blob: a42e7e37b42c0955f3249f023ab8c634a899b9bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator_impl.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/debug_urls.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_handle_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_request.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_request_info.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_controller_factory_registry.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_impl.h"
#include "content/common/frame_messages.h"
#include "content/common/navigation_params.h"
#include "content/common/page_messages.h"
#include "content/common/view_messages.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/invalidate_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_details.h"
#include "content/public/browser/page_navigator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/stream_handle.h"
#include "content/public/common/bindings_policy.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_client.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_constants.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_utils.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_response.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::Value GetNavigationType(
const GURL& old_url,
const GURL& new_url,
ReloadType reload_type,
const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
bool is_same_document_history_load) {
// Reload navigations
switch (reload_type) {
case ReloadType::NORMAL:
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD;
case ReloadType::BYPASSING_CACHE:
case ReloadType::DISABLE_PREVIEWS:
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD_BYPASSING_CACHE;
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RELOAD_ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL;
case ReloadType::NONE:
break; // Fall through to rest of function.
// |RenderViewImpl::PopulateStateFromPendingNavigationParams| differentiates
// between |RESTORE_WITH_POST| and |RESTORE|.
if (entry.restore_type() == RestoreType::LAST_SESSION_EXITED_CLEANLY) {
if (entry.GetHasPostData())
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RESTORE_WITH_POST;
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::RESTORE;
// History navigations.
if (frame_entry.page_state().IsValid()) {
if (is_same_document_history_load)
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::HISTORY_SAME_DOCUMENT;
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::HISTORY_DIFFERENT_DOCUMENT;
// A same-document fragment-navigation happens when the only part of the url
// that is modified is after the '#' character.
// Be careful not to consider history navigations. For instance, if the
// history is: 'A#bar' -> 'B' -> 'A#foo'. Then an history navigation from
// 'A#foo' to 'A#bar' is not a same-document navigation, but a
// different-document one! The two FrameNavigationEntry doesn't share the same
// document_sequence_number.
// When modifying this condition, please take a look at:
// FrameLoader::shouldPerformFragmentNavigation.
if (new_url.has_ref() && old_url.EqualsIgnoringRef(new_url) &&
frame_entry.method() == "GET") {
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::SAME_DOCUMENT;
} else {
return FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::DIFFERENT_DOCUMENT;
} // namespace
struct NavigatorImpl::NavigationMetricsData {
NavigationMetricsData(base::TimeTicks start_time,
GURL url,
RestoreType restore_type)
: start_time_(start_time), url_(url) {
is_restoring_from_last_session_ =
(restore_type == RestoreType::LAST_SESSION_EXITED_CLEANLY ||
restore_type == RestoreType::LAST_SESSION_CRASHED);
base::TimeTicks start_time_;
GURL url_;
bool is_restoring_from_last_session_;
base::TimeTicks url_job_start_time_;
base::TimeDelta before_unload_delay_;
NavigatorImpl::NavigatorImpl(NavigationControllerImpl* navigation_controller,
NavigatorDelegate* delegate)
: controller_(navigation_controller), delegate_(delegate) {}
NavigatorImpl::~NavigatorImpl() {}
// static
void NavigatorImpl::CheckWebUIRendererDoesNotDisplayNormalURL(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url) {
int enabled_bindings = render_frame_host->GetEnabledBindings();
bool is_allowed_in_web_ui_renderer =
if ((enabled_bindings & BINDINGS_POLICY_WEB_UI) &&
!is_allowed_in_web_ui_renderer) {
// Log the URL to help us diagnose any future failures of this CHECK.
FrameTreeNode* root_node =
url, root_node->current_url().possibly_invalid_spec());
NavigatorDelegate* NavigatorImpl::GetDelegate() {
return delegate_;
NavigationController* NavigatorImpl::GetController() {
return controller_;
// TODO(clamy): See if we can remove this function now that PlzNavigate has
// shipped.
void NavigatorImpl::DidStartProvisionalLoad(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url,
const std::vector<GURL>& redirect_chain,
const base::TimeTicks& navigation_start) {
bool is_main_frame = render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->IsMainFrame();
bool is_error_page = (url.spec() == kUnreachableWebDataURL);
GURL validated_url(url);
RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = render_frame_host->GetProcess();
render_process_host->FilterURL(false, &validated_url);
// Do not allow browser plugin guests to navigate to non-web URLs, since they
// cannot swap processes or grant bindings.
ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl* policy =
if (render_process_host->IsForGuestsOnly() &&
!policy->IsWebSafeScheme(validated_url.scheme())) {
validated_url = GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL);
if (is_main_frame && !is_error_page) {
void NavigatorImpl::DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const FrameHostMsg_DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError_Params& params) {
VLOG(1) << "Failed Provisional Load: " << params.url.possibly_invalid_spec()
<< ", error_code: " << params.error_code
<< ", error_description: " << params.error_description
<< ", showing_repost_interstitial: "
<< params.showing_repost_interstitial
<< ", frame_id: " << render_frame_host->GetRoutingID();
GURL validated_url(params.url);
RenderProcessHost* render_process_host = render_frame_host->GetProcess();
render_process_host->FilterURL(false, &validated_url);
if (net::ERR_ABORTED == params.error_code) {
// EVIL HACK ALERT! Ignore failed loads when we're showing interstitials.
// This means that the interstitial won't be torn down properly, which is
// bad. But if we have an interstitial, go back to another tab type, and
// then load the same interstitial again, we could end up getting the first
// interstitial's "failed" message (as a result of the cancel) when we're on
// the second one. We can't tell this apart, so we think we're tearing down
// the current page which will cause a crash later on.
// Because this will not tear down the interstitial properly, if "back" is
// back to another tab type, the interstitial will still be somewhat alive
// in the previous tab type. If you navigate somewhere that activates the
// tab with the interstitial again, you'll see a flash before the new load
// commits of the interstitial page.
if (delegate_ && delegate_->ShowingInterstitialPage()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Discarding message during interstitial.";
// We used to cancel the pending renderer here for cross-site downloads.
// However, it's not safe to do that because the download logic repeatedly
// looks for this WebContents based on a render ID. Instead, we just
// leave the pending renderer around until the next navigation event
// (Navigate, DidNavigate, etc), which will clean it up properly.
// TODO(creis): Find a way to cancel any pending RFH here.
// Discard the pending navigation entry if needed.
int expected_pending_entry_id = 0;
if (render_frame_host->GetNavigationHandle()) {
expected_pending_entry_id =
DiscardPendingEntryIfNeeded(expected_pending_entry_id, false);
void NavigatorImpl::DidFailLoadWithError(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url,
int error_code,
const base::string16& error_description) {
if (delegate_) {
delegate_->DidFailLoadWithError(render_frame_host, url, error_code,
bool NavigatorImpl::NavigateToEntry(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
ReloadType reload_type,
bool is_same_document_history_load,
bool is_history_navigation_in_new_child,
bool is_pending_entry,
const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody>& post_body,
std::unique_ptr<NavigationUIData> navigation_ui_data) {
TRACE_EVENT0("browser,navigation", "NavigatorImpl::NavigateToEntry");
GURL dest_url = frame_entry.url();
Referrer dest_referrer = frame_entry.referrer();
if ((reload_type == ReloadType::ORIGINAL_REQUEST_URL ||
reload_type == ReloadType::DISABLE_PREVIEWS) &&
entry.GetOriginalRequestURL().is_valid() && !entry.GetHasPostData()) {
// We may have been redirected when navigating to the current URL.
// Use the URL the user originally intended to visit as signaled by the
// ReloadType, if it's valid and if a POST wasn't involved; the latter
// case avoids issues with sending data to the wrong page. The
// DISABLE_PREVIEWS case is triggered from a user action to view the
// original URL without any preview intervention treatment.
dest_url = entry.GetOriginalRequestURL();
dest_referrer = Referrer();
// Don't attempt to navigate if the virtual URL is non-empty and invalid.
if (frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame()) {
const GURL& virtual_url = entry.GetVirtualURL();
if (!virtual_url.is_valid() && !virtual_url.is_empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Refusing to load for invalid virtual URL: "
<< virtual_url.possibly_invalid_spec();
return false;
// Don't attempt to navigate to non-empty invalid URLs.
if (!dest_url.is_valid() && !dest_url.is_empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Refusing to load invalid URL: "
<< dest_url.possibly_invalid_spec();
return false;
// The renderer will reject IPC messages with URLs longer than
// this limit, so don't attempt to navigate with a longer URL.
if (dest_url.spec().size() > url::kMaxURLChars) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Refusing to load URL as it exceeds " << url::kMaxURLChars
<< " characters.";
return false;
// This will be used to set the Navigation Timing API navigationStart
// parameter for browser navigations in new tabs (intents, tabs opened through
// "Open link in new tab"). We need to keep it above RFHM::Navigate() call to
// capture the time needed for the RenderFrameHost initialization.
base::TimeTicks navigation_start = base::TimeTicks::Now();
base::TimeTicks tracing_navigation_start = TRACE_TIME_TICKS_NOW();
"navigation,rail", "NavigationTiming navigationStart",
TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_GLOBAL, tracing_navigation_start);
// Determine if Previews should be used for the navigation.
PreviewsState previews_state = PREVIEWS_UNSPECIFIED;
if (!frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame()) {
// For subframes, use the state of the top-level frame.
previews_state = frame_tree_node->frame_tree()
} else if (reload_type == ReloadType::DISABLE_PREVIEWS) {
// Disable LoFi when asked for it explicitly.
previews_state = PREVIEWS_NO_TRANSFORM;
// Give the delegate an opportunity to adjust the previews state.
if (delegate_)
navigation_data_.reset(new NavigationMetricsData(navigation_start, dest_url,
RequestNavigation(frame_tree_node, dest_url, dest_referrer, frame_entry,
entry, reload_type, previews_state,
is_history_navigation_in_new_child, post_body,
navigation_start, std::move(navigation_ui_data));
if (frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame() && frame_tree_node->navigation_request()) {
// For the trace below we're using the navigation handle as the async
// trace id, |navigation_start| as the timestamp and reporting the
// FrameTreeNode id as a parameter. For navigations where no network
// request is made (data URLs, JavaScript URLs, etc) there is no handle
// and so no tracing is done.
"navigation", "Navigation timeToNetworkStack",
tracing_navigation_start, "FrameTreeNode id",
// Make sure no code called via RFH::Navigate clears the pending entry.
if (is_pending_entry)
CHECK_EQ(controller_->GetPendingEntry(), &entry);
if (controller_->GetPendingEntryIndex() == -1 &&
dest_url.SchemeIs(url::kJavaScriptScheme)) {
// If the pending entry index is -1 (which means a new navigation rather
// than a history one), and the user typed in a javascript: URL, don't add
// it to the session history.
// This is a hack. What we really want is to avoid adding to the history
// any URL that doesn't generate content, and what would be great would be
// if we had a message from the renderer telling us that a new page was
// not created. The same message could be used for mailto: URLs and the
// like.
return false;
// Notify observers about navigation.
if (delegate_ && is_pending_entry)
delegate_->DidStartNavigationToPendingEntry(dest_url, reload_type);
return true;
bool NavigatorImpl::NavigateToPendingEntry(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
ReloadType reload_type,
bool is_same_document_history_load,
std::unique_ptr<NavigationUIData> navigation_ui_data) {
return NavigateToEntry(frame_tree_node, frame_entry,
*controller_->GetPendingEntry(), reload_type,
is_same_document_history_load, false, true, nullptr,
bool NavigatorImpl::StartHistoryNavigationInNewSubframe(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& default_url) {
return controller_->StartHistoryNavigationInNewSubframe(render_frame_host,
void NavigatorImpl::DidNavigate(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
std::unique_ptr<NavigationHandleImpl> navigation_handle,
bool was_within_same_document) {
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node = render_frame_host->frame_tree_node();
FrameTree* frame_tree = frame_tree_node->frame_tree();
bool is_same_document_navigation = controller_->IsURLSameDocumentNavigation(
params.url, params.origin, was_within_same_document, render_frame_host);
// If a frame claims the navigation was same-document, it must be the current
// frame, not a pending one.
if (is_same_document_navigation &&
render_frame_host !=
frame_tree_node->render_manager()->current_frame_host()) {
is_same_document_navigation = false;
if (ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition)) {
if (delegate_) {
// When overscroll navigation gesture is enabled, a screenshot of the page
// in its current state is taken so that it can be used during the
// nav-gesture. It is necessary to take the screenshot here, before
// calling RenderFrameHostManager::DidNavigateMainFrame, because that can
// change WebContents::GetRenderViewHost to return the new host, instead
// of the one that may have just been swapped out.
if (delegate_->CanOverscrollContent()) {
// Don't take screenshots if we are staying on the same document. We
// want same-document navigations to be super fast, and taking a
// screenshot currently blocks GPU for a longer time than we are willing
// to tolerate in this use case.
if (!was_within_same_document)
// Run tasks that must execute just before the commit.
// DidNavigateFrame() must be called before replicating the new origin and
// other properties to proxies. This is because it destroys the subframes of
// the frame we're navigating from, which might trigger those subframes to
// run unload handlers. Those unload handlers should still see the old
// frame's origin. See
render_frame_host, params.gesture == NavigationGestureUser);
// Save the new page's origin and other properties, and replicate them to
// proxies, including the proxy created in DidNavigateFrame() to replace the
// old frame in cross-process navigation cases.
params.origin, params.has_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin);
// Navigating to a new location means a new, fresh set of http headers and/or
// <meta> elements - we need to reset CSP and Feature Policy.
if (!is_same_document_navigation) {
// Update the site of the SiteInstance if it doesn't have one yet, unless
// assigning a site is not necessary for this URL or the commit was for an
// error page. In that case, the SiteInstance can still be considered unused
// until a navigation to a real page.
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance = render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance();
if (!site_instance->HasSite() &&
SiteInstanceImpl::ShouldAssignSiteForURL(params.url) &&
!params.url_is_unreachable) {
// Need to update MIME type here because it's referred to in
// UpdateNavigationCommands() called by RendererDidNavigate() to
// determine whether or not to enable the encoding menu.
// It's updated only for the main frame. For a subframe,
// RenderView::UpdateURL does not set params.contents_mime_type.
// (see )
// TODO(jungshik): Add a test for the encoding menu to avoid
// regressing it again.
// TODO(nasko): Verify the correctness of the above comment, since some of the
// code doesn't exist anymore. Also, move this code in the
// PageTransitionIsMainFrame code block above.
if (ui::PageTransitionIsMainFrame(params.transition) && delegate_)
int old_entry_count = controller_->GetEntryCount();
LoadCommittedDetails details;
bool did_navigate = controller_->RendererDidNavigate(
render_frame_host, params, &details, is_same_document_navigation,
// If the history length and/or offset changed, update other renderers in the
// FrameTree.
if (old_entry_count != controller_->GetEntryCount() ||
details.previous_entry_index !=
controller_->GetLastCommittedEntryIndex()) {
new PageMsg_SetHistoryOffsetAndLength(
MSG_ROUTING_NONE, controller_->GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(),
render_frame_host->DidNavigate(params, is_same_document_navigation);
// Send notification about committed provisional loads. This notification is
// different from the NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED notification which doesn't include
// the actual URL navigated to and isn't sent for AUTO_SUBFRAME navigations.
if (details.type != NAVIGATION_TYPE_NAV_IGNORE && delegate_) {
did_navigate ? details.is_main_frame : false);
params, did_navigate, details.did_replace_entry, details.previous_url,
details.type, render_frame_host);
if (!did_navigate)
return; // No navigation happened.
// DO NOT ADD MORE STUFF TO THIS FUNCTION! Your component should either listen
// for the appropriate notification (best) or you can add it to
// DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit / DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit (only if
// necessary, please).
// TODO(carlosk): Move this out when PlzNavigate implementation properly calls
// the observer methods.
RecordNavigationMetrics(details, params, site_instance);
// Run post-commit tasks.
if (delegate_) {
if (details.is_main_frame) {
delegate_->DidNavigateMainFramePostCommit(render_frame_host, details,
delegate_->DidNavigateAnyFramePostCommit(render_frame_host, details,
void NavigatorImpl::RequestOpenURL(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url,
bool uses_post,
const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody>& body,
const std::string& extra_headers,
const Referrer& referrer,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
bool user_gesture,
blink::WebTriggeringEventInfo triggering_event_info,
const base::Optional<std::string>& suggested_filename) {
// Note: This can be called for subframes (even when OOPIFs are not possible)
// if the disposition calls for a different window.
// Only the current RenderFrameHost should be sending an OpenURL request.
// Pending RenderFrameHost should know where it is navigating and pending
// deletion RenderFrameHost shouldn't be trying to navigate.
if (render_frame_host !=
render_frame_host->frame_tree_node()->current_frame_host()) {
SiteInstance* current_site_instance = render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance();
// TODO(creis): Pass the redirect_chain into this method to support client
// redirects.
std::vector<GURL> redirect_chain;
// Note that unlike NavigateFromFrameProxy, this uses the navigating
// RenderFrameHost's current SiteInstance, as that's where this navigation
// originated.
GURL dest_url(url);
if (!GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldAllowOpenURL(current_site_instance,
url)) {
dest_url = GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL);
int frame_tree_node_id = -1;
// Send the navigation to the current FrameTreeNode if it's destined for a
// subframe in the current tab. We'll assume it's for the main frame
// (possibly of a new or different WebContents) otherwise.
if (disposition == WindowOpenDisposition::CURRENT_TAB &&
render_frame_host->GetParent()) {
frame_tree_node_id =
OpenURLParams params(dest_url, referrer, frame_tree_node_id, disposition,
true /* is_renderer_initiated */);
params.uses_post = uses_post;
params.post_data = body;
params.extra_headers = extra_headers;
if (redirect_chain.size() > 0)
params.redirect_chain = redirect_chain;
params.should_replace_current_entry = should_replace_current_entry;
params.user_gesture = user_gesture;
params.triggering_event_info = triggering_event_info;
params.suggested_filename = suggested_filename;
// RequestOpenURL is used only for local frames, so we can get here only if
// the navigation is initiated by a frame in the same SiteInstance as this
// frame. Note that navigations on RenderFrameProxies do not use
// RequestOpenURL and go through NavigateFromFrameProxy instead.
params.source_site_instance = current_site_instance;
params.source_render_frame_id = render_frame_host->GetRoutingID();
params.source_render_process_id = render_frame_host->GetProcess()->GetID();
if (render_frame_host->web_ui()) {
// Note that we hide the referrer for Web UI pages. We don't really want
// web sites to see a referrer of "chrome://blah" (and some chrome: URLs
// might have search terms or other stuff we don't want to send to the
// site), so we send no referrer.
params.referrer = Referrer();
// Navigations in Web UI pages count as browser-initiated navigations.
params.is_renderer_initiated = false;
current_site_instance, &params.transition, &params.is_renderer_initiated,
if (delegate_)
void NavigatorImpl::NavigateFromFrameProxy(
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
const GURL& url,
SiteInstance* source_site_instance,
const Referrer& referrer,
ui::PageTransition page_transition,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
const std::string& method,
scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody> post_body,
const std::string& extra_headers,
const base::Optional<std::string>& suggested_filename) {
// |method != "POST"| should imply absence of |post_body|.
if (method != "POST" && post_body) {
post_body = nullptr;
// Allow the delegate to cancel the transfer.
if (!delegate_->ShouldTransferNavigation(
Referrer referrer_to_use(referrer);
SiteInstance* current_site_instance = render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance();
// It is important to pass in the source_site_instance if it is available
// (such as when navigating a proxy). See
if (!GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldAllowOpenURL(
source_site_instance ? source_site_instance : current_site_instance,
url)) {
// It is important to return here, rather than rewrite the url to
// about:blank. The latter won't actually have any effect when
// transferring, as NavigateToEntry will think that the transfer is to the
// same RFH that started the navigation and let the existing navigation (for
// the disallowed URL) proceed.
// TODO(creis): Determine if this transfer started as a browser-initiated
// navigation. See
bool is_renderer_initiated = true;
if (render_frame_host->web_ui()) {
// Note that we hide the referrer for Web UI pages. We don't really want
// web sites to see a referrer of "chrome://blah" (and some chrome: URLs
// might have search terms or other stuff we don't want to send to the
// site), so we send no referrer.
referrer_to_use = Referrer();
// Navigations in Web UI pages count as browser-initiated navigations.
is_renderer_initiated = false;
current_site_instance, &page_transition, &is_renderer_initiated,
render_frame_host, url, is_renderer_initiated, source_site_instance,
referrer_to_use, page_transition, should_replace_current_entry, method,
post_body, extra_headers, suggested_filename);
void NavigatorImpl::OnBeforeUnloadACK(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
bool proceed,
const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time) {
NavigationRequest* navigation_request = frame_tree_node->navigation_request();
// The NavigationRequest may have been canceled while the renderer was
// executing the BeforeUnload event.
if (!navigation_request)
// If the user chose not to proceed, cancel the ongoing navigation.
// Note: it might be a new navigation, and not the one that triggered the
// sending of the BeforeUnload IPC in the first place. However, the
// BeforeUnload where the user asked not to proceed will have taken place
// after the navigation started. The last user input shoud be respected, and
// the navigation cancelled anyway.
if (!proceed) {
CancelNavigation(frame_tree_node, true);
// The browser-initiated NavigationRequest that triggered the sending of the
// BeforeUnload IPC might have been replaced by a renderer-initiated one while
// the BeforeUnload event executed in the renderer. In that case, the request
// will already have begun, so there is no need to start it again.
if (navigation_request->state() >
// Update the navigation start: it should be when it was determined that the
// navigation will proceed.
// Send the request to the IO thread.
// DO NOT USE |navigation_request| BEYOND THIS POINT. It might have been
// destroyed in BeginNavigation().
// See
void NavigatorImpl::OnBeginNavigation(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
const CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
mojom::BeginNavigationParamsPtr begin_params,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory) {
// TODO(clamy): the url sent by the renderer should be validated with
// FilterURL.
// This is a renderer-initiated navigation.
NavigationRequest* ongoing_navigation_request =
// Client redirects during the initial history navigation of a child frame
// should take precedence over the history navigation (despite being renderer-
// initiated). See and
if (ongoing_navigation_request && ongoing_navigation_request->request_params()
.is_history_navigation_in_new_child) {
// Preemptively clear this local pointer before deleting the request.
ongoing_navigation_request = nullptr;
frame_tree_node->ResetNavigationRequest(false, true);
// The renderer-initiated navigation request is ignored iff a) there is an
// ongoing request b) which is browser initiated and c) the renderer request
// is not user-initiated.
if (ongoing_navigation_request &&
ongoing_navigation_request->browser_initiated() &&
!common_params.has_user_gesture) {
RenderFrameHost* current_frame_host =
new FrameMsg_DroppedNavigation(current_frame_host->GetRoutingID()));
// In all other cases the current navigation, if any, is canceled and a new
// NavigationRequest is created for the node.
if (frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame()) {
// Renderer-initiated main-frame navigations that need to swap processes
// will go to the browser via a OpenURL call, and then be handled by the
// same code path as browser-initiated navigations. For renderer-initiated
// main frame navigation that start via a BeginNavigation IPC, the
// RenderFrameHost will not be swapped. Therefore it is safe to call
// DidStartMainFrameNavigation with the SiteInstance from the current
// RenderFrameHost.
frame_tree_node->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance(), nullptr);
NavigationEntryImpl* pending_entry = controller_->GetPendingEntry();
NavigationEntryImpl* current_entry = controller_->GetLastCommittedEntry();
// Only consult the delegate for override state if there is no current entry,
// since that state should only apply to newly created tabs (and not cases
// where the NavigationEntry recorded the state).
bool override_user_agent =
? current_entry->GetIsOverridingUserAgent()
: delegate_ && delegate_->ShouldOverrideUserAgentInNewTabs();
frame_tree_node, pending_entry, common_params,
std::move(begin_params), controller_->GetLastCommittedEntryIndex(),
controller_->GetEntryCount(), override_user_agent,
NavigationRequest* navigation_request = frame_tree_node->navigation_request();
// For main frames, NavigationHandle will be created after the call to
// |DidStartMainFrameNavigation|, so it receives the most up to date pending
// entry from the NavigationController.
// DO NOT USE |navigation_request| BEYOND THIS POINT. It might have been
// destroyed in BeginNavigation().
// See
void NavigatorImpl::RestartNavigationAsCrossDocument(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> navigation_request) {
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node = navigation_request->frame_tree_node();
// Don't restart the navigation if there is already another ongoing navigation
// in the FrameTreeNode.
if (frame_tree_node->navigation_request())
// destroyed in BeginNavigation().
// See
void NavigatorImpl::OnAbortNavigation(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) {
NavigationRequest* ongoing_navigation_request =
if (!ongoing_navigation_request ||
ongoing_navigation_request->browser_initiated()) {
// Abort the renderer-initiated navigation request.
CancelNavigation(frame_tree_node, false);
void NavigatorImpl::CancelNavigation(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
bool inform_renderer) {
if (frame_tree_node->navigation_request() &&
frame_tree_node->navigation_request()->navigation_handle()) {
frame_tree_node->ResetNavigationRequest(false, inform_renderer);
if (frame_tree_node->IsMainFrame())
void NavigatorImpl::LogResourceRequestTime(base::TimeTicks timestamp,
const GURL& url) {
if (navigation_data_ && navigation_data_->url_ == url) {
navigation_data_->url_job_start_time_ = timestamp;
navigation_data_->url_job_start_time_ - navigation_data_->start_time_);
void NavigatorImpl::LogBeforeUnloadTime(
const base::TimeTicks& renderer_before_unload_start_time,
const base::TimeTicks& renderer_before_unload_end_time) {
// Only stores the beforeunload delay if we're tracking a browser initiated
// navigation and it happened later than the navigation request.
if (navigation_data_ &&
renderer_before_unload_start_time > navigation_data_->start_time_) {
navigation_data_->before_unload_delay_ =
renderer_before_unload_end_time - renderer_before_unload_start_time;
void NavigatorImpl::DiscardPendingEntryIfNeeded(int expected_pending_entry_id,
bool is_download) {
// Racy conditions can cause a fail message to arrive after its corresponding
// pending entry has been replaced by another navigation. If
// |DiscardPendingEntry| is called in this case, then the completely valid
// entry for the new navigation would be discarded. See To
// catch this case, the current pending entry is compared against the current
// navigation handle's entry id, which should correspond to the failed load.
NavigationEntryImpl* pending_entry = controller_->GetPendingEntry();
bool pending_matches_fail_msg =
pending_entry &&
expected_pending_entry_id == pending_entry->GetUniqueID();
if (!pending_matches_fail_msg)
// We usually clear the pending entry when it fails, so that an arbitrary URL
// isn't left visible above a committed page. This must be enforced when the
// pending entry isn't visible (e.g., renderer-initiated navigations) to
// prevent URL spoofs for same-document navigations that don't go through
// DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame.
// However, we do preserve the pending entry in some cases, such as on the
// initial navigation of an unmodified blank tab. We also allow the delegate
// to say when it's safe to leave aborted URLs in the omnibox, to let the
// user edit the URL and try again. This may be useful in cases that the
// committed page cannot be attacker-controlled. In these cases, we still
// allow the view to clear the pending entry and typed URL if the user
// requests (e.g., hitting Escape with focus in the address bar).
// Note that the pending entry does not need to be preserved for downloads,
// since the user is unlikely to try again.
// Note: don't touch the transient entry, since an interstitial may exist.
bool should_preserve_entry = (controller_->IsUnmodifiedBlankTab() ||
delegate_->ShouldPreserveAbortedURLs()) &&
if (pending_entry != controller_->GetVisibleEntry() ||
!should_preserve_entry) {
// Also force the UI to refresh.
void NavigatorImpl::RequestNavigation(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
const GURL& dest_url,
const Referrer& dest_referrer,
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
ReloadType reload_type,
PreviewsState previews_state,
bool is_same_document_history_load,
bool is_history_navigation_in_new_child,
const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody>& post_body,
base::TimeTicks navigation_start,
std::unique_ptr<NavigationUIData> navigation_ui_data) {
// This is not a real navigation. Send the URL to the renderer process
// immediately for handling.
// Note: this includes navigations to JavaScript URLs, which are considered
// renderer-debug URLs.
if (IsRendererDebugURL(dest_url)) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host =
// This value must be set here because creating a NavigationRequest might
// change the renderer live/non-live status and change this result.
// We don't want to dispatch a beforeunload handler if
// is_history_navigation_in_new_child is true. This indicates a newly created
// child frame which does not have a beforunload handler.
FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::Value navigation_type = GetNavigationType(
frame_tree_node->current_url(), // old_url
dest_url, // new_url
reload_type, // reload_type
entry, // entry
frame_entry, // frame_entry
is_same_document_history_load); // is_same_document_history_load
bool is_same_document =
bool should_dispatch_beforeunload =
!is_same_document && !is_history_navigation_in_new_child &&
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> scoped_request =
frame_tree_node, dest_url, dest_referrer, frame_entry, entry,
navigation_type, previews_state, is_same_document_history_load,
is_history_navigation_in_new_child, post_body, navigation_start,
controller_, std::move(navigation_ui_data));
NavigationRequest* navigation_request = frame_tree_node->navigation_request();
if (!navigation_request)
return; // Navigation was synchronously stopped.
// Have the current renderer execute its beforeunload event if needed. If it
// is not needed then NavigationRequest::BeginNavigation should be directly
// called instead.
if (should_dispatch_beforeunload) {
true, reload_type != ReloadType::NONE);
} else {
// DO NOT USE |navigation_request| BEYOND THIS POINT. It might have been
// destroyed in BeginNavigation().
// See
void NavigatorImpl::RecordNavigationMetrics(
const LoadCommittedDetails& details,
const FrameHostMsg_DidCommitProvisionalLoad_Params& params,
SiteInstance* site_instance) {
if (!details.is_main_frame || !navigation_data_ ||
navigation_data_->url_job_start_time_.is_null() ||
navigation_data_->url_ != params.original_request_url) {
base::TimeDelta time_to_commit =
base::TimeTicks::Now() - navigation_data_->start_time_;
UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Navigation.TimeToCommit", time_to_commit);
time_to_commit -= navigation_data_->before_unload_delay_;
base::TimeDelta time_to_network = navigation_data_->url_job_start_time_ -
navigation_data_->start_time_ -
if (navigation_data_->is_restoring_from_last_session_) {
bool navigation_created_new_renderer_process =
site_instance->GetProcess()->GetInitTimeForNavigationMetrics() >
if (navigation_created_new_renderer_process) {
} else {
void NavigatorImpl::DidStartMainFrameNavigation(
const GURL& url,
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
NavigationHandleImpl* navigation_handle) {
// If there is no browser-initiated pending entry for this navigation and it
// is not for the error URL, create a pending entry using the current
// SiteInstance, and ensure the address bar updates accordingly. We don't
// know the referrer or extra headers at this point, but the referrer will
// be set properly upon commit.
NavigationEntryImpl* pending_entry = controller_->GetPendingEntry();
bool has_browser_initiated_pending_entry =
pending_entry && !pending_entry->is_renderer_initiated();
// A pending navigation entry is created in OnBeginNavigation(). The renderer
// sends a provisional load notification after that. We don't want to create
// a duplicate navigation entry here.
bool renderer_provisional_load_to_pending_url =
pending_entry && pending_entry->is_renderer_initiated() &&
(pending_entry->GetURL() == url);
// If there is a transient entry, creating a new pending entry will result
// in deleting it, which leads to inconsistent state.
bool has_transient_entry = !!controller_->GetTransientEntry();
if (!has_browser_initiated_pending_entry && !has_transient_entry &&
!renderer_provisional_load_to_pending_url) {
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> entry =
url, content::Referrer(), ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK,
true /* is_renderer_initiated */, std::string(),
// TODO(creis): If there's a pending entry already, find a safe way to
// update it instead of replacing it and copying over things like this.
// That will allow us to skip the NavigationHandle update below as well.
if (pending_entry) {
if (delegate_)
} // namespace content