blob: 7311e0fe38bc050abbf477fab944e0b419c9da1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_proxy_host.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
#include "content/common/content_switches_internal.h"
#include "content/common/frame_owner_properties.h"
#include "content/common/input_messages.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/frame/frame_policy.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
// Helper function to collect SiteInstances involved in rendering a single
// FrameTree (which is a subset of SiteInstances in main frame's proxy_hosts_
// because of openers).
std::set<SiteInstance*> CollectSiteInstances(FrameTree* tree) {
std::set<SiteInstance*> instances;
for (FrameTreeNode* node : tree->Nodes())
return instances;
} // namespace
FrameTree::NodeIterator::NodeIterator(const NodeIterator& other) = default;
FrameTree::NodeIterator::~NodeIterator() {}
FrameTree::NodeIterator& FrameTree::NodeIterator::operator++() {
if (current_node_ != root_of_subtree_to_skip_) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < current_node_->child_count(); ++i) {
FrameTreeNode* child = current_node_->child_at(i);
if (!queue_.empty()) {
current_node_ = queue_.front();
} else {
current_node_ = nullptr;
return *this;
bool FrameTree::NodeIterator::operator==(const NodeIterator& rhs) const {
return current_node_ == rhs.current_node_;
FrameTree::NodeIterator::NodeIterator(FrameTreeNode* starting_node,
FrameTreeNode* root_of_subtree_to_skip)
: current_node_(starting_node),
root_of_subtree_to_skip_(root_of_subtree_to_skip) {}
FrameTree::NodeIterator FrameTree::NodeRange::begin() {
return NodeIterator(root_, root_of_subtree_to_skip_);
FrameTree::NodeIterator FrameTree::NodeRange::end() {
return NodeIterator(nullptr, nullptr);
FrameTree::NodeRange::NodeRange(FrameTreeNode* root,
FrameTreeNode* root_of_subtree_to_skip)
: root_(root), root_of_subtree_to_skip_(root_of_subtree_to_skip) {}
FrameTree::FrameTree(Navigator* navigator,
RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate,
RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate,
RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate,
RenderFrameHostManager::Delegate* manager_delegate)
: render_frame_delegate_(render_frame_delegate),
root_(new FrameTreeNode(this,
// The top-level frame must always be in a
// document scope.
load_progress_(0.0) {}
FrameTree::~FrameTree() {
delete root_;
root_ = nullptr;
FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::FindByID(int frame_tree_node_id) {
for (FrameTreeNode* node : Nodes()) {
if (node->frame_tree_node_id() == frame_tree_node_id)
return node;
return nullptr;
FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::FindByRoutingID(int process_id, int routing_id) {
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host =
RenderFrameHostImpl::FromID(process_id, routing_id);
if (render_frame_host) {
FrameTreeNode* result = render_frame_host->frame_tree_node();
if (this == result->frame_tree())
return result;
RenderFrameProxyHost* render_frame_proxy_host =
RenderFrameProxyHost::FromID(process_id, routing_id);
if (render_frame_proxy_host) {
FrameTreeNode* result = render_frame_proxy_host->frame_tree_node();
if (this == result->frame_tree())
return result;
return nullptr;
FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::FindByName(const std::string& name) {
if (name.empty())
return root_;
for (FrameTreeNode* node : Nodes()) {
if (node->frame_name() == name)
return node;
return nullptr;
FrameTree::NodeRange FrameTree::Nodes() {
return NodesExceptSubtree(nullptr);
FrameTree::NodeRange FrameTree::SubtreeNodes(FrameTreeNode* subtree_root) {
return NodeRange(subtree_root, nullptr);
FrameTree::NodeRange FrameTree::NodesExceptSubtree(FrameTreeNode* node) {
return NodeRange(root_, node);
FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::AddFrame(
FrameTreeNode* parent,
int process_id,
int new_routing_id,
service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProviderRequest interface_provider_request,
blink::WebTreeScopeType scope,
const std::string& frame_name,
const std::string& frame_unique_name,
bool is_created_by_script,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_frame_token,
const blink::FramePolicy& frame_policy,
const FrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties,
bool was_discarded,
blink::FrameOwnerElementType owner_type) {
CHECK_NE(new_routing_id, MSG_ROUTING_NONE);
// A child frame always starts with an initial empty document, which means
// it is in the same SiteInstance as the parent frame. Ensure that the process
// which requested a child frame to be added is the same as the process of the
// parent node.
if (parent->current_frame_host()->GetProcess()->GetID() != process_id)
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<FrameTreeNode> new_node = base::WrapUnique(new FrameTreeNode(
this, parent->navigator(), parent, scope, frame_name, frame_unique_name,
is_created_by_script, devtools_frame_token, frame_owner_properties,
// Set sandbox flags and container policy and make them effective immediately,
// since initial sandbox flags and feature policy should apply to the initial
// empty document in the frame. This needs to happen before the call to
// AddChild so that the effective policy is sent to any newly-created
// RenderFrameProxy objects when the RenderFrameHost is created.
if (was_discarded)
// Add the new node to the FrameTree, creating the RenderFrameHost.
FrameTreeNode* added_node = parent->current_frame_host()->AddChild(
std::move(new_node), process_id, new_routing_id);
// The last committed NavigationEntry may have a FrameNavigationEntry with the
// same |frame_unique_name|, since we don't remove FrameNavigationEntries if
// their frames are deleted. If there is a stale one, remove it to avoid
// conflicts on future updates.
NavigationEntryImpl* last_committed_entry = static_cast<NavigationEntryImpl*>(
if (last_committed_entry) {
added_node, /* only_if_different_position = */ true);
// Now that the new node is part of the FrameTree and has a RenderFrameHost,
// we can announce the creation of the initial RenderFrame which already
// exists in the renderer process.
return added_node;
void FrameTree::RemoveFrame(FrameTreeNode* child) {
FrameTreeNode* parent = child->parent();
if (!parent) {
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected RemoveFrame call for main frame.";
void FrameTree::CreateProxiesForSiteInstance(
FrameTreeNode* source,
SiteInstance* site_instance) {
// Create the RenderFrameProxyHost for the new SiteInstance.
if (!source || !source->IsMainFrame()) {
RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host = GetRenderViewHost(site_instance);
if (!render_view_host) {
} else {
// Proxies are created in the FrameTree in response to a node navigating to a
// new SiteInstance. Since |source|'s navigation will replace the currently
// loaded document, the entire subtree under |source| will be removed, and
// thus proxy creation is skipped for all nodes in that subtree.
// However, a proxy *is* needed for the |source| node itself. This lets
// cross-process navigations in |source| start with a proxy and follow a
// remote-to-local transition, which avoids race conditions in cases where
// other navigations need to reference |source| before it commits. See
// for more background. Therefore,
// NodesExceptSubtree(source) will include |source| in the nodes traversed
// (see NodeIterator::operator++).
for (FrameTreeNode* node : NodesExceptSubtree(source)) {
// If a new frame is created in the current SiteInstance, other frames in
// that SiteInstance don't need a proxy for the new frame.
RenderFrameHostImpl* current_host =
SiteInstance* current_instance = current_host->GetSiteInstance();
if (current_instance != site_instance) {
if (node == source && !current_host->IsRenderFrameLive()) {
// There's no need to create a proxy at |source| when the current
// RenderFrameHost isn't live, as in that case, the pending
// RenderFrameHost will be committed immediately, and the proxy
// destroyed right away, in GetFrameHostForNavigation. This makes the
// race described above not possible.
RenderFrameHostImpl* FrameTree::GetMainFrame() const {
return root_->current_frame_host();
FrameTreeNode* FrameTree::GetFocusedFrame() {
return FindByID(focused_frame_tree_node_id_);
void FrameTree::SetFocusedFrame(FrameTreeNode* node, SiteInstance* source) {
if (node == GetFocusedFrame())
std::set<SiteInstance*> frame_tree_site_instances =
SiteInstance* current_instance =
// Update the focused frame in all other SiteInstances. If focus changes to
// a cross-process frame, this allows the old focused frame's renderer
// process to clear focus from that frame and fire blur events. It also
// ensures that the latest focused frame is available in all renderers to
// compute document.activeElement.
// We do not notify the |source| SiteInstance because it already knows the
// new focused frame (since it initiated the focus change), and we notify the
// new focused frame's SiteInstance (if it differs from |source|) separately
// below.
for (auto* instance : frame_tree_site_instances) {
if (instance != source && instance != current_instance) {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
// If |node| was focused from a cross-process frame (i.e., via
// window.focus()), tell its RenderFrame that it should focus.
if (current_instance != source)
focused_frame_tree_node_id_ = node->frame_tree_node_id();
// The accessibility tree data for the root of the frame tree keeps
// track of the focused frame too, so update that every time the
// focused frame changes.
void FrameTree::SetFrameRemoveListener(
const base::Callback<void(RenderFrameHost*)>& on_frame_removed) {
on_frame_removed_ = on_frame_removed;
RenderViewHostImpl* FrameTree::CreateRenderViewHost(
SiteInstance* site_instance,
int32_t routing_id,
int32_t main_frame_routing_id,
int32_t widget_routing_id,
bool swapped_out,
bool hidden) {
auto iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance->GetId());
if (iter != render_view_host_map_.end())
return iter->second;
RenderViewHostImpl* rvh =
site_instance, render_view_delegate_, render_widget_delegate_,
routing_id, main_frame_routing_id, widget_routing_id, swapped_out,
render_view_host_map_[site_instance->GetId()] = rvh;
return rvh;
RenderViewHostImpl* FrameTree::GetRenderViewHost(SiteInstance* site_instance) {
auto iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance->GetId());
if (iter != render_view_host_map_.end())
return iter->second;
return nullptr;
void FrameTree::AddRenderViewHostRef(RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host) {
SiteInstance* site_instance = render_view_host->GetSiteInstance();
auto iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance->GetId());
CHECK(iter != render_view_host_map_.end());
CHECK(iter->second == render_view_host);
void FrameTree::ReleaseRenderViewHostRef(RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host) {
SiteInstance* site_instance = render_view_host->GetSiteInstance();
int32_t site_instance_id = site_instance->GetId();
auto iter = render_view_host_map_.find(site_instance_id);
CHECK(iter != render_view_host_map_.end());
CHECK_EQ(iter->second, render_view_host);
// Decrement the refcount and shutdown the RenderViewHost if no one else is
// using it.
CHECK_GT(iter->second->ref_count(), 0);
if (iter->second->ref_count() == 0) {
void FrameTree::FrameRemoved(FrameTreeNode* frame) {
if (frame->frame_tree_node_id() == focused_frame_tree_node_id_)
focused_frame_tree_node_id_ = FrameTreeNode::kFrameTreeNodeInvalidId;
// No notification for the root frame.
if (!frame->parent()) {
CHECK_EQ(frame, root_);
// Notify observers of the frame removal.
if (!on_frame_removed_.is_null())
void FrameTree::UpdateLoadProgress(double progress) {
if (progress <= load_progress_)
load_progress_ = progress;
// Notify the WebContents.
void FrameTree::ResetLoadProgress() {
load_progress_ = 0.0;
bool FrameTree::IsLoading() const {
for (const FrameTreeNode* node : const_cast<FrameTree*>(this)->Nodes()) {
if (node->IsLoading())
return true;
return false;
void FrameTree::ReplicatePageFocus(bool is_focused) {
std::set<SiteInstance*> frame_tree_site_instances =
// Send the focus update to main frame's proxies in all SiteInstances of
// other frames in this FrameTree. Note that the main frame might also know
// about proxies in SiteInstances for frames in a different FrameTree (e.g.,
// for, so we can't just iterate over its proxy_hosts_ in
// RenderFrameHostManager.
for (auto* instance : frame_tree_site_instances)
SetPageFocus(instance, is_focused);
void FrameTree::SetPageFocus(SiteInstance* instance, bool is_focused) {
RenderFrameHostManager* root_manager = root_->render_manager();
// This is only used to set page-level focus in cross-process subframes, and
// requests to set focus in main frame's SiteInstance are ignored.
if (instance != root_manager->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()) {
RenderFrameProxyHost* proxy =
proxy->Send(new InputMsg_SetFocus(proxy->GetRoutingID(), is_focused));
} // namespace content