blob: e9fa92dc7c9aa81333e28ad419be5e8f004f808d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/** @fileoverview Common utilities for extension ui tests. */
cr.define('extension_test_util', function() {
* A mock to test that clicking on an element calls a specific method.
* @constructor
function ClickMock() {}
ClickMock.prototype = {
* Tests clicking on an element and expecting a call.
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element to click on.
* @param {string} callName The function expected to be called.
* @param {Array<*>=} opt_expectedArgs The arguments the function is
* expected to be called with.
* @param {*=} opt_returnValue The value to return from the function call.
testClickingCalls: function(
element, callName, opt_expectedArgs, opt_returnValue) {
const mock = new MockController();
const mockMethod = mock.createFunctionMock(this, callName);
mockMethod.returnValue = opt_returnValue;
MockMethod.prototype.addExpectation.apply(mockMethod, opt_expectedArgs);
* A mock to test receiving expected events and verify that they were called
* with the proper detail values.
function ListenerMock() {
this.listeners_ = {};
ListenerMock.prototype = {
/** @private {Object<{satisfied: boolean, args: !Object}>} */
listeners_: undefined,
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {Event} e
onEvent_: function(eventName, e) {
if (this.listeners_[eventName].satisfied) {
// Event was already called and checked. We could always make this
// more intelligent by allowing for subsequent calls, removing the
// listener, etc, but there's no need right now.
const expected = this.listeners_[eventName].args || {};
expectDeepEquals(e.detail, expected);
this.listeners_[eventName].satisfied = true;
* Adds an expected event.
* @param {!EventTarget} target
* @param {string} eventName
* @param {Object=} opt_eventArgs If omitted, will check that the details
* are empty (i.e., {}).
addListener: function(target, eventName, opt_eventArgs) {
this.listeners_[eventName] = {
args: opt_eventArgs || {},
satisfied: false
target.addEventListener(eventName, this.onEvent_.bind(this, eventName));
/** Verifies the expectations set. */
verify: function() {
const missingEvents = [];
for (const key in this.listeners_) {
if (!this.listeners_[key].satisfied)
expectEquals(0, missingEvents.length, JSON.stringify(missingEvents));
* A mock delegate for the item, capable of testing functionality.
* @constructor
* @extends {ClickMock}
* @implements {extensions.ItemDelegate}
function MockItemDelegate() {}
MockItemDelegate.prototype = {
__proto__: ClickMock.prototype,
/** @override */
deleteItem: function(id) {},
/** @override */
setItemEnabled: function(id, enabled) {},
/** @override */
showItemDetails: function(id) {},
/** @override */
setItemAllowedIncognito: function(id, enabled) {},
/** @override */
setItemAllowedOnFileUrls: function(id, enabled) {},
/** @override */
setItemHostAccess: function(id, hostAccess) {},
/** @override */
setItemCollectsErrors: function(id, enabled) {},
/** @override */
inspectItemView: function(id, view) {},
/** @override */
reloadItem: function(id) {},
/** @override */
repairItem: function(id) {},
/** @override */
showItemOptionsPage: function(id) {},
/** @override */
showInFolder: function(id) {},
/** @override */
getExtensionSize: function(id) {
return Promise.resolve('10 MB');
* @param {!HTMLElement} element
* @return {boolean} whether or not the element passed in is visible
function isElementVisible(element) {
const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return rect.width * rect.height > 0; // Width and height is never negative.
* Returns whether or not the element specified is visible. This is different
* from isElementVisible in that this function attempts to search for the
* element within a parent element, which means you can use it to check if
* the element exists at all.
* @param {!HTMLElement} parentEl
* @param {string} selector
* @param {boolean=} checkLightDom
* @return {boolean}
function isVisible(parentEl, selector, checkLightDom) {
const element = (checkLightDom ? parentEl.querySelector : parentEl.$$)
.call(parentEl, selector);
const rect = element ? element.getBoundingClientRect() : null;
return !!rect && rect.width * rect.height > 0;
* Tests that the element's visibility matches |expectedVisible| and,
* optionally, has specific content if it is visible.
* @param {!HTMLElement} parentEl The parent element to query for the element.
* @param {string} selector The selector to find the element.
* @param {boolean} expectedVisible Whether the element should be
* visible.
* @param {string=} opt_expectedText The expected textContent value.
function testVisible(parentEl, selector, expectedVisible, opt_expectedText) {
const visible = isVisible(parentEl, selector);
expectEquals(expectedVisible, visible, selector);
if (expectedVisible && visible && opt_expectedText) {
const element = parentEl.$$(selector);
expectEquals(opt_expectedText, element.textContent.trim(), selector);
* Creates an ExtensionInfo object.
* @param {Object=} opt_properties A set of properties that will be used on
* the resulting ExtensionInfo (otherwise defaults will be used).
* @return {chrome.developerPrivate.ExtensionInfo}
function createExtensionInfo(opt_properties) {
const id = opt_properties && opt_properties.hasOwnProperty('id') ?
opt_properties['id'] :
const baseUrl = 'chrome-extension://' + id + '/';
return Object.assign(
commands: [],
dependentExtensions: [],
description: 'This is an extension',
disableReasons: {
suspiciousInstall: false,
corruptInstall: false,
updateRequired: false,
homePage: {specified: false, url: ''},
iconUrl: 'chrome://extension-icon/' + id + '/24/0',
id: id,
incognitoAccess: {isEnabled: true, isActive: false},
location: 'FROM_STORE',
manifestErrors: [],
name: 'Wonderful Extension',
runtimeErrors: [],
runtimeWarnings: [],
permissions: {simplePermissions: []},
state: 'ENABLED',
type: 'EXTENSION',
userMayModify: true,
version: '2.0',
views: [{url: baseUrl + 'foo.html'}, {url: baseUrl + 'bar.html'}],
* Tests that any visible iron-icon child of an HTML element has a
* corresponding non-empty svg element, and all the paper-icon-button-light
* elements have a valid CSS-class to apply an icon as background.
* @param {HTMLElement} e The element to check the iron icons in.
function testIcons(e) {
e.querySelectorAll('* /deep/ iron-icon').forEach(function(icon) {
if (isElementVisible(icon)) {
const svg = icon.$$('svg');
!!svg && svg.innerHTML != '',
'icon "' + icon.icon + '" is not present');
e.querySelectorAll('* /deep/ paper-icon-button-light')
.forEach(function(button) {
if (isElementVisible(button)) {
window.getComputedStyle(button)['background-image'] != 'none',
'button ' + button + ' doesn\'t have a valid icon class');
* Finds all nodes matching |query| under |root|, within self and children's
* Shadow DOM.
* @param {!Node} root
* @param {string} query The CSS query
* @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>}
function findMatches(root, query) {
let elements = new Set();
function doSearch(node) {
if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
const matches = node.querySelectorAll(query);
for (let match of matches)
let child = node.firstChild;
while (child !== null) {
child = child.nextSibling;
const shadowRoot = node.shadowRoot;
if (shadowRoot)
return Array.from(elements);
return {
ClickMock: ClickMock,
ListenerMock: ListenerMock,
MockItemDelegate: MockItemDelegate,
isElementVisible: isElementVisible,
isVisible: isVisible,
testVisible: testVisible,
createExtensionInfo: createExtensionInfo,
testIcons: testIcons,
findMatches: findMatches,