blob: 4c4a44dd4b1d9f32626cc838036503e131bf723a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
api.step('all_packages', [])
api.step.active_result.presentation.logs['details'] = [
'%r: %r' % (plat, arch) for plat, arch in api.gae_sdk.all_packages
for plat in api.gae_sdk.platforms:
out = api.gae_sdk.package_repo_resource(
'gae_sdk', '%s_%s' % (plat,
api.gae_sdk.fetch(plat, out)
except api.gae_sdk.PackageNotFound:
api.python.failing_step('Failed to fetch', 'No %s package for %s / %s' % (
plat,, api.platform.bits))
def GenTests(api):
yield (
api.test('win') +
api.platform('win', 64))
yield (
api.test('linux') +
api.platform('linux', 64))
yield (
api.test('mac') +
api.platform('mac', 64))