blob: 5088020444739f9e3708cad29f754f693dcce947 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.process_launcher;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.CachedMetrics;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Manages a connection between the browser activity and a child service.
public class ChildProcessConnection {
private static final String TAG = "ChildProcessConn";
private static final int BIND_SERVICE_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 10 * 1000;
* Used to notify the consumer about the process start. These callbacks will be invoked before
* the ConnectionCallbacks.
public interface ServiceCallback {
* Called when the child process has successfully started and is ready for connection
* setup.
void onChildStarted();
* Called when the child process failed to start. This can happen if the process is already
* in use by another client. Note onChildProcessDied will be called after this callback,
* once the client unbinds and the service gets cleaned.
* TODO(jcivelli): we should improve the behavior in such cases.
void onChildStartFailed();
* Called when the service has been disconnected. whether it was stopped by the client or
* if it stopped unexpectedly (process crash).
* This is the last callback from this interface that a client will receive for a specific
* connection.
void onChildProcessDied(ChildProcessConnection connection);
* Used to notify the consumer about the connection being established.
public interface ConnectionCallback {
* Called when the connection to the service is established.
* @param connection the connection object to the child process
void onConnected(ChildProcessConnection connection);
* Delegate that ChildServiceConnection should call when the service connects/disconnects.
* These callbacks are expected to happen on a background thread.
protected interface ChildServiceConnectionDelegate {
void onServiceConnected(IBinder service);
void onServiceDisconnected();
protected interface ChildServiceConnectionFactory {
ChildServiceConnection createConnection(
Intent bindIntent, int bindFlags, ChildServiceConnectionDelegate delegate);
/** Interface representing a connection to the Android service. Can be mocked in unit-tests. */
protected interface ChildServiceConnection {
boolean bind();
void unbind();
boolean isBound();
/** Implementation of ChildServiceConnection that does connect to a service. */
private static class ChildServiceConnectionImpl
implements ChildServiceConnection, ServiceConnection {
private final Context mContext;
private final Intent mBindIntent;
private final int mBindFlags;
private final ChildServiceConnectionDelegate mDelegate;
private boolean mBound;
private ChildServiceConnectionImpl(Context context, Intent bindIntent, int bindFlags,
ChildServiceConnectionDelegate delegate) {
mContext = context;
mBindIntent = bindIntent;
mBindFlags = bindFlags;
mDelegate = delegate;
public boolean bind() {
if (!mBound) {
try {
mBound = mContext.bindService(mBindIntent, this, mBindFlags);
} finally {
return mBound;
public void unbind() {
if (mBound) {
mBound = false;
public boolean isBound() {
return mBound;
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, final IBinder service) {
// Called on the main thread to notify that the child service did not disconnect gracefully.
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {
// CachedMetrics used from this class, because this class can run before native library is
// loaded.
private static final CachedMetrics.TimesHistogramSample sOnServiceConnectedTimesMetric =
new CachedMetrics.TimesHistogramSample(
"Android.ChildProcessLauncher.OnServiceConnectedTime", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private static final CachedMetrics
.BooleanHistogramSample sOnServiceConnectedTimesMetricTimedOut =
new CachedMetrics.BooleanHistogramSample(
private final Handler mLauncherHandler;
private final ComponentName mServiceName;
// Parameters passed to the child process through the service binding intent.
// If the service gets recreated by the framework the intent will be reused, so these parameters
// should be common to all processes of that type.
private final Bundle mServiceBundle;
// Whether bindToCaller should be called on the service after setup to check that only one
// process is bound to the service.
private final boolean mBindToCaller;
private static class ConnectionParams {
final Bundle mConnectionBundle;
final IBinder mCallback;
ConnectionParams(Bundle connectionBundle, IBinder callback) {
mConnectionBundle = connectionBundle;
mCallback = callback;
// This is set in start() and is used in onServiceConnected().
private ServiceCallback mServiceCallback;
// This is set in setupConnection() and is later used in doConnectionSetup(), after which the
// variable is cleared. Therefore this is only valid while the connection is being set up.
private ConnectionParams mConnectionParams;
// Callback provided in setupConnection() that will communicate the result to the caller. This
// has to be called exactly once after setupConnection(), even if setup fails, so that the
// caller can free up resources associated with the setup attempt. This is set to null after the
// call.
private ConnectionCallback mConnectionCallback;
// Workaround bug on some android versions where bindService does not result in
// onServiceConnected for sandboxed services; see for details.
// This is a delayed callback that will retry bindService with a delay.
private Runnable mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog;
private IChildProcessService mService;
// Set to true when the service connection callback runs. This differs from
// mServiceConnectComplete, which tracks that the connection completed successfully.
private boolean mDidOnServiceConnected;
// Set to true when the service connected successfully.
private boolean mServiceConnectComplete;
// Set to true when the service disconnects, as opposed to being properly closed. This happens
// when the process crashes or gets killed by the system out-of-memory killer.
private boolean mServiceDisconnected;
// Process ID of the corresponding child process.
private int mPid;
// Inital moderate binding.
private final ChildServiceConnection mInitialBinding;
// Strong binding will make the service priority equal to the priority of the activity.
private final ChildServiceConnection mStrongBinding;
// Moderate binding will make the service priority equal to the priority of a visible process
// while the app is in the foreground.
private final ChildServiceConnection mModerateBinding;
// Low priority binding maintained in the entire lifetime of the connection, i.e. between calls
// to start() and stop().
private final ChildServiceConnection mWaivedBinding;
// Incremented on addStrongBinding(), decremented on removeStrongBinding().
private int mStrongBindingCount;
// Indicates whether the connection only has the waived binding (if the connection is unbound,
// it contains the state at time of unbinding).
private boolean mWaivedBoundOnly;
// Set to true once unbind() was called.
private boolean mUnbound;
// Timestamp when watchdog was last reset, which is equivalent to when start was called.
private long mLastWatchdogResetTimestamp;
public ChildProcessConnection(Context context, ComponentName serviceName, boolean bindToCaller,
boolean bindAsExternalService, Bundle serviceBundle) {
this(context, serviceName, bindToCaller, bindAsExternalService, serviceBundle,
null /* connectionFactory */);
public ChildProcessConnection(final Context context, ComponentName serviceName,
boolean bindToCaller, boolean bindAsExternalService, Bundle serviceBundle,
ChildServiceConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
mLauncherHandler = new Handler();
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
mServiceName = serviceName;
mServiceBundle = serviceBundle != null ? serviceBundle : new Bundle();
mServiceBundle.putBoolean(ChildProcessConstants.EXTRA_BIND_TO_CALLER, bindToCaller);
mBindToCaller = bindToCaller;
if (connectionFactory == null) {
connectionFactory = new ChildServiceConnectionFactory() {
public ChildServiceConnection createConnection(
Intent bindIntent, int bindFlags, ChildServiceConnectionDelegate delegate) {
return new ChildServiceConnectionImpl(context, bindIntent, bindFlags, delegate);
ChildServiceConnectionDelegate delegate = new ChildServiceConnectionDelegate() {
public void onServiceConnected(final IBinder service) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void onServiceDisconnected() { Runnable() {
public void run() {
Intent intent = new Intent();
if (serviceBundle != null) {
int defaultFlags = Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE
| (bindAsExternalService ? Context.BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE : 0);
mInitialBinding = connectionFactory.createConnection(intent, defaultFlags, delegate);
mModerateBinding = connectionFactory.createConnection(intent, defaultFlags, delegate);
mStrongBinding = connectionFactory.createConnection(
intent, defaultFlags | Context.BIND_IMPORTANT, delegate);
mWaivedBinding = connectionFactory.createConnection(
intent, defaultFlags | Context.BIND_WAIVE_PRIORITY, delegate);
public final IChildProcessService getService() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
return mService;
public final ComponentName getServiceName() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
return mServiceName;
public boolean isConnected() {
return mService != null;
* @return the connection pid, or 0 if not yet connected
public int getPid() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
return mPid;
* Starts a connection to an IChildProcessService. This must be followed by a call to
* setupConnection() to setup the connection parameters. start() and setupConnection() are
* separate to allow to pass whatever parameters are available in start(), and complete the
* remainder addStrongBinding while reducing the connection setup latency.
* @param useStrongBinding whether a strong binding should be bound by default. If false, an
* initial moderate binding is used.
* @param serviceCallback (optional) callbacks invoked when the child process starts or fails to
* start and when the service stops.
public void start(
boolean useStrongBinding, ServiceCallback serviceCallback, boolean retryOnTimeout) {
try {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
assert mConnectionParams
== null : "setupConnection() called before start() in ChildProcessConnection.";
mServiceCallback = serviceCallback;
resetWatchdog(useStrongBinding, serviceCallback, retryOnTimeout);
if (!bind(useStrongBinding)) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to establish the service connection.");
// We have to notify the caller so that they can free-up associated resources.
// TODO(ppi): Can we hard-fail here?
} finally {
* Sets-up the connection after it was started with start().
* @param connectionBundle a bundle passed to the service that can be used to pass various
* parameters to the service
* @param callback optional client specified callbacks that the child can use to communicate
* with the parent process
* @param connectionCallback will be called exactly once after the connection is set up or the
* setup fails
public void setupConnection(Bundle connectionBundle, @Nullable IBinder callback,
ConnectionCallback connectionCallback) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
assert mConnectionParams == null;
if (mServiceDisconnected) {
Log.w(TAG, "Tried to setup a connection that already disconnected.");
try {
mConnectionCallback = connectionCallback;
mConnectionParams = new ConnectionParams(connectionBundle, callback);
// Run the setup if the service is already connected. If not, doConnectionSetup() will
// be called from onServiceConnected().
if (mServiceConnectComplete) {
} finally {
* Terminates the connection to IChildProcessService, closing all bindings. It is safe to call
* this multiple times.
public void stop() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
mService = null;
mConnectionParams = null;
public void onServiceConnectedOnLauncherThread(IBinder service) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
// A flag from the parent class ensures we run the post-connection logic only once
// (instead of once per each ChildServiceConnection).
if (mDidOnServiceConnected) {
try {
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastWatchdogResetTimestamp);
mDidOnServiceConnected = true;
mService = IChildProcessService.Stub.asInterface(service);
if (mBindToCaller) {
try {
if (!mService.bindToCaller()) {
if (mServiceCallback != null) {
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
// Do not trigger the StartCallback here, since the service is already
// dead and the onChildStopped callback will run from onServiceDisconnected().
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to bind service to connection.", ex);
if (mServiceCallback != null) {
mServiceConnectComplete = true;
// Run the setup if the connection parameters have already been provided. If
// not, doConnectionSetup() will be called from setupConnection().
if (mConnectionParams != null) {
} finally {
private void onServiceDisconnectedOnLauncherThread() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
// Ensure that the disconnection logic runs only once (instead of once per each
// ChildServiceConnection).
if (mServiceDisconnected) {
mServiceDisconnected = true;
Log.w(TAG, "onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=%d", mPid);
stop(); // We don't want to auto-restart on crash. Let the browser do that.
// If we have a pending connection callback, we need to communicate the failure to
// the caller.
if (mConnectionCallback != null) {
mConnectionCallback = null;
private void onSetupConnectionResult(int pid) {
mPid = pid;
assert mPid != 0 : "Child service claims to be run by a process of pid=0.";
if (mConnectionCallback != null) {
mConnectionCallback = null;
* Called after the connection parameters have been set (in setupConnection()) *and* a
* connection has been established (as signaled by onServiceConnected()). These two events can
* happen in any order.
private void doConnectionSetup() {
try {
assert mServiceConnectComplete && mService != null;
assert mConnectionParams != null;
ICallbackInt pidCallback = new ICallbackInt.Stub() {
public void call(final int pid) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
mService.setupConnection(mConnectionParams.mConnectionBundle, pidCallback,
} catch (RemoteException re) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to setup connection.", re);
mConnectionParams = null;
} finally {
private boolean bind(boolean useStrongBinding) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
assert !mUnbound;
boolean success = useStrongBinding ? mStrongBinding.bind() : mInitialBinding.bind();
if (!success) return false;
return true;
protected void unbind() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
mUnbound = true;
// Note that we don't update the waived bound only state here as to preserve the state when
// disconnected.
private void unbindAll() {
public boolean isInitialBindingBound() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
return mInitialBinding.isBound();
public void addInitialBinding() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
public boolean isStrongBindingBound() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
return mStrongBinding.isBound();
public void removeInitialBinding() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
public void dropOomBindings() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
mStrongBindingCount = 0;
public void addStrongBinding() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
if (!isConnected()) {
Log.w(TAG, "The connection is not bound for %d", getPid());
if (mStrongBindingCount == 0) {
public void removeStrongBinding() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
if (!isConnected()) {
Log.w(TAG, "The connection is not bound for %d", getPid());
assert mStrongBindingCount > 0;
if (mStrongBindingCount == 0) {
public boolean isModerateBindingBound() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
return mModerateBinding.isBound();
public void addModerateBinding() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
if (!isConnected()) {
Log.w(TAG, "The connection is not bound for %d", getPid());
public void removeModerateBinding() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
if (!isConnected()) {
Log.w(TAG, "The connection is not bound for %d", getPid());
* @return true if the connection is bound and only bound with the waived binding or if the
* connection is unbound and was only bound with the waived binding when it disconnected.
public boolean isWaivedBoundOnlyOrWasWhenDied() {
// WARNING: this method can be called from a thread other than the launcher thread.
// Note that it returns the current waived bound only state and is racy. This not really
// preventable without changing the caller's API, short of blocking.
return mWaivedBoundOnly;
// Should be called every time the mInitialBinding or mStrongBinding are bound/unbound.
private void updateWaivedBoundOnlyState() {
if (!mUnbound) {
mWaivedBoundOnly = !mInitialBinding.isBound() && !mStrongBinding.isBound()
&& !mModerateBinding.isBound();
private void notifyChildProcessDied() {
if (mServiceCallback != null) {
// Guard against nested calls to this method.
ServiceCallback serviceCallback = mServiceCallback;
mServiceCallback = null;
private void resetWatchdog(final boolean useStrongBinding,
final ServiceCallback serviceCallback, final boolean retryOnTimeout) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
assert mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog == null;
mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
assert mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog == this;
assert !mDidOnServiceConnected;
assert mServiceCallback == null;
mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog = null;
if (!retryOnTimeout) return;
start(useStrongBinding, serviceCallback, retryOnTimeout);
mLastWatchdogResetTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
mLauncherHandler.postDelayed(mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog, BIND_SERVICE_TIMEOUT_IN_MS);
private void cancelWatchDog() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
if (mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog == null) return;
mOnServiceConnectedWatchDog = null;
private boolean isRunningOnLauncherThread() {
return mLauncherHandler.getLooper() == Looper.myLooper();
public void crashServiceForTesting() throws RemoteException {
public boolean didOnServiceConnectedForTesting() {
return mDidOnServiceConnected;
protected Handler getLauncherHandler() {
return mLauncherHandler;