blob: 324bb4f449525bc331c0cdc68350ed4e52d3e315 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
source_set("constants") {
defines = [
"HOST_BUNDLE_NAME=\"" + host_bundle_name + "\"",
"PREFPANE_BUNDLE_NAME=\"" + prefpane_bundle_name + "\"",
sources = [
deps = [ "//remoting/host:remoting_version" ]
# remoting_me2me_host-InfoPlist.strings
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
bundle_data("remoting_me2me_host_strings_${locale}_bundle_data") {
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
mac_xib_bundle_data("remoting_host_xibs") {
sources = [
bundle_data("remoting_host_resources") {
sources = [
outputs = [
public_deps = [
if (icu_use_data_file) {
sources += [ "$root_out_dir/icudtl.dat" ]
public_deps += [ "//third_party/icu:icudata" ]
target("mac_app_bundle", "remoting_me2me_host") {
extra_configs = [ "//remoting/build/config:version" ]
info_plist = "remoting_me2me_host-Info.plist"
extra_substitutions = [
# TODO(joedow): Re-enable or replace with Crashpad:
# if (is_chrome_branded && is_official_build) {
# }
deps = [
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
deps += [
deps += [
create_bundle("remoting_host_prefpane.prefPane") {
bundle_root_dir = "$root_build_dir/$target_name/Contents"
bundle_resources_dir = bundle_root_dir + "/Resources"
bundle_executable_dir = bundle_root_dir + "/MacOS"
deps = [
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
deps += [ ":remoting_host_prefpane_strings_${locale}_bundle_data" ]
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
bundle_data("remoting_host_locale_${locale}_bundle_data") {
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
bundle_data("remoting_host_prefpane_bundle_data") {
deps = [
sources = [
outputs = [
bundle_data("remoting_host_prefpane_resources") {
sources = [
outputs = [
# native_messaging_host-InfoPlist.strings
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
bundle_data("native_messaging_host_strings_${locale}_bundle_data") {
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
target("mac_app_bundle", "remoting_native_messaging_host") {
output_name = "native_messaging_host"
info_plist = "../setup/native_messaging_host-Info.plist"
extra_configs = [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
extra_substitutions = [
sources = [
deps = [
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
deps += [
deps += [ "//remoting/resources:copy_locales" ]
# The |major|, |build| and |patch| versions are inherited from Chrome.
# Since Chrome's |minor| version is always '0', we replace it with a
# Chromoting-specific patch version.
defines =
[ "VERSION=" + "$chrome_version_major" + "." + "$remoting_version_patch" +
"." + "$chrome_version_build" + "." + "$chrome_version_patch" ]
loadable_module("remoting_host_prefpane") {
output_dir = "$root_out_dir/gen/remoting/host"
output_extension = ""
sources = [
libs = [
deps = [
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
deps += [ ":remoting_host_prefpane_strings_${locale}_bundle_data" ]
mac_info_plist("remoting_host_prefpane_plist") {
info_plist = "me2me_preference_pane-Info.plist"
extra_substitutions = [
executable_name = "remoting_host_prefpane"
bundle_data("remoting_host_prefpane_plist_bundle_data") {
sources = get_target_outputs(":remoting_host_prefpane_plist")
outputs = [
public_deps = [
foreach(locale, remoting_locales_with_underscores) {
bundle_data("remoting_host_prefpane_strings_${locale}_bundle_data") {
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
mac_xib_bundle_data("remoting_host_prefpane_xibs") {
sources = [