blob: 14fba97fe7af2317c900efec9b6b1c51e2d1b6cd [file] [log] [blame]
Tests that console logging dumps properly styled messages, and that the whole message gets the same style, regardless of multiple %c settings.
console-format-style-whitelist.js:13 Colors are awesome.
Styled text #0: contain: paint; display: inline-block; color: blue;
console-format-style-whitelist.js:14 So are fonts!
Styled text #0: contain: paint; display: inline-block; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 1em; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica;
console-format-style-whitelist.js:15 And borders and margins and paddings!
Styled text #0: contain: paint; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid red; margin: 20px; padding: 10px;
console-format-style-whitelist.js:16 text-* is fine by us!
Styled text #0: contain: paint; display: inline-block; text-decoration: none;
console-format-style-whitelist.js:18 Display, on the other hand, is bad news.
Styled text #0: contain: paint; display: inline-block;
console-format-style-whitelist.js:19 And position too.
Styled text #0: contain: paint; display: inline-block;