blob: fb3b7f0af66dea2eb063d6082c288453d20a8928 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/names_map.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_hash.h"
namespace blink {
typedef HashMap<String, String> ExpectedMap;
void ExpectEqMap(const ExpectedMap& exp, NamesMap& map) {
EXPECT_EQ(exp.size(), map.size());
for (auto kv : exp) {
base::Optional<SpaceSplitString> value = map.Get(AtomicString(kv.key));
if (!value) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "key: " << kv.key << " was nullptr";
EXPECT_EQ(kv.value, value.value().SerializeToString())
<< "for key: " << kv.key;
TEST(NamesMapTest, Set) {
// This is vector of pairs where first is an expected output and second is a
// vector of inputs, all of which should produce that output.
Vector<std::pair<ExpectedMap, Vector<String>>> test_cases({
// First a set of tests where we have an expected value and several valid
// strings that encode that value, followed by strings encode the same
// value but include invalid input.
// Valid
" ",
" ",
" ,",
", ",
" , , ",
// Invalid
"foo: bar buz",
": bar buz",
{{{"foo", "foo"}},
// Valid
" foo",
", foo",
", foo",
"foo ",
"foo ,"
// Plus invalid
"bar: bar buz,foo",
"foo, :bar",
"foo, bar:",
"foo, bar: bar buz",
{{{"foo", "bar"}},
// Valid
" foo:bar",
"foo :bar",
"foo: bar",
"foo:bar ",
", foo:bar",
" ,foo:bar",
"foo:bar, ",
"foo:bar ,",
// Plus invalid
"bar: bar buz,foo:bar",
"foo:bar, :bar",
"foo:bar, bar:",
"foo:bar, bar: bar buz",
{{{"foo", "bar buz"}},
// Valid
"foo:bar, foo:buz",
"foo:bar ,foo:buz",
// Plus invalid. In this case invalid occurs between the valid items.
"foo:bar,bar: ,foo:buz",
"foo:bar, :bar,foo:buz",
"foo:bar,bar: bill bob,foo:buz",
// Miscellaneous tests.
// Same value for 2 keys.
{{{"foo", "bar"}, {"buz", "bar"}}, {"foo:bar,buz:bar"}},
// Mix key-only with key-value.
{{{"foo", "foo"}, {"buz", "bar"}}, {"foo,buz:bar", "buz:bar,foo"}},
NamesMap map;
for (auto test_case : test_cases) {
for (String input : test_case.second) {
ExpectEqMap(test_case.first, map);
TEST(NamesMapTest, SetNull) {
NamesMap map;
map.Set(AtomicString("foo bar"));
ExpectEqMap({}, map);
} // namespace blink