blob: 9b868c9e0e56611b34d0022466069ea060a91cd8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_absolute_utils.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_child_iterator.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_box_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_floats_utils.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_fragment_builder.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_opportunity_iterator.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_out_of_flow_layout_part.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_space_utils.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Optional.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Adjusts {@code offset} to the clearance line.
void AdjustToClearance(const WTF::Optional<LayoutUnit>& clearance_offset,
NGLogicalOffset* offset) {
if (clearance_offset) {
offset->block_offset =
std::max(clearance_offset.value(), offset->block_offset);
// Returns if a child may be affected by its clear property. I.e. it will
// actually clear a float.
bool ClearanceMayAffectLayout(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const Vector<RefPtr<NGFloatingObject>>& unpositioned_floats,
const ComputedStyle& child_style) {
const NGExclusions& exclusions = *space.Exclusions();
EClear clear = child_style.Clear();
bool should_clear_left = (clear == EClear::kBoth || clear == EClear::kLeft);
bool should_clear_right = (clear == EClear::kBoth || clear == EClear::kRight);
if (exclusions.last_left_float && should_clear_left)
return true;
if (exclusions.last_right_float && should_clear_right)
return true;
auto should_clear_pred =
[&](const RefPtr<const NGFloatingObject>& unpositioned_float) {
return (unpositioned_float->IsLeft() && should_clear_left) ||
(unpositioned_float->IsRight() && should_clear_right);
if (std::any_of(unpositioned_floats.begin(), unpositioned_floats.end(),
return true;
return false;
// Whether we've run out of space in this flow. If so, there will be no work
// left to do for this block in this fragmentainer.
bool IsOutOfSpace(const NGConstraintSpace& space, LayoutUnit content_size) {
return space.HasBlockFragmentation() &&
content_size >= space.FragmentainerSpaceAvailable();
} // namespace
void MaybeUpdateFragmentBfcOffset(const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const NGLogicalOffset& offset,
NGFragmentBuilder* builder) {
if (!builder->BfcOffset()) {
NGLogicalOffset mutable_offset(offset);
AdjustToClearance(space.ClearanceOffset(), &mutable_offset);
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm(NGBlockNode* node,
NGConstraintSpace* space,
NGBlockBreakToken* break_token)
: NGLayoutAlgorithm(node, space, break_token),
builder_(NGPhysicalFragment::kFragmentBox, node),
space_builder_(constraint_space_) {}
Optional<MinMaxContentSize> NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeMinMaxContentSize()
const {
MinMaxContentSize sizes;
// Size-contained elements don't consider their contents for intrinsic sizing.
if (Style().ContainsSize())
return sizes;
// TODO: handle floats & orthogonal children.
for (NGLayoutInputNode* node = Node()->FirstChild(); node;
node = node->NextSibling()) {
MinMaxContentSize child_sizes;
if (node->IsInline()) {
// From |NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm| perspective, we can handle |NGInlineNode|
// almost the same as |NGBlockNode|, because an |NGInlineNode| includes
// all inline nodes following |node| and their descendants, and produces
// an anonymous box that contains all line boxes.
// |NextSibling| returns the next block sibling, or nullptr, skipping all
// following inline siblings and descendants.
child_sizes = node->ComputeMinMaxContentSize();
} else {
Optional<MinMaxContentSize> child_minmax;
if (NeedMinMaxContentSizeForContentContribution(node->Style())) {
child_minmax = node->ComputeMinMaxContentSize();
child_sizes =
ComputeMinAndMaxContentContribution(node->Style(), child_minmax);
sizes.min_content = std::max(sizes.min_content, child_sizes.min_content);
sizes.max_content = std::max(sizes.max_content, child_sizes.max_content);
sizes.max_content = std::max(sizes.min_content, sizes.max_content);
return sizes;
NGLogicalOffset NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateLogicalOffset(
const WTF::Optional<NGLogicalOffset>& known_fragment_offset) {
LayoutUnit inline_offset =
border_and_padding_.inline_start + curr_child_margins_.inline_start;
LayoutUnit block_offset = content_size_;
if (known_fragment_offset) {
block_offset = known_fragment_offset.value().block_offset -
return {inline_offset, block_offset};
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::Layout() {
WTF::Optional<MinMaxContentSize> min_max_size;
if (NeedMinMaxContentSize(ConstraintSpace(), Style()))
min_max_size = ComputeMinMaxContentSize();
border_and_padding_ = ComputeBorders(ConstraintSpace(), Style()) +
ComputePadding(ConstraintSpace(), Style());
// TODO(layout-ng): For quirks mode, should we pass blockSize instead of -1?
NGLogicalSize size(
ComputeInlineSizeForFragment(ConstraintSpace(), Style(), min_max_size),
ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(ConstraintSpace(), Style(),
// Our calculated block-axis size may be indefinite at this point.
// If so, just leave the size as NGSizeIndefinite instead of subtracting
// borders and padding.
NGLogicalSize adjusted_size(size);
if (size.block_size == NGSizeIndefinite)
adjusted_size.inline_size -= border_and_padding_.InlineSum();
adjusted_size -= border_and_padding_;
NGBlockChildIterator child_iterator(Node()->FirstChild(), BreakToken());
NGBlockChildIterator::Entry entry = child_iterator.NextChild();
NGLayoutInputNode* child = entry.node;
NGBreakToken* child_break_token = entry.token;
// If we are resuming from a break token our start border and padding is
// within a previous fragment.
content_size_ = BreakToken() ? LayoutUnit() : border_and_padding_.block_start;
curr_margin_strut_ = ConstraintSpace().MarginStrut();
curr_bfc_offset_ = ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset();
// Margins collapsing:
// Do not collapse margins between parent and its child if there is
// border/padding between them.
if (border_and_padding_.block_start) {
curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset += curr_margin_strut_.Sum();
MaybeUpdateFragmentBfcOffset(ConstraintSpace(), curr_bfc_offset_,
curr_margin_strut_ = NGMarginStrut();
// If a new formatting context hits the if branch above then the BFC offset is
// still {} as the margin strut from the constraint space must also be empty.
if (ConstraintSpace().IsNewFormattingContext()) {
MaybeUpdateFragmentBfcOffset(ConstraintSpace(), curr_bfc_offset_,
DCHECK_EQ(curr_margin_strut_, NGMarginStrut());
DCHECK_EQ(builder_.BfcOffset().value(), NGLogicalOffset());
curr_bfc_offset_ = {};
curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset += content_size_;
while (child) {
if (child->IsBlock()) {
EPosition position = child->Style().GetPosition();
if (position == EPosition::kAbsolute || position == EPosition::kFixed) {
// TODO(ikilpatrick): curr_margin_strut_ shouldn't be included if there
// is no content size yet? See floats-wrap-inside-inline-006.
NGLogicalOffset offset = {border_and_padding_.inline_start,
content_size_ + curr_margin_strut_.Sum()};
builder_.AddOutOfFlowChildCandidate(ToNGBlockNode(child), offset);
NGBlockChildIterator::Entry entry = child_iterator.NextChild();
child = entry.node;
child_break_token = entry.token;
RefPtr<NGConstraintSpace> child_space =
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result =
child->Layout(child_space.Get(), child_break_token);
FinishChildLayout(child, child_space.Get(), layout_result);
entry = child_iterator.NextChild();
child = entry.node;
child_break_token = entry.token;
if (IsOutOfSpace(ConstraintSpace(), content_size_))
// Margins collapsing:
// Bottom margins of an in-flow block box doesn't collapse with its last
// in-flow block-level child's bottom margin if the box has bottom
// border/padding.
content_size_ += border_and_padding_.block_end;
if (border_and_padding_.block_end ||
ConstraintSpace().IsNewFormattingContext()) {
content_size_ += curr_margin_strut_.Sum();
curr_margin_strut_ = NGMarginStrut();
// Recompute the block-axis size now that we know our content size.
size.block_size =
ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(ConstraintSpace(), Style(), content_size_);
// Layout our absolute and fixed positioned children.
NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart(ConstraintSpace(), Style(), &builder_).Run();
// Non-empty blocks always know their position in space:
if (size.block_size) {
curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset += curr_margin_strut_.Sum();
MaybeUpdateFragmentBfcOffset(ConstraintSpace(), curr_bfc_offset_,
MutableConstraintSpace(), &builder_);
// Margins collapsing:
// Do not collapse margins between the last in-flow child and bottom margin
// of its parent if the parent has height != auto()
if (!Style().LogicalHeight().IsAuto()) {
// TODO(glebl): handle minLogicalHeight, maxLogicalHeight.
curr_margin_strut_ = NGMarginStrut();
builder_.SetOverflowSize(NGLogicalSize(max_inline_size_, content_size_));
if (ConstraintSpace().HasBlockFragmentation())
return builder_.ToBoxFragment();
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::PrepareChildLayout(NGLayoutInputNode* child) {
// Calculate margins in parent's writing mode.
curr_child_margins_ = CalculateMargins(
child, *space_builder_.ToConstraintSpace(
// Set estimated BFC offset to the next child's constraint space.
curr_bfc_offset_ = builder_.BfcOffset() ? builder_.BfcOffset().value()
: ConstraintSpace().BfcOffset();
curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset += content_size_;
curr_bfc_offset_.inline_offset += border_and_padding_.inline_start;
bool is_floating = child->IsBlock() && child->Style().IsFloating();
bool should_position_pending_floats =
child->IsBlock() && !is_floating &&
!IsNewFormattingContextForBlockLevelChild(Style(), *child) &&
ClearanceMayAffectLayout(ConstraintSpace(), builder_.UnpositionedFloats(),
// Children which may clear a float need to force all the pending floats to
// be positioned before layout. This also resolves the fragment's bfc offset.
if (should_position_pending_floats) {
LayoutUnit origin_point_block_offset =
curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset + curr_margin_strut_.Sum();
{curr_bfc_offset_.inline_offset, origin_point_block_offset}, &builder_);
PositionPendingFloats(origin_point_block_offset, MutableConstraintSpace(),
bool is_inflow = child->IsInline() || !is_floating;
// Only inflow children (e.g. not floats) are included in the child's margin
// strut as they do not participate in margin collapsing.
if (is_inflow) {
curr_bfc_offset_.inline_offset += curr_child_margins_.inline_start;
// Append the current margin strut with child's block start margin.
// Non empty border/padding use cases are handled inside of the child's
// layout.
// TODO(ikilpatrick): Children which establish new formatting contexts need
// to be placed using the opportunity iterator before we can collapse margins.
// If the child is placed at the block_start of this fragment, then its
// margins do impact the position of its parent, if not (its placed below a
// float for example) it doesn't. \o/
bool should_collapse_margins =
child->IsInline() ||
(!is_floating &&
IsNewFormattingContextForBlockLevelChild(Style(), *child));
// Inline children or children which establish a block formatting context
// collapse margins and position themselves immediately as they need to know
// their BFC offset for fragmentation purposes.
if (should_collapse_margins) {
curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset += curr_margin_strut_.Sum();
MaybeUpdateFragmentBfcOffset(ConstraintSpace(), curr_bfc_offset_,
MutableConstraintSpace(), &builder_);
curr_margin_strut_ = {};
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::FinishChildLayout(
NGLayoutInputNode* child,
NGConstraintSpace* child_space,
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result) {
NGBoxFragment fragment(
// Pull out unpositioned floats to the current fragment. This may needed if
// for example the child fragment could not position its floats because it's
// empty and therefore couldn't determine its position in space.
if (child->IsBlock() && child->Style().IsFloating()) {
NGLogicalOffset origin_offset = constraint_space_->BfcOffset();
origin_offset.inline_offset += border_and_padding_.inline_start;
RefPtr<NGFloatingObject> floating_object = NGFloatingObject::Create(
child->Style(), child_space->WritingMode(),
child_space->AvailableSize(), origin_offset,
constraint_space_->BfcOffset(), curr_child_margins_,
// No need to postpone the positioning if we know the correct offset.
if (builder_.BfcOffset()) {
NGLogicalOffset origin_point = curr_bfc_offset_;
// Adjust origin point to the margins of the last child.
// Example: <div style="margin-bottom: 20px"><float></div>
// <div style="margin-bottom: 30px"></div>
origin_point.block_offset += curr_margin_strut_.Sum();
PositionPendingFloats(origin_point.block_offset, MutableConstraintSpace(),
// Determine the fragment's position in the parent space either by using
// content_size_ or known fragment's BFC offset.
WTF::Optional<NGLogicalOffset> bfc_offset;
if (child_space->IsNewFormattingContext()) {
bfc_offset = curr_bfc_offset_;
} else if (fragment.BfcOffset()) {
// Fragment that knows its offset can be used to set parent's BFC position.
curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset = fragment.BfcOffset().value().block_offset;
MaybeUpdateFragmentBfcOffset(ConstraintSpace(), curr_bfc_offset_,
MutableConstraintSpace(), &builder_);
bfc_offset = curr_bfc_offset_;
} else if (builder_.BfcOffset()) {
// Fragment doesn't know its offset but we can still calculate its BFC
// position because the parent fragment's BFC is known.
// Example:
// BFC Offset is known here because of the padding.
// <div style="padding: 1px">
// <div id="empty-div" style="margins: 1px"></div>
bfc_offset = curr_bfc_offset_;
bfc_offset.value().block_offset += curr_margin_strut_.Sum();
NGLogicalOffset logical_offset = CalculateLogicalOffset(bfc_offset);
// Update margin strut.
curr_margin_strut_ = fragment.EndMarginStrut();
// Only modify content_size if BlockSize is not empty. It's needed to prevent
// the situation when logical_offset is included in content_size for empty
// blocks. Example:
// <div style="overflow:hidden">
// <div style="margin-top: 8px"></div>
// <div style="margin-top: 10px"></div>
// </div>
if (fragment.BlockSize())
content_size_ = fragment.BlockSize() + logical_offset.block_offset;
max_inline_size_ =
std::max(max_inline_size_, fragment.InlineSize() +
curr_child_margins_.InlineSum() +
builder_.AddChild(layout_result, logical_offset);
void NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::FinalizeForFragmentation() {
LayoutUnit used_block_size =
BreakToken() ? BreakToken()->UsedBlockSize() : LayoutUnit();
LayoutUnit block_size = ComputeBlockSizeForFragment(
ConstraintSpace(), Style(), used_block_size + content_size_);
block_size -= used_block_size;
DCHECK_GE(block_size, LayoutUnit())
<< "Adding and subtracting the used_block_size shouldn't leave the "
"block_size for this fragment smaller than zero.";
DCHECK(builder_.BfcOffset()) << "We must have our BfcOffset by this point "
"to determine the space left in the flow.";
LayoutUnit space_left = ConstraintSpace().FragmentainerSpaceAvailable() -
DCHECK_GE(space_left, LayoutUnit());
if (builder_.DidBreak()) {
// One of our children broke. Even if we fit within the remaining space we
// need to prepare a break token.
builder_.SetUsedBlockSize(std::min(space_left, block_size) +
builder_.SetBlockSize(std::min(space_left, block_size));
if (block_size > space_left) {
// Need a break inside this block.
builder_.SetUsedBlockSize(space_left + used_block_size);
// The end of the block fits in the current fragmentainer.
NGBoxStrut NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateMargins(
NGLayoutInputNode* child,
const NGConstraintSpace& space) {
const ComputedStyle& child_style = child->Style();
WTF::Optional<MinMaxContentSize> sizes;
if (NeedMinMaxContentSize(space, child_style))
sizes = child->ComputeMinMaxContentSize();
LayoutUnit child_inline_size =
ComputeInlineSizeForFragment(space, child_style, sizes);
NGBoxStrut margins = ComputeMargins(space, child_style, space.WritingMode(),
if (!child_style.IsFloating()) {
ApplyAutoMargins(space, child_style, child_inline_size, &margins);
return margins;
RefPtr<NGConstraintSpace> NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm::CreateConstraintSpaceForChild(
NGLayoutInputNode* child) {
const ComputedStyle& child_style = child->Style();
bool is_new_bfc = IsNewFormattingContextForBlockLevelChild(Style(), *child);
if (child->IsInline()) {
// TODO(kojii): Setup space_builder_ appropriately for inline child.
return space_builder_.ToConstraintSpace(
GetClearanceOffset(constraint_space_->Exclusions(), child_style))
.SetIsShrinkToFit(ShouldShrinkToFit(Style(), child_style))
// Float's margins are not included in child's space because:
// 1) Floats do not participate in margins collapsing.
// 2) Floats margins are used separately to calculate floating exclusions.
space_builder_.SetMarginStrut(child_style.IsFloating() ? NGMarginStrut()
: curr_margin_strut_);
LayoutUnit space_available;
if (constraint_space_->HasBlockFragmentation()) {
space_available = ConstraintSpace().FragmentainerSpaceAvailable();
// If a block establishes a new formatting context we must know our
// position in the formatting context, and are able to adjust the
// fragmentation line.
if (is_new_bfc) {
space_available -= curr_bfc_offset_.block_offset;
return space_builder_.ToConstraintSpace(
} // namespace blink