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<title>CSSPositionValue normalization tests</title>
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'use strict';
const gSingleTestCases = [
{ cssText: 'left', x: CSS.percent(0), y: CSS.percent(50) },
{ cssText: 'right', x: CSS.percent(100), y: CSS.percent(50) },
{ cssText: 'center', x: CSS.percent(50), y: CSS.percent(50) },
{ cssText: 'top', x: CSS.percent(50), y: CSS.percent(0) },
{ cssText: 'bottom', x: CSS.percent(50), y: CSS.percent(100) },
{ cssText: '3.14px', x: CSS.px(3.14), y: CSS.percent(50) },
{ cssText: '25%', x: CSS.percent(25), y: CSS.percent(50) },
const gXTestCases = [
{ cssText: 'left', x: CSS.percent(0), type: 'ident' },
{ cssText: 'center', x: CSS.percent(50), type: 'ident' },
{ cssText: 'right', x: CSS.percent(100), type: 'ident' },
{ cssText: '3.14px', x: CSS.px(3.14), type: 'length' },
{ cssText: '10%', x: CSS.percent(10), type: 'length' },
{ cssText: 'calc(1px + 1em)', x: new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(1), CSS.em(1)), type: 'length' },
{ cssText: 'left 3.14px', x: CSS.px(3.14), type: 'offset' },
{ cssText: 'right 3.14px', x: CSS.percent(100).sub(CSS.px(3.14)), type: 'offset' },
const gYTestCases = [
{ cssText: 'top', y: CSS.percent(0), type: 'ident' },
{ cssText: 'center', y: CSS.percent(50), type: 'ident' },
{ cssText: 'bottom', y: CSS.percent(100), type: 'ident' },
{ cssText: '3.14px', y: CSS.px(3.14), type: 'length' },
{ cssText: '10%', y: CSS.percent(10), type: 'length' },
{ cssText: 'calc(1px + 1em)', y: new CSSMathSum(CSS.px(1), CSS.em(1)), type: 'length' },
{ cssText: 'top 3.14px', y: CSS.px(3.14), type: 'offset' },
{ cssText: 'bottom 3.14px', y: CSS.percent(100).sub(CSS.px(3.14)), type: 'offset' },
for (const {cssText, x, y} of gSingleTestCases) {
test(t => {
const styleMap = createInlineStyleMap(t, 'object-position: ' + cssText);
assert_style_value_equals(styleMap.get('object-position'), new CSSPositionValue(x, y));
}, 'CSS <position> value "' + cssText + '" normalizes to CSSPositionValue');
for (const {cssText: xCssText, x, type: xType} of gXTestCases) {
for (const {cssText: yCssText, y, type: yType} of gYTestCases) {
const cssText = xCssText + ' ' + yCssText;
// Can't have position values with 3 parts
if ((xType === 'offset') !== (yType === 'offset'))
test(t => {
const styleMap = createInlineStyleMap(t, 'object-position: ' + cssText);
assert_style_value_equals(styleMap.get('object-position'), new CSSPositionValue(x, y));
}, 'CSS <position> value "' + cssText + '" normalizes to CSSPositionValue');