blob: df52a80d0aa5ee5ce995c2f1dcf5a0a50c96535e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('test_util', function() {
* Observes an HTML attribute and fires a promise when it matches a given
* value.
* @param {!HTMLElement} target
* @param {string} attributeName
* @param {*} attributeValue
* @return {!Promise}
function whenAttributeIs(target, attributeName, attributeValue) {
function isDone() {
return target.getAttribute(attributeName) == attributeValue;
return isDone() ? Promise.resolve() : new Promise(function(resolve) {
new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
assertEquals('attributes', mutation.type);
if (mutation.attributeName == attributeName && isDone()) {
}).observe(target, {
attributes: true,
childList: false,
characterData: false
* Converts an event occurrence to a promise.
* @param {string} eventType
* @param {!HTMLElement} target
* @return {!Promise} A promise firing once the event occurs.
function eventToPromise(eventType, target) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
target.addEventListener(eventType, function f(e) {
target.removeEventListener(eventType, f);
* Data-binds two Polymer properties using the property-changed events and
* set/notifyPath API. Useful for testing components which would normally be
* used together.
* @param {!HTMLElement} el1
* @param {!HTMLElement} el2
* @param {string} property
function fakeDataBind(el1, el2, property) {
const forwardChange = function(el, event) {
if (event.detail.hasOwnProperty('path')) {
el.notifyPath(event.detail.path, event.detail.value);
} else {
el.set(property, event.detail.value);
// Add the listeners symmetrically. Polymer will prevent recursion.
el1.addEventListener(property + '-changed', forwardChange.bind(null, el2));
el2.addEventListener(property + '-changed', forwardChange.bind(null, el1));
* Helper to create an object containing a ContentSettingsType key to array or
* object value. This is a convenience function that can eventually be
* replaced with ES6 computed properties.
* @param {settings.ContentSettingsTypes} contentType The ContentSettingsType
* to use as the key.
* @param {Object} value The value to map to |contentType|.
* @return {Object<setting: settings.ContentSettingsTypes, value: Object>}
function createContentSettingTypeToValuePair(contentType, value) {
return {setting: contentType, value: value};
* Helper to create a mock DefaultContentSetting.
* @param {!Object=} override An object with a subset of the properties of
* DefaultContentSetting. Properties defined in |override| will
* overwrite the defaults in this function's return value.
* @return {DefaultContentSetting}
function createDefaultContentSetting(override) {
if (override === undefined) {
override = {};
return Object.assign(
setting: settings.ContentSetting.ASK,
source: settings.SiteSettingSource.PREFERENCE,
* Helper to create a mock RawSiteException.
* @param {!string} origin The origin to use for this RawSiteException.
* @param {!Object=} override An object with a subset of the properties of
* RawSiteException. Properties defined in |override| will overwrite the
* defaults in this function's return value.
* @return {RawSiteException}
function createRawSiteException(origin, override) {
if (override === undefined) {
override = {};
return Object.assign(
embeddingOrigin: origin,
incognito: false,
origin: origin,
displayName: '',
setting: settings.ContentSetting.ALLOW,
source: settings.SiteSettingSource.PREFERENCE,
* Helper to create a mock RawChooserException.
* @param {!settings.ChooserType} chooserType The chooser exception type.
* @param {Array<!SiteException>} sites A list of SiteExceptions corresponding
* to the chooser exception.
* @param {!Object=} override An object with a subset of the properties of
* RawChooserException. Properties defined in |override| will overwrite
* the defaults in this function's return value.
* @return {RawChooserException}
function createRawChooserException(chooserType, sites, override) {
return Object.assign(
{chooserType: chooserType, displayName: '', object: {}, sites: sites},
override || {});
* Helper to create a mock SiteSettingsPref.
* @param {!Array<{setting: settings.ContentSettingsTypes,
* value: DefaultContentSetting}>} defaultsList A list of
* DefaultContentSettings and the content settings they apply to, which
* will overwrite the defaults in the SiteSettingsPref returned by this
* function.
* @param {!Array<{setting: settings.ContentSettingsTypes,
* value: !Array<RawSiteException>}>} exceptionsList A list of
* RawSiteExceptions and the content settings they apply to, which will
* overwrite the exceptions in the SiteSettingsPref returned by this
* function.
* @param {!Array<{setting: settings.ContentSettingsTypes,
* value: !Array<RawChooserException>}>} chooserExceptionsList
* A list of RawChooserExceptions and the chooser type that they apply to,
* which will overwrite the exceptions in the SiteSettingsPref returned by
* this function.
* @return {SiteSettingsPref}
function createSiteSettingsPrefs(
defaultsList, exceptionsList, chooserExceptionsList = []) {
// These test defaults reflect the actual defaults assigned to each
// ContentSettingType, but keeping these in sync shouldn't matter for tests.
const defaults = {};
for (let type in settings.ContentSettingsTypes) {
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes[type]] =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.COOKIES].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.IMAGES].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.JAVASCRIPT].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SOUND].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.POPUPS].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PROTOCOL_HANDLERS].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.BACKGROUND_SYNC].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.ADS].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.SENSORS].setting =
defaults[settings.ContentSettingsTypes.USB_DEVICES].setting =
defaultsList.forEach((override) => {
defaults[override.setting] = override.value;
const chooserExceptions = {};
const exceptions = {};
for (let type in settings.ContentSettingsTypes) {
chooserExceptions[settings.ContentSettingsTypes[type]] = [];
exceptions[settings.ContentSettingsTypes[type]] = [];
exceptionsList.forEach(override => {
exceptions[override.setting] = override.value;
chooserExceptionsList.forEach(override => {
chooserExceptions[override.setting] = override.value;
return {
chooserExceptions: chooserExceptions,
defaults: defaults,
exceptions: exceptions,
* Helper to create a mock SiteGroup.
* @param {!string} eTLDPlus1Name The eTLD+1 of all the origins provided in
* |originList|.
* @param {!Array<string>} originList A list of the origins with the same
* eTLD+1.
* @return {SiteGroup}
function createSiteGroup(eTLDPlus1Name, originList) {
const originInfoList = => createOriginInfo(origin));
return {
etldPlus1: eTLDPlus1Name,
origins: originInfoList,
numCookies: 0,
function createOriginInfo(origin, override) {
if (override === undefined) {
override = {};
return Object.assign(
origin: origin,
engagement: 0,
usage: 0,
numCookies: 0,
* Converts beforeNextRender() API to promise-based.
* @param {!Element} element
* @return {!Promise}
function waitForRender(element) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// TODO(dpapad): Remove early return once Polymer 2 migration is complete.
if (!Polymer.DomIf) {
Polymer.RenderStatus.beforeNextRender(element, resolve);
return {
createContentSettingTypeToValuePair: createContentSettingTypeToValuePair,
createDefaultContentSetting: createDefaultContentSetting,
createOriginInfo: createOriginInfo,
createRawChooserException: createRawChooserException,
createRawSiteException: createRawSiteException,
createSiteGroup: createSiteGroup,
createSiteSettingsPrefs: createSiteSettingsPrefs,
eventToPromise: eventToPromise,
fakeDataBind: fakeDataBind,
waitForRender: waitForRender,
whenAttributeIs: whenAttributeIs,