blob: 49eceab9d3e2255be51daaf2779da487ff2239d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
* (C) 1997 Torben Weis (
* (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2013 Apple Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LayoutTableCell_h
#define LayoutTableCell_h
#include <memory>
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/CollapsedBorderValue.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBlockFlow.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTableRow.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTableSection.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/text/WritingModeUtils.h"
namespace blink {
static const unsigned kUnsetColumnIndex =
static const unsigned kMaxColumnIndex = kUnsetColumnIndex - 1;
class SubtreeLayoutScope;
// LayoutTableCell is used to represent a table cell (display: table-cell).
// Because rows are as tall as the tallest cell, cells need to be aligned into
// the enclosing row space. To achieve this, LayoutTableCell introduces the
// concept of 'intrinsic padding'. Those 2 paddings are used to shift the box
// into the row as follows:
// --------------------------------
// ^ ^
// | |
// | | cell's border before
// | |
// | v
// | ^
// | |
// | | m_intrinsicPaddingBefore
// | |
// | v
// | -----------------------------
// | | |
// row | | cell's padding box |
// height | | |
// | -----------------------------
// | ^
// | |
// | | m_intrinsicPaddingAfter
// | |
// | v
// | ^
// | |
// | | cell's border after
// | |
// v v
// ---------------------------------
// Note that this diagram is not impacted by collapsing or separate borders
// (see 'border-collapse').
// Also there is no margin on table cell (or any internal table element).
// LayoutTableCell is positioned with respect to the enclosing
// LayoutTableSection. See callers of
// LayoutTableSection::setLogicalPositionForCell() for when it is placed.
class CORE_EXPORT LayoutTableCell : public LayoutBlockFlow {
explicit LayoutTableCell(Element*);
unsigned ColSpan() const {
if (!has_col_span_)
return 1;
return ParseColSpanFromDOM();
unsigned ParsedRowSpan() const {
if (!has_row_span_)
return 1;
return ParseRowSpanFromDOM();
unsigned RowSpan() const {
unsigned row_span = ParsedRowSpan();
if (!row_span) {
row_span = Section()->NumRows() - RowIndex();
return std::min<unsigned>(row_span, kMaxRowIndex);
// Called from HTMLTableCellElement.
void ColSpanOrRowSpanChanged();
void SetAbsoluteColumnIndex(unsigned column) {
CHECK_LE(column, kMaxColumnIndex);
absolute_column_index_ = column;
bool HasSetAbsoluteColumnIndex() const {
return absolute_column_index_ != kUnsetColumnIndex;
unsigned AbsoluteColumnIndex() const {
return absolute_column_index_;
LayoutTableRow* Row() const { return ToLayoutTableRow(Parent()); }
LayoutTableSection* Section() const {
return ToLayoutTableSection(Parent()->Parent());
LayoutTable* Table() const {
return ToLayoutTable(Parent()->Parent()->Parent());
LayoutTableCell* PreviousCell() const;
LayoutTableCell* NextCell() const;
unsigned RowIndex() const {
// This function shouldn't be called on a detached cell.
return Row()->RowIndex();
Length StyleOrColLogicalWidth() const {
Length style_width = Style()->LogicalWidth();
if (!style_width.IsAuto())
return style_width;
if (LayoutTableCol* first_column =
return LogicalWidthFromColumns(first_column, style_width);
return style_width;
int LogicalHeightFromStyle() const {
Length height = Style()->LogicalHeight();
int style_logical_height =
? 0
: ValueForLength(height, LayoutUnit()).ToInt();
// In strict mode, box-sizing: content-box do the right thing and actually
// add in the border and padding.
// Call computedCSSPadding* directly to avoid including implicitPadding.
if (!GetDocument().InQuirksMode() &&
Style()->BoxSizing() != EBoxSizing::kBorderBox) {
style_logical_height +=
(ComputedCSSPaddingBefore() + ComputedCSSPaddingAfter()).Floor() +
(BorderBefore() + BorderAfter()).Floor();
return style_logical_height;
int LogicalHeightForRowSizing() const {
// FIXME: This function does too much work, and is very hot during table
// layout!
int adjusted_logical_height =
PixelSnappedLogicalHeight() -
(IntrinsicPaddingBefore() + IntrinsicPaddingAfter());
int style_logical_height = LogicalHeightFromStyle();
return max(style_logical_height, adjusted_logical_height);
void SetCellLogicalWidth(int constrained_logical_width, SubtreeLayoutScope&);
// Returns true if a non-column-spanning cell is in a collapsed column, or if
// a column-spanning cell starts in a collapsed column.
bool IsFirstColumnCollapsed() const;
LayoutUnit BorderLeft() const override;
LayoutUnit BorderRight() const override;
LayoutUnit BorderTop() const override;
LayoutUnit BorderBottom() const override;
void UpdateLayout() override;
void Paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const override;
LayoutUnit CellBaselinePosition() const;
bool IsBaselineAligned() const {
EVerticalAlign va = Style()->VerticalAlign();
return va == EVerticalAlign::kBaseline ||
va == EVerticalAlign::kTextBottom ||
va == EVerticalAlign::kTextTop || va == EVerticalAlign::kSuper ||
va == EVerticalAlign::kSub || va == EVerticalAlign::kLength;
// Align the cell in the block direction. This is done by calculating an
// intrinsic padding before and after the cell contents, so that all cells in
// the row get the same logical height.
void ComputeIntrinsicPadding(int collapsed_height,
int row_height,
void ClearIntrinsicPadding() { SetIntrinsicPadding(0, 0); }
int IntrinsicPaddingBefore() const { return intrinsic_padding_before_; }
int IntrinsicPaddingAfter() const { return intrinsic_padding_after_; }
LayoutUnit PaddingTop() const override;
LayoutUnit PaddingBottom() const override;
LayoutUnit PaddingLeft() const override;
LayoutUnit PaddingRight() const override;
void SetOverrideLogicalContentHeightFromRowHeight(LayoutUnit);
void ScrollbarsChanged(bool horizontal_scrollbar_changed,
bool vertical_scrollbar_changed,
ScrollbarChangeContext = kLayout) override;
bool CellChildrenNeedLayout() const { return cell_children_need_layout_; }
void SetCellChildrenNeedLayout(bool b = true) {
cell_children_need_layout_ = b;
static LayoutTableCell* CreateAnonymous(Document*);
static LayoutTableCell* CreateAnonymousWithParent(const LayoutObject*);
LayoutBox* CreateAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(
const LayoutObject* parent) const override {
return CreateAnonymousWithParent(parent);
// The table's style determines cell order and cell adjacency in the table.
// Collapsed borders also use in table's inline and block directions.
const ComputedStyle& TableStyle() const { return Table()->StyleRef(); }
BorderValue BorderStartInTableDirection() const {
return StyleRef().BorderStartUsing(TableStyle());
BorderValue BorderEndInTableDirection() const {
return StyleRef().BorderEndUsing(TableStyle());
BorderValue BorderBeforeInTableDirection() const {
return StyleRef().BorderBeforeUsing(TableStyle());
BorderValue BorderAfterInTableDirection() const {
return StyleRef().BorderAfterUsing(TableStyle());
const char* GetName() const override { return "LayoutTableCell"; }
bool BackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect&) const override;
const CollapsedBorderValues* GetCollapsedBorderValues() const {
return collapsed_border_values_.get();
void InvalidateCollapsedBorderValues() {
collapsed_border_values_valid_ = false;
LayoutRect DebugRect() const override;
void AdjustChildDebugRect(LayoutRect&) const override;
// A table cell's location is relative to its containing section.
LayoutBox* LocationContainer() const override { return Section(); }
bool HasLineIfEmpty() const override;
static bool CompareInDOMOrder(const LayoutTableCell* cell1,
const LayoutTableCell* cell2) {
DCHECK(cell1->Section() == cell2->Section());
if (cell1->RowIndex() == cell2->RowIndex())
return cell1->absolute_column_index_ < cell2->absolute_column_index_;
return cell1->RowIndex() < cell2->RowIndex();
// For the following methods, the 'start', 'end', 'before', 'after' directions
// are all in the table's inline and block directions.
unsigned CollapsedOuterBorderBefore() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfBefore(true);
unsigned CollapsedOuterBorderAfter() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfAfter(true);
unsigned CollapsedOuterBorderStart() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfStart(true);
unsigned CollapsedOuterBorderEnd() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfEnd(true);
unsigned CollapsedInnerBorderBefore() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfBefore(false);
unsigned CollapsedInnerBorderAfter() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfAfter(false);
unsigned CollapsedInnerBorderStart() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfStart(false);
unsigned CollapsedInnerBorderEnd() const {
return CollapsedBorderHalfEnd(false);
bool StartsAtSameColumn(const LayoutTableCell* other) const {
return other && AbsoluteColumnIndex() == other->AbsoluteColumnIndex();
bool EndsAtSameColumn(const LayoutTableCell* other) const {
return other && AbsoluteColumnIndex() + ColSpan() ==
other->AbsoluteColumnIndex() + other->ColSpan();
bool StartsAtSameRow(const LayoutTableCell* other) const {
return other && RowIndex() == other->RowIndex();
bool EndsAtSameRow(const LayoutTableCell* other) const {
return other &&
RowIndex() + RowSpan() == other->RowIndex() + other->RowSpan();
void SetIsSpanningCollapsedRow(bool spanningCollapsedRow) {
is_spanning_collapsed_row_ = spanningCollapsedRow;
bool IsSpanningCollapsedRow() const { return is_spanning_collapsed_row_; }
void SetIsSpanningCollapsedColumn(bool spanningCollapsedColumn) {
is_spanning_collapsed_column_ = spanningCollapsedColumn;
bool IsSpanningCollapsedColumn() const {
return is_spanning_collapsed_column_;
void ComputeOverflow(LayoutUnit old_client_after_edge,
bool recompute_floats = false) override;
void StyleDidChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle* old_style) override;
void ComputePreferredLogicalWidths() override;
void AddLayerHitTestRects(
const PaintLayer* current_composited_layer,
const LayoutPoint& layer_offset,
TouchAction supported_fast_actions,
const LayoutRect& container_rect,
TouchAction container_whitelisted_touch_action) const override;
PaintInvalidationReason InvalidatePaint(
const PaintInvalidatorContext&) const override;
bool IsOfType(LayoutObjectType type) const override {
return type == kLayoutObjectTableCell || LayoutBlockFlow::IsOfType(type);
friend class LayoutTableCellTest;
void WillBeRemovedFromTree() override;
void UpdateLogicalWidth() override;
void PaintBoxDecorationBackground(const PaintInfo&,
const LayoutPoint&) const override;
void PaintMask(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const override;
LayoutSize OffsetFromContainer(const LayoutObject*) const override;
bool ShouldClipOverflow() const override;
using CollapsedBorderValuesMethod =
const CollapsedBorderValue& (CollapsedBorderValues::*)() const;
CollapsedBorderValuesMethodsPhysical() const {
return LogicalToPhysical<CollapsedBorderValuesMethod>(
// Collapsed border logical directions are in table's directions.
TableStyle().GetWritingMode(), TableStyle().Direction(),
&CollapsedBorderValues::StartBorder, &CollapsedBorderValues::EndBorder,
// Give the extra pixel of half collapsed border to top and left.
static constexpr bool kInnerHalfPixelAsOneTop = true;
static constexpr bool kInnerHalfPixelAsOneRight = false;
static constexpr bool kInnerHalfPixelAsOneBottom = false;
static constexpr bool kInnerHalfPixelAsOneLeft = true;
PhysicalToLogical<bool> InnerHalfPixelAsOneLogical() const {
return PhysicalToLogical<bool>(
// Collapsed border logical directions are in table's directions.
TableStyle().GetWritingMode(), TableStyle().Direction(),
kInnerHalfPixelAsOneTop, kInnerHalfPixelAsOneRight,
kInnerHalfPixelAsOneBottom, kInnerHalfPixelAsOneLeft);
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfLeft(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(kInnerHalfPixelAsOneLeft ^ outer,
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfRight(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(kInnerHalfPixelAsOneRight ^ outer,
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfTop(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(kInnerHalfPixelAsOneTop ^ outer,
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfBottom(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(kInnerHalfPixelAsOneBottom ^ outer,
// For the following methods, the 'start', 'end', 'before', 'after' directions
// are all in the table's inline and block directions.
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfStart(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(InnerHalfPixelAsOneLogical().Start() ^ outer,
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfEnd(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(InnerHalfPixelAsOneLogical().End() ^ outer,
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfBefore(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(InnerHalfPixelAsOneLogical().Before() ^ outer,
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalfAfter(bool outer) const {
return CollapsedBorderHalf(InnerHalfPixelAsOneLogical().After() ^ outer,
unsigned CollapsedBorderHalf(bool half_pixel_as_one,
CollapsedBorderValuesMethod m) const {
if (const auto* values = GetCollapsedBorderValues())
return ((values->*m)().Width() + (half_pixel_as_one ? 1 : 0)) / 2;
return 0;
LogicalToPhysical<int> LogicalIntrinsicPaddingToPhysical() const {
return LogicalToPhysical<int>(
StyleRef().GetWritingMode(), StyleRef().Direction(), 0, 0,
intrinsic_padding_before_, intrinsic_padding_after_);
void SetIntrinsicPaddingBefore(int p) { intrinsic_padding_before_ = p; }
void SetIntrinsicPaddingAfter(int p) { intrinsic_padding_after_ = p; }
void SetIntrinsicPadding(int before, int after) {
bool IsInStartColumn() const { return AbsoluteColumnIndex() == 0; }
bool IsInEndColumn() const;
// These functions implement the CSS collapsing border conflict resolution
// algorithm
// They are called during UpdateCollapsedBorderValues(). The 'start', 'end',
// 'before', 'after' directions are all in the table's inline and block
// directions.
inline const CSSProperty& ResolveBorderProperty(const CSSProperty&) const;
CollapsedBorderValue ComputeCollapsedStartBorder() const;
CollapsedBorderValue ComputeCollapsedEndBorder() const;
CollapsedBorderValue ComputeCollapsedBeforeBorder() const;
CollapsedBorderValue ComputeCollapsedAfterBorder() const;
void UpdateCollapsedBorderValues() const;
Length LogicalWidthFromColumns(LayoutTableCol* first_col_for_this_cell,
Length width_from_style) const;
void UpdateColAndRowSpanFlags();
unsigned ParseRowSpanFromDOM() const;
unsigned ParseColSpanFromDOM() const;
void NextSibling() const = delete;
void PreviousSibling() const = delete;
unsigned absolute_column_index_ : BITS_OF_ABSOLUTE_COLUMN_INDEX;
// When adding or removing bits here, we should also adjust
// BITS_OF_ABSOLUTE_COLUMN_INDEX to use remaining bits of a 32-bit word.
// Note MSVC will only pack members if they have identical types, hence we use
// unsigned instead of bool here.
unsigned cell_children_need_layout_ : 1;
unsigned has_col_span_ : 1;
unsigned has_row_span_ : 1;
unsigned is_spanning_collapsed_row_ : 1;
unsigned is_spanning_collapsed_column_ : 1;
// This is set to false when |collapsed_border_values_| needs update.
mutable unsigned collapsed_border_values_valid_ : 1;
mutable unsigned collapsed_borders_need_paint_invalidation_ : 1;
mutable std::unique_ptr<CollapsedBorderValues> collapsed_border_values_;
// The intrinsic padding.
// See class comment for what they are.
// Note: Those fields are using non-subpixel units (int)
// because we don't do fractional arithmetic on tables.
int intrinsic_padding_before_;
int intrinsic_padding_after_;
inline LayoutTableCell* LayoutTableCell::PreviousCell() const {
return ToLayoutTableCell(LayoutObject::PreviousSibling());
inline LayoutTableCell* LayoutTableCell::NextCell() const {
return ToLayoutTableCell(LayoutObject::NextSibling());
inline LayoutTableCell* LayoutTableRow::FirstCell() const {
return ToLayoutTableCell(FirstChild());
inline LayoutTableCell* LayoutTableRow::LastCell() const {
return ToLayoutTableCell(LastChild());
} // namespace blink
#endif // LayoutTableCell_h