blob: e5ba40bc0ec97621ab0daa7a635ce14c9da5c4b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "values.h"
namespace {
class Preference {
Preference() : type_(base::Value::Type::NONE) {}
base::Value::Type GetType() const { return type_; }
const base::Value::Type type_;
} // namespace
// This should rename |GetType| to |type|, as it's called on a base::Value.
bool F() {
base::Value value;
return value.type() == base::Value::Type::BINARY;
// Same here, both occurrences should be renamed.
bool G() {
base::Value value_1, value_2;
return value_1.type() == value_2.type();
// This should not be renamed, as no base::Value is involved.
bool H() {
Preference pref;
return pref.GetType() == base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY;
// Same here, no renaming should take place.
bool I() {
Preference pref_1, pref_2;
return pref_1.GetType() == pref_2.GetType();
// A mix of |GetType|s, only the second one should be renamed.
bool J() {
Preference pref;
base::Value val;
return pref.GetType() == val.type();