blob: 7261aae9e00abfa542639236173283eaf0ea035e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_controller.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_controller_private.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h"
#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics_action.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/experimental_flags.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab_model.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab_model_observer.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/UIKit+ChromeExecuteCommand.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/commands/ios_command_ids.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/fullscreen_controller.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/rtl_geometry.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tab_switcher/tab_switcher_tab_strip_placeholder_view.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_controller+tab_switcher_animation.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_view.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_view.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tabs/target_frame_cache.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/ui_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/uikit_ui_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/snapshot_util.h"
#include "ios/chrome/grit/ios_strings.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state.h"
#include "third_party/google_toolbox_for_mac/src/iPhone/GTMFadeTruncatingLabel.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
using base::UserMetricsAction;
NSString* const kWillStartTabStripTabAnimation =
NSString* const kTabStripDragStarted = @"kTabStripDragStarted";
NSString* const kTabStripDragEnded = @"kTabStripDragEnded";
namespace TabStrip {
UIColor* BackgroundColor() {
return [UIColor colorWithRed:0.149 green:0.149 blue:0.164 alpha:1];
namespace {
// Animation duration for tab animations.
const NSTimeInterval kTabAnimationDuration = 0.25;
// Animation duration for tab strip fade.
const NSTimeInterval kTabStripFadeAnimationDuration = 0.15;
// Amount of time needed to trigger drag and drop mode when long pressing.
const NSTimeInterval kDragAndDropLongPressDuration = 0.4;
// Tab dimensions.
const CGFloat kTabOverlap = 26.0;
const CGFloat kTabOverlapForCompactLayout = 30.0;
const CGFloat kNewTabOverlap = 8.0;
const CGFloat kMaxTabWidth = 265.0;
const CGFloat kMaxTabWidthForCompactLayout = 225.0;
// Tab Switcher button dimensions.
const CGFloat kTabSwitcherButtonWidth = 46.0;
const CGFloat kTabSwitcherButtonBackgroundWidth = 62.0;
const CGFloat kNewTabRightPadding = 4.0;
const CGFloat kMinTabWidth = 200.0;
const CGFloat kMinTabWidthForCompactLayout = 160.0;
const CGFloat kCollapsedTabOverlap = 5.0;
const NSUInteger kMaxNumCollapsedTabs = 3;
const NSUInteger kMaxNumCollapsedTabsForCompactLayout = 0;
// Tabs with a visible width smaller than this draw as collapsed tabs..
const CGFloat kCollapsedTabWidthThreshold = 40.0;
// Autoscroll constants. The autoscroll distance is set to
// |kMaxAutoscrollDistance| at the edges of the scroll view. As the tab moves
// away from the edges of the scroll view, the autoscroll distance decreases by
// one for each |kAutoscrollDecrementWidth| points.
const CGFloat kMaxAutoscrollDistance = 10.0;
const CGFloat kAutoscrollDecrementWidth = 10.0;
// Dimming view constants, in points.
const CGFloat kDimmingViewBottomInsetHighRes = 0.0;
const CGFloat kDimmingViewBottomInset = 0.0;
// The size of the tab strip view.
const CGFloat kTabStripHeight = 39.0;
// The size of the new tab button.
const CGFloat kNewTabButtonWidth = 59.9;
// Default image insets for the new tab button.
const CGFloat kNewTabButtonHorizontalImageInset = 2.0;
const CGFloat kNewTabButtonTopImageInset = 6.0;
const CGFloat kNewTabButtonBottomImageInset = 7.0;
// Offsets needed to keep the UI properly centered on high-res screens, in
// points.
const CGFloat kNewTabButtonBottomOffsetHighRes = 2.0;
@interface TabStripController ()<TabModelObserver,
UIScrollViewDelegate> {
TabModel* _tabModel;
UIView* _view;
TabStripView* _tabStripView;
UIButton* _buttonNewTab;
UIButton* _tabSwitcherButton;
// Background view of the tab switcher button. Only visible while in compact
// layout.
UIImageView* _tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView;
TabStrip::Style _style;
__weak id<FullScreenControllerDelegate> _fullscreenDelegate;
// Array of TabViews. There is a one-to-one correspondence between this array
// and the set of Tabs in the TabModel.
NSMutableArray* _tabArray;
// Set of TabViews that are currently closing. These TabViews are also in
// |_tabArray|. Used to translate between |_tabArray| indexes and TabModel
// indexes.
NSMutableSet* _closingTabs;
// Tracks target frames for TabViews.
// TODO(rohitrao): This is unnecessary, as UIKit updates view frames
// immediately, so [view frame] will always return the end state of the
// current animation. We can remove this cache entirely. b/5516053
TargetFrameCache _targetFrames;
// Animate when doing layout. This flag is set by setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation
// and cleared in layoutSubviews.
BOOL _animateLayout;
// The current tab width. Recomputed whenever a tab is added or removed.
CGFloat _currentTabWidth;
// View used to dim unselected tabs when in reordering mode. Nil when not
// reordering tabs.
UIView* _dimmingView;
// Is the selected tab highlighted, used when dragging or swiping tabs.
BOOL _highlightsSelectedTab;
// YES when in reordering mode.
// TODO(rohitrao): This is redundant with |_draggedTab|. Remove it.
BOOL _isReordering;
// The tab that is currently being dragged. nil when not in reordering mode.
TabView* _draggedTab;
// The last known location of the touch that is dragging the tab. This
// location is in the coordinate system of |[_tabStripView superview]| because
// that coordinate system does not change as the scroll view scrolls.
CGPoint _lastDragLocation;
// Timer used to autoscroll when in reordering mode. Is nil when not active.
// Owned by its runloop.
NSTimer* _autoscrollTimer; // weak
// The distance to scroll for each autoscroll timer tick. If negative, the
// tabstrip will scroll to the left; if positive, to the right.
CGFloat _autoscrollDistance;
// The model index of the placeholder gap, if one exists. This value is used
// as the new model index of the dragged tab when it is dropped.
NSUInteger _placeholderGapModelIndex;
@property(nonatomic, readonly, retain) TabStripView* tabStripView;
@property(nonatomic, readonly, retain) UIButton* buttonNewTab;
// Initializes the tab array based on the the entries in the TabModel. Creates
// one TabView per Tab and adds it to the tabstrip. A later call to
// |-layoutTabs| is needed to properly place the tabs in the correct positions.
- (void)initializeTabArrayFromTabModel;
// Initializes the tab array to have only one empty tab, for the case (used
// during startup) when there is not a tab model available.
- (void)initializeTabArrayWithNoModel;
// Returns an autoreleased TabView object with no content.
- (TabView*)emptyTabView;
// Returns an autoreleased TabView object based on the given Tab.
// |isSelected| is passed in here as an optimization, so that the TabView is
// drawn correctly the first time, without requiring the model to send a
// -setSelected message to the TabView.
- (TabView*)tabViewForTab:(Tab*)tab isSelected:(BOOL)isSelected;
// Creates and installs the view used to dim unselected tabs. Does nothing if
// the view already exists.
- (void)installDimmingViewWithAnimation:(BOOL)animate;
// Remove the dimming view,
- (void)removeDimmingViewWithAnimation:(BOOL)animate;
// Converts between model indexes and |_tabArray| indexes. The conversion is
// necessary because |_tabArray| contains closing tabs whereas the TabModel does
// not.
- (NSUInteger)indexForModelIndex:(NSUInteger)modelIndex;
- (NSUInteger)modelIndexForIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (NSUInteger)modelIndexForTabView:(TabView*)view;
// Helper methods to handle each stage of a drag.
- (void)beginDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture;
- (void)continueDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture;
- (void)endDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture;
- (void)cancelDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture;
// Resets any internal variables used to track drag state.
- (void)resetDragState;
// Returns whether or not the tabstrip is currently in reordering mode.
- (BOOL)isReorderingTabs;
// Installs or removes the autoscroll timer.
- (void)installAutoscrollTimerIfNeeded;
- (void)removeAutoscrollTimer;
// Called once per autoscroll timer tick. Adjusts the scroll view's content
// offset as needed.
- (void)autoscrollTimerFired:(NSTimer*)timer;
// Calculates and stores the autoscroll distance for the given tab view. The
// autoscroll distance is a function of the distance between the edge of the
// scroll view and the tab's frame.
- (void)computeAutoscrollDistanceForTabView:(TabView*)view;
// Constrains the stored autoscroll distance to prevent the scroll view from
// overscrolling.
- (void)constrainAutoscrollDistance;
#if 0
// Returns the appropriate model index for the currently dragged tab, given its
// current position. (If dropped, the tab would be at this index in the model.)
// TODO(rohitrao): Implement this method.
- (NSUInteger)modelIndexForDraggedTab;
// Returns the horizontal visible tab strip width used to compute the tab width
// and the tabs and new tab button in regular layout mode.
- (CGFloat)tabStripVisibleSpace;
// Shift all of the tab strip subviews by an amount equal to the content offset
// change, which effectively places the subviews back where they were before the
// change, in terms of screen coordinates.
- (void)shiftTabStripSubviews:(CGPoint)oldContentOffset;
// Updates the scroll view's content size based on the current set of tabs and
// closing tabs. After updating the content size, repositions views so they
// they will appear stationary on screen.
- (void)updateContentSizeAndRepositionViews;
// Returns the frame, in the scroll view content's coordinate system, of the
// given tab view.
- (CGRect)scrollViewFrameForTab:(TabView*)view;
// Returns the portion of |frame| which is not covered by |frameOnTop|.
- (CGRect)calculateVisibleFrameForFrame:(CGRect)frame
// Schedules a layout of the scroll view and sets the internal |_animateLayout|
// flag so that the layout will be animated.
- (void)setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation;
// Returns the maximum number of collapsed tabs depending on the current layout
// mode.
- (NSUInteger)maxNumCollapsedTabs;
// Returns the tab overlap width depending on the current layout mode.
- (CGFloat)tabOverlap;
// Returns the maximum tab view width depending on the current layout mode.
- (CGFloat)maxTabWidth;
// Returns the minimum tab view width depending on the current layout mode.
- (CGFloat)minTabWidth;
// Automatically scroll the tab strip view to keep the newly inserted tab view
// visible.
// This method must be called with a valid |tabIndex|.
- (void)autoScrollForNewTab:(NSUInteger)tabIndex;
// Updates the content offset of the tab strip view in order to keep the
// selected tab view visible.
// Content offset adjustement is only needed/performed in compact mode or
// regular mode for newly opened tabs.
// This method must be called with a valid |tabIndex|.
- (void)updateContentOffsetForTabIndex:(NSUInteger)tabIndex
// Update the frame of the tab strip view (scrollview) frame, content inset and
// toggle buttons states depending on the current layout mode.
- (void)updateScrollViewFrameForTabSwitcherButton;
@implementation TabStripController
@synthesize buttonNewTab = _buttonNewTab;
@synthesize highlightsSelectedTab = _highlightsSelectedTab;
@synthesize tabStripView = _tabStripView;
@synthesize view = _view;
- (instancetype)initWithTabModel:(TabModel*)tabModel
style:(TabStrip::Style)style {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_tabArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
_closingTabs = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
_tabModel = tabModel;
[_tabModel addObserver:self];
_style = style;
// |self.view| setup.
CGRect tabStripFrame = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.bounds;
tabStripFrame.size.height = kTabStripHeight;
_view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:tabStripFrame];
_view.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |
_view.backgroundColor = TabStrip::BackgroundColor();
if (UseRTLLayout())
_view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1, 1);
// |self.tabStripView| setup.
_tabStripView = [[TabStripView alloc] initWithFrame:_view.bounds];
_tabStripView.autoresizingMask =
(UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight);
_tabStripView.backgroundColor = _view.backgroundColor;
_tabStripView.layoutDelegate = self;
_tabStripView.accessibilityIdentifier = style == TabStrip::kStyleIncognito
? @"Incognito Tab Strip"
: @"Tab Strip";
[_view addSubview:_tabStripView];
// |self.buttonNewTab| setup.
CGRect buttonNewTabFrame = tabStripFrame;
buttonNewTabFrame.size.width = kNewTabButtonWidth;
_buttonNewTab = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:buttonNewTabFrame];
BOOL isBrowserStateIncognito =
tabModel && tabModel.browserState->IsOffTheRecord();
_buttonNewTab.tag =
isBrowserStateIncognito ? IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_TAB : IDC_NEW_TAB;
// TODO( Rewrite layout code and convert these masks to
// to trailing and leading margins rather than right and bottom.
_buttonNewTab.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin |
_buttonNewTab.imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
UIImage* buttonNewTabImage = nil;
UIImage* buttonNewTabPressedImage = nil;
if (_style == TabStrip::kStyleIncognito) {
buttonNewTabImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"tabstrip_new_tab_incognito"];
buttonNewTabPressedImage =
[UIImage imageNamed:@"tabstrip_new_tab_incognito_pressed"];
} else {
buttonNewTabImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"tabstrip_new_tab"];
buttonNewTabPressedImage =
[UIImage imageNamed:@"tabstrip_new_tab_pressed"];
[_buttonNewTab setImage:buttonNewTabImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[_buttonNewTab setImage:buttonNewTabPressedImage
UIEdgeInsets imageInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(
kNewTabButtonTopImageInset, kNewTabButtonHorizontalImageInset,
kNewTabButtonBottomImageInset, kNewTabButtonHorizontalImageInset);
if (IsHighResScreen()) { += kNewTabButtonBottomOffsetHighRes;
imageInsets.bottom -= kNewTabButtonBottomOffsetHighRes;
_buttonNewTab.imageEdgeInsets = imageInsets;
isBrowserStateIncognito ? @"New Incognito Tab" : @"New Tab");
// Use a nil target to send |-chromeExecuteCommand:| down the responder
// chain.
[_buttonNewTab addTarget:nil
[_buttonNewTab addTarget:self
[_tabStripView addSubview:_buttonNewTab];
[self installTabSwitcherButton];
// Add tab buttons to tab strip.
if (_tabModel)
[self initializeTabArrayFromTabModel];
[self initializeTabArrayWithNoModel];
// Update the layout of the tab buttons.
[self updateContentSizeAndRepositionViews];
[self layoutTabStripSubviews];
// Don't highlight the selected tab by default.
self.highlightsSelectedTab = NO;
return self;
- (instancetype)init {
return nil;
- (void)dealloc {
[_tabStripView setDelegate:nil];
[_tabStripView setLayoutDelegate:nil];
[_tabModel removeObserver:self];
- (id<FullScreenControllerDelegate>)fullscreenDelegate {
return _fullscreenDelegate;
- (void)setFullscreenDelegate:
(id<FullScreenControllerDelegate>)fullscreenDelegate {
_fullscreenDelegate = fullscreenDelegate;
- (void)initializeTabArrayFromTabModel {
for (Tab* tab in _tabModel) {
BOOL isSelectedTab = [_tabModel currentTab] == tab;
TabView* view = [self tabViewForTab:tab isSelected:isSelectedTab];
[_tabArray addObject:view];
[_tabStripView addSubview:view];
- (void)initializeTabArrayWithNoModel {
TabView* view = [self emptyTabView];
[_tabArray addObject:view];
[_tabStripView addSubview:view];
[view setSelected:YES];
- (TabView*)emptyTabView {
TabView* view = [[TabView alloc] initWithEmptyView:YES selected:YES];
[view setIncognitoStyle:(_style == TabStrip::kStyleIncognito)];
[view setContentMode:UIViewContentModeRedraw];
// Setting the tab to be hidden marks it as a new tab. The layout code will
// make the tab visible and set up the appropriate animations.
[view setHidden:YES];
return view;
- (TabView*)tabViewForTab:(Tab*)tab isSelected:(BOOL)isSelected {
TabView* view = [[TabView alloc] initWithEmptyView:NO selected:isSelected];
if (UseRTLLayout())
[view setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1, 1)];
[view setIncognitoStyle:(_style == TabStrip::kStyleIncognito)];
[view setContentMode:UIViewContentModeRedraw];
[[view titleLabel] setText:[tab title]];
[view setFavicon:[tab favicon]];
// Set the tab buttons' action messages.
[view addTarget:self
[[view closeButton] addTarget:self
// Install a long press gesture recognizer to handle drag and drop.
UILongPressGestureRecognizer* longPress =
[[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc]
[longPress setMinimumPressDuration:kDragAndDropLongPressDuration];
[longPress setDelegate:self];
[view addGestureRecognizer:longPress];
// Giving the tab view exclusive touch prevents other views from receiving
// touches while a TabView is handling a touch.
[view setExclusiveTouch:YES];
// Setting the tab to be hidden marks it as a new tab. The layout code will
// make the tab visible and set up the appropriate animations.
[view setHidden:YES];
return view;
- (void)setHighlightsSelectedTab:(BOOL)highlightsSelectedTab {
if (highlightsSelectedTab)
[self installDimmingViewWithAnimation:YES];
[self removeDimmingViewWithAnimation:YES];
_highlightsSelectedTab = highlightsSelectedTab;
- (void)installDimmingViewWithAnimation:(BOOL)animate {
// The dimming view should not cover the bottom 2px of the tab strip, as those
// pixels are visually part of the top border of the toolbar. The bottom
// inset constants take into account the conversion from pixels to points.
CGRect frame = [_tabStripView bounds];
frame.size.height -= (IsHighResScreen() ? kDimmingViewBottomInsetHighRes
: kDimmingViewBottomInset);
// Create the dimming view if it doesn't exist. In all cases, make sure it's
// set up correctly.
if (_dimmingView)
[_dimmingView setFrame:frame];
_dimmingView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
// Enable user interaction in order to eat touches from views behind it.
[_dimmingView setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
[_dimmingView setBackgroundColor:[TabStrip::BackgroundColor()
[_dimmingView setAutoresizingMask:(UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |
[_tabStripView addSubview:_dimmingView];
CGFloat duration = animate ? kTabStripFadeAnimationDuration : 0;
[UIView animateWithDuration:duration
- (void)removeDimmingViewWithAnimation:(BOOL)animate {
if (_dimmingView) {
CGFloat duration = animate ? kTabStripFadeAnimationDuration : 0;
[UIView animateWithDuration:duration
[_dimmingView setBackgroundColor:[TabStrip::BackgroundColor()
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
// Do not remove the dimming view if the animation was aborted.
if (finished) {
[_dimmingView removeFromSuperview];
_dimmingView = nil;
- (void)recordUserMetrics:(id)sender {
if (sender == _buttonNewTab)
else if (sender == _tabSwitcherButton)
LOG(WARNING) << "Trying to record metrics for unknown sender "
<< base::SysNSStringToUTF8([sender description]);
- (void)tabTapped:(id)sender {
DCHECK([sender isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]);
// Ignore taps while in reordering mode.
if ([self isReorderingTabs])
NSUInteger index = [self modelIndexForTabView:(TabView*)sender];
DCHECK_NE(NSNotFound, static_cast<NSInteger>(index));
if (index == NSNotFound)
Tab* tappedTab = [_tabModel tabAtIndex:index];
Tab* currentTab = [_tabModel currentTab];
if (IsIPadIdiom() && (currentTab != tappedTab)) {
[currentTab updateSnapshotWithOverlay:YES visibleFrameOnly:YES];
[_tabModel setCurrentTab:tappedTab];
[self updateContentOffsetForTabIndex:index isNewTab:NO];
- (void)closeTab:(id)sender {
// Ignore taps while in reordering mode.
// TODO(rohitrao): We should just hide the close buttons instead.
if ([self isReorderingTabs])
DCHECK([sender isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]);
UIView* superview = [sender superview];
DCHECK([superview isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]);
TabView* tab = (TabView*)superview;
NSUInteger modelIndex = [self modelIndexForTabView:tab];
if (modelIndex != NSNotFound)
[_tabModel closeTabAtIndex:modelIndex];
- (void)handleLongPress:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture {
switch ([gesture state]) {
case UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[self beginDrag:gesture];
case UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged:
[self continueDrag:gesture];
case UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded:
[self endDrag:gesture];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
case UIGestureRecognizerStateCancelled:
[self cancelDrag:gesture];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
- (NSUInteger)indexForModelIndex:(NSUInteger)modelIndex {
NSUInteger index = modelIndex;
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (TabView* tab in _tabArray) {
if ([_closingTabs containsObject:tab])
if (i == index)
DCHECK_GE(index, modelIndex);
return index;
- (NSUInteger)modelIndexForIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
NSUInteger modelIndex = 0;
NSUInteger arrayIndex = 0;
for (TabView* tab in _tabArray) {
if (arrayIndex == index) {
if ([_closingTabs containsObject:tab])
return NSNotFound;
return modelIndex;
if (![_closingTabs containsObject:tab])
return NSNotFound;
- (NSUInteger)modelIndexForTabView:(TabView*)view {
return [self modelIndexForIndex:[_tabArray indexOfObject:view]];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Tab Drag and Drop methods
- (void)beginDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture {
DCHECK([[gesture view] isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]);
TabView* view = (TabView*)[gesture view];
// Sanity checks.
NSUInteger index = [self modelIndexForTabView:view];
DCHECK_NE(NSNotFound, static_cast<NSInteger>(index));
if (index == NSNotFound)
// Install the dimming view, hide the new tab button, and select the tab so it
// appears highlighted.
Tab* tab = [_tabModel tabAtIndex:index];
self.highlightsSelectedTab = YES;
_buttonNewTab.hidden = YES;
[_tabModel setCurrentTab:tab];
// Set up initial drag state.
_lastDragLocation = [gesture locationInView:[_tabStripView superview]];
_isReordering = YES;
_draggedTab = view;
_placeholderGapModelIndex = [self modelIndexForTabView:_draggedTab];
// Update the autoscroll distance and timer.
[self computeAutoscrollDistanceForTabView:_draggedTab];
if (_autoscrollDistance != 0)
[self installAutoscrollTimerIfNeeded];
[self removeAutoscrollTimer];
- (void)continueDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture {
DCHECK([[gesture view] isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]);
TabView* view = (TabView*)[gesture view];
// Update the position of the dragged tab.
CGPoint location = [gesture locationInView:[_tabStripView superview]];
CGFloat dx = location.x - _lastDragLocation.x;
CGRect frame = [view frame];
frame.origin.x += dx;
[view setFrame:frame];
_lastDragLocation = location;
// Update the autoscroll distance and timer.
[self computeAutoscrollDistanceForTabView:_draggedTab];
if (_autoscrollDistance != 0)
[self installAutoscrollTimerIfNeeded];
[self removeAutoscrollTimer];
[self setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation];
- (void)endDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture {
DCHECK([[gesture view] isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]);
NSUInteger fromIndex = [self modelIndexForTabView:_draggedTab];
// TODO(rohitrao): We're seeing crashes where fromIndex is NSNotFound,
// indicating that the dragged tab is no longer in the TabModel. This could
// happen if a tab closed itself during a drag. Investigate this further, but
// for now, simply test |fromIndex| before proceeding.
if (fromIndex == NSNotFound) {
[self resetDragState];
[self setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation];
Tab* tab = [_tabModel tabAtIndex:fromIndex];
NSUInteger toIndex = _placeholderGapModelIndex;
DCHECK_NE(NSNotFound, static_cast<NSInteger>(toIndex));
DCHECK_LT(toIndex, [_tabModel count]);
// Reset drag state variables before notifying the model that the tab moved.
[self resetDragState];
[_tabModel moveTab:tab toIndex:toIndex];
[self setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation];
- (void)cancelDrag:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer*)gesture {
DCHECK([[gesture view] isKindOfClass:[TabView class]]);
// Reset drag state and trigger a relayout to moved tabs back into their
// correct positions.
[self resetDragState];
[self setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation];
- (void)resetDragState {
self.highlightsSelectedTab = NO;
_buttonNewTab.hidden = NO;
[self removeAutoscrollTimer];
_isReordering = NO;
_placeholderGapModelIndex = NSNotFound;
_draggedTab = nil;
- (BOOL)isReorderingTabs {
return _isReordering;
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizerShouldBegin:(UIGestureRecognizer*)recognizer {
DCHECK([recognizer isKindOfClass:[UILongPressGestureRecognizer class]]);
// If a drag is already in progress, do not allow another to start.
return ![self isReorderingTabs];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Autoscroll methods
- (void)installAutoscrollTimerIfNeeded {
if (_autoscrollTimer)
_autoscrollTimer =
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(1.0 / 60.0)
- (void)removeAutoscrollTimer {
[_autoscrollTimer invalidate];
_autoscrollTimer = nil;
- (void)autoscrollTimerFired:(NSTimer*)timer {
[self constrainAutoscrollDistance];
CGPoint offset = [_tabStripView contentOffset];
offset.x += _autoscrollDistance;
[_tabStripView setContentOffset:offset];
// Fixed-position views need to have their frames adusted to compensate for
// the content offset shift. These include the dragged tab, the dimming
// view, and the new tab button.
CGRect tabFrame = [_draggedTab frame];
tabFrame.origin.x += _autoscrollDistance;
[_draggedTab setFrame:tabFrame];
CGRect dimFrame = [_dimmingView frame];
dimFrame.origin.x += _autoscrollDistance;
[_dimmingView setFrame:dimFrame];
// Even though the new tab button is hidden during drag and drop, keep its
// frame updated to prevent it from animating back into place when the drag
// finishes.
CGRect newTabFrame = [_buttonNewTab frame];
newTabFrame.origin.x += _autoscrollDistance;
[_buttonNewTab setFrame:newTabFrame];
// TODO(rohitrao): Find a good way to re-enable the sliding over animation
// when autoscrolling. Right now any running animations are immediately
// stopped by the next call to autoscrollTimerFired.
[_tabStripView setNeedsLayout];
- (void)computeAutoscrollDistanceForTabView:(TabView*)view {
CGRect scrollBounds = [_tabStripView bounds];
CGRect viewFrame = [view frame];
// The distance between this tab and the edge of the scroll view.
CGFloat distanceFromEdge =
MIN(CGRectGetMinX(viewFrame) - CGRectGetMinX(scrollBounds),
CGRectGetMaxX(scrollBounds) - CGRectGetMaxX(viewFrame));
if (distanceFromEdge < 0)
distanceFromEdge = 0;
// Negative if the tab is closer to the left edge of the scroll view, positive
// if it is closer to the right edge.
CGFloat leftRightMultiplier =
(CGRectGetMidX(viewFrame) < CGRectGetMidX(scrollBounds)) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
// The autoscroll distance decreases linearly as the tab view gets further
// from the edge of the scroll view.
_autoscrollDistance =
leftRightMultiplier *
MAX(0.0, ceilf(kMaxAutoscrollDistance -
distanceFromEdge / kAutoscrollDecrementWidth));
- (void)constrainAutoscrollDistance {
// Make sure autoscroll distance is not so large as to cause overscroll.
CGPoint offset = [_tabStripView contentOffset];
// Check to make sure there is no overscroll off the right edge.
CGFloat maxOffset = [_tabStripView contentSize].width -
CGRectGetWidth([_tabStripView bounds]);
if (offset.x + _autoscrollDistance > maxOffset)
_autoscrollDistance = (maxOffset - offset.x);
// Perform the left edge check after the right edge check, to prevent
// right-justifying the tabs when there is no overflow.
if (offset.x + _autoscrollDistance < 0)
_autoscrollDistance = -offset.x;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark TabStripModelObserver methods
// Observer method.
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model
inForeground:(BOOL)fg {
TabView* view = [self tabViewForTab:tab isSelected:fg];
[_tabArray insertObject:view atIndex:[self indexForModelIndex:modelIndex]];
[[self tabStripView] addSubview:view];
[self updateContentSizeAndRepositionViews];
[self setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation];
[self updateContentOffsetForTabIndex:modelIndex isNewTab:YES];
// Observer method.
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model
atIndex:(NSUInteger)modelIndex {
// Keep the actual view around while it is animating out. Once the animation
// is done, remove the view.
NSUInteger index = [self indexForModelIndex:modelIndex];
TabView* view = [_tabArray objectAtIndex:index];
[_closingTabs addObject:view];
// Adjust the content size now that the tab has been removed from the model.
[self updateContentSizeAndRepositionViews];
// Signal the FullscreenController that the toolbar needs to stay on
// screen for a bit, so the animation is visible.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
// Leave the view where it is horizontally and animate it downwards out of
// sight.
CGRect frame = [view frame];
frame = CGRectOffset(frame, 0, CGRectGetHeight(frame));
[UIView animateWithDuration:kTabAnimationDuration
[view setFrame:frame];
completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[view removeFromSuperview];
[_tabArray removeObject:view];
[_closingTabs removeObject:view];
[self setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation];
// Observer method.
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model
toIndex:(NSUInteger)toIndex {
// Reorder the objects in _tabArray to keep in sync with the model ordering.
NSUInteger arrayIndex = [self indexForModelIndex:fromIndex];
TabView* view = [_tabArray objectAtIndex:arrayIndex];
[_tabArray removeObject:view];
[_tabArray insertObject:view atIndex:toIndex];
[self setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation];
// Observer method.
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model
atIndex:(NSUInteger)modelIndex {
for (TabView* view in _tabArray) {
[view setSelected:NO];
NSUInteger index = [self indexForModelIndex:modelIndex];
TabView* activeView = [_tabArray objectAtIndex:index];
[activeView setSelected:YES];
// No need to animate this change, as selecting a new tab simply changes the
// z-ordering of the TabViews. If a new tab was selected as a result of a tab
// closure, then the animated layout has already been scheduled.
[_tabStripView setNeedsLayout];
// Observer method.
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model didChangeTab:(Tab*)tab {
NSUInteger modelIndex = [_tabModel indexOfTab:tab];
if (modelIndex == NSNotFound) {
DCHECK(false) << "Received notification for a Tab that is not contained in "
<< "the TabModel";
NSUInteger index = [self indexForModelIndex:modelIndex];
TabView* view = [_tabArray objectAtIndex:index];
[view setTitle:tab.title];
[view setFavicon:[tab favicon]];
if (tab.webState->IsLoading())
[view startProgressSpinner];
[view stopProgressSpinner];
[view setNeedsDisplay];
// Observer method.
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model
atIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
// TabViews do not hold references to their parent Tabs, so it's safe to treat
// this as a tab change rather than a tab replace.
[self tabModel:model didChangeTab:newTab];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Views and Layout
- (CGFloat)tabStripVisibleSpace {
CGFloat availableSpace = CGRectGetWidth([_tabStripView bounds]) -
CGRectGetWidth([_buttonNewTab frame]) +
kNewTabOverlap - kNewTabRightPadding -
return availableSpace;
- (void)installTabSwitcherButton {
UIImage* tabSwitcherButtonIcon =
[UIImage imageNamed:@"tabswitcher_tab_switcher_button"];
tabSwitcherButtonIcon = [tabSwitcherButtonIcon
int tabSwitcherButtonIdsAccessibilityLabel =
NSString* tabSwitcherButtonEnglishUiAutomationName = @"Enter Tab Switcher";
const CGFloat tabStripHeight = _view.frame.size.height;
CGRect buttonFrame =
CGRectMake(CGRectGetMaxX(_view.frame) - kTabSwitcherButtonWidth, 0.0,
kTabSwitcherButtonWidth, tabStripHeight);
_tabSwitcherButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
[_tabSwitcherButton setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[_tabSwitcherButton setFrame:buttonFrame];
[_tabSwitcherButton setContentMode:UIViewContentModeCenter];
[_tabSwitcherButton setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin];
[_tabSwitcherButton setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
[_tabSwitcherButton setExclusiveTouch:YES];
[_tabSwitcherButton setImage:tabSwitcherButtonIcon
// Set target/action to bubble up with command id as tag.
[_tabSwitcherButton addTarget:nil
[_tabSwitcherButton setTag:IDC_TOGGLE_TAB_SWITCHER];
[_tabSwitcherButton addTarget:self
[_view addSubview:_tabSwitcherButton];
// Shrink the scroll view.
[self updateScrollViewFrameForTabSwitcherButton];
- (void)shiftTabStripSubviews:(CGPoint)oldContentOffset {
CGFloat dx = [_tabStripView contentOffset].x - oldContentOffset.x;
for (UIView* view in [_tabStripView subviews]) {
CGRect frame = [view frame];
frame.origin.x += dx;
[view setFrame:frame];
_targetFrames.AddFrame(view, frame);
- (void)updateContentSizeAndRepositionViews {
// TODO(rohitrao): The following lines are duplicated in
// layoutTabStripSubviews. Find a way to consolidate this logic.
const NSUInteger tabCount = [_tabArray count] - [_closingTabs count];
if (!tabCount)
const CGFloat tabHeight = CGRectGetHeight([_tabStripView bounds]);
CGFloat visibleSpace = [self tabStripVisibleSpace];
_currentTabWidth =
(visibleSpace + ([self tabOverlap] * (tabCount - 1))) / tabCount;
_currentTabWidth = MIN(_currentTabWidth, [self maxTabWidth]);
_currentTabWidth = MAX(_currentTabWidth, [self minTabWidth]);
// Set the content size to be large enough to contain all the tabs at the
// desired width, with the standard overlap, plus the new tab button.
CGSize contentSize = CGSizeMake(
_currentTabWidth * tabCount - ([self tabOverlap] * (tabCount - 1)) +
CGRectGetWidth([_buttonNewTab frame]) - kNewTabOverlap,
if (CGSizeEqualToSize([_tabStripView contentSize], contentSize))
// Background: The scroll view might change the content offset when updating
// the content size. This can happen when the old content offset would result
// in an overscroll at the new content size. (Note that the content offset
// will never change if the content size is growing.)
// To handle this without making views appear to jump, shift all of the
// subviews by an amount equal to the size change.
CGPoint oldOffset = [_tabStripView contentOffset];
[_tabStripView setContentSize:contentSize];
[self shiftTabStripSubviews:oldOffset];
- (CGRect)scrollViewFrameForTab:(TabView*)view {
NSUInteger index = [self modelIndexForTabView:view];
CGRect frame = [view frame];
frame.origin.x =
(_currentTabWidth * index) - ([self tabOverlap] * (index - 1));
return frame;
- (CGRect)calculateVisibleFrameForFrame:(CGRect)frame
whenUnderFrame:(CGRect)frameOnTop {
CGFloat minX = CGRectGetMinX(frame);
CGFloat maxX = CGRectGetMaxX(frame);
if (CGRectGetMinX(frame) < CGRectGetMinX(frameOnTop))
maxX = CGRectGetMinX(frameOnTop);
minX = CGRectGetMaxX(frameOnTop);
frame.origin.x = minX;
frame.size.width = maxX - minX;
return frame;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - compact layout
- (NSUInteger)maxNumCollapsedTabs {
return IsCompactTablet() ? kMaxNumCollapsedTabsForCompactLayout
: kMaxNumCollapsedTabs;
- (CGFloat)tabOverlap {
return IsCompactTablet() ? kTabOverlapForCompactLayout : kTabOverlap;
- (CGFloat)maxTabWidth {
return IsCompactTablet() ? kMaxTabWidthForCompactLayout : kMaxTabWidth;
- (CGFloat)minTabWidth {
return IsCompactTablet() ? kMinTabWidthForCompactLayout : kMinTabWidth;
- (void)autoScrollForNewTab:(NSUInteger)tabIndex {
DCHECK_NE(NSNotFound, static_cast<NSInteger>(tabIndex));
// The following code calculates the amount of scroll needed to make
// |tabIndex| visible in the "virtual" coordinate system, where root is x=0
// and it contains all the tabs laid out as if the tabstrip was infinitely
// long. The amount of scroll is calculated as a desired length that it is
// just large enough to contain all the tabs to the left of |tabIndex|, with
// the standard overlap.
if (tabIndex == [_tabArray count] - 1) {
const CGFloat tabStripAvailableSpace =
_tabStripView.frame.size.width - _tabStripView.contentInset.right;
CGPoint oldOffset = [_tabStripView contentOffset];
if (_tabStripView.contentSize.width > tabStripAvailableSpace) {
CGFloat scrollToPoint =
_tabStripView.contentSize.width - tabStripAvailableSpace;
[_tabStripView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(scrollToPoint, 0)];
// To handle content offset change without making views appear to jump,
// shift all of the subviews by an amount equal to the size change.
[self shiftTabStripSubviews:oldOffset];
NSUInteger numNonClosingTabsToLeft = 0;
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (TabView* tab in _tabArray) {
if ([_closingTabs containsObject:tab])
if (i == tabIndex)
const CGFloat tabHeight = CGRectGetHeight([_tabStripView bounds]);
CGRect scrollRect =
CGRectMake(_currentTabWidth * numNonClosingTabsToLeft -
([self tabOverlap] * (numNonClosingTabsToLeft - 1)),
0, _currentTabWidth, tabHeight);
[_tabStripView scrollRectToVisible:scrollRect animated:YES];
- (void)updateContentOffsetForTabIndex:(NSUInteger)tabIndex
isNewTab:(BOOL)isNewTab {
DCHECK_NE(NSNotFound, static_cast<NSInteger>(tabIndex));
if (experimental_flags::IsTabStripAutoScrollNewTabsEnabled() && isNewTab) {
[self autoScrollForNewTab:tabIndex];
if (IsCompactTablet()) {
if (tabIndex == [_tabArray count] - 1) {
const CGFloat tabStripAvailableSpace =
_tabStripView.frame.size.width - _tabStripView.contentInset.right;
if (_tabStripView.contentSize.width > tabStripAvailableSpace) {
CGFloat scrollToPoint =
_tabStripView.contentSize.width - tabStripAvailableSpace;
[_tabStripView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(scrollToPoint, 0)
} else {
TabView* tabView = [_tabArray objectAtIndex:tabIndex];
CGRect scrollRect =
CGRectInset(tabView.frame, -_tabStripView.contentInset.right, 0);
if (tabView)
[_tabStripView scrollRectToVisible:scrollRect animated:YES];
- (void)updateScrollViewFrameForTabSwitcherButton {
CGRect tabFrame = _tabStripView.frame;
tabFrame.size.width = _view.bounds.size.width;
if (!IsCompactTablet()) {
tabFrame.size.width -= kTabSwitcherButtonWidth;
_tabStripView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
[_tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView setHidden:YES];
} else {
if (!_tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView) {
_tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView = [[UIImageView alloc] init];
const CGFloat tabStripHeight = _view.frame.size.height;
const CGRect backgroundViewFrame = CGRectMake(
CGRectGetMaxX(_view.frame) - kTabSwitcherButtonBackgroundWidth, 0.0,
kTabSwitcherButtonBackgroundWidth, tabStripHeight);
[_tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView setFrame:backgroundViewFrame];
UIImage* backgroundTabSwitcherImage =
[UIImage imageNamed:@"tabstrip_toggle_button_gradient"];
[_tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView setImage:backgroundTabSwitcherImage];
[_view addSubview:_tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView];
[_tabSwitcherButtonBackgroundView setHidden:NO];
_tabStripView.contentInset =
UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, kTabSwitcherButtonWidth);
[_view bringSubviewToFront:_tabSwitcherButton];
[_tabStripView setFrame:tabFrame];
#pragma mark - TabStripViewLayoutDelegate
// Creates TabViews for each Tab in the TabModel and positions them in the
// correct location onscreen.
- (void)layoutTabStripSubviews {
const NSUInteger tabCount = [_tabArray count] - [_closingTabs count];
if (!tabCount)
BOOL animate = _animateLayout;
_animateLayout = NO;
// Disable the animation if the tab count is changing from 0 to 1.
if (tabCount == 1 && [_closingTabs count] == 0)
animate = NO;
const CGFloat tabHeight = CGRectGetHeight([_tabStripView bounds]);
// In compact layout mode the space used to layout the tabs is not
// constrained and uses the whole scroll view content size width. In regular
// layout mode the available space is constrained to the visible space.
CGFloat availableSpace = IsCompactTablet() ? _tabStripView.contentSize.width
: [self tabStripVisibleSpace];
// The array and model indexes of the selected tab.
NSUInteger selectedModelIndex = [_tabModel indexOfTab:[_tabModel currentTab]];
NSUInteger selectedArrayIndex = [self indexForModelIndex:selectedModelIndex];
// This method lays out tabs in two coordinate systems. The first, the
// "virtual" coordinate system, is a system rooted at x=0 that contains all
// the tabs laid out as if the tabstrip was infinitely long. In this system,
// |virtualMinX| contains the starting X coordinate of the next tab to be
// placed and |virtualMaxX| contains the maximum X coordinate of the last tab
// to be placed.
// The scroll view's content area is sized to be large enough to hold all the
// tabs with proper overlap, but the viewport is set to only show a part of
// the content area. The specific part that is shown is given by the scroll
// view's contentOffset.
// To layout tabs, first calculate where the tab should be in the "virtual"
// coordinate system. This gives the frame of the tab assuming the tabstrip
// was large enough to hold all tabs without needing to overflow. Then,
// adjust the tab's virtual frame to move it onscreen. This gives the tab's
// real frame.
CGFloat virtualMinX = 0;
CGFloat virtualMaxX = 0;
CGFloat offset = IsCompactTablet() ? 0 : [_tabStripView contentOffset].x;
// Keeps track of which tabs need to be animated. Using an autoreleased array
// instead of scoped_nsobject because scoped_nsobject doesn't seem to work
// well with blocks.
NSMutableArray* tabsNeedingAnimation =
[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:tabCount];
CGRect dragFrame = [_draggedTab frame];
TabView* previousTabView = nil;
CGRect previousTabFrame = CGRectZero;
BOOL hasPlaceholderGap = NO;
for (NSUInteger arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < [_tabArray count];
++arrayIndex) {
TabView* view = (TabView*)[_tabArray objectAtIndex:arrayIndex];
// Arrange the tabs in a V going backwards from the selected tab. This
// differs from desktop in order to make the tab overflow behavior work (on
// desktop, the tabs are arranged going backwards from left to right, with
// the selected tab above all others).
// When reordering, use slightly different logic. Instead of a V based on
// the model indexes of the tabs, the V fans out from the placeholder gap,
// which is visually where the dragged tab is. In reordering mode, the tabs
// are not necessarily z-ordered according to their model indexes, because
// they are not necessarily drawn in the spot dictated by their current
// model index.
BOOL isSelectedTab = (arrayIndex == selectedArrayIndex);
BOOL zOrderedAbove =
_isReordering ? !hasPlaceholderGap : (arrayIndex <= selectedArrayIndex);
if (isSelectedTab) {
// Order matters. The dimming view needs to end up behind the selected
// tab, so it's brought to the front first, followed by the tab.
[_tabStripView bringSubviewToFront:_dimmingView];
[_tabStripView bringSubviewToFront:view];
} else if (zOrderedAbove) {
// If the current tab comes after the selected tab in the model but still
// needs to be z-ordered above, place it relative to the dimming view,
// rather than blindly bringing it to the front. This can only happen in
// reordering mode.
if (arrayIndex > selectedArrayIndex) {
[_tabStripView insertSubview:view belowSubview:_dimmingView];
} else {
[_tabStripView bringSubviewToFront:view];
} else {
[_tabStripView sendSubviewToBack:view];
// Ignore closing tabs when repositioning.
NSUInteger currentModelIndex = [self modelIndexForIndex:arrayIndex];
if (currentModelIndex == NSNotFound)
// Ignore the tab that is currently being dragged.
if (_isReordering && view == _draggedTab)
// |realMinX| is the furthest left the tab can be, in real coordinates.
// This is computed by counting the number of possible collapsed tabs that
// can be to the left of this tab, then multiplying that count by the size
// of a collapsed tab.
// There can be up to |[self maxNumCollapsedTabs]| to the left of the
// selected
// tab, and the same number to the right of the selected tab.
NSUInteger numPossibleCollapsedTabsToLeft =
std::min(currentModelIndex, [self maxNumCollapsedTabs]);
if (currentModelIndex > selectedModelIndex) {
// If this tab is to the right of the selected tab, also include the
// number of collapsed tabs on the right of the selected tab.
numPossibleCollapsedTabsToLeft =
std::min(selectedModelIndex, [self maxNumCollapsedTabs]) +
std::min(currentModelIndex - selectedModelIndex,
[self maxNumCollapsedTabs]);
CGFloat realMinX =
offset + (numPossibleCollapsedTabsToLeft * kCollapsedTabOverlap);
// |realMaxX| is the furthest right the tab can be, in real coordinates.
NSUInteger numPossibleCollapsedTabsToRight =
std::min(tabCount - currentModelIndex - 1, [self maxNumCollapsedTabs]);
if (currentModelIndex < selectedModelIndex) {
// If this tab is to the left of the selected tab, also include the
// number of collapsed tabs on the left of the selected tab.
numPossibleCollapsedTabsToRight =
std::min(tabCount - selectedModelIndex - 1,
[self maxNumCollapsedTabs]) +
std::min(selectedModelIndex - currentModelIndex,
[self maxNumCollapsedTabs]);
CGFloat realMaxX = offset + availableSpace -
(numPossibleCollapsedTabsToRight * kCollapsedTabOverlap);
// If this tab is to the right of the currently dragged tab, add a
// placeholder gap.
if (_isReordering && !hasPlaceholderGap &&
CGRectGetMinX(dragFrame) < virtualMinX + (_currentTabWidth / 2.0)) {
virtualMinX += _currentTabWidth - [self tabOverlap];
hasPlaceholderGap = YES;
// Fix up the z-ordering of the current view. It was placed assuming that
// the placeholder gap hasn't been hit yet.
[_tabStripView sendSubviewToBack:view];
// The model index of the placeholder gap is equal to the model index of
// the shifted tab, adjusted for the presence of the dragged tab. This
// value will be used as the new model index for the dragged tab when it
// is dropped.
_placeholderGapModelIndex = currentModelIndex;
if ([self modelIndexForTabView:_draggedTab] < currentModelIndex)
// |tabX| stores where we are placing the tab, in real coordinates. Start
// by trying to place the tab at the computed |virtualMinX|, then constrain
// that by |realMinX| and |realMaxX|.
CGFloat tabX = MAX(virtualMinX, realMinX);
if (tabX + _currentTabWidth > realMaxX)
tabX = realMaxX - _currentTabWidth;
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(AlignValueToPixel(tabX), 0,
AlignValueToPixel(_currentTabWidth), tabHeight);
virtualMinX += (_currentTabWidth - [self tabOverlap]);
virtualMaxX = CGRectGetMaxX(frame);
// TODO(rohitrao): Temporarily disabled this logic as it does not play well with
// tab scrolling.
#if 0
// If this tab is completely hidden by the previous tab, remove it from the
// scroll view. Otherwise, add it back in if needed.
if (selectedArrayIndex != arrayIndex &&
CGRectEqualToRect(frame, previousTabFrame)) {
[view removeFromSuperview];
} else if (![view superview]) {
// TODO(rohitrao): Find a way to move the z-ordering code from the top of
// the function to down here, so we can consolidate the logic.
[_tabStripView insertSubview:view atIndex:
(zOrderedAbove ? [[_tabStripView subviews] count] : 0)];
// Update the tab's collapsed state based on overlap with the previous tab.
if (zOrderedAbove) {
CGRect visibleRect = [self calculateVisibleFrameForFrame:previousTabFrame
BOOL collapsed =
CGRectGetWidth(visibleRect) < kCollapsedTabWidthThreshold;
[previousTabView setCollapsed:collapsed];
// The selected tab can never be collapsed, since no tab will ever be
// z-ordered above it to obscure it.
if (isSelectedTab)
[view setCollapsed:NO];
} else {
CGRect visibleRect =
[self calculateVisibleFrameForFrame:frame
BOOL collapsed =
CGRectGetWidth(visibleRect) < kCollapsedTabWidthThreshold;
[view setCollapsed:collapsed];
if (animate) {
if (!CGRectEqualToRect(frame, [view frame]))
[tabsNeedingAnimation addObject:view];
} else {
if (!CGRectEqualToRect(frame, [view frame]))
[view setFrame:frame];
// Throw the target frame into the dictionary so we can animate it later.
_targetFrames.AddFrame(view, frame);
// Ensure the tab is visible.
if ([view isHidden]) {
if (animate) {
// If it is a new tab, and animation is enabled, make it a submarine tab
// by immediately positioning it under the tabstrip.
CGRect submarineFrame = CGRectOffset(frame, 0, CGRectGetHeight(frame));
[view setFrame:submarineFrame];
[view setHidden:NO];
previousTabView = view;
previousTabFrame = frame;
// If in reordering mode and there was no placeholder gap, then the dragged
// tab must be all the way to the right of the other tabs. Set the
// _placeholderGapModelIndex accordingly.
if (!hasPlaceholderGap && _isReordering)
_placeholderGapModelIndex = [_tabModel count] - 1;
// Do not move the new tab button if it is hidden. This will lead to better
// animations when exiting drag and drop mode, as the new tab button will not
// have moved during the drag.
CGRect newTabFrame = [_buttonNewTab frame];
BOOL moveNewTab =
(newTabFrame.origin.x != virtualMaxX) && !_buttonNewTab.hidden;
newTabFrame.origin = CGPointMake(virtualMaxX - kNewTabOverlap, 0);
if (!animate && moveNewTab)
[_buttonNewTab setFrame:newTabFrame];
if (animate) {
float delay = 0.0;
if ([self.fullscreenDelegate currentHeaderOffset] != 0) {
// Move the toolbar to visible and wait for the end of that animation to
// animate the appearance of the new tab.
delay = ios_internal::kToolbarAnimationDuration;
// Signal the FullscreenController that the toolbar needs to stay on
// screen for a bit, so the animation is visible.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[UIView animateWithDuration:kTabAnimationDuration
for (TabView* view in tabsNeedingAnimation) {
[view setFrame:_targetFrames.GetFrame(view)];
if (moveNewTab)
[_buttonNewTab setFrame:newTabFrame];
- (void)traitCollectionDidChange:(UITraitCollection*)previousTraitCollection {
[self updateScrollViewFrameForTabSwitcherButton];
[self updateContentSizeAndRepositionViews];
NSUInteger selectedModelIndex = [_tabModel indexOfTab:[_tabModel currentTab]];
if (selectedModelIndex != NSNotFound) {
[self updateContentOffsetForTabIndex:selectedModelIndex isNewTab:NO];
- (void)setNeedsLayoutWithAnimation {
_animateLayout = YES;
[_tabStripView setNeedsLayout];
#pragma mark - TabSwitcherAnimation
@implementation TabStripController (TabSwitcherAnimation)
- (TabSwitcherTabStripPlaceholderView*)placeholderView {
TabSwitcherTabStripPlaceholderView* placeholderView =
[[TabSwitcherTabStripPlaceholderView alloc]
CGFloat xOffset = [_tabStripView contentOffset].x;
UIView* previousView = nil;
const NSUInteger selectedModelIndex =
[_tabModel indexOfTab:[_tabModel currentTab]];
const NSUInteger selectedArrayIndex =
[self indexForModelIndex:selectedModelIndex];
[self updateContentSizeAndRepositionViews];
[self layoutTabStripSubviews];
for (NSUInteger tabArrayIndex = 0; tabArrayIndex < [_tabArray count];
++tabArrayIndex) {
UIView* tabView = _tabArray[tabArrayIndex];
UIView* tabSnapshotView = snapshot_util::GenerateSnapshot(tabView);
tabSnapshotView.frame = CGRectOffset(tabView.frame, -xOffset, 0);
tabSnapshotView.transform = tabView.transform;
// Order views of the tabs in a pyramid fashion, culminating with
// the selected tab.
// For example, if _tabArray has views [0..6], and 3 is the selected index,
// they will be arranged in the order [0, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3].
if (previousView && tabArrayIndex > selectedArrayIndex) {
[placeholderView insertSubview:tabSnapshotView belowSubview:previousView];
} else {
[placeholderView addSubview:tabSnapshotView];
previousView = tabSnapshotView;
UIView* buttonSnapshot = snapshot_util::GenerateSnapshot(_buttonNewTab);
buttonSnapshot.frame = CGRectOffset(_buttonNewTab.frame, -xOffset, 0);
[placeholderView addSubview:buttonSnapshot];
return placeholderView;
@implementation TabStripController (Testing)
- (TabView*)existingTabViewForTab:(Tab*)tab {
NSUInteger tabIndex = [_tabModel indexOfTab:tab];
NSUInteger tabViewIndex = [self indexForModelIndex:tabIndex];
return [_tabArray objectAtIndex:tabViewIndex];