blob: 8eb4781985632f646ec8669913ad414ed59003c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/paint/ObjectPainter.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBlock.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutInline.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxBorderPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintInfo.h"
#include "core/style/BorderEdge.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutPoint.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
void paintSingleRectangleOutline(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& rect, const ComputedStyle& style, const Color& color)
LayoutRect inner(rect);
LayoutRect outer(inner);
const BorderEdge commonEdgeInfo(style.outlineWidth(), color, style.outlineStyle());
BoxBorderPainter(style, outer, inner, commonEdgeInfo).paintBorder(paintInfo, outer);
struct OutlineEdgeInfo {
int x1;
int y1;
int x2;
int y2;
BoxSide side;
// Adjust length of edges if needed. Returns the width of the joint.
int adjustJoint(int outlineWidth, OutlineEdgeInfo& edge1, OutlineEdgeInfo& edge2)
// A clockwise joint:
// - needs no adjustment of edge length because our edges are along the clockwise outer edge of the outline;
// - needs a positive adjacent joint width (required by drawLineForBoxSide).
// A counterclockwise joint:
// - needs to increase the edge length to include the joint;
// - needs a negative adjacent joint width (required by drawLineForBoxSide).
switch (edge1.side) {
case BSTop:
switch (edge2.side) {
case BSRight: // Clockwise
return outlineWidth;
case BSLeft: // Counterclockwise
edge1.x2 += outlineWidth;
edge2.y2 += outlineWidth;
return -outlineWidth;
default: // Same side or no joint.
return 0;
case BSRight:
switch (edge2.side) {
case BSBottom: // Clockwise
return outlineWidth;
case BSTop: // Counterclockwise
edge1.y2 += outlineWidth;
edge2.x1 -= outlineWidth;
return -outlineWidth;
default: // Same side or no joint.
return 0;
case BSBottom:
switch (edge2.side) {
case BSLeft: // Clockwise
return outlineWidth;
case BSRight: // Counterclockwise
edge1.x1 -= outlineWidth;
edge2.y1 -= outlineWidth;
return -outlineWidth;
default: // Same side or no joint.
return 0;
case BSLeft:
switch (edge2.side) {
case BSTop: // Clockwise
return outlineWidth;
case BSBottom: // Counterclockwise
edge1.y1 -= outlineWidth;
edge2.x2 += outlineWidth;
return -outlineWidth;
default: // Same side or no joint.
return 0;
return 0;
void paintComplexOutline(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, const Vector<IntRect> rects, const ComputedStyle& style, const Color& color)
// Construct a clockwise path along the outer edge of the outline.
SkRegion region;
int width = style.outlineWidth();
int outset = style.outlineOffset() + style.outlineWidth();
for (auto& r : rects) {
IntRect rect = r;
region.op(rect, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
SkPath path;
if (!region.getBoundaryPath(&path))
Vector<OutlineEdgeInfo, 4> edges;
SkPath::Iter iter(path, false);
SkPoint points[4];
size_t count = 0;
for (SkPath::Verb verb =, false); verb != SkPath::kDone_Verb; verb =, false)) {
if (verb != SkPath::kLine_Verb)
OutlineEdgeInfo& edge = edges.last();
edge.x1 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[0].x());
edge.y1 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[0].y());
edge.x2 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[1].x());
edge.y2 = SkScalarTruncToInt(points[1].y());
if (edge.x1 == edge.x2) {
if (edge.y1 < edge.y2) {
edge.x1 -= width;
edge.side = BSRight;
} else {
std::swap(edge.y1, edge.y2);
edge.x2 += width;
edge.side = BSLeft;
} else {
ASSERT(edge.y1 == edge.y2);
if (edge.x1 < edge.x2) {
edge.y2 += width;
edge.side = BSTop;
} else {
std::swap(edge.x1, edge.x2);
edge.y1 -= width;
edge.side = BSBottom;
if (!count)
Color outlineColor = color;
bool useTransparencyLayer = color.hasAlpha();
if (useTransparencyLayer) {
graphicsContext.beginLayer(static_cast<float>(color.alpha()) / 255);
outlineColor = Color(,,;
ASSERT(count >= 4 && edges.size() == count);
int firstAdjacentWidth = adjustJoint(width, edges.last(), edges.first());
// The width of the angled part of starting and ending joint of the current edge.
int adjacentWidthStart = firstAdjacentWidth;
int adjacentWidthEnd;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
OutlineEdgeInfo& edge = edges[i];
adjacentWidthEnd = i == count - 1 ? firstAdjacentWidth : adjustJoint(width, edge, edges[i + 1]);
int adjacentWidth1 = adjacentWidthStart;
int adjacentWidth2 = adjacentWidthEnd;
if (edge.side == BSLeft || edge.side == BSBottom)
std::swap(adjacentWidth1, adjacentWidth2);
ObjectPainter::drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, edge.x1, edge.y1, edge.x2, edge.y2, edge.side, outlineColor, style.outlineStyle(), adjacentWidth1, adjacentWidth2, false);
adjacentWidthStart = adjacentWidthEnd;
if (useTransparencyLayer)
void fillQuad(GraphicsContext& context, const FloatPoint quad[], const Color& color, bool antialias)
SkPath path;
SkPaint paint(context.fillPaint());
context.drawPath(path, paint);
} // namespace
void ObjectPainter::paintOutline(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
const ComputedStyle& styleToUse = m_layoutObject.styleRef();
if (!styleToUse.hasOutline() || styleToUse.visibility() != EVisibility::Visible)
// Only paint the focus ring by hand if the theme isn't able to draw the focus ring.
if (styleToUse.outlineStyleIsAuto() && !LayoutTheme::theme().shouldDrawDefaultFocusRing(m_layoutObject))
Vector<LayoutRect> outlineRects;
m_layoutObject.addOutlineRects(outlineRects, paintOffset, m_layoutObject.outlineRectsShouldIncludeBlockVisualOverflow());
if (outlineRects.isEmpty())
if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(paintInfo.context, m_layoutObject, paintInfo.phase))
// The result rects are in coordinates of m_layoutObject's border box.
// Block flipping is not applied yet if !m_layoutObject.isBox().
if (!m_layoutObject.isBox() && m_layoutObject.styleRef().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
LayoutBlock* container = m_layoutObject.containingBlock();
if (container) {
m_layoutObject.localToAncestorRects(outlineRects, container, -paintOffset, paintOffset);
if (outlineRects.isEmpty())
Vector<IntRect> pixelSnappedOutlineRects;
for (auto& r : outlineRects)
IntRect unitedOutlineRect = unionRectEvenIfEmpty(pixelSnappedOutlineRects);
IntRect bounds = unitedOutlineRect;
LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(paintInfo.context, m_layoutObject, paintInfo.phase, bounds);
Color color = m_layoutObject.resolveColor(styleToUse, CSSPropertyOutlineColor);
if (styleToUse.outlineStyleIsAuto()) {
paintInfo.context.drawFocusRing(pixelSnappedOutlineRects, styleToUse.outlineWidth(), styleToUse.outlineOffset(), color);
if (unitedOutlineRect == pixelSnappedOutlineRects[0]) {
paintSingleRectangleOutline(paintInfo, unitedOutlineRect, styleToUse, color);
paintComplexOutline(paintInfo.context, pixelSnappedOutlineRects, styleToUse, color);
void ObjectPainter::paintInlineChildrenOutlines(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
PaintInfo paintInfoForDescendants = paintInfo.forDescendants();
for (LayoutObject* child = m_layoutObject.slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (child->isLayoutInline() && !toLayoutInline(child)->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
child->paint(paintInfoForDescendants, paintOffset);
void ObjectPainter::addPDFURLRectIfNeeded(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
if (m_layoutObject.isElementContinuation() || !m_layoutObject.node() || !m_layoutObject.node()->isLink() || m_layoutObject.styleRef().visibility() != EVisibility::Visible)
KURL url = toElement(m_layoutObject.node())->hrefURL();
if (!url.isValid())
Vector<LayoutRect> visualOverflowRects;
m_layoutObject.addElementVisualOverflowRects(visualOverflowRects, paintOffset);
IntRect rect = pixelSnappedIntRect(unionRect(visualOverflowRects));
if (rect.isEmpty())
if (LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder::useCachedDrawingIfPossible(paintInfo.context, m_layoutObject, DisplayItem::PrintedContentPDFURLRect))
LayoutObjectDrawingRecorder recorder(paintInfo.context, m_layoutObject, DisplayItem::PrintedContentPDFURLRect, rect);
if (url.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, m_layoutObject.document().baseURL())) {
String fragmentName = url.fragmentIdentifier();
if (m_layoutObject.document().findAnchor(fragmentName))
paintInfo.context.setURLFragmentForRect(fragmentName, rect);
paintInfo.context.setURLForRect(url, rect);
void ObjectPainter::drawLineForBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
BoxSide side, Color color, EBorderStyle style,
int adjacentWidth1, int adjacentWidth2, bool antialias)
int thickness;
int length;
if (side == BSTop || side == BSBottom) {
thickness = y2 - y1;
length = x2 - x1;
} else {
thickness = x2 - x1;
length = y2 - y1;
// We would like this check to be an ASSERT as we don't want to draw empty borders. However
// nothing guarantees that the following recursive calls to drawLineForBoxSide will have
// positive thickness and length.
if (length <= 0 || thickness <= 0)
if (style == BorderStyleDouble && thickness < 3)
style = BorderStyleSolid;
switch (style) {
case BorderStyleNone:
case BorderStyleHidden:
case BorderStyleDotted:
case BorderStyleDashed:
drawDashedOrDottedBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1, x2, y2, side,
color, thickness, style, antialias);
case BorderStyleDouble:
drawDoubleBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1, x2, y2, length, side, color,
thickness, adjacentWidth1, adjacentWidth2, antialias);
case BorderStyleRidge:
case BorderStyleGroove:
drawRidgeOrGrooveBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1, x2, y2, side, color,
style, adjacentWidth1, adjacentWidth2, antialias);
case BorderStyleInset:
// FIXME: Maybe we should lighten the colors on one side like Firefox.
if (side == BSTop || side == BSLeft)
color = color.dark();
// fall through
case BorderStyleOutset:
if (style == BorderStyleOutset && (side == BSBottom || side == BSRight))
color = color.dark();
// fall through
case BorderStyleSolid:
drawSolidBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1, x2, y2, side, color, adjacentWidth1, adjacentWidth2, antialias);
void ObjectPainter::drawDashedOrDottedBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
BoxSide side, Color color, int thickness, EBorderStyle style, bool antialias)
ASSERT(thickness > 0);
bool wasAntialiased = graphicsContext.shouldAntialias();
StrokeStyle oldStrokeStyle = graphicsContext.getStrokeStyle();
graphicsContext.setStrokeStyle(style == BorderStyleDashed ? DashedStroke : DottedStroke);
switch (side) {
case BSBottom:
case BSTop: {
int midY = y1 + thickness / 2;
graphicsContext.drawLine(IntPoint(x1, midY), IntPoint(x2, midY));
case BSRight:
case BSLeft: {
int midX = x1 + thickness / 2;
graphicsContext.drawLine(IntPoint(midX, y1), IntPoint(midX, y2));
void ObjectPainter::drawDoubleBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int length, BoxSide side, Color color, int thickness, int adjacentWidth1, int adjacentWidth2, bool antialias)
int thirdOfThickness = (thickness + 1) / 3;
ASSERT(thirdOfThickness > 0);
if (!adjacentWidth1 && !adjacentWidth2) {
StrokeStyle oldStrokeStyle = graphicsContext.getStrokeStyle();
bool wasAntialiased = graphicsContext.shouldAntialias();
switch (side) {
case BSTop:
case BSBottom:
graphicsContext.drawRect(IntRect(x1, y1, length, thirdOfThickness));
graphicsContext.drawRect(IntRect(x1, y2 - thirdOfThickness, length, thirdOfThickness));
case BSLeft:
case BSRight:
graphicsContext.drawRect(IntRect(x1, y1, thirdOfThickness, length));
graphicsContext.drawRect(IntRect(x2 - thirdOfThickness, y1, thirdOfThickness, length));
int adjacent1BigThird = ((adjacentWidth1 > 0) ? adjacentWidth1 + 1 : adjacentWidth1 - 1) / 3;
int adjacent2BigThird = ((adjacentWidth2 > 0) ? adjacentWidth2 + 1 : adjacentWidth2 - 1) / 3;
switch (side) {
case BSTop:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
y1, x2 - std::max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y1 + thirdOfThickness,
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
y2 - thirdOfThickness, x2 - std::max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y2,
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
case BSLeft:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + std::max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
x1 + thirdOfThickness, y2 - std::max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x2 - thirdOfThickness, y1 + std::max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
x2, y2 - std::max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
case BSBottom:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
y1, x2 - std::max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y1 + thirdOfThickness,
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
y2 - thirdOfThickness, x2 - std::max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0), y2,
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
case BSRight:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + std::max((adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
x1 + thirdOfThickness, y2 - std::max((adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x2 - thirdOfThickness, y1 + std::max((-adjacentWidth1 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
x2, y2 - std::max((-adjacentWidth2 * 2 + 1) / 3, 0),
side, color, BorderStyleSolid, adjacent1BigThird, adjacent2BigThird, antialias);
void ObjectPainter::drawRidgeOrGrooveBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
BoxSide side, Color color, EBorderStyle style, int adjacentWidth1, int adjacentWidth2, bool antialias)
EBorderStyle s1;
EBorderStyle s2;
if (style == BorderStyleGroove) {
s1 = BorderStyleInset;
s2 = BorderStyleOutset;
} else {
s1 = BorderStyleOutset;
s2 = BorderStyleInset;
int adjacent1BigHalf = ((adjacentWidth1 > 0) ? adjacentWidth1 + 1 : adjacentWidth1 - 1) / 2;
int adjacent2BigHalf = ((adjacentWidth2 > 0) ? adjacentWidth2 + 1 : adjacentWidth2 - 1) / 2;
switch (side) {
case BSTop:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, y1, x2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2,
side, color, s1, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, x2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2, y2,
side, color, s2, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
case BSLeft:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2,
side, color, s1, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, x2, y2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2,
side, color, s2, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
case BSBottom:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, y1, x2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2,
side, color, s2, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, (y1 + y2 + 1) / 2, x2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2, y2,
side, color, s1, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
case BSRight:
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, x1, y1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1, 0) / 2, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2, 0) / 2,
side, color, s2, adjacent1BigHalf, adjacent2BigHalf, antialias);
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, (x1 + x2 + 1) / 2, y1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1 + 1, 0) / 2, x2, y2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2 + 1, 0) / 2,
side, color, s1, adjacentWidth1 / 2, adjacentWidth2 / 2, antialias);
void ObjectPainter::drawSolidBoxSide(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
BoxSide side, Color color, int adjacentWidth1, int adjacentWidth2, bool antialias)
ASSERT(x2 >= x1);
ASSERT(y2 >= y1);
if (!adjacentWidth1 && !adjacentWidth2) {
// Tweak antialiasing to match the behavior of fillQuad();
// this matters for rects in transformed contexts.
bool wasAntialiased = graphicsContext.shouldAntialias();
if (antialias != wasAntialiased)
graphicsContext.fillRect(IntRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1), color);
if (antialias != wasAntialiased)
FloatPoint quad[4];
switch (side) {
case BSTop:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1, 0), y1);
quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1, 0), y2);
quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2, 0), y2);
quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2, 0), y1);
case BSBottom:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1, 0), y1);
quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1, 0), y2);
quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2, 0), y2);
quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2, 0), y1);
case BSLeft:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1, y1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1, 0));
quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1, y2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2, 0));
quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2, y2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2, 0));
quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2, y1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1, 0));
case BSRight:
quad[0] = FloatPoint(x1, y1 + std::max(adjacentWidth1, 0));
quad[1] = FloatPoint(x1, y2 - std::max(adjacentWidth2, 0));
quad[2] = FloatPoint(x2, y2 - std::max(-adjacentWidth2, 0));
quad[3] = FloatPoint(x2, y1 + std::max(-adjacentWidth1, 0));
fillQuad(graphicsContext, quad, color, antialias);
void ObjectPainter::paintAllPhasesAtomically(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
// Pass PaintPhaseSelection and PaintPhaseTextClip to the descendants so that they will paint
// for selection and text clip respectively. We don't need complete painting for these phases.
if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseTextClip) {
m_layoutObject.paint(paintInfo, paintOffset);
if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)
PaintInfo info(paintInfo);
info.phase = PaintPhaseBlockBackground;
m_layoutObject.paint(info, paintOffset);
info.phase = PaintPhaseFloat;
m_layoutObject.paint(info, paintOffset);
info.phase = PaintPhaseForeground;
m_layoutObject.paint(info, paintOffset);
info.phase = PaintPhaseOutline;
m_layoutObject.paint(info, paintOffset);
} // namespace blink