blob: a7b4e7cf437083bcb80e4dc396847711ae2143b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/id_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/browser/cache_storage/cache_storage_cache_handle.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/disk_cache/disk_cache.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/quota/quota_types.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/modules/cache_storage/cache_storage.mojom.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace crypto {
class SymmetricKey;
namespace storage {
class BlobStorageContext;
class QuotaManagerProxy;
namespace content {
class CacheStorage;
class CacheStorageBlobToDiskCache;
class CacheStorageCacheEntryHandler;
class CacheStorageCacheObserver;
class CacheStorageScheduler;
enum class CacheStorageOwner;
struct PutContext;
namespace proto {
class CacheMetadata;
class CacheResponse;
namespace cache_storage_cache_unittest {
class TestCacheStorageCache;
class CacheStorageCacheTest;
} // namespace cache_storage_cache_unittest
// Represents a ServiceWorker Cache as seen in
// The
// asynchronous methods are executed serially. Callbacks to the public functions
// will be called so long as the cache object lives.
class CONTENT_EXPORT CacheStorageCache {
using CacheEntry = std::pair<std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest>,
using CacheEntriesCallback =
using ErrorCallback =
using VerboseErrorCallback =
using BadMessageCallback = base::OnceCallback<void()>;
using ResponseCallback =
using ResponsesCallback =
using Requests = std::vector<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest>;
using RequestsCallback =
using SizeCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(int64_t)>;
using SizePaddingCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(int64_t, int64_t)>;
// The stream index for a cache Entry. This cannot be extended without changes
// in the Entry implementation. INDEX_SIDE_DATA is used for storing any
// additional data, such as response side blobs or request bodies.
static std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageCache> CreateMemoryCache(
const url::Origin& origin,
CacheStorageOwner owner,
const std::string& cache_name,
CacheStorage* cache_storage,
scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy> quota_manager_proxy,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_context,
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SymmetricKey> cache_padding_key);
static std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageCache> CreatePersistentCache(
const url::Origin& origin,
CacheStorageOwner owner,
const std::string& cache_name,
CacheStorage* cache_storage,
const base::FilePath& path,
scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy> quota_manager_proxy,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_context,
int64_t cache_size,
int64_t cache_padding,
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SymmetricKey> cache_padding_key);
static int64_t CalculateResponsePadding(
const blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponse& response,
const crypto::SymmetricKey* padding_key,
int side_data_size);
static int32_t GetResponsePaddingVersion();
// Returns ERROR_TYPE_NOT_FOUND if not found.
void Match(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr match_params,
ResponseCallback callback);
// Returns blink::mojom::CacheStorageError::kSuccess and matched
// responses in this cache. If there are no responses, returns
// blink::mojom::CacheStorageError::kSuccess and an empty vector.
void MatchAll(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr match_params,
ResponsesCallback callback);
// Writes the side data (ex: V8 code cache) for the specified cache entry.
// If it doesn't exist, or the |expected_response_time| differs from the
// entry's, blink::mojom::CacheStorageError::kErrorNotFound is returned.
// Note: This "side data" is same meaning as "metadata" in HTTPCache. We use
// "metadata" in cache_storage.proto for the pair of headers of a request and
// a response. To avoid the confusion we use "side data" here.
void WriteSideData(CacheStorageCache::ErrorCallback callback,
const GURL& url,
base::Time expected_response_time,
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer,
int buf_len);
// Runs given batch operations. This corresponds to the Batch Cache Operations
// algorithm in the spec.
// |operations| cannot mix PUT and DELETE operations and cannot contain
// multiple DELETE operations.
// In the case of the PUT operation, puts request and response objects in the
// cache and returns OK when all operations are successfully completed.
// In the case of the DELETE operation, returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND if a specified
// entry is not found. Otherwise deletes it and returns OK.
// TODO(nhiroki): This function should run all operations atomically.
void BatchOperation(std::vector<blink::mojom::BatchOperationPtr> operations,
bool fail_on_duplicates,
VerboseErrorCallback callback,
BadMessageCallback bad_message_callback);
void BatchDidGetUsageAndQuota(
std::vector<blink::mojom::BatchOperationPtr> operations,
VerboseErrorCallback callback,
BadMessageCallback bad_message_callback,
base::Optional<std::string> message,
uint64_t space_required,
uint64_t side_data_size,
blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode status_code,
int64_t usage,
int64_t quota);
// Callback passed to operations. If |error| is a real error, invokes
// |error_callback|. Always invokes |completion_closure| to signal
// completion.
void BatchDidOneOperation(base::OnceClosure completion_closure,
VerboseErrorCallback error_callback,
base::Optional<std::string> message,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error);
// Callback invoked once all BatchDidOneOperation() calls have run.
// Invokes |error_callback|.
void BatchDidAllOperations(VerboseErrorCallback error_callback,
base::Optional<std::string> message);
// Returns blink::mojom::CacheStorageError::kSuccess and a vector of
// requests if there are no errors.
void Keys(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr options,
RequestsCallback callback);
// Closes the backend. Future operations that require the backend
// will exit early. Close should only be called once per CacheStorageCache.
void Close(base::OnceClosure callback);
// The size of the cache's contents.
void Size(SizeCallback callback);
// Gets the cache's size, closes the backend, and then runs |callback| with
// the cache's size.
void GetSizeThenClose(SizeCallback callback);
// Puts the request/response pair in the cache. This is a public member to
// directly bypass the batch operations and write into the cache. This is used
// by non-CacheAPI owners. The Cache Storage API uses batch operations defined
// in the dispatcher.
void Put(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponsePtr response,
ErrorCallback callback);
// Similar to MatchAll, but returns the associated requests as well.
void GetAllMatchedEntries(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr match_params,
CacheEntriesCallback callback);
// Async operations in progress will cancel and not run their callbacks.
virtual ~CacheStorageCache();
base::FilePath path() const { return path_; }
std::string cache_name() const { return cache_name_; }
int64_t cache_size() const { return cache_size_; }
int64_t cache_padding() const { return cache_padding_; }
const crypto::SymmetricKey* cache_padding_key() const {
return cache_padding_key_.get();
// Return the total cache size (actual size + padding). If either is unknown
// then CacheStorage::kSizeUnknown is returned.
int64_t PaddedCacheSize() const;
// Set the one observer that will be notified of changes to this cache.
// Note: Either the observer must have a lifetime longer than this instance
// or call SetObserver(nullptr) to stop receiving notification of changes.
void SetObserver(CacheStorageCacheObserver* observer);
base::WeakPtr<CacheStorageCache> AsWeakPtr();
// virtual for testing
virtual CacheStorageCacheHandle CreateHandle();
void AddHandleRef();
void DropHandleRef();
void AssertUnreferenced() const;
// QueryCache types:
enum QueryCacheFlags {
// The backend progresses from uninitialized, to open, to closed, and cannot
// reverse direction. The open step may be skipped.
enum BackendState {
BACKEND_UNINITIALIZED, // No backend, create backend on first operation.
BACKEND_OPEN, // Backend can be used.
BACKEND_CLOSED // Backend cannot be used. All ops should fail.
friend class base::RefCounted<CacheStorageCache>;
friend class cache_storage_cache_unittest::TestCacheStorageCache;
friend class cache_storage_cache_unittest::CacheStorageCacheTest;
struct QueryCacheContext;
struct QueryCacheResult;
using QueryTypes = int32_t;
using QueryCacheResults = std::vector<QueryCacheResult>;
using QueryCacheCallback =
using Entries = std::vector<disk_cache::Entry*>;
using ScopedBackendPtr = std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Backend>;
using BlobToDiskCacheIDMap =
const url::Origin& origin,
CacheStorageOwner owner,
const std::string& cache_name,
const base::FilePath& path,
CacheStorage* cache_storage,
scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy> quota_manager_proxy,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_context,
int64_t cache_size,
int64_t cache_padding,
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SymmetricKey> cache_padding_key);
// Runs |callback| with matching requests/response data. The data provided
// in the QueryCacheResults depends on the |query_type|. If |query_type| is
// CACHE_ENTRIES then only out_entries is valid. If |query_type| is REQUESTS
// then only out_requests is valid. If |query_type| is
// REQUESTS_AND_RESPONSES then only out_requests, out_responses, and
// out_blob_data_handles are valid.
void QueryCache(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr options,
QueryTypes query_types,
QueryCacheCallback callback);
void QueryCacheDidOpenFastPath(
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheContext> query_cache_context,
int rv);
void QueryCacheOpenNextEntry(
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheContext> query_cache_context);
void QueryCacheFilterEntry(
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheContext> query_cache_context,
int rv);
void QueryCacheDidReadMetadata(
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheContext> query_cache_context,
disk_cache::ScopedEntryPtr entry,
std::unique_ptr<proto::CacheMetadata> metadata);
static bool QueryCacheResultCompare(const QueryCacheResult& lhs,
const QueryCacheResult& rhs);
static size_t EstimatedResponseSizeWithoutBlob(
const blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponse& response);
// Match callbacks
void MatchImpl(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr match_params,
ResponseCallback callback);
void MatchDidMatchAll(
ResponseCallback callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError match_all_error,
std::vector<blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponsePtr> match_all_responses);
// MatchAll callbacks
void MatchAllImpl(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr options,
ResponsesCallback callback);
void MatchAllDidQueryCache(
ResponsesCallback callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error,
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheResults> query_cache_results);
// WriteSideData callbacks
void WriteSideDataDidGetQuota(ErrorCallback callback,
const GURL& url,
base::Time expected_response_time,
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer,
int buf_len,
blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode status_code,
int64_t usage,
int64_t quota);
void WriteSideDataImpl(ErrorCallback callback,
const GURL& url,
base::Time expected_response_time,
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer,
int buf_len);
void WriteSideDataDidGetUsageAndQuota(
ErrorCallback callback,
const GURL& url,
base::Time expected_response_time,
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer,
int buf_len,
blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode status_code,
int64_t usage,
int64_t quota);
void WriteSideDataDidOpenEntry(ErrorCallback callback,
base::Time expected_response_time,
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer,
int buf_len,
std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Entry*> entry_ptr,
int rv);
void WriteSideDataDidReadMetaData(
ErrorCallback callback,
base::Time expected_response_time,
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer,
int buf_len,
disk_cache::ScopedEntryPtr entry,
std::unique_ptr<proto::CacheMetadata> headers);
void WriteSideDataDidWrite(
ErrorCallback callback,
disk_cache::ScopedEntryPtr entry,
int expected_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<content::proto::CacheResponse> response,
int side_data_size_before_write,
int rv);
// Puts the request and response object in the cache. The response body (if
// present) is stored in the cache, but not the request body. Returns OK on
// success.
void Put(blink::mojom::BatchOperationPtr operation, ErrorCallback callback);
void PutImpl(std::unique_ptr<PutContext> put_context);
void PutDidDeleteEntry(std::unique_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error);
void PutDidGetUsageAndQuota(std::unique_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode status_code,
int64_t usage,
int64_t quota);
void PutDidCreateEntry(std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Entry*> entry_ptr,
std::unique_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
int rv);
void PutDidWriteHeaders(std::unique_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
int expected_bytes,
int rv);
void PutWriteBlobToCache(std::unique_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
int disk_cache_body_index);
void PutDidWriteBlobToCache(std::unique_ptr<PutContext> put_context,
BlobToDiskCacheIDMap::KeyType blob_to_cache_key,
disk_cache::ScopedEntryPtr entry,
bool success);
// Asynchronously calculates the current cache size, notifies the quota
// manager of any change from the last report, and sets cache_size_ to the new
// size.
void UpdateCacheSize(base::OnceClosure callback);
void UpdateCacheSizeGotSize(CacheStorageCacheHandle,
base::OnceClosure callback,
int64_t current_cache_size);
// GetAllMatchedEntries callbacks.
void GetAllMatchedEntriesImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr options,
CacheEntriesCallback callback);
void GetAllMatchedEntriesDidQueryCache(
CacheEntriesCallback callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error,
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheResults> query_cache_results);
// Returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND if not found. Otherwise deletes and returns OK.
void Delete(blink::mojom::BatchOperationPtr operation,
ErrorCallback callback);
void DeleteImpl(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr match_params,
ErrorCallback callback);
void DeleteDidQueryCache(
ErrorCallback callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error,
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheResults> query_cache_results);
// Keys callbacks.
void KeysImpl(std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerFetchRequest> request,
blink::mojom::QueryParamsPtr options,
RequestsCallback callback);
void KeysDidQueryCache(
RequestsCallback callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error,
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheResults> query_cache_results);
void CloseImpl(base::OnceClosure callback);
void SizeImpl(SizeCallback callback);
void GetSizeThenCloseDidGetSize(SizeCallback callback, int64_t cache_size);
// Loads the backend and calls the callback with the result (true for
// success). The callback will always be called. Virtual for tests.
virtual void CreateBackend(ErrorCallback callback);
void CreateBackendDidCreate(ErrorCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<ScopedBackendPtr> backend_ptr,
int rv);
// Calculate the size and padding of the cache.
void CalculateCacheSizePadding(SizePaddingCallback callback);
void CalculateCacheSizePaddingGotSize(SizePaddingCallback callback,
int64_t cache_size);
void PaddingDidQueryCache(
SizePaddingCallback callback,
int64_t cache_size,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error,
std::unique_ptr<QueryCacheResults> query_cache_results);
// Calculate the size (but not padding) of the cache.
void CalculateCacheSize(const net::Int64CompletionCallback& callback);
void InitBackend();
void InitDidCreateBackend(base::OnceClosure callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError cache_create_error);
void InitGotCacheSize(base::OnceClosure callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError cache_create_error,
int64_t cache_size);
void InitGotCacheSizeAndPadding(
base::OnceClosure callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError cache_create_error,
int64_t cache_size,
int64_t cache_padding);
void DeleteBackendCompletedIO();
// Be sure to check |backend_state_| before use.
std::unique_ptr<disk_cache::Backend> backend_;
url::Origin origin_;
CacheStorageOwner owner_;
const std::string cache_name_;
base::FilePath path_;
// Raw pointer is safe because CacheStorage owns this object.
CacheStorage* cache_storage_;
scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy> quota_manager_proxy_;
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_storage_context_;
BackendState backend_state_ = BACKEND_UNINITIALIZED;
std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageScheduler> scheduler_;
bool initializing_ = false;
// The actual cache size (not including padding).
int64_t cache_size_;
int64_t cache_padding_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<crypto::SymmetricKey> cache_padding_key_;
int64_t last_reported_size_ = 0;
size_t max_query_size_bytes_;
size_t handle_ref_count_ = 0;
CacheStorageCacheObserver* cache_observer_;
std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageCacheEntryHandler> cache_entry_handler_;
// Owns the elements of the list
BlobToDiskCacheIDMap active_blob_to_disk_cache_writers_;
// Whether or not to store data in disk or memory.
bool memory_only_;
// Active while waiting for the backend to finish its closing up, and contains
// the callback passed to CloseImpl.
base::OnceClosure post_backend_closed_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CacheStorageCache> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace content