blob: 614a49cb91b946b350f9e74bcfbedcba5b866b38 [file] [log] [blame]
{% from 'macros.tmpl' import license, print_if %}
{% from 'fields/field.tmpl' import encode, getter_expression, setter_expression, declare_storage, fieldwise_compare, fieldwise_copy, fieldwise_diff, fieldwise_pointer_compare_inherited %}
{% from 'fields/group.tmpl' import declare_field_group_class %}
#ifndef ComputedStyleBase_h
#define ComputedStyleBase_h
#include "core/style/ComputedStyleConstants.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/style/DataRef.h"
#include "core/style/MemberCopy.h"
#include "core/style/StyleDifference.h"
#include "platform/wtf/SizeAssertions.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
{% for path in include_paths %}
#include "{{path}}"
{% endfor %}
{# Each field template has macros that we can call to generate specific
aspects of the field (e.g. getters, setters).
{% import 'fields/keyword.tmpl' as keyword %}
{% import 'fields/primitive.tmpl' as primitive %}
{% import 'fields/monotonic_flag.tmpl' as monotonic_flag %}
{% import 'fields/storage_only.tmpl' as storage_only %}
{% import 'fields/external.tmpl' as external %}
{% from 'fields/field.tmpl' import encode %}
{% set field_templates = {
'keyword': keyword,
'primitive': primitive,
'monotonic_flag': monotonic_flag,
'storage_only': storage_only,
'external': external
} %}
namespace blink {
// Forward declaration for diff functions.
class ComputedStyle;
// The generated portion of ComputedStyle. For more info, see the header comment
// in ComputedStyle.h.
// ComputedStyleBase is a generated class that stores data members or 'fields'
// used in ComputedStyle. These fields can represent CSS properties or internal
// style information.
// Fields are organised in a tree structure, where a node (called a 'group')
// stores a set of fields and a set of pointers to child nodes (called
// 'subgroups'). We can visualise the tree structure with ComputedStyleBase as
// the root node:
// ComputedStyleBase (fields: display, vertical-align, ...)
// |- StyleSurroundData (fields: padding, border, ...)
// |- StyleBoxData (fields: width, height, ...)
// |- ...
// |- StyleRareNonInheritedData (fields: box-shadow, text-overflow, ...)
// |- StyleFlexibleBoxData (fields: flex-direction, flex-wrap, ...)
// |- ...
// This design saves memory by allowing multiple ComputedStyleBases to share the
// same instance of a subgroup. For example, if a page never uses flex box
// properties, then every ComputedStyleBase can share the same instance of
// StyleFlexibleBoxData. Without this sharing, we would need to allocate a copy
// of all the flex box fields for every ComputedStyleBase. Similarly, when an
// element inherits from its parent, its ComputedStyleBase can simply share all
// of its subgroups with the parent's.
// The functions generated for a field is determined by its 'template'. For
// example, a field with the 'keyword' template has only one setter, whereas an
// 'external' field has an extra setter that takes an rvalue reference. A list
// of the available templates can be found in CSSProperties.json5.
class CORE_EXPORT ComputedStyleBase {
inline bool IndependentInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
{{fieldwise_compare(computed_style, computed_style.all_fields
inline bool NonIndependentInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
{{fieldwise_compare(computed_style, computed_style.all_fields
inline bool InheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return IndependentInheritedEqual(o) && NonIndependentInheritedEqual(o);
inline bool NonInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
{{fieldwise_compare(computed_style, computed_style.all_fields
inline bool InheritedDataShared(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
enum IsAtShadowBoundary {
void InheritFrom(const ComputedStyleBase& other,
IsAtShadowBoundary isAtShadowBoundary);
void CopyNonInheritedFromCached(
const ComputedStyleBase& other);
// Copies the values of any independent inherited properties from the parent
// style that are marked as inherited by this style.
void PropagateIndependentInheritedProperties(
const ComputedStyleBase& parentStyle);
{% for name, groups_to_diff in diff_functions_map.items() %}
static bool {{name}}(const ComputedStyle& a, const ComputedStyle& b);
{% endfor %}
// Fields.
// TODO(sashab): Remove initialFoo() static methods and update callers to
// use resetFoo(), which can be more efficient.
{% for field in computed_style.all_fields|sort(attribute='name') %}
// {{field.property_name}}
{% endfor %}
{% for subgroup in computed_style.subgroups %}
{% endfor %}
// Constructor and destructor are protected so that only the parent class ComputedStyle
// can instantiate this class.
{% for field in computed_style.all_fields|sort(attribute='name') %}
{% if field.field_template in ('storage_only', 'monotonic_flag', 'external') %}
// {{field.property_name}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
~ComputedStyleBase() = default;
// Storage.
{% for subgroup in computed_style.subgroups %}
DataRef<{{subgroup.type_name}}> {{subgroup.member_name}};
{% endfor %}
{% for field in computed_style.fields %}
{% endfor %}
} // namespace blink
#endif // ComputedStyleBase_h