blob: a9741fe283c6615f1e82390f39e902be0a60e40e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/service_worker/service_worker_status_code.h"
namespace content {
namespace background_fetch {
// The database schema is content/browser/background_fetch/storage/
// When making any changes to these keys or the related functions, you must
// update the file as well.
// Warning: registration |developer_id|s may contain kSeparator characters.
const char kSeparator[] = "_";
const char kActiveRegistrationUniqueIdKeyPrefix[] =
const char kRegistrationKeyPrefix[] = "bgfetch_registration_";
const char kTitleKeyPrefix[] = "bgfetch_title_";
const char kPendingRequestKeyPrefix[] = "bgfetch_pending_request_";
const char kActiveRequestKeyPrefix[] = "bgfetch_active_request_";
const char kCompletedRequestKeyPrefix[] = "bgfetch_completed_request_";
std::string ActiveRegistrationUniqueIdKey(const std::string& developer_id);
std::string RegistrationKey(const std::string& unique_id);
std::string TitleKey(const std::string& unique_id);
std::string PendingRequestKeyPrefix(const std::string& unique_id);
std::string PendingRequestKey(const std::string& unique_id, int request_index);
std::string ActiveRequestKeyPrefix(const std::string& unique_id);
std::string ActiveRequestKey(const std::string& unique_id, int request_index);
std::string CompletedRequestKeyPrefix(const std::string& unique_id);
std::string CompletedRequestKey(const std::string& unique_id,
int request_index);
enum class DatabaseStatus { kOk, kFailed, kNotFound };
DatabaseStatus ToDatabaseStatus(blink::ServiceWorkerStatusCode status);
} // namespace background_fetch
} // namespace content