blob: af02c8e7bab1701838bd23b0e8999f8e7cbdac27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package base contains code shared by other CLI subpackages.
package base
import (
config ""
// CommandLineError is used to tag errors related to command line arguments.
// Subcommand.PrintError() will print the usage string if it finds such error.
type CommandLineError struct {
// NewCLIError returns new CommandLineError.
func NewCLIError(msg string, args ...interface{}) error {
return CommandLineError{fmt.Errorf(msg, args...)}
// Parameters can be used to customize CLI defaults.
type Parameters struct {
AuthOptions auth.Options // mostly for client ID and client secret
ConfigServiceHost string // e.g. ""
// Subcommand is a base of all subcommands.
// It defines some common flags, such as logging and JSON output parameters,
// and some common methods to report errors and dump JSON output.
// It's Init() method should be called from within CommandRun to register
// base flags.
type Subcommand struct {
makesRPCs bool // set in init(...)
jsonOutput string
logConfig logging.Config
authFlags authcli.Flags // only for commands that do RPCs
serviceHost string // only for commands that do RPCs
// ModifyContext implements cli.ContextModificator.
func (c *Subcommand) ModifyContext(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return c.logConfig.Set(ctx)
// Init registers common flags.
// If makesRPCs is true, will register flags related to authentication and RPCs.
func (c *Subcommand) Init(params Parameters, makesRPCs bool) {
c.makesRPCs = makesRPCs
c.logConfig.Level = logging.Info // default to Info level
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.jsonOutput, "json-output", "", "Path to write operation results to.")
if makesRPCs {
c.authFlags.Register(&c.Flags, params.AuthOptions)
c.Flags.StringVar(&c.serviceHost, "config-service-host", params.ConfigServiceHost, "Hostname of a LUCI config service to send RPCs to.")
// CheckArgs checks command line args.
// It ensures all required positional and flag-like parameters are set. Setting
// maxPosCount to -1 indicates there is unbounded number of positional arguments
// allowed.
// Returns true if they are, or false (and prints to stderr) if not.
func (c *Subcommand) CheckArgs(args []string, minPosCount, maxPosCount int) bool {
// Check number of expected positional arguments.
if len(args) < minPosCount || (maxPosCount >= 0 && len(args) > maxPosCount) {
var err error
switch {
case maxPosCount == 0:
err = NewCLIError("unexpected arguments %v", args)
case minPosCount == maxPosCount:
err = NewCLIError("expecting %d positional argument, got %d instead", minPosCount, len(args))
case maxPosCount >= 0:
err = NewCLIError(
"expecting from %d to %d positional arguments, got %d instead",
minPosCount, maxPosCount, len(args))
err = NewCLIError(
"expecting at least %d positional arguments, got %d instead",
minPosCount, len(args))
return false
// Check required unset flags. A flag is considered required if its default
// value has form '<...>'.
unset := []*flag.Flag{}
c.Flags.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
d := f.DefValue
if strings.HasPrefix(d, "<") && strings.HasSuffix(d, ">") && f.Value.String() == d {
unset = append(unset, f)
if len(unset) != 0 {
missing := make([]string, len(unset))
for i, f := range unset {
missing[i] = f.Name
c.printError(NewCLIError("missing required flags: %v", missing))
return false
return true
// configService returns a wrapper around LUCI Config API.
// It is ready for making authenticated RPCs.
func (c *Subcommand) ConfigService(ctx context.Context) (*config.Service, error) {
if !c.makesRPCs {
panic("the subcommand wasn't declared as one making RPCs")
authOpts, err := c.authFlags.Options()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client, err := auth.NewAuthenticator(ctx, auth.SilentLogin, authOpts).Client()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
svc, err := config.New(client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
svc.BasePath = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/_ah/api/config/v1/", c.serviceHost)
svc.UserAgent = lucicfg.UserAgent
return svc, nil
// Done is called as the last step of processing a subcommand.
// It dumps the command result (or an error) to the JSON output file, prints
// the error message and generates the process exit code.
func (c *Subcommand) Done(result interface{}, err error) int {
err = c.writeJSONOutput(result, err)
if err != nil {
return 1
return 0
// printError prints an error to stderr.
// Recognizes various sorts of known errors and reports the appropriately.
func (c *Subcommand) printError(err error) {
if _, ok := err.(CommandLineError); ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Bad command line: %s.\n\n", err)
if err == auth.ErrLoginRequired {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "You need to login first by running:\nlucicfg auth-login\n")
errors.WalkLeaves(err, func(err error) bool {
if bt, ok := err.(lucicfg.BacktracableError); ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n\n", bt.Backtrace())
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n\n", err)
return true
// WriteJSONOutput writes result to JSON output file (if -json-output was set).
// If writing to the output file fails and the original error is nil, returns
// the write error. If the original error is not nil, just logs the write error
// and returns the original error.
func (c *Subcommand) writeJSONOutput(result interface{}, err error) error {
if c.jsonOutput == "" {
return err
// We don't want to create the file if we can't serialize. So serialize first.
var body struct {
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
Result interface{} `json:"result,omitempty"`
if err != nil {
body.Error = err.Error()
body.Result = result
out, e := json.MarshalIndent(&body, "", " ")
if e != nil {
if err == nil {
err = e
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to serialize JSON output: %s\n", e)
return err
if e = ioutil.WriteFile(c.jsonOutput, out, 0666); e != nil {
if err == nil {
err = e
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed write JSON output to %s: %s\n", c.jsonOutput, e)
return err