blob: de5b64a0ab2681a7dfa7b48d56f22b46057a5abe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser.input;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.ResultReceiver;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.blink_public.web.WebFocusType;
import org.chromium.blink_public.web.WebInputEventModifier;
import org.chromium.blink_public.web.WebInputEventType;
import org.chromium.blink_public.web.WebTextInputMode;
import org.chromium.content.browser.ViewUtils;
import org.chromium.content.browser.picker.InputDialogContainer;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ImeEventObserver;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ime.TextInputType;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Adapts and plumbs android IME service onto the chrome text input API.
* ImeAdapter provides an interface in both ways native <-> java:
* 1. InputConnectionAdapter notifies native code of text composition state and
* dispatch key events from java -> WebKit.
* 2. Native ImeAdapter notifies java side to clear composition text.
* The basic flow is:
* 1. When InputConnectionAdapter gets called with composition or result text:
* If we receive a composition text or a result text, then we just need to
* dispatch a synthetic key event with special keycode 229, and then dispatch
* the composition or result text.
* 2. Intercept dispatchKeyEvent() method for key events not handled by IME, we
* need to dispatch them to webkit and check webkit's reply. Then inject a
* new key event for further processing if webkit didn't handle it.
* Note that the native peer object does not take any strong reference onto the
* instance of this java object, hence it is up to the client of this class (e.g.
* the ViewEmbedder implementor) to hold a strong reference to it for the required
* lifetime of the object.
public class ImeAdapter {
private static final String TAG = "cr_Ime";
private static final boolean DEBUG_LOGS = false;
public static final int COMPOSITION_KEY_CODE = 229;
private static final int IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING = 0x1000000;
private long mNativeImeAdapterAndroid;
private InputMethodManagerWrapper mInputMethodManagerWrapper;
private ChromiumBaseInputConnection mInputConnection;
private ChromiumBaseInputConnection.Factory mInputConnectionFactory;
// NOTE: This object will not be released by Android framework until the matching
// ResultReceiver in the InputMethodService (IME app) gets gc'ed.
private ShowKeyboardResultReceiver mShowKeyboardResultReceiver;
private final WebContents mWebContents;
private View mContainerView;
// This holds the information necessary for constructing CursorAnchorInfo, and notifies to
// InputMethodManager on appropriate timing, depending on how IME requested the information
// via InputConnection. The update request is per InputConnection, hence for each time it is
// re-created, the monitoring status will be reset.
private final CursorAnchorInfoController mCursorAnchorInfoController;
private final List<ImeEventObserver> mEventObservers = new ArrayList<>();
private int mTextInputType = TextInputType.NONE;
private int mTextInputFlags;
private int mTextInputMode = WebTextInputMode.DEFAULT;
private boolean mNodeEditable;
private boolean mNodePassword;
// Viewport rect before the OSK was brought up.
// Used to tell View#onSizeChanged to focus a form element.
private final Rect mFocusPreOSKViewportRect = new Rect();
// Keep the current configuration to detect the change when onConfigurationChanged() is called.
private Configuration mCurrentConfig;
private int mLastSelectionStart;
private int mLastSelectionEnd;
private String mLastText;
private int mLastCompositionStart;
private int mLastCompositionEnd;
private boolean mRestartInputOnNextStateUpdate;
// True if ImeAdapter is connected to render process.
private boolean mIsConnected;
* {@ResultReceiver} passed in InputMethodManager#showSoftInput}. We need this to scroll to the
* editable node at the right timing, which is after input method window shows up.
// TODO( Fix this properly.
private static class ShowKeyboardResultReceiver extends ResultReceiver {
// Unfortunately, the memory life cycle of ResultReceiver object, once passed in
// showSoftInput(), is in the control of Android's input method framework and IME app,
// so we use a weakref to avoid tying ImeAdapter's lifetime to that of ResultReceiver
// object.
private final WeakReference<ImeAdapter> mImeAdapter;
public ShowKeyboardResultReceiver(ImeAdapter imeAdapter, Handler handler) {
mImeAdapter = new WeakReference<>(imeAdapter);
public void onReceiveResult(int resultCode, Bundle resultData) {
ImeAdapter imeAdapter = mImeAdapter.get();
if (imeAdapter == null) return;
* @param webContents WebContents instance with which this ImeAdapter is associated.
* @param containerView {@link View} instance which input events are posted on.
* @param wrapper InputMethodManagerWrapper that should receive all the call directed to
* InputMethodManager.
public ImeAdapter(
WebContents webContents, View containerView, InputMethodManagerWrapper wrapper) {
mWebContents = webContents;
mContainerView = containerView;
mInputMethodManagerWrapper = wrapper;
// Deep copy newConfig so that we can notice the difference.
mCurrentConfig = new Configuration(mContainerView.getResources().getConfiguration());
// CursorAnchroInfo is supported only after L.
mCursorAnchorInfoController = CursorAnchorInfoController.create(wrapper,
new CursorAnchorInfoController.ComposingTextDelegate() {
public CharSequence getText() {
return mLastText;
public int getSelectionStart() {
return mLastSelectionStart;
public int getSelectionEnd() {
return mLastSelectionEnd;
public int getComposingTextStart() {
return mLastCompositionStart;
public int getComposingTextEnd() {
return mLastCompositionEnd;
} else {
mCursorAnchorInfoController = null;
mNativeImeAdapterAndroid = nativeInit(webContents);
* Set the container view.
* @param containerView {@link View} which this ImeAdapter works on.
public void setContainerView(View containerView) {
mContainerView = containerView;
public void addEventObserver(ImeEventObserver eventObserver) {
private void createInputConnectionFactory() {
if (mInputConnectionFactory != null) return;
mInputConnectionFactory = new ThreadedInputConnectionFactory(mInputMethodManagerWrapper);
// Tells if the ImeAdapter in valid state (i.e. not in destroyed state), and is
// connected to render process. The former check guards against the call via
// ThreadedInputConnection from Android framework after ImeAdapter.destroy() is called.
private boolean isValid() {
return mNativeImeAdapterAndroid != 0 && mIsConnected;
* @see View#onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)
* @param allowKeyboardLearning Whether to allow keyboard (IME) app to do personalized learning.
public ChromiumBaseInputConnection onCreateInputConnection(
EditorInfo outAttrs, boolean allowKeyboardLearning) {
// InputMethodService evaluates fullscreen mode even when the new input connection is
// null. This makes sure IME doesn't enter fullscreen mode or open custom UI.
outAttrs.imeOptions = EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN | EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI;
// TODO(changwan): Replace with EditorInfoCompat#IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING or
// EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING as soon as either is
// available in all build config types.
if (!allowKeyboardLearning) outAttrs.imeOptions |= IME_FLAG_NO_PERSONALIZED_LEARNING;
// Without this line, some third-party IMEs will try to compose text even when
// not on an editable node. Even when we return null here, key events can still go
// through ImeAdapter#dispatchKeyEvent().
if (mTextInputType == TextInputType.NONE) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onCreateInputConnection returns null.");
return null;
if (mInputConnectionFactory == null) return null;
setInputConnection(mInputConnectionFactory.initializeAndGet(mContainerView, this,
mTextInputType, mTextInputFlags, mTextInputMode, mLastSelectionStart,
mLastSelectionEnd, outAttrs));
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onCreateInputConnection: " + mInputConnection);
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController != null) {
mCursorAnchorInfoController.onRequestCursorUpdates(false /* not an immediate request */,
false /* disable monitoring */, mContainerView);
if (isValid()) {
false /* not an immediate request */, false /* disable monitoring */);
return mInputConnection;
private void setInputConnection(ChromiumBaseInputConnection inputConnection) {
if (mInputConnection == inputConnection) return;
// The previous input connection might be waiting for state update.
if (mInputConnection != null) mInputConnection.unblockOnUiThread();
mInputConnection = inputConnection;
* Overrides the InputMethodManagerWrapper that ImeAdapter uses to make calls to
* InputMethodManager.
* @param immw InputMethodManagerWrapper that should be used to call InputMethodManager.
public void setInputMethodManagerWrapperForTest(InputMethodManagerWrapper immw) {
mInputMethodManagerWrapper = immw;
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController != null) {
void setInputConnectionFactory(ChromiumBaseInputConnection.Factory factory) {
mInputConnectionFactory = factory;
ChromiumBaseInputConnection.Factory getInputConnectionFactoryForTest() {
return mInputConnectionFactory;
* Get the current input connection for testing purposes.
public ChromiumBaseInputConnection getInputConnectionForTest() {
return mInputConnection;
private static int getModifiers(int metaState) {
int modifiers = 0;
if ((metaState & KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON) != 0) {
modifiers |= WebInputEventModifier.SHIFT_KEY;
if ((metaState & KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON) != 0) {
modifiers |= WebInputEventModifier.ALT_KEY;
if ((metaState & KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON) != 0) {
modifiers |= WebInputEventModifier.CONTROL_KEY;
if ((metaState & KeyEvent.META_CAPS_LOCK_ON) != 0) {
modifiers |= WebInputEventModifier.CAPS_LOCK_ON;
if ((metaState & KeyEvent.META_NUM_LOCK_ON) != 0) {
modifiers |= WebInputEventModifier.NUM_LOCK_ON;
return modifiers;
* Updates internal representation of the text being edited and its selection and composition
* properties.
* @param textInputType Text input type for the currently focused field in renderer.
* @param textInputFlags Text input flags.
* @param textInputMode Text input mode.
* @param showIfNeeded Whether the keyboard should be shown if it is currently hidden.
* @param text The String contents of the field being edited.
* @param selectionStart The character offset of the selection start, or the caret position if
* there is no selection.
* @param selectionEnd The character offset of the selection end, or the caret position if there
* is no selection.
* @param compositionStart The character offset of the composition start, or -1 if there is no
* composition.
* @param compositionEnd The character offset of the composition end, or -1 if there is no
* selection.
* @param replyToRequest True when the update was requested by IME.
private void updateState(int textInputType, int textInputFlags, int textInputMode,
boolean showIfNeeded, String text, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd,
int compositionStart, int compositionEnd, boolean replyToRequest) {
try {
Log.i(TAG, "updateState: type [%d->%d], flags [%d], show [%b], ", mTextInputType,
textInputType, textInputFlags, showIfNeeded);
boolean needsRestart = false;
if (mRestartInputOnNextStateUpdate) {
needsRestart = true;
mRestartInputOnNextStateUpdate = false;
mTextInputFlags = textInputFlags;
if (mTextInputMode != textInputMode) {
mTextInputMode = textInputMode;
needsRestart = true;
if (mTextInputType != textInputType) {
mTextInputType = textInputType;
needsRestart = true;
boolean editable = textInputType != TextInputType.NONE;
boolean password = textInputType == TextInputType.PASSWORD;
if (mNodeEditable != editable || mNodePassword != password) {
for (ImeEventObserver observer : mEventObservers) {
observer.onNodeAttributeUpdated(editable, password);
mNodeEditable = editable;
mNodePassword = password;
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController != null
&& (!TextUtils.equals(mLastText, text) || mLastSelectionStart != selectionStart
|| mLastSelectionEnd != selectionEnd
|| mLastCompositionStart != compositionStart
|| mLastCompositionEnd != compositionEnd)) {
mLastText = text;
mLastSelectionStart = selectionStart;
mLastSelectionEnd = selectionEnd;
mLastCompositionStart = compositionStart;
mLastCompositionEnd = compositionEnd;
if (textInputType == TextInputType.NONE) {
} else {
if (needsRestart) restartInput();
// There is no API for us to get notified of user's dismissal of keyboard.
// Therefore, we should try to show keyboard even when text input type hasn't
// changed.
if (showIfNeeded) showSoftKeyboard();
if (mInputConnection != null) {
boolean singleLine = mTextInputType != TextInputType.TEXT_AREA
&& mTextInputType != TextInputType.CONTENT_EDITABLE;
mInputConnection.updateStateOnUiThread(text, selectionStart, selectionEnd,
compositionStart, compositionEnd, singleLine, replyToRequest);
} finally {
* Show soft keyboard only if it is the current keyboard configuration.
private void showSoftKeyboard() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "showSoftKeyboard");
mInputMethodManagerWrapper.showSoftInput(mContainerView, 0, getNewShowKeyboardReceiver());
if (mContainerView.getResources().getConfiguration().keyboard
!= Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS) {
* Call this when we get result from ResultReceiver passed in calling showSoftInput().
* @param resultCode The result of showSoftInput() as defined in InputMethodManager.
public void onShowKeyboardReceiveResult(int resultCode) {
if (resultCode == InputMethodManager.RESULT_SHOWN) {
// If OSK is newly shown, delay the form focus until
// the onSizeChanged (in order to adjust relative to the
// new size).
// TODO(jdduke): We should not assume that onSizeChanged will
// always be called,
} else if (ViewUtils.hasFocus(mContainerView)
&& resultCode == InputMethodManager.RESULT_UNCHANGED_SHOWN) {
// If the OSK was already there, focus the form immediately.
public Rect getFocusPreOSKViewportRect() {
return mFocusPreOSKViewportRect;
public ResultReceiver getNewShowKeyboardReceiver() {
if (mShowKeyboardResultReceiver == null) {
// Note: the returned object will get leaked by Android framework.
mShowKeyboardResultReceiver = new ShowKeyboardResultReceiver(this, new Handler());
return mShowKeyboardResultReceiver;
* Hide soft keyboard.
private void hideKeyboard() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "hideKeyboard");
View view = mContainerView;
if (mInputMethodManagerWrapper.isActive(view)) {
// NOTE: we should not set ResultReceiver here. Otherwise, IMM will own ContentViewCore
// and ImeAdapter even after input method goes away and result gets received.
mInputMethodManagerWrapper.hideSoftInputFromWindow(view.getWindowToken(), 0, null);
// Detach input connection by returning null from onCreateInputConnection().
if (mTextInputType == TextInputType.NONE && mInputConnection != null) {
ChromiumBaseInputConnection inputConnection = mInputConnection;
restartInput(); // resets mInputConnection
// Restart input may not happen if view is detached from window, but
// we need to unblock in any case. We want to call this after restartInput() to
// ensure that there is no additional IME operation in the queue.
* Call this when keyboard configuration has changed.
public void onKeyboardConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
// If configuration unchanged, do nothing.
if (mCurrentConfig.keyboard == newConfig.keyboard
&& mCurrentConfig.keyboardHidden == newConfig.keyboardHidden
&& mCurrentConfig.hardKeyboardHidden == newConfig.hardKeyboardHidden) {
// Deep copy newConfig so that we can notice the difference.
mCurrentConfig = new Configuration(newConfig);
Log.i(TAG, "onKeyboardConfigurationChanged: mTextInputType [%d]", mTextInputType);
if (mTextInputType != TextInputType.NONE) {
// By default, we show soft keyboard on keyboard changes. This is useful
// when the user switches from hardware keyboard to software keyboard.
// TODO(changwan): check if we can skip this for hardware keyboard configurations.
* Call this when window's focus has changed.
* @param gainFocus True if we're gaining focus.
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus) {
if (mInputConnectionFactory != null) {
* Call this when view is attached to window.
public void onViewAttachedToWindow() {
if (mInputConnectionFactory != null) {
* Call this when view is detached from window.
public void onViewDetachedFromWindow() {
if (mInputConnectionFactory != null) {
* Call this when view's focus has changed.
* @param gainFocus True if we're gaining focus.
* @param hideKeyboardOnBlur True if we should hide soft keyboard when losing focus.
public void onViewFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus, boolean hideKeyboardOnBlur) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onViewFocusChanged: gainFocus [%b]", gainFocus);
if (!gainFocus && hideKeyboardOnBlur) resetAndHideKeyboard();
if (mInputConnectionFactory != null) {
void setInputTypeForTest(int textInputType) {
mTextInputType = textInputType;
private static boolean isTextInputType(int type) {
return type != TextInputType.NONE && !InputDialogContainer.isDialogInputType(type);
public boolean hasTextInputType() {
return isTextInputType(mTextInputType);
* See {@link View#dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent)}
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
Log.i(TAG, "dispatchKeyEvent: action [%d], keycode [%d]", event.getAction(),
if (mInputConnection != null) return mInputConnection.sendKeyEventOnUiThread(event);
return sendKeyEvent(event);
* Resets IME adapter and hides keyboard. Note that this will also unblock input connection.
public void resetAndHideKeyboard() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "resetAndHideKeyboard");
mTextInputType = TextInputType.NONE;
mTextInputFlags = 0;
mTextInputMode = WebTextInputMode.DEFAULT;
mRestartInputOnNextStateUpdate = false;
// This will trigger unblocking if necessary.
private void destroy() {
mNativeImeAdapterAndroid = 0;
mIsConnected = false;
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController != null) {
* Update selection to input method manager.
* @param selectionStart The selection start.
* @param selectionEnd The selection end.
* @param compositionStart The composition start.
* @param compositionEnd The composition end.
void updateSelection(
int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, int compositionStart, int compositionEnd) {
mContainerView, selectionStart, selectionEnd, compositionStart, compositionEnd);
* Update extracted text to input method manager.
void updateExtractedText(int token, ExtractedText extractedText) {
mInputMethodManagerWrapper.updateExtractedText(mContainerView, token, extractedText);
* Restart input (finish composition and change EditorInfo, such as input type).
void restartInput() {
// This will eventually cause input method manager to call View#onCreateInputConnection().
if (mInputConnection != null) mInputConnection.onRestartInputOnUiThread();
* @see BaseInputConnection#performContextMenuAction(int)
boolean performContextMenuAction(int id) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "performContextMenuAction: id [%d]", id);
switch (id) {
return true;
return true;
return true;
return true;
return false;
boolean performEditorAction(int actionCode) {
if (!isValid()) return false;
switch (actionCode) {
case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT:
return true;
* Advances the focus to next input field in the current form.
* @param focusType indicates whether to advance forward or backward direction.
private void advanceFocusInForm(int focusType) {
if (mNativeImeAdapterAndroid == 0) return;
nativeAdvanceFocusInForm(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, focusType);
void notifyUserAction() {
protected void sendSyntheticKeyPress(int keyCode, int flags) {
long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime,
KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyCode, 0, 0,
KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0,
sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime,
KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyCode, 0, 0,
KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0,
private void onImeEvent() {
for (ImeEventObserver observer : mEventObservers) observer.onImeEvent();
if (mNodeEditable) mWebContents.dismissTextHandles();
boolean sendCompositionToNative(
CharSequence text, int newCursorPosition, boolean isCommit, int unicodeFromKeyEvent) {
if (!isValid()) return false;
// One WebView app detects Enter in JS by looking at KeyDown (http://crbug/577967).
if (TextUtils.equals(text, "\n")) {
return true;
long timestampMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
nativeSendKeyEvent(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, null, WebInputEventType.RAW_KEY_DOWN, 0,
timestampMs, COMPOSITION_KEY_CODE, 0, false, unicodeFromKeyEvent);
if (isCommit) {
nativeCommitText(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, text, text.toString(), newCursorPosition);
} else {
mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, text, text.toString(), newCursorPosition);
nativeSendKeyEvent(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, null, WebInputEventType.KEY_UP, 0, timestampMs,
COMPOSITION_KEY_CODE, 0, false, unicodeFromKeyEvent);
return true;
boolean finishComposingText() {
if (!isValid()) return false;
return true;
boolean sendKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
if (!isValid()) return false;
int action = event.getAction();
int type;
if (action == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
type = WebInputEventType.KEY_DOWN;
} else if (action == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) {
type = WebInputEventType.KEY_UP;
} else {
// In theory, KeyEvent.ACTION_MULTIPLE is a valid value, but in practice
// this seems to have been quietly deprecated and we've never observed
// a case where it's sent (holding down physical keyboard key also
// sends ACTION_DOWN), so it's fine to silently drop it.
return false;
return nativeSendKeyEvent(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, event, type,
getModifiers(event.getMetaState()), event.getEventTime(), event.getKeyCode(),
event.getScanCode(), /*isSystemKey=*/false, event.getUnicodeChar());
* Send a request to the native counterpart to delete a given range of characters.
* @param beforeLength Number of characters to extend the selection by before the existing
* selection.
* @param afterLength Number of characters to extend the selection by after the existing
* selection.
* @return Whether the native counterpart of ImeAdapter received the call.
boolean deleteSurroundingText(int beforeLength, int afterLength) {
if (!isValid()) return false;
nativeSendKeyEvent(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, null, WebInputEventType.RAW_KEY_DOWN, 0,
SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), COMPOSITION_KEY_CODE, 0, false, 0);
nativeDeleteSurroundingText(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, beforeLength, afterLength);
nativeSendKeyEvent(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, null, WebInputEventType.KEY_UP, 0,
SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), COMPOSITION_KEY_CODE, 0, false, 0);
return true;
* Send a request to the native counterpart to delete a given range of characters.
* @param beforeLength Number of code points to extend the selection by before the existing
* selection.
* @param afterLength Number of code points to extend the selection by after the existing
* selection.
* @return Whether the native counterpart of ImeAdapter received the call.
boolean deleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints(int beforeLength, int afterLength) {
if (!isValid()) return false;
nativeSendKeyEvent(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, null, WebInputEventType.RAW_KEY_DOWN, 0,
SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), COMPOSITION_KEY_CODE, 0, false, 0);
mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, beforeLength, afterLength);
nativeSendKeyEvent(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, null, WebInputEventType.KEY_UP, 0,
SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), COMPOSITION_KEY_CODE, 0, false, 0);
return true;
* Send a request to the native counterpart to set the selection to given range.
* @param start Selection start index.
* @param end Selection end index.
* @return Whether the native counterpart of ImeAdapter received the call.
boolean setEditableSelectionOffsets(int start, int end) {
if (!isValid()) return false;
nativeSetEditableSelectionOffsets(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, start, end);
return true;
* Send a request to the native counterpart to set composing region to given indices.
* @param start The start of the composition.
* @param end The end of the composition.
* @return Whether the native counterpart of ImeAdapter received the call.
boolean setComposingRegion(int start, int end) {
if (!isValid()) return false;
if (start <= end) {
nativeSetComposingRegion(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, start, end);
} else {
nativeSetComposingRegion(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, end, start);
return true;
private void focusedNodeChanged(boolean isEditable) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "focusedNodeChanged: isEditable [%b]", isEditable);
// Update controller before the connection is restarted.
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController != null) {
if (mTextInputType != TextInputType.NONE && mInputConnection != null && isEditable) {
mRestartInputOnNextStateUpdate = true;
* Send a request to the native counterpart to give the latest text input state update.
boolean requestTextInputStateUpdate() {
if (!isValid()) return false;
// You won't get state update anyways.
if (mInputConnection == null) return false;
return nativeRequestTextInputStateUpdate(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid);
* Notified when IME requested Chrome to change the cursor update mode.
public boolean onRequestCursorUpdates(int cursorUpdateMode) {
final boolean immediateRequest =
(cursorUpdateMode & InputConnection.CURSOR_UPDATE_IMMEDIATE) != 0;
final boolean monitorRequest =
(cursorUpdateMode & InputConnection.CURSOR_UPDATE_MONITOR) != 0;
if (isValid()) {
nativeRequestCursorUpdate(mNativeImeAdapterAndroid, immediateRequest, monitorRequest);
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController == null) return false;
return mCursorAnchorInfoController.onRequestCursorUpdates(
immediateRequest, monitorRequest, mContainerView);
* Notified when a frame has been produced by the renderer and all the associated metadata.
* @param scaleFactor device scale factor.
* @param contentOffsetYPix Y offset below the browser controls.
* @param hasInsertionMarker Whether the insertion marker is visible or not.
* @param insertionMarkerHorizontal X coordinates (in view-local DIP pixels) of the insertion
* marker if it exists. Will be ignored otherwise.
* @param insertionMarkerTop Y coordinates (in view-local DIP pixels) of the top of the
* insertion marker if it exists. Will be ignored otherwise.
* @param insertionMarkerBottom Y coordinates (in view-local DIP pixels) of the bottom of
* the insertion marker if it exists. Will be ignored otherwise.
private void updateFrameInfo(float scaleFactor, float contentOffsetYPix,
boolean hasInsertionMarker, boolean isInsertionMarkerVisible,
float insertionMarkerHorizontal, float insertionMarkerTop,
float insertionMarkerBottom) {
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController == null) return;
mCursorAnchorInfoController.onUpdateFrameInfo(scaleFactor, contentOffsetYPix,
hasInsertionMarker, isInsertionMarkerVisible, insertionMarkerHorizontal,
insertionMarkerTop, insertionMarkerBottom, mContainerView);
private void populateUnderlinesFromSpans(CharSequence text, long underlines) {
Log.i(TAG, "populateUnderlinesFromSpans: text [%s], underlines [%d]", text, underlines);
if (!(text instanceof SpannableString)) return;
SpannableString spannableString = ((SpannableString) text);
CharacterStyle spans[] =
spannableString.getSpans(0, text.length(), CharacterStyle.class);
for (CharacterStyle span : spans) {
if (span instanceof BackgroundColorSpan) {
nativeAppendBackgroundColorSpan(underlines, spannableString.getSpanStart(span),
((BackgroundColorSpan) span).getBackgroundColor());
} else if (span instanceof UnderlineSpan) {
nativeAppendUnderlineSpan(underlines, spannableString.getSpanStart(span),
private void cancelComposition() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "cancelComposition");
if (mInputConnection != null) restartInput();
private void setCharacterBounds(float[] characterBounds) {
if (mCursorAnchorInfoController == null) return;
mCursorAnchorInfoController.setCompositionCharacterBounds(characterBounds, mContainerView);
private void onConnectedToRenderProcess() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onConnectedToRenderProcess");
mIsConnected = true;
private native long nativeInit(WebContents webContents);
private native boolean nativeSendKeyEvent(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid, KeyEvent event,
int type, int modifiers, long timestampMs, int keyCode, int scanCode,
boolean isSystemKey, int unicodeChar);
private static native void nativeAppendUnderlineSpan(long underlinePtr, int start, int end);
private static native void nativeAppendBackgroundColorSpan(long underlinePtr, int start,
int end, int backgroundColor);
private native void nativeSetComposingText(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid, CharSequence text,
String textStr, int newCursorPosition);
private native void nativeCommitText(
long nativeImeAdapterAndroid, CharSequence text, String textStr, int newCursorPosition);
private native void nativeFinishComposingText(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid);
private native void nativeSetEditableSelectionOffsets(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid,
int start, int end);
private native void nativeSetComposingRegion(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid, int start, int end);
private native void nativeDeleteSurroundingText(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid,
int before, int after);
private native void nativeDeleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints(
long nativeImeAdapterAndroid, int before, int after);
private native boolean nativeRequestTextInputStateUpdate(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid);
private native void nativeRequestCursorUpdate(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid,
boolean immediateRequest, boolean monitorRequest);
private native void nativeAdvanceFocusInForm(long nativeImeAdapterAndroid, int focusType);