blob: 980a5315b96e97371a8e66a5a73bc13851b8c3e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "ios/web/public/test/web_js_test.h"
#import "ios/web/public/test/web_test_with_web_state.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#import "testing/gtest_mac.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
class FillJsTest : public web::WebJsTest<web::WebTestWithWebState> {
: web::WebJsTest<web::WebTestWithWebState>(@[ @"form_util_js" ]) {}
} // namespace
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetCanonicalActionForForm) {
struct TestData {
NSString* html_action;
NSString* expected_action;
} test_data[] = {
// Empty action.
{nil, @"baseurl/"},
// Absolute urls.
{@"", @""},
{@"", @""},
{@"", @""},
// Relative urls.
{@"action.php", @"baseurl/action.php"},
{@"action.php?abc", @"baseurl/action.php"},
// Non-http protocols.
{@"data:abc", @"data:abc"},
{@"javascript:login()", @"javascript:login()"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(test_data); i++) {
TestData& data = test_data[i];
NSString* html_action =
data.html_action == nil
? @""
: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"action='%@'", data.html_action];
NSString* html = [NSString stringWithFormat:
"<form %@></form>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* base_url = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(BaseUrl());
NSString* expected_action =
[data.expected_action stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"baseurl/"
EXPECT_NSEQ(expected_action, result)
<< " in test " << i << ": "
<< base::SysNSStringToUTF8(data.html_action);
// Tests the extraction of the aria-label attribute.
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaLabel) {
LoadHtmlAndInject(@"<input id='input' type='text' aria-label='the label'/>");
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"the label";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that aria-labelledby works. Simple case: only one id referenced.
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaLabelledBySingle) {
"<div id='billing'>Billing</div>"
" <div id='name'>Name</div>"
" <input id='input' type='text' aria-labelledby='name'/>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"Name";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that aria-labelledby works: Complex case: multiple ids referenced.
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaLabelledByMulti) {
"<div id='billing'>Billing</div>"
" <div id='name'>Name</div>"
" <input id='input' type='text' aria-labelledby='billing name'/>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"Billing Name";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that aria-labelledby takes precedence over aria-label
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaLabelledByTakesPrecedence) {
"<div id='billing'>Billing</div>"
" <div id='name'>Name</div>"
" <input id='input' type='text' aria-label='ignored' "
" aria-labelledby='name'/>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"Name";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that an invalid aria-labelledby reference gets ignored (as opposed to
// crashing, for example).
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaLabelledByInvalid) {
"<div id='billing'>Billing</div>"
" <div id='name'>Name</div>"
" <input id='input' type='text' aria-labelledby='div1 div2'/>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that invalid aria-labelledby references fall back to aria-label.
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaLabelledByFallback) {
"<div id='billing'>Billing</div>"
" <div id='name'>Name</div>"
" <input id='input' type='text' aria-label='valid' "
" aria-labelledby='div1 div2'/>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"valid";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that aria-describedby works: Simple case: a single id referenced.
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaDescriptionSingle) {
"<input id='input' type='text' aria-describedby='div1'/>"
"<div id='div1'>aria description</div>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"aria description";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that aria-describedby works: Complex case: multiple ids referenced.
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaDescriptionMulti) {
"<input id='input' type='text' aria-describedby='div1 div2'/>"
"<div id='div2'>description</div>"
"<div id='div1'>aria</div>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"aria description";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);
// Tests that invalid aria-describedby returns the empty string.
TEST_F(FillJsTest, GetAriaDescriptionInvalid) {
"<input id='input' type='text' aria-describedby='invalid'/>"
id result = ExecuteJavaScript(
NSString* expected_result = @"";
EXPECT_NSEQ(result, expected_result);