Split CSSPrimitiveValue into CSSPrimitiveValue and CSSIdentifierValue

Split CSSPrimitiveValue into two subtypes, CSSPrimitiveValue (for
numerical and calc values) and CSSIdentifierValue (for identifiers).
This is part of a larger effort to split up CSSPrimitiveValue.

This patch is meant to be entirely mechanical changes; if it passes all
tests with no behaviour changes, it has been implemented correctly. The
patch itself was mainly done with find-and-replaces to createKeyword()
and convertTo<>(), then fixing any other errors, sucha as those
resulting from irregular flow (e.g. if (!x.isPrimitiveValue) return;
in CSSToStyleMap) or similar.

The largest change has been to CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h, since the
convertTo<> method has been moved to CSSIdentifierValue. Also, a
create(Length, zoom) method was added to CSSValue temporarily, and
callers will later change to switch between which create method
(CSSPrimitiveValue or CSSIdentifierValue) they wish to use.


patch from issue 2346193002 at patchset 200001 (http://crrev.com/2346193002#ps200001)

Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2382653006
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#422305}
75 files changed