blob: 5c5a8caed9d2f364875c8388dc8fa32bbc3f235c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGInlineNode_h
#define NGInlineNode_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_item.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node_data.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/layout_ng_block_flow.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_input_node.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Optional.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename OffsetMappingBuilder>
class NGInlineItemsBuilderTemplate;
class EmptyOffsetMappingBuilder;
class LayoutBlockFlow;
class LayoutNGBlockFlow;
struct MinMaxSize;
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGInlineItem;
class NGInlineItemRange;
using NGInlineItemsBuilder =
class NGLayoutResult;
class NGOffsetMappingResult;
// Represents an anonymous block box to be laid out, that contains consecutive
// inline nodes and their descendants.
class CORE_EXPORT NGInlineNode : public NGLayoutInputNode {
LayoutBlockFlow* GetLayoutBlockFlow() const {
return ToLayoutBlockFlow(box_);
NGLayoutInputNode NextSibling();
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> Layout(NGConstraintSpace*, NGBreakToken* = nullptr);
// Computes the value of min-content and max-content for this anonymous block
// box. min-content is the inline size when lines wrap at every break
// opportunity, and max-content is when lines do not wrap at all.
MinMaxSize ComputeMinMaxSize();
// Copy fragment data of all lines to LayoutBlockFlow.
void CopyFragmentDataToLayoutBox(const NGConstraintSpace&, NGLayoutResult*);
// Instruct to re-compute |PrepareLayout| on the next layout.
void InvalidatePrepareLayout();
const String& Text() const { return Data().text_content_; }
StringView Text(unsigned start_offset, unsigned end_offset) const {
return StringView(Data().text_content_, start_offset,
end_offset - start_offset);
const Vector<NGInlineItem>& Items() const { return Data().items_; }
NGInlineItemRange Items(unsigned start_index, unsigned end_index);
void GetLayoutTextOffsets(Vector<unsigned, 32>*);
// Returns the DOM to text content offset mapping of this block. If it is not
// computed before, compute and store it in NGInlineNodeData.
// This funciton must be called with clean layout.
const NGOffsetMappingResult& ComputeOffsetMappingIfNeeded();
bool IsBidiEnabled() const { return Data().is_bidi_enabled_; }
TextDirection BaseDirection() const { return Data().BaseDirection(); }
bool IsEmptyInline() const { return Data().is_empty_inline_; }
void AssertOffset(unsigned index, unsigned offset) const;
void AssertEndOffset(unsigned index, unsigned offset) const;
void CheckConsistency() const;
String ToString() const;
// ------ Offset Mapping APIs -----
// Returns the NGOffsetMappingUnit that contains the given offset in the DOM
// node. If there are multiple qualifying units, returns the last one.
const NGOffsetMappingUnit* GetMappingUnitForDOMOffset(const Node&, unsigned);
// Returns the text content offset corresponding to the given DOM offset.
size_t GetTextContentOffset(const Node&, unsigned);
// TODO(xiaochengh): Add APIs for reverse mapping.
// Prepare inline and text content for layout. Must be called before
// calling the Layout method.
void PrepareLayout();
bool IsPrepareLayoutFinished() const { return !Text().IsNull(); }
void CollectInlines();
void SegmentText();
void ShapeText();
NGInlineNodeData& MutableData() {
return ToLayoutNGBlockFlow(box_)->GetNGInlineNodeData();
const NGInlineNodeData& Data() const {
return ToLayoutNGBlockFlow(box_)->GetNGInlineNodeData();
friend class NGLineBreakerTest;
inline void NGInlineNode::AssertOffset(unsigned index, unsigned offset) const {
inline void NGInlineNode::AssertEndOffset(unsigned index,
unsigned offset) const {
// If the given Node is laid out as an inline, returns the NGInlineNode that
// encloses it. Otherwise, returns null.
CORE_EXPORT Optional<NGInlineNode> GetNGInlineNodeFor(const Node&);
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGInlineNode_h