blob: 57cc678d523e7b8f9dd6ab11021c523755aab48c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/gamepad/abstract_haptic_gamepad.h"
extern "C" {
struct udev_device;
namespace device {
// GamepadDeviceLinux represents a single gamepad device which may be accessed
// through multiple host interfaces. Gamepad button and axis state are queried
// through the joydev interface, while haptics commands are routed through the
// evdev interface. A gamepad must be enumerated through joydev to be usable,
// but the evdev interface is only required for haptic effects.
class GamepadDeviceLinux : public AbstractHapticGamepad {
GamepadDeviceLinux(const std::string& parent_syspath);
~GamepadDeviceLinux() override;
// Delete any stored effect and close file descriptors.
void DoShutdown() override;
// Returns true if no device nodes are associated with this device.
bool IsEmpty() const { return joydev_fd_ < 0 && evdev_fd_ < 0; }
std::string GetParentSyspath() const { return parent_syspath_; }
int GetJoydevIndex() const { return joydev_index_; }
std::string GetVendorId() const { return vendor_id_; }
std::string GetProductId() const { return product_id_; }
std::string GetVersionNumber() const { return version_number_; }
std::string GetName() const { return name_; }
bool SupportsVibration() const { return supports_vibration_; }
// Reads the current gamepad state into |pad|.
void ReadPadState(Gamepad* pad) const;
// Opens the joydev device node and queries device info.
bool OpenJoydevNode(const std::string& path,
udev_device* device,
int joydev_index);
// Closes the joydev device node and clears device info.
void CloseJoydevNode();
// Opens the evdev device node and initializes haptics.
bool OpenEvdevNode(const std::string& path);
// Closes the evdev device node and shuts down haptics.
void CloseEvdevNode();
// AbstractHapticGamepad
void SetVibration(double strong_magnitude, double weak_magnitude) override;
void SetZeroVibration() override;
// Joydev and evdev nodes that refer to the same device will share a parent
// node that represents the physical device. We compare the syspaths of the
// parent nodes to determine when two nodes refer to the same device through
// different interfaces.
std::string parent_syspath_;
// The file descriptor for the device's joydev node, or -1 if no joydev node
// is associated with this device.
int joydev_fd_;
// The index of the device's joydev node, or -1 if unknown.
// The joydev index is the integer at the end of the joydev node path and is
// used to assign the gamepad to a slot. For example, a device with path
// /dev/input/js2 has index 2 and will be assigned to the 3rd gamepad slot.
int joydev_index_;
// The vendor ID of the device.
std::string vendor_id_;
// The product ID of the device.
std::string product_id_;
// The version number of the device.
std::string version_number_;
// A string identifying the manufacturer and model of the device.
std::string name_;
// The file descriptor for the device's evdev node, or -1 if no evdev node is
// associated with this device.
int evdev_fd_;
// The ID of the haptic effect stored on the device, or -1 if none is stored.
int effect_id_;
// True if the device supports haptic vibration effects.
bool supports_vibration_;
} // namespace device