blob: a7dbd98232e5b0bb4f37124bd3dcd022439b873a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/platform_export.h"
namespace blink {
class FrameScheduler;
namespace scheduler {
// This enum is used for histogram and should not be renumbered.
// This enum should be kept in sync with FrameSchedulingLifecycleState and
// FrameOriginState.
// There are three main states:
// VISIBLE describes frames which are visible to the user (both page and frame
// are visible).
// Without this service frame would have had kBackgrounded state.
// HIDDEN describes frames which are out of viewport but the page is visible
// to the user.
// BACKGROUND describes frames in background pages.
// There are four auxillary states:
// VISIBLE_SERVICE describes frames which are treated as visible to the user
// but it is a service (e.g. audio) which forces the page to be foregrounded.
// HIDDEN_SERVICE describes offscreen frames in pages which are treated as
// foregrounded due to a presence of a service (e.g. audio playing).
// BACKGROUND_EXEMPT_SELF describes background frames which are
// exempted from background throttling due to a special conditions being met
// for this frame.
// BACKGROUND_EXEMPT_kOther describes background frames which are exempted from
// background throttling due to other frames granting an exemption for
// the whole page.
// Note that all these seven states are disjoint, e.g, when calculating
// a metric for background BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND_EXEMPT_SELF and
// BACKGROUND_EXEMPT_kOther should be added together.
enum class FrameStatus {
// Used to describe a task queue which doesn't have a frame associated
// (e.g. global task queue).
kNone = 0,
// This frame was detached and does not have origin or visibility status
// anymore.
kDetached = 1,
kSpecialCasesCount = 2,
kMainFrameVisible = 2,
kMainFrameVisibleService = 3,
kMainFrameHidden = 4,
kMainFrameHiddenService = 5,
kMainFrameBackground = 6,
kMainFrameBackgroundExemptSelf = 7,
kMainFrameBackgroundExemptOther = 8,
kSameOriginVisible = 9,
kSameOriginVisibleService = 10,
kSameOriginHidden = 11,
kSameOriginHiddenService = 12,
kSameOriginBackground = 13,
kSameOriginBackgroundExemptSelf = 14,
kSameOriginBackgroundExemptOther = 15,
kCrossOriginVisible = 16,
kCrossOriginVisibleService = 17,
kCrossOriginHidden = 18,
kCrossOriginHiddenService = 19,
kCrossOriginBackground = 20,
kCrossOriginBackgroundExemptSelf = 21,
kCrossOriginBackgroundExemptOther = 22,
kCount = 23
PLATFORM_EXPORT FrameStatus GetFrameStatus(FrameScheduler* frame_scheduler);
} // namespace scheduler
} // namespace blink