blob: 0665e254f8fdfa85809295e49d52d3d19e1bdec1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Tests that check the context menu displays the right options (enabled and
* disabled) for different types of files.
* The names passed to the tests are file names to select. They are generated
* from COMPLEX_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET (see setupAndWaitUntilReady).
* TODO(sashab): Generate the entries used in these tests at runtime, by
* creating entries with pre-set combinations of permissions and ensuring the
* outcome is always as expected.
* TODO(sashab): Once Team Drives is enabled, add tests for team drive roots
* and entries as well.
* Copy a text file to clipboard if the test requires it.
* @param {string} appId ID of the app window.
* @param {string} commandId ID of the command in the context menu to check.
async function maybeCopyToClipboard(appId, commandId, file = 'hello.txt') {
if (!/^paste/.test(commandId)) {
!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('selectFile', appId, [file]),
'selectFile failed');
!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('execCommand', appId, ['copy']),
'execCommand failed');
* Tests that the specified menu item is in |expectedEnabledState| when the
* entry at |path| is selected.
* @param {string} commandId ID of the command in the context menu to check.
* @param {string} path Path to the file to open the context menu for.
* @param {boolean} expectedEnabledState True if the command should be enabled
* in the context menu, false if not.
async function checkContextMenu(commandId, path, expectedEnabledState) {
// Open Files App on Drive.
const appId =
await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DRIVE, [], COMPLEX_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET);
// Optionally copy hello.txt into the clipboard if needed.
await maybeCopyToClipboard(appId, commandId);
// Select the file |path|.
!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('selectFile', appId, [path]));
// Wait for the file to be selected.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '.table-row[selected]');
// Right-click the selected file.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, ['.table-row[selected]']));
// Wait for the context menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])');
// Wait for the command option to appear.
let query = '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])';
if (expectedEnabledState) {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"]:not([hidden]):not([disabled])`;
} else {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"][disabled]:not([hidden])`;
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, query);
* Tests that the Delete menu item is enabled if a read-write entry is selected.
testcase.checkDeleteEnabledForReadWriteFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('delete', 'hello.txt', true);
* Tests that the Delete menu item is disabled if a read-only document is
* selected.
testcase.checkDeleteDisabledForReadOnlyDocument = function() {
return checkContextMenu('delete', 'Read-Only Doc.gdoc', false);
* Tests that the Delete menu item is disabled if a read-only file is selected.
testcase.checkDeleteDisabledForReadOnlyFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('delete', 'Read-Only File.jpg', false);
* Tests that the Delete menu item is disabled if a read-only folder is
* selected.
testcase.checkDeleteDisabledForReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenu('delete', 'Read-Only Folder', false);
* Tests that the Rename menu item is enabled if a read-write entry is selected.
testcase.checkRenameEnabledForReadWriteFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('rename', 'hello.txt', true);
* Tests that the Rename menu item is disabled if a read-only document is
* selected.
testcase.checkRenameDisabledForReadOnlyDocument = function() {
return checkContextMenu('rename', 'Read-Only Doc.gdoc', false);
* Tests that the Rename menu item is disabled if a read-only file is selected.
testcase.checkRenameDisabledForReadOnlyFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('rename', 'Read-Only File.jpg', false);
* Tests that the Rename menu item is disabled if a read-only folder is
* selected.
testcase.checkRenameDisabledForReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenu('rename', 'Read-Only Folder', false);
* Tests that the Share menu item is enabled if a read-write entry is selected.
testcase.checkShareEnabledForReadWriteFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('share', 'hello.txt', true);
* Tests that the Share menu item is enabled if a read-only document is
* selected.
testcase.checkShareEnabledForReadOnlyDocument = function() {
return checkContextMenu('share', 'Read-Only Doc.gdoc', true);
* Tests that the Share menu item is disabled if a strict read-only document is
* selected.
testcase.checkShareDisabledForStrictReadOnlyDocument = function() {
return checkContextMenu('share', 'Read-Only (Strict) Doc.gdoc', false);
* Tests that the Share menu item is enabled if a read-only file is selected.
testcase.checkShareEnabledForReadOnlyFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('share', 'Read-Only File.jpg', true);
* Tests that the Share menu item is enabled if a read-only folder is
* selected.
testcase.checkShareEnabledForReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenu('share', 'Read-Only Folder', true);
* Tests that the Copy menu item is enabled if a read-write entry is selected.
testcase.checkCopyEnabledForReadWriteFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('copy', 'hello.txt', true);
* Tests that the Copy menu item is enabled if a read-only document is
* selected.
testcase.checkCopyEnabledForReadOnlyDocument = function() {
return checkContextMenu('copy', 'Read-Only Doc.gdoc', true);
* Tests that the Copy menu item is disabled if a strict (no-copy) read-only
* document is selected.
testcase.checkCopyDisabledForStrictReadOnlyDocument = function() {
return checkContextMenu('copy', 'Read-Only Doc.gdoc', true);
* Tests that the Copy menu item is enabled if a read-only file is selected.
testcase.checkCopyEnabledForReadOnlyFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('copy', 'Read-Only File.jpg', true);
* Tests that the Copy menu item is enabled if a read-only folder is
* selected.
testcase.checkCopyEnabledForReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenu('copy', 'Read-Only Folder', true);
* Tests that the Cut menu item is enabled if a read-write entry is selected.
testcase.checkCutEnabledForReadWriteFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('cut', 'hello.txt', true);
* Tests that the Cut menu item is disabled if a read-only document is
* selected.
testcase.checkCutDisabledForReadOnlyDocument = function() {
return checkContextMenu('cut', 'Read-Only Doc.gdoc', false);
* Tests that the Cut menu item is disabled if a read-only file is selected.
testcase.checkCutDisabledForReadOnlyFile = function() {
return checkContextMenu('cut', 'Read-Only File.jpg', false);
* Tests that the Cut menu item is disabled if a read-only folder is
* selected.
testcase.checkCutDisabledForReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenu('cut', 'Read-Only Folder', false);
* Tests that the Paste into Folder menu item is enabled if a read-write folder
* is selected.
testcase.checkPasteIntoFolderEnabledForReadWriteFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenu('paste-into-folder', 'photos', true);
* Tests that the Paste into Folder menu item is disabled if a read-only folder
* is selected.
testcase.checkPasteIntoFolderDisabledForReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenu('paste-into-folder', 'Read-Only Folder', false);
* Tests that text selection context menus are disabled in tablet mode.
testcase.checkContextMenusForInputElements = async function() {
// Open FilesApp on Downloads.
const appId = await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DOWNLOADS);
// Query all input elements.
const elements = await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'queryAllElements', appId,
['input[type=text], input[type=search], textarea, cr-input']);
// Focus the search box.
chrome.test.assertEq(2, elements.length);
for (let element of elements) {
chrome.test.assertEq('#text-context-menu', element.attributes.contextmenu);
chrome.test.assertTrue(await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeEvent', appId, ['#search-box cr-input', 'focus']));
// Input a text.
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'inputText', appId, ['#search-box cr-input', 'test.pdf']);
// Notify the element of the input.
chrome.test.assertTrue(await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeEvent', appId, ['#search-box cr-input', 'input']));
// Do the touch.
chrome.test.assertTrue(await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeTouchClick', appId, ['#search-box cr-input']));
// Context menu must be hidden if touch induced.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#text-context-menu[hidden]');
// Do the right click.
chrome.test.assertTrue(await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, ['#search-box cr-input']));
// Context menu must be visible if mouse induced.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#text-context-menu:not([hidden])');
* TODO(sashab): Add tests for copying to/from the directory tree on the LHS.
* Tests that the specified menu item is in |expectedEnabledState| when the
* context menu is opened from the file list inside the folder called
* |folderName|. The folder is opened and the white area inside the folder is
* selected. |folderName| must be inside the Google Drive root.
* TODO(sashab): Allow specifying a generic path to any folder in the tree.
* @param {string} commandId ID of the command in the context menu to check.
* @param {string} folderName Path to the file to open the context menu for.
* @param {boolean} expectedEnabledState True if the command should be enabled
* in the context menu, false if not.
async function checkContextMenuInDriveFolder(
commandId, folderName, expectedEnabledState) {
// Open Files App on Drive.
const appId =
await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DRIVE, [], COMPLEX_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET);
// Optionally copy hello.txt into the clipboard if needed.
await maybeCopyToClipboard(appId, commandId);
// Focus the file list.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'focus', appId, ['#file-list:not([hidden])']));
// Select 'My Drive'.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'selectFolderInTree', appId, ['My Drive']));
// Expand 'My Drive'.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'expandSelectedFolderInTree', appId, []));
// Select the folder.
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'selectFolderInTree', appId, [folderName]);
// Right-click inside the file list.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, ['#file-list']));
// Wait for the context menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])');
// Wait for the command option to appear.
let query = '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])';
if (expectedEnabledState) {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"]:not([hidden]):not([disabled])`;
} else {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"][disabled]:not([hidden])`;
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, query);
* Tests that the New Folder menu item is enabled inside a folder that has
* read-write permissions.
testcase.checkNewFolderEnabledInsideReadWriteFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenuInDriveFolder('new-folder', 'photos', true);
* Tests that the New Folder menu item is enabled inside a folder that has
* read-write permissions.
testcase.checkNewFolderDisabledInsideReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenuInDriveFolder('new-folder', 'Read-Only Folder', false);
* Tests that the Paste menu item is enabled inside a folder that has read-write
* permissions.
testcase.checkPasteEnabledInsideReadWriteFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenuInDriveFolder('paste', 'photos', true);
* Tests that the Paste menu item is disabled inside a folder that has read-only
* permissions.
testcase.checkPasteDisabledInsideReadOnlyFolder = function() {
return checkContextMenuInDriveFolder('paste', 'Read-Only Folder', false);
* Tests that the specified menu item is in |expectedEnabledState| when the
* context menu is opened from the directory tree. The tree item must be
* visible.
* TODO(sashab): Allow specifying a generic path to any folder in the tree.
* @param {string} commandId ID of the command in the context menu to check.
* @param {string} folderSelector CSS selector to the folder node in the tree.
* @param {boolean} expectedEnabledState True if the command should be enabled
* in the context menu, false if not.
async function checkContextMenuForDriveFolderInTree(
commandId, folderSelector, expectedEnabledState) {
// Open Files App on Drive.
const appId =
await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DRIVE, [], COMPLEX_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET);
// Optionally copy hello.txt into the clipboard if needed.
await maybeCopyToClipboard(appId, commandId);
// Focus the file list.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'focus', appId, ['#file-list:not([hidden])']));
// Select 'My Drive'.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'selectFolderInTree', appId, ['My Drive']));
// Expand 'My Drive'.
chrome.test.assertTrue(await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'expandSelectedFolderInTree', appId, []));
// Wait for the folder to be visible.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, `${folderSelector}:not([hidden])`);
// Focus the selected folder.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'focus', appId, ['#directory-tree']));
// Right-click the selected folder.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId,
[`${folderSelector}:not([hidden]) .label`]));
// Wait for the context menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
appId, '#directory-tree-context-menu:not([hidden])');
// Wait for the command option to appear.
let query = '#directory-tree-context-menu:not([hidden])';
if (expectedEnabledState) {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"]:not([hidden]):not([disabled])`;
} else {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"][disabled]:not([hidden])`;
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, query);
* Tests that the Copy menu item is enabled if a read-write folder is selected
* in the directory tree.
testcase.checkCopyEnabledForReadWriteFolderInTree = function() {
return checkContextMenuForDriveFolderInTree(
'#directory-tree [full-path-for-testing="/root/photos"]:not([hidden])',
* Tests that the Copy menu item is enabled if a read-only folder is
* selected in the directory tree.
testcase.checkCopyEnabledForReadOnlyFolderInTree = function() {
return checkContextMenuForDriveFolderInTree(
'#directory-tree [full-path-for-testing="/root/Read-Only Folder"]' +
* Tests that the Cut menu item is enabled if a read-write folder is
* selected in the directory tree.
testcase.checkCutEnabledForReadWriteFolderInTree = function() {
return checkContextMenuForDriveFolderInTree(
'#directory-tree [full-path-for-testing="/root/photos"]:not([hidden])',
* Tests that the Cut menu item is disabled if a read-only folder is
* selected in the directory tree.
testcase.checkCutDisabledForReadOnlyFolderInTree = function() {
return checkContextMenuForDriveFolderInTree(
'#directory-tree [full-path-for-testing="/root/Read-Only Folder"]' +
* Tests that the Paste menu item is enabled in the directory
* tree for a folder that has read-write permissions.
testcase.checkPasteEnabledForReadWriteFolderInTree = function() {
return checkContextMenuForDriveFolderInTree(
'#directory-tree [full-path-for-testing="/root/photos"]:not([hidden])',
* Tests that the Paste menu item is disabled in the directory tree for a folder
* that has read-only permissions.
testcase.checkPasteDisabledForReadOnlyFolderInTree = function() {
return checkContextMenuForDriveFolderInTree(
'#directory-tree [full-path-for-testing="/root/Read-Only Folder"]' +
* Tests that the specified menu item is in |expectedEnabledState| when the
* context menu for the Team Drive root with name |teamDriveName| is opened in
* the directory tree.
* TODO(sashab): Make this take a map of {commandId: expectedEnabledState}, and
* flatten all tests into 1.
* @param {string} commandId ID of the command in the context menu to check.
* @param {string} teamDriveName Team drive name to open the context menu for.
* @param {Object} expectedContextMenuState Map of context-menu options to True
* if the command should be enabled in the context menu, false if not.
async function checkTeamDriveContextMenuInTree(
teamDriveName, expectedContextMenuState) {
let navItemSelector = `#directory-tree ` +
// Open Files App on Drive.
const appId =
await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DRIVE, [], TEAM_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET);
// Focus the file list.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'focus', appId, ['#file-list:not([hidden])']));
// Select 'Team Drives'.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'selectFolderInTree', appId, ['Team Drives']));
// Expand 'Team Drives'.
chrome.test.assertTrue(await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'expandSelectedFolderInTree', appId, []));
// Wait for the team drive to be visible.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, `${navItemSelector}:not([hidden])`);
// Focus the selected team drive.
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('focus', appId, ['#directory-tree']));
// Right-click the selected team drive.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId,
[`${navItemSelector}:not([hidden]) .label`]));
// Wait for the context menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
appId, '#directory-tree-context-menu:not([hidden])');
// Wait for the command options to appear.
let promises = [];
for (let commandId in expectedContextMenuState) {
let query = '#directory-tree-context-menu:not([hidden])';
if (expectedContextMenuState[commandId] == true) {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"]:not([hidden]):not([disabled])`;
} else {
query += ` [command="#${commandId}"][disabled]:not([hidden])`;
promises.push(remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, query));
await Promise.all(promises);
* Tests that the context menu contains the correct items with the correct
* enabled/disabled state if a Team Drive Root is selected.
testcase.checkContextMenuForTeamDriveRoot = function() {
return checkTeamDriveContextMenuInTree('Team Drive A', {
'cut': false,
'copy': false,
'rename': false,
'delete': false,
'new-folder': true
* Checks that mutating context menu items are not present for a root within
* My files.
async function checkMyFilesRootItemContextMenu(itemName) {
// Open FilesApp on Downloads.
const appId =
await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DOWNLOADS, [], []);
// Navigate to My files.
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#breadcrumb-path-0');
// Wait for the navigation to complete.
const expectedRows = [
['Downloads', '--', 'Folder'],
['Play files', '--', 'Folder'],
['Linux files', '--', 'Folder'],
await remoteCall.waitForFiles(
appId, expectedRows,
{ignoreFileSize: true, ignoreLastModifiedTime: true});
// Select the item.
!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('selectFile', appId, [itemName]));
// Wait for the file to be selected.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '.table-row[selected]');
// Right-click the selected file.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, ['.table-row[selected]']));
// Wait for the context menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])');
// Check that the commands are neither visible nor enabled.
for (const commandId
of ['delete', 'copy', 'cut', 'zip-selection', 'rename']) {
let query = `#file-context-menu:not([hidden]) [command="#${
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, query);
// Check that the delete button isn't visible.
const deleteButton = await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#delete-button');
chrome.test.assertTrue(deleteButton.hidden, 'delete button should be hidden');
* Check that mutating context menu items are not shown for Downloads within My
* files.
testcase.checkDownloadsContextMenu = function() {
return checkMyFilesRootItemContextMenu('Downloads');
* Check that mutating context menu items are not shown for Play files within My
* files.
testcase.checkPlayFilesContextMenu = function() {
return checkMyFilesRootItemContextMenu('Play files');
* Check that mutating context menu items are not shown for Linux files within
* My files.
testcase.checkLinuxFilesContextMenu = function() {
return checkMyFilesRootItemContextMenu('Linux files');
* Checks the unmount command is visible on the roots context menu for a
* specified removable directory entry.
async function checkUnmountRootsContextMenu(entryLabel) {
// Query the element by label, and wait for the contextmenu attribute which
// shows the menu has been set up.
const query = `#directory-tree [entry-label="${entryLabel}"][contextmenu]`;
// Open Files app on local downloads.
const appId = await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DOWNLOADS);
// Mount removable volumes.
await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakePartitions'});
// Wait for removable volume to appear in the directory tree.
const removable = await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, query);
// Right-click on the removable volume.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, [query]));
// Wait for the context menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#roots-context-menu:not([hidden])');
// Check the unmount command is visible in the context menu.
const commandQuery =
'#roots-context-menu:not([hidden]) [command="#unmount"]:not([hidden])';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, commandQuery);
* Checks that the unmount command is shown in the context menu for a removable
* root with child partitions.
testcase.checkRemovableRootContextMenu = async function() {
return checkUnmountRootsContextMenu('PARTITION_DRIVE_LABEL');
* Checks that the unmount command is shown in the context menu for a USB.
testcase.checkUsbContextMenu = async function() {
return checkUnmountRootsContextMenu('singleUSB');
* Checks the roots context menu does not appear for a removable partition,
* The directory tree context menu should be visible and display the new-folder
* command.
testcase.checkPartitionContextMenu = async function() {
// Query the element by label, and wait for the contextmenu attribute which
// shows the menu has been set up.
const partitionQuery = '#directory-tree .tree-children ' +
'[entry-label="partition-1"][contextmenu] ' +
// Open Files app on local downloads.
const appId = await setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DOWNLOADS);
// Mount removable volumes.
await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakePartitions'});
// Wait for partition-1 to appear in the directory tree.
const removable = await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, partitionQuery);
// Right-click on the partition.
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, [partitionQuery]));
// Check the root context menu is hidden so there is no option to eject.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#roots-context-menu[hidden]');
// Check the command to create a new-folder is visible from the directory
// tree context menu.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
'#directory-tree-context-menu:not([hidden]) ' +