blob: eb7942c319aa25c2665a046083812c313cf8217f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 Alp Toker <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/page/PrintContext.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutView.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LayoutViewItem.h"
#include "platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// By shrinking to a width of 75% (1.333f) we will render the correct physical
// dimensions in paged media (i.e. cm, pt,). The shrinkage used
// to be 80% (1.25f) to match other browsers - they have since moved on.
// Wide pages will be scaled down more than this.
const float kPrintingMinimumShrinkFactor = 1.333f;
// This number determines how small we are willing to reduce the page content
// in order to accommodate the widest line. If the page would have to be
// reduced smaller to make the widest line fit, we just clip instead (this
// behavior matches MacIE and Mozilla, at least).
// TODO(rhogan): Decide if this quirk is still required.
const float kPrintingMaximumShrinkFactor = 2;
LayoutBoxModelObject* EnclosingBoxModelObject(LayoutObject* object) {
while (object && !object->IsBoxModelObject())
object = object->Parent();
if (!object)
return nullptr;
return ToLayoutBoxModelObject(object);
bool IsCoordinateInPage(int top, int left, const IntRect& page) {
return page.X() <= left && left < page.MaxX() && page.Y() <= top &&
top < page.MaxY();
} // namespace
PrintContext::PrintContext(LocalFrame* frame)
: frame_(frame), is_printing_(false), linked_destinations_valid_(false) {}
PrintContext::~PrintContext() {
void PrintContext::ComputePageRects(const FloatRect& print_rect,
float header_height,
float footer_height,
float user_scale_factor,
float& out_page_height) {
out_page_height = 0;
if (!IsFrameValid())
if (user_scale_factor <= 0) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "userScaleFactor has bad value " << user_scale_factor;
LayoutViewItem view = frame_->GetDocument()->GetLayoutViewItem();
const IntRect& document_rect = view.DocumentRect();
FloatSize page_size = frame_->ResizePageRectsKeepingRatio(
FloatSize(print_rect.Width(), print_rect.Height()),
FloatSize(document_rect.Width(), document_rect.Height()));
float page_width = page_size.Width();
float page_height = page_size.Height();
out_page_height =
page_height; // this is the height of the page adjusted by margins
page_height -= header_height + footer_height;
if (page_height <= 0) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "pageHeight has bad value " << page_height;
page_width / user_scale_factor, page_height / user_scale_factor));
void PrintContext::ComputePageRectsWithPageSize(
const FloatSize& page_size_in_pixels) {
void PrintContext::ComputePageRectsWithPageSizeInternal(
const FloatSize& page_size_in_pixels) {
if (!IsFrameValid())
LayoutViewItem view = frame_->GetDocument()->GetLayoutViewItem();
IntRect doc_rect = view.DocumentRect();
int page_width = page_size_in_pixels.Width();
// We scaled with floating point arithmetic and need to ensure results like
// 13329.99 are treated as 13330 so that we don't mistakenly assign an extra
// page for the stray pixel.
int page_height = page_size_in_pixels.Height() + LayoutUnit::Epsilon();
bool is_horizontal = view.Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode();
int doc_logical_height = is_horizontal ? doc_rect.Height() : doc_rect.Width();
int page_logical_height = is_horizontal ? page_height : page_width;
int page_logical_width = is_horizontal ? page_width : page_height;
int inline_direction_start;
int inline_direction_end;
int block_direction_start;
int block_direction_end;
if (is_horizontal) {
if (view.Style()->IsFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
block_direction_start = doc_rect.MaxY();
block_direction_end = doc_rect.Y();
} else {
block_direction_start = doc_rect.Y();
block_direction_end = doc_rect.MaxY();
inline_direction_start =
view.Style()->IsLeftToRightDirection() ? doc_rect.X() : doc_rect.MaxX();
inline_direction_end =
view.Style()->IsLeftToRightDirection() ? doc_rect.MaxX() : doc_rect.X();
} else {
if (view.Style()->IsFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
block_direction_start = doc_rect.MaxX();
block_direction_end = doc_rect.X();
} else {
block_direction_start = doc_rect.X();
block_direction_end = doc_rect.MaxX();
inline_direction_start =
view.Style()->IsLeftToRightDirection() ? doc_rect.Y() : doc_rect.MaxY();
inline_direction_end =
view.Style()->IsLeftToRightDirection() ? doc_rect.MaxY() : doc_rect.Y();
unsigned page_count = ceilf((float)doc_logical_height / page_logical_height);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < page_count; ++i) {
int page_logical_top =
block_direction_end > block_direction_start
? block_direction_start + i * page_logical_height
: block_direction_start - (i + 1) * page_logical_height;
int page_logical_left = inline_direction_end > inline_direction_start
? inline_direction_start
: inline_direction_start - page_logical_width;
IntRect page_rect(page_logical_left, page_logical_top, page_logical_width,
if (!is_horizontal)
page_rect = page_rect.TransposedRect();
void PrintContext::begin(float width, float height) {
ASSERT(width > 0);
ASSERT(height > 0);
// This function can be called multiple times to adjust printing parameters
// without going back to screen mode.
is_printing_ = true;
FloatSize original_page_size = FloatSize(width, height);
FloatSize min_layout_size = frame_->ResizePageRectsKeepingRatio(
original_page_size, FloatSize(width * kPrintingMinimumShrinkFactor,
height * kPrintingMinimumShrinkFactor));
// This changes layout, so callers need to make sure that they don't paint to
// screen while in printing mode.
true, min_layout_size, original_page_size,
kPrintingMaximumShrinkFactor / kPrintingMinimumShrinkFactor);
void PrintContext::end() {
is_printing_ = false;
if (IsFrameValid())
frame_->SetPrinting(false, FloatSize(), FloatSize(), 0);
linked_destinations_valid_ = false;
// static
int PrintContext::PageNumberForElement(Element* element,
const FloatSize& page_size_in_pixels) {
LocalFrame* frame = element->GetDocument().GetFrame();
FloatRect page_rect(FloatPoint(0, 0), page_size_in_pixels);
ScopedPrintContext print_context(frame);
print_context->begin(page_rect.Width(), page_rect.Height());
LayoutBoxModelObject* box =
if (!box)
return -1;
FloatSize scaled_page_size = page_size_in_pixels;
scaled_page_size.Scale(frame->View()->ContentsSize().Width() /
int top = box->PixelSnappedOffsetTop(box->OffsetParent());
int left = box->PixelSnappedOffsetLeft(box->OffsetParent());
for (size_t page_number = 0; page_number < print_context->PageCount();
++page_number) {
if (IsCoordinateInPage(top, left, print_context->PageRect(page_number)))
return page_number;
return -1;
void PrintContext::CollectLinkedDestinations(Node* node) {
for (Node* i = node->firstChild(); i; i = i->nextSibling())
if (!node->IsLink() || !node->IsElementNode())
const AtomicString& href = ToElement(node)->getAttribute(HTMLNames::hrefAttr);
if (href.IsNull())
KURL url = node->GetDocument().CompleteURL(href);
if (!url.IsValid())
if (url.HasFragmentIdentifier() &&
EqualIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, node->GetDocument().BaseURL())) {
String name = url.FragmentIdentifier();
if (Element* element = node->GetDocument().FindAnchor(name))
linked_destinations_.Set(name, element);
void PrintContext::OutputLinkedDestinations(GraphicsContext& context,
const IntRect& page_rect) {
if (!linked_destinations_valid_) {
// Collect anchors in the top-level frame only because our PrintContext
// supports only one namespace for the anchors.
linked_destinations_valid_ = true;
for (const auto& entry : linked_destinations_) {
LayoutObject* layout_object = entry.value->GetLayoutObject();
if (!layout_object || !layout_object->GetFrameView())
IntRect bounding_box = layout_object->AbsoluteBoundingBoxRect();
// TODO(bokan): boundingBox looks to be in content coordinates but
// convertToRootFrame doesn't apply scroll offsets when converting up to
// the root frame.
IntPoint point = layout_object->GetFrameView()->ConvertToRootFrame(
if (!page_rect.Contains(point))
context.SetURLDestinationLocation(entry.key, point);
// static
String PrintContext::PageProperty(LocalFrame* frame,
const char* property_name,
int page_number) {
Document* document = frame->GetDocument();
ScopedPrintContext print_context(frame);
// Any non-zero size is OK here. We don't care about actual layout. We just
// want to collect @page rules and figure out what declarations apply on a
// given page (that may or may not exist).
print_context->begin(800, 1000);
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> style = document->StyleForPage(page_number);
// Implement formatters for properties we care about.
if (!strcmp(property_name, "margin-left")) {
if (style->MarginLeft().IsAuto())
return String("auto");
return String::Number(style->MarginLeft().Value());
if (!strcmp(property_name, "line-height"))
return String::Number(style->LineHeight().Value());
if (!strcmp(property_name, "font-size"))
return String::Number(style->GetFontDescription().ComputedPixelSize());
if (!strcmp(property_name, "font-family"))
return style->GetFontDescription().Family().Family().GetString();
if (!strcmp(property_name, "size"))
return String::Number(style->PageSize().Width()) + ' ' +
return String("pageProperty() unimplemented for: ") + property_name;
bool PrintContext::IsPageBoxVisible(LocalFrame* frame, int page_number) {
return frame->GetDocument()->IsPageBoxVisible(page_number);
String PrintContext::PageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(LocalFrame* frame,
int page_number,
int width,
int height,
int margin_top,
int margin_right,
int margin_bottom,
int margin_left) {
DoubleSize page_size(width, height);
frame->GetDocument()->PageSizeAndMarginsInPixels(page_number, page_size,
margin_top, margin_right,
margin_bottom, margin_left);
return "(" + String::Number(floor(page_size.Width())) + ", " +
String::Number(floor(page_size.Height())) + ") " +
String::Number(margin_top) + ' ' + String::Number(margin_right) + ' ' +
String::Number(margin_bottom) + ' ' + String::Number(margin_left);
// static
int PrintContext::NumberOfPages(LocalFrame* frame,
const FloatSize& page_size_in_pixels) {
FloatRect page_rect(FloatPoint(0, 0), page_size_in_pixels);
ScopedPrintContext print_context(frame);
print_context->begin(page_rect.Width(), page_rect.Height());
// Account for shrink-to-fit.
FloatSize scaled_page_size = page_size_in_pixels;
scaled_page_size.Scale(frame->View()->ContentsSize().Width() /
return print_context->PageCount();
bool PrintContext::IsFrameValid() const {
return frame_->View() && frame_->GetDocument() &&
DEFINE_TRACE(PrintContext) {
ScopedPrintContext::ScopedPrintContext(LocalFrame* frame)
: context_(new PrintContext(frame)) {}
ScopedPrintContext::~ScopedPrintContext() {
} // namespace blink