString* name, VariableMode mode,
int pos, bool* ok);
Declaration* DeclareVariable(const AstRawString* name, VariableMode mode,
InitializationFlag init, int pos, bool* ok);
bool TargetStackContainsLabel(const AstRawString* label);
BreakableStatement* LookupBreakTarget(const AstRawString* label, bool* ok);
IterationStatement* LookupContinueTarget(const AstRawString* label, bool* ok);
Statement* BuildAssertIsCoercible(Variable* var);
// Factory methods.
FunctionLiteral* DefaultConstructor(const AstRawString* name, bool call_super,
bool requires_class_field_init, int pos,
int end_pos, LanguageMode language_mode);
// Skip over a lazy function, either using cached data if we have it, or
// by parsing the function with PreParser. Consumes the ending }.
// If may_abort == true, the (pre-)parser may decide to abort skipping
// in order to force the function to be eagerly parsed, after all.
LazyParsingResult SkipLazyFunctionBody(int* materialized_literal_count,
int* expected_property_count,
bool may_abort, bool* ok);
PreParser::PreParseResult ParseLazyFunctionBodyWithPreParser(
SingletonLogger* logger, bool may_abort);
Block* BuildParameterInitializationBlock(
const ParserFormalParameters& parameters, bool* ok);
Block* BuildRejectPromiseOnException(Block* block, bool* ok);
// Consumes the ending }.
ZoneList<Statement*>* ParseEagerFunctionBody(
const AstRawString* function_name, int pos,
const ParserFormalParameters& parameters, FunctionKind kind,
FunctionLiteral::FunctionType function_type, bool* ok);
void ThrowPendingError(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> script);
class TemplateLiteral : public ZoneObject {
TemplateLiteral(Zone* zone, int pos)
: cooked_(8, zone), raw_(8, zone), expressions_(8, zone), pos_(pos) {}
const ZoneList<Expression*>* cooked() const { return &cooked_; }
const ZoneList<Expression*>* raw() const { return &raw_; }
const ZoneList<Expression*>* expressions() const { return &expressions_; }
int position() const { return pos_; }
void AddTemplateSpan(Literal* cooked, Literal* raw, int end, Zone* zone) {
cooked_.Add(cooked, zone);
raw_.Add(raw, zone);
void AddExpression(Expression* expression, Zone* zone) {
expressions_.Add(expression, zone);
ZoneList<Expression*> cooked_;
ZoneList<Expression*> raw_;
ZoneList<Expression*> expressions_;
int pos_;
typedef TemplateLiteral* TemplateLiteralState;
TemplateLiteralState OpenTemplateLiteral(int pos);
void AddTemplateSpan(TemplateLiteralState* state, bool tail);
void AddTemplateExpression(TemplateLiteralState* state,
Expression* expression);
Expression* CloseTemplateLiteral(TemplateLiteralState* state, int start,
Expression* tag);
uint32_t ComputeTemplateLiteralHash(const TemplateLiteral* lit);
void ParseAsyncArrowSingleExpressionBody(ZoneList<Statement*>* body,
bool accept_IN,
int pos, bool* ok) {
DesugarAsyncFunctionBody(scope(), body, kAsyncArrowFunction,
FunctionBodyType::kSingleExpression, accept_IN,
pos, ok);
ZoneList<Expression*>* PrepareSpreadArguments(ZoneList<Expression*>* list);
Expression* SpreadCall(Expression* function, ZoneList<Expression*>* args,
int pos);
Expression* SpreadCallNew(Expression* function, ZoneList<Expression*>* args,
int pos);
Expression* CallClassFieldInitializer(Scope* scope, Expression* this_expr);
Expression* RewriteSuperCall(Expression* call_expression);
void SetLanguageMode(Scope* scope, LanguageMode mode);
void SetAsmModule();
V8_INLINE void MarkCollectedTailCallExpressions();
V8_INLINE void MarkTailPosition(Expression* expression);
// Rewrite all DestructuringAssignments in the current FunctionState.
V8_INLINE void RewriteDestructuringAssignments();
V8_INLINE Expression* RewriteExponentiation(Expression* left,
Expression* right, int pos);
V8_INLINE Expression* RewriteAssignExponentiation(Expression* left,
Expression* right, int pos);
friend class NonPatternRewriter;
V8_INLINE Expression* RewriteSpreads(ArrayLiteral* lit);
// Rewrite expressions that are not used as patterns
V8_INLINE void RewriteNonPattern(bool* ok);
V8_INLINE void QueueDestructuringAssignmentForRewriting(
Expression* assignment);
V8_INLINE void QueueNonPatternForRewriting(Expression* expr, bool* ok);
friend class InitializerRewriter;
void RewriteParameterInitializer(Expression* expr, Scope* scope);
Expression* BuildCreateJSGeneratorObject(int pos, FunctionKind kind);
Expression* BuildResolvePromise(Expression* value, int pos);
Expression* BuildRejectPromise(Expression* value, int pos);
VariableProxy* BuildDotPromise();
VariableProxy* BuildDotDebugIsActive();
// Generic AST generator for throwing errors from compiled code.
Expression* NewThrowError(Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const AstRawString* arg, int pos);
void FinalizeIteratorUse(Variable* completion, Expression* condition,
Variable* iter, Block* iterator_use, Block* result);
Statement* FinalizeForOfStatement(ForOfStatement* loop, Variable* completion,
int pos);
void BuildIteratorClose(ZoneList<Statement*>* statements, Variable* iterator,
Variable* input, Variable* output);
void BuildIteratorCloseForCompletion(ZoneList<Statement*>* statements,
Variable* iterator,
Expression* completion);
Statement* CheckCallable(Variable* var, Expression* error, int pos);
V8_INLINE Expression* RewriteAwaitExpression(Expression* value, int pos);
Expression* RewriteYieldStar(Expression* generator, Expression* expression,
int pos);
void ParseArrowFunctionFormalParameters(ParserFormalParameters* parameters,
Expression* params, int end_pos,
bool* ok);
void SetFunctionName(Expression* value, const AstRawString* name);
// Helper functions for recursive descent.
V8_INLINE bool IsEval(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
return identifier == ast_value_factory()->eval_string();
V8_INLINE bool IsArguments(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
return identifier == ast_value_factory()->arguments_string();
V8_INLINE bool IsEvalOrArguments(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
return IsEval(identifier) || IsArguments(identifier);
V8_INLINE bool IsUndefined(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
return identifier == ast_value_factory()->undefined_string();
V8_INLINE bool IsFutureStrictReserved(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
return scanner()->IdentifierIsFutureStrictReserved(identifier);
// Returns true if the expression is of type "".
V8_INLINE static bool IsThisProperty(Expression* expression) {
DCHECK(expression != NULL);
Property* property = expression->AsProperty();
return property != NULL && property->obj()->IsVariableProxy() &&
// This returns true if the expression is an indentifier (wrapped
// inside a variable proxy). We exclude the case of 'this', which
// has been converted to a variable proxy.
V8_INLINE static bool IsIdentifier(Expression* expression) {
VariableProxy* operand = expression->AsVariableProxy();
return operand != nullptr && !operand->is_this();
V8_INLINE static const AstRawString* AsIdentifier(Expression* expression) {
return expression->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name();
V8_INLINE VariableProxy* AsIdentifierExpression(Expression* expression) {
return expression->AsVariableProxy();
V8_INLINE bool IsPrototype(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
return identifier == ast_value_factory()->prototype_string();
V8_INLINE bool IsConstructor(const AstRawString* identifier) const {
return identifier == ast_value_factory()->constructor_string();
V8_INLINE bool IsDirectEvalCall(Expression* expression) const {
if (!expression->IsCall()) return false;
expression = expression->AsCall()->expression();
return IsIdentifier(expression) && IsEval(AsIdentifier(expression));
V8_INLINE static bool IsBoilerplateProperty(
ObjectLiteral::Property* property) {
return ObjectLiteral::IsBoilerplateProperty(property);
V8_INLINE bool IsNative(Expression* expr) const {
return expr->IsVariableProxy() &&
expr->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name() ==
V8_INLINE static bool IsArrayIndex(const AstRawString* string,
uint32_t* index) {
return string->AsArrayIndex(index);
V8_INLINE bool IsUseStrictDirective(Statement* statement) const {
return IsStringLiteral(statement, ast_value_factory()->use_strict_string());
V8_INLINE bool IsUseAsmDirective(Statement* statement) const {
return IsStringLiteral(statement, ast_value_factory()->use_asm_string());
// Returns true if the statement is an expression statement containing
// a single string literal. If a second argument is given, the literal
// is also compared with it and the result is true only if they are equal.
V8_INLINE bool IsStringLiteral(Statement* statement,
const AstRawString* arg = nullptr) const {
ExpressionStatement* e_stat = statement->AsExpressionStatement();
if (e_stat == nullptr) return false;
Literal* literal = e_stat->expression()->AsLiteral();
if (literal == nullptr || !literal->raw_value()->IsString()) return false;
return arg == nullptr || literal->raw_value()->AsString() == arg;
V8_INLINE static Expression* GetPropertyValue(LiteralProperty* property) {
return property->value();
V8_INLINE void GetDefaultStrings(
const AstRawString** default_string,
const AstRawString** star_default_star_string) {
*default_string = ast_value_factory()->default_string();
*star_default_star_string = ast_value_factory()->star_default_star_string();
// Functions for encapsulating the differences between parsing and preparsing;
// operations interleaved with the recursive descent.
V8_INLINE void PushLiteralName(const AstRawString* id) {
V8_INLINE void PushVariableName(const AstRawString* id) {
V8_INLINE void PushPropertyName(Expression* expression) {
if (expression->IsPropertyName()) {
} else {
V8_INLINE void PushEnclosingName(const AstRawString* name) {
V8_INLINE void InferFunctionName(FunctionLiteral* func_to_infer) {
// If we assign a function literal to a property we pretenure the
// literal so it can be added as a constant function property.
V8_INLINE static void CheckAssigningFunctionLiteralToProperty(
Expression* left, Expression* right) {
DCHECK(left != NULL);
if (left->IsProperty() && right->IsFunctionLiteral()) {
// Determine if the expression is a variable proxy and mark it as being used
// in an assignment or with a increment/decrement operator.
V8_INLINE static Expression* MarkExpressionAsAssigned(
Expression* expression) {
VariableProxy* proxy =
expression != NULL ? expression->AsVariableProxy() : NULL;
if (proxy != NULL) proxy->set_is_assigned();
return expression;
// Returns true if we have a binary expression between two numeric
// literals. In that case, *x will be changed to an expression which is the
// computed value.
bool ShortcutNumericLiteralBinaryExpression(Expression** x, Expression* y,
Token::Value op, int pos);
// Rewrites the following types of unary expressions:
// not <literal> -> true / false
// + <numeric literal> -> <numeric literal>
// - <numeric literal> -> <numeric literal with value negated>
// ! <literal> -> true / false
// The following rewriting rules enable the collection of type feedback
// without any special stub and the multiplication is removed later in
// Crankshaft's canonicalization pass.
// + foo -> foo * 1
// - foo -> foo * (-1)
// ~ foo -> foo ^(~0)
Expression* BuildUnaryExpression(Expression* expression, Token::Value op,
int pos);
Expression* BuildIteratorResult(Expression* value, bool done);
// Generate AST node that throws a ReferenceError with the given type.
V8_INLINE Expression* NewThrowReferenceError(
MessageTemplate::Template message, int pos) {
return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewReferenceError, message,
ast_value_factory()->empty_string(), pos);
// Generate AST node that throws a SyntaxError with the given
// type. The first argument may be null (in the handle sense) in
// which case no arguments are passed to the constructor.
V8_INLINE Expression* NewThrowSyntaxError(MessageTemplate::Template message,
const AstRawString* arg, int pos) {
return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewSyntaxError, message, arg, pos);
// Generate AST node that throws a TypeError with the given
// type. Both arguments must be non-null (in the handle sense).
V8_INLINE Expression* NewThrowTypeError(MessageTemplate::Template message,
const AstRawString* arg, int pos) {
return NewThrowError(Runtime::kNewTypeError, message, arg, pos);
// Reporting errors.
V8_INLINE void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const char* arg = NULL,
ParseErrorType error_type = kSyntaxError) {
if (stack_overflow()) {
// Suppress the error message (syntax error or such) in the presence of a
// stack overflow. The isolate allows only one pending exception at at
// time
// and we want to report the stack overflow later.
source_location.end_pos, message,
arg, error_type);
V8_INLINE void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
MessageTemplate::Template message,
const AstRawString* arg,
ParseErrorType error_type = kSyntaxError) {
if (stack_overflow()) {
// Suppress the error message (syntax error or such) in the presence of a
// stack overflow. The isolate allows only one pending exception at at
// time
// and we want to report the stack overflow later.
source_location.end_pos, message,
arg, error_type);
// "null" return type creators.
V8_INLINE static const AstRawString* EmptyIdentifier() { return nullptr; }
V8_INLINE static bool IsEmptyIdentifier(const AstRawString* name) {
return name == nullptr;
V8_INLINE static Expression* EmptyExpression() { return nullptr; }
V8_INLINE static Literal* EmptyLiteral() { return nullptr; }
V8_INLINE static ObjectLiteralProperty* EmptyObjectLiteralProperty() {
return nullptr;
V8_INLINE static ClassLiteralProperty* EmptyClassLiteralProperty() {
return nullptr;
V8_INLINE static FunctionLiteral* EmptyFunctionLiteral() { return nullptr; }
V8_INLINE static Block* NullBlock() { return nullptr; }
V8_INLINE static bool IsEmptyExpression(Expression* expr) {
return expr == nullptr;
// Used in error return values.
V8_INLINE static ZoneList<Expression*>* NullExpressionList() {
return nullptr;
V8_INLINE static bool IsNullExpressionList(ZoneList<Expression*>* exprs) {
return exprs == nullptr;
V8_INLINE static ZoneList<Statement*>* NullStatementList() { return nullptr; }
V8_INLINE static bool IsNullStatementList(ZoneList<Statement*>* stmts) {
return stmts == nullptr;
V8_INLINE static Statement* NullStatement() { return nullptr; }
V8_INLINE bool IsNullStatement(Statement* stmt) { return stmt == nullptr; }
V8_INLINE bool IsEmptyStatement(Statement* stmt) {
return stmt->IsEmpty();
// Non-NULL empty string.
V8_INLINE const AstRawString* EmptyIdentifierString() const {
return ast_value_factory()->empty_string();
// Odd-ball literal creators.
V8_INLINE Literal* GetLiteralTheHole(int position) {
return factory()->NewTheHoleLiteral(kNoSourcePosition);
// Producing data during the recursive descent.
V8_INLINE const AstRawString* GetSymbol() const {
const AstRawString* result = scanner()->CurrentSymbol(ast_value_factory());
DCHECK(result != NULL);
return result;
V8_INLINE const AstRawString* GetNextSymbol() const {
return scanner()->NextSymbol(ast_value_factory());
V8_INLINE const AstRawString* GetNumberAsSymbol() const {
double double_value = scanner()->DoubleValue();
char array[100];
const char* string = DoubleToCString(double_value, ArrayVector(array));
return ast_value_factory()->GetOneByteString(string);
V8_INLINE Expression* ThisExpression(int pos = kNoSourcePosition) {
return NewUnresolved(ast_value_factory()->this_string(), pos, pos + 4,
Expression* NewSuperPropertyReference(int pos);
Expression* NewSuperCallReference(int pos);
Expression* NewTargetExpression(int pos);
Expression* FunctionSentExpression(int pos);
Literal* ExpressionFromLiteral(Token::Value token, int pos);
V8_INLINE Expression* ExpressionFromIdentifier(
const AstRawString* name, int start_position, int end_position,
InferName infer = InferName::kYes) {
if (infer == InferName::kYes) {
return NewUnresolved(name, start_position, end_position);
V8_INLINE Expression* ExpressionFromString(int pos) {
const AstRawString* symbol = GetSymbol();
return factory()->NewStringLiteral(symbol, pos);
V8_INLINE ZoneList<Expression*>* NewExpressionList(int size) const {
return new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(size, zone());
V8_INLINE ZoneList<ObjectLiteral::Property*>* NewPropertyList(
int size) const {
return new (zone()) ZoneList<ObjectLiteral::Property*>(size, zone());
V8_INLINE ZoneList<ClassLiteral::Property*>* NewClassPropertyList(
int size) const {
return new (zone()) ZoneList<ClassLiteral::Property*>(size, zone());
V8_INLINE ZoneList<Statement*>* NewStatementList(int size) const {
return new (zone()) ZoneList<Statement*>(size, zone());
V8_INLINE ZoneList<CaseClause*>* NewCaseClauseList(int size) const {
return new (zone()) ZoneList<CaseClause*>(size, zone());
V8_INLINE Block* NewBlock(ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* labels, int capacity,
bool ignore_completion_value, int pos) {
return factory()->NewBlock(labels, capacity, ignore_completion_value, pos);
V8_INLINE Expression* NewV8Intrinsic(const AstRawString* name,
ZoneList<Expression*>* args, int pos,
bool* ok);
V8_INLINE Statement* NewThrowStatement(Expression* exception, int pos) {
return factory()->NewExpressionStatement(
factory()->NewThrow(exception, pos), pos);
V8_INLINE void AddParameterInitializationBlock(
const ParserFormalParameters& parameters, ZoneList<Statement*>* body,
bool is_async, bool* ok) {
if (parameters.is_simple) return;
auto* init_block = BuildParameterInitializationBlock(parameters, ok);
if (!*ok) return;
if (is_async) {
init_block = BuildRejectPromiseOnException(init_block, ok);
if (!*ok) return;
if (init_block != nullptr) body->Add(init_block, zone());
V8_INLINE void AddFormalParameter(ParserFormalParameters* parameters,
Expression* pattern,
Expression* initializer,
int initializer_end_position,
bool is_rest) {
bool is_simple = pattern->IsVariableProxy() && initializer == nullptr;
const AstRawString* name = is_simple
? pattern->AsVariableProxy()->raw_name()
: ast_value_factory()->empty_string();
ParserFormalParameters::Parameter(name, pattern, initializer,
initializer_end_position, is_rest),
V8_INLINE void DeclareFormalParameter(
DeclarationScope* scope,
const ParserFormalParameters::Parameter& parameter) {
bool is_duplicate = false;
bool is_simple = classifier()->is_simple_parameter_list();
auto name = is_simple || parameter.is_rest
: ast_value_factory()->empty_string();
auto mode = is_simple || parameter.is_rest ? VAR : TEMPORARY;
if (!is_simple) scope->SetHasNonSimpleParameters();
bool is_optional = parameter.initializer != nullptr;
Variable* var =
scope->DeclareParameter(name, mode, is_optional, parameter.is_rest,
&is_duplicate, ast_value_factory());
if (is_duplicate) {
if (is_sloppy(scope->language_mode())) {
// TODO(sigurds) Mark every parameter as maybe assigned. This is a
// conservative approximation necessary to account for parameters
// that are assigned via the arguments array.
void ParseArrowFunctionFormalParameterList(
ParserFormalParameters* parameters, Expression* params,
const Scanner::Location& params_loc, Scanner::Location* duplicate_loc,
const Scope::Snapshot& scope_snapshot, bool* ok);
void ReindexLiterals(const ParserFormalParameters& parameters);
V8_INLINE Expression* NoTemplateTag() { return NULL; }
V8_INLINE static bool IsTaggedTemplate(const Expression* tag) {
return tag != NULL;
V8_INLINE void MaterializeUnspreadArgumentsLiterals(int count) {}
Expression* ExpressionListToExpression(ZoneList<Expression*>* args);
void AddAccessorPrefixToFunctionName(bool is_get, FunctionLiteral* function,
const AstRawString* name);
void SetFunctionNameFromPropertyName(ObjectLiteralProperty* property,
const AstRawString* name);
void SetFunctionNameFromIdentifierRef(Expression* value,
Expression* identifier);
V8_INLINE ZoneList<typename ExpressionClassifier::Error>*
GetReportedErrorList() const {
return function_state_->GetReportedErrorList();
V8_INLINE ZoneList<Expression*>* GetNonPatternList() const {
return function_state_->non_patterns_to_rewrite();
V8_INLINE void CountUsage(v8::Isolate::UseCounterFeature feature) {
// Parser's private field members.
Scanner scanner_;
PreParser* reusable_preparser_;
Scope* original_scope_; // for ES5 function declarations in sloppy eval
friend class ParserTarget;
friend class ParserTargetScope;
ParserTarget* target_stack_; // for break, continue statements
ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options_;
ParseData* cached_parse_data_;
PendingCompilationErrorHandler pending_error_handler_;
// Other information which will be stored in Parser and moved to Isolate after
// parsing.
int use_counts_[v8::Isolate::kUseCounterFeatureCount];
int total_preparse_skipped_;
HistogramTimer* pre_parse_timer_;
bool parsing_on_main_thread_;
#ifdef DEBUG
void Print(AstNode* node);
#endif // DEBUG
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_PARSING_PARSER_H_