blob: 35bdbccda698338c5a759763de7fe8acbb66bd5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_absolute_utils.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
bool AbsoluteHorizontalNeedsEstimate(const ComputedStyle& style) {
Length width = style.width();
return width.isIntrinsic() ||
(width.isAuto() && (style.left().isAuto() || style.right().isAuto()));
bool AbsoluteVerticalNeedsEstimate(const ComputedStyle& style) {
Length height = style.height();
return height.isIntrinsic() ||
(height.isAuto() && ( || style.bottom().isAuto()));
// Implement absolute horizontal size resolution algorithm.
void ComputeAbsoluteHorizontal(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const NGStaticPosition& static_position,
const Optional<MinAndMaxContentSizes>& child_minmax,
NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition* position) {
NGLogicalSize percentage_logical = space.PercentageResolutionSize();
NGPhysicalSize percentage_physical =
LayoutUnit border_left(style.borderLeftWidth());
LayoutUnit border_right(style.borderRightWidth());
LayoutUnit padding_left =
valueForLength(style.paddingLeft(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
LayoutUnit padding_right =
valueForLength(style.paddingRight(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
Optional<LayoutUnit> margin_left;
if (!style.marginLeft().isAuto())
margin_left =
valueForLength(style.marginLeft(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
Optional<LayoutUnit> margin_right;
if (!style.marginRight().isAuto())
margin_right =
valueForLength(style.marginRight(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
Optional<LayoutUnit> left;
if (!style.left().isAuto())
left = valueForLength(style.left(), percentage_physical.width);
Optional<LayoutUnit> right;
if (!style.right().isAuto())
right = valueForLength(style.right(), percentage_physical.width);
LayoutUnit border_padding =
border_left + border_right + padding_left + padding_right;
Optional<LayoutUnit> width;
if (!style.width().isAuto()) {
if (space.WritingMode() == kHorizontalTopBottom) {
width = ResolveInlineLength(space, style, child_minmax, style.width(),
} else {
LayoutUnit computed_width =
child_minmax.has_value() ? child_minmax->max_content : LayoutUnit();
width = ResolveBlockLength(space, style, style.width(), computed_width,
NGPhysicalSize container_size =
DCHECK(container_size.width != NGSizeIndefinite);
// Solving the equation:
// left + marginLeft + width + marginRight + right = container width
if (!left && !right && !width) {
// Standard: "If all three of left, width, and right are auto:"
if (!margin_left)
margin_left = LayoutUnit();
if (!margin_right)
margin_right = LayoutUnit();
width = child_minmax->ShrinkToFit(container_size.width);
if (space.Direction() == TextDirection::kLtr) {
left = static_position.LeftPosition(container_size.width, *width,
*margin_left, *margin_right);
} else {
right = static_position.RightPosition(container_size.width, *width,
*margin_left, *margin_right);
} else if (left && right && width) {
// Standard: "If left, right, and width are not auto:"
// Compute margins.
LayoutUnit margin_space = container_size.width - *left - *right - *width;
// When both margins are auto.
if (!margin_left && !margin_right) {
if (margin_space > 0) {
margin_left = margin_space / 2;
margin_right = margin_space / 2;
} else {
// Margins are negative.
if (space.Direction() == TextDirection::kLtr) {
margin_left = LayoutUnit();
margin_right = margin_space;
} else {
margin_right = LayoutUnit();
margin_left = margin_space;
} else if (!margin_left) {
margin_left = margin_space - *margin_right;
} else if (!margin_right) {
margin_right = margin_space - *margin_left;
} else {
// Are values overconstrained?
LayoutUnit margin_extra = margin_space - *margin_left - *margin_right;
if (margin_extra) {
// Relax the end.
if (space.Direction() == TextDirection::kLtr)
right = *right + margin_extra;
left = *left + margin_extra;
// Set unknown margins.
if (!margin_left)
margin_left = LayoutUnit();
if (!margin_right)
margin_right = LayoutUnit();
// Rules 1 through 3, 2 out of 3 are unknown.
if (!left && !width) {
// Rule 1: left/width are unknown.
width = child_minmax->ShrinkToFit(container_size.width);
} else if (!left && !right) {
// Rule 2.
if (space.Direction() == TextDirection::kLtr)
left = static_position.LeftPosition(container_size.width, *width,
*margin_left, *margin_right);
right = static_position.RightPosition(container_size.width, *width,
*margin_left, *margin_right);
} else if (!width && !right) {
// Rule 3.
width = child_minmax->ShrinkToFit(container_size.width);
// Rules 4 through 6, 1 out of 3 are unknown.
if (!left) {
left =
container_size.width - *right - *width - *margin_left - *margin_right;
} else if (!right) {
right =
container_size.width - *left - *width - *margin_left - *margin_right;
} else if (!width) {
width =
container_size.width - *left - *right - *margin_left - *margin_right;
*left + *right + *margin_left + *margin_right + *width);
// Negative widths are not allowed.
width = std::max(*width, border_padding);
position->inset.left = *left + *margin_left;
position->inset.right = *right + *margin_right;
position->size.width = *width;
// Implements absolute vertical size resolution algorithm.
void ComputeAbsoluteVertical(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const NGStaticPosition& static_position,
const Optional<MinAndMaxContentSizes>& child_minmax,
NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition* position) {
NGLogicalSize percentage_logical = space.PercentageResolutionSize();
NGPhysicalSize percentage_physical =
LayoutUnit border_top(style.borderTopWidth());
LayoutUnit border_bottom(style.borderBottomWidth());
LayoutUnit padding_top =
valueForLength(style.paddingTop(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
LayoutUnit padding_bottom =
valueForLength(style.paddingBottom(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
Optional<LayoutUnit> margin_top;
if (!style.marginTop().isAuto())
margin_top =
valueForLength(style.marginTop(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
Optional<LayoutUnit> margin_bottom;
if (!style.marginBottom().isAuto())
margin_bottom =
valueForLength(style.marginBottom(), percentage_logical.inline_size);
Optional<LayoutUnit> top;
if (!
top = valueForLength(, percentage_physical.height);
Optional<LayoutUnit> bottom;
if (!style.bottom().isAuto())
bottom = valueForLength(style.bottom(), percentage_physical.height);
LayoutUnit border_padding =
border_top + border_bottom + padding_top + padding_bottom;
Optional<LayoutUnit> height;
if (!style.height().isAuto()) {
if (space.WritingMode() == kHorizontalTopBottom) {
LayoutUnit computed_height =
child_minmax.has_value() ? child_minmax->max_content : LayoutUnit();
height = ResolveBlockLength(space, style, style.height(), computed_height,
} else {
height = ResolveInlineLength(space, style, child_minmax, style.height(),
NGPhysicalSize container_size =
DCHECK(container_size.height != NGSizeIndefinite);
// Solving the equation:
// top + marginTop + height + marginBottom + bottom
// + border_padding = container height
if (!top && !bottom && !height) {
// Standard: "If all three of top, height, and bottom are auto:"
if (!margin_top)
margin_top = LayoutUnit();
if (!margin_bottom)
margin_bottom = LayoutUnit();
height = child_minmax->ShrinkToFit(container_size.height);
top = static_position.TopPosition(container_size.height, *height,
*margin_top, *margin_bottom);
} else if (top && bottom && height) {
// Standard: "If top, bottom, and height are not auto:"
// Compute margins.
LayoutUnit margin_space = container_size.height - *top - *bottom - *height;
// When both margins are auto.
if (!margin_top && !margin_bottom) {
if (margin_space > 0) {
margin_top = margin_space / 2;
margin_bottom = margin_space / 2;
} else {
// Margin space is over-constrained.
margin_top = LayoutUnit();
margin_bottom = margin_space;
} else if (!margin_top) {
margin_top = margin_space - *margin_bottom;
} else if (!margin_bottom) {
margin_bottom = margin_space - *margin_top;
} else {
LayoutUnit margin_extra = margin_space - *margin_top - *margin_bottom;
if (margin_extra)
bottom = *bottom + margin_extra;
// Set unknown margins.
if (!margin_top)
margin_top = LayoutUnit();
if (!margin_bottom)
margin_bottom = LayoutUnit();
// Rules 1 through 3, 2 out of 3 are unknown, fix 1.
if (!top && !height) {
// Rule 1.
height = child_minmax->ShrinkToFit(container_size.height);
} else if (!top && !bottom) {
// Rule 2.
top = static_position.TopPosition(container_size.height, *height,
*margin_top, *margin_bottom);
} else if (!height && !bottom) {
// Rule 3.
height = child_minmax->ShrinkToFit(container_size.height);
// Rules 4 through 6, 1 out of 3 are unknown.
if (!top) {
top = container_size.height - *bottom - *height - *margin_top -
} else if (!bottom) {
bottom =
container_size.height - *top - *height - *margin_top - *margin_bottom;
} else if (!height) {
height =
container_size.height - *top - *bottom - *margin_top - *margin_bottom;
*top + *bottom + *margin_top + *margin_bottom + *height);
// Negative heights are not allowed.
height = std::max(*height, border_padding);
position-> = *top + *margin_top;
position->inset.bottom = *bottom + *margin_bottom;
position->size.height = *height;
} // namespace
String NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition::ToString() const {
return String::format("INSET(LRTB):%d,%d,%d,%d SIZE:%dx%d",
inset.left.toInt(), inset.right.toInt(),, inset.bottom.toInt(),
size.width.toInt(), size.height.toInt());
bool AbsoluteNeedsChildBlockSize(const ComputedStyle& style) {
if (style.isHorizontalWritingMode())
return AbsoluteVerticalNeedsEstimate(style);
return AbsoluteHorizontalNeedsEstimate(style);
bool AbsoluteNeedsChildInlineSize(const ComputedStyle& style) {
if (style.isHorizontalWritingMode())
return AbsoluteHorizontalNeedsEstimate(style);
return AbsoluteVerticalNeedsEstimate(style);
NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition ComputePartialAbsoluteWithChildInlineSize(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const NGStaticPosition& static_position,
const Optional<MinAndMaxContentSizes>& child_minmax) {
NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition position;
if (style.isHorizontalWritingMode())
ComputeAbsoluteHorizontal(space, style, static_position, child_minmax,
else {
ComputeAbsoluteVertical(space, style, static_position, child_minmax,
return position;
void ComputeFullAbsoluteWithChildBlockSize(
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const NGStaticPosition& static_position,
const Optional<LayoutUnit>& child_block_size,
NGAbsolutePhysicalPosition* position) {
// After partial size has been computed, child block size is either
// unknown, or fully computed, there is no minmax.
// To express this, a 'fixed' minmax is created where
// min and max are the same.
Optional<MinAndMaxContentSizes> child_minmax;
if (child_block_size.has_value()) {
child_minmax = MinAndMaxContentSizes{*child_block_size, *child_block_size};
if (style.isHorizontalWritingMode())
ComputeAbsoluteVertical(space, style, static_position, child_minmax,
else {
ComputeAbsoluteHorizontal(space, style, static_position, child_minmax,
} // namespace blink