[chrome:omnibox] Join columns 'Fill Into Edit' and 'Inline Autocompletion'.

Additionally, typically the inline text is a suffix of the fill text; e.g.
typing 'g', may result in the inline text 'oogle.com' and fill text
'google.com'. To conserve space and mimick how the actual omnibox displays the
inline and fill texts, we display the inline text only once, and format it (1px
border & bold font) to distinguish it from the fill text; e.g. g|oogle.com|. In
the yet-unencountered case where the inline text is not a suffix of the fill
text, we display both adjacent.

Bug: 891303
Change-Id: I8096eca7b14d84be0941ae19c5a076cbc782218c
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1372231
Reviewed-by: Tommy Li <tommycli@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: manuk hovanesian <manukh@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#615660}
3 files changed