blob: 393d25578540187f9140b21e28b4067e116a18f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef Modulator_h
#define Modulator_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
namespace blink {
class LocalFrame;
class ModuleScript;
class ModuleScriptFetchRequest;
class ModuleScriptLoaderClient;
class ScriptModuleResolver;
class WebTaskRunner;
// A SingleModuleClient is notified when single module script node (node as in a
// module tree graph) load is complete and its corresponding entry is created in
// module map.
class SingleModuleClient : public GarbageCollectedMixin {
virtual void notifyModuleLoadFinished(ModuleScript*) = 0;
// spec: "top-level module fetch flag"
enum class ModuleGraphLevel { TopLevelModuleFetch, DependentModuleFetch };
// A Modulator is an interface for "environment settings object" concept for
// module scripts.
// A Modulator also serves as an entry point for various module spec algorithms.
class CORE_EXPORT Modulator : public GarbageCollectedMixin {
static Modulator* from(LocalFrame*);
virtual ScriptModuleResolver* scriptModuleResolver() = 0;
virtual WebTaskRunner* taskRunner() = 0;
static KURL resolveModuleSpecifier(const String& moduleRequest,
const KURL& baseURL);
friend class ModuleMap;
// Fetches a single module script.
// This is triggered from fetchSingle() implementation (which is in ModuleMap)
// if the cached entry doesn't exist.
// The client can be notified either synchronously or asynchronously.
virtual void fetchNewSingleModule(const ModuleScriptFetchRequest&,
ModuleScriptLoaderClient*) = 0;
} // namespace blink