New infobar icons

Changes are:
- all icons are 32x32. Previously icons were 26x26, 32x32 or some even bigger
- all icons are gray scale
- the chromium/google version of the translate icon has been replaced by a single common one

Once this is checked in there will be a few more changes coming:
- make the icon view in the infobar 32x32 with no scaling
- change the infobar background gradient to grayscale (currently it's blue on windows, yellow on mac, and gray in a translate)


Ran pngcrush -brute -reduce on new icons. chrome/app/themes size:
  - before: 8602624 bytes
  - after: 8605184 bytes

TEST=Compiled and ran on Mac.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
27 files changed