blob: 190a934ae6eb0f6f3ec72ae83fefa5af51cb92e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGExclusionSpace_h
#define NGExclusionSpace_h
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/exclusions/ng_layout_opportunity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_bfc_offset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_bfc_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_exclusion.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/layout_unit.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
// The exclusion space represents all of the exclusions within a block
// formatting context.
// The space is mutated simply by adding exclusions, and various information
// can be queried based on the exclusions.
class CORE_EXPORT NGExclusionSpace {
void Add(scoped_refptr<const NGExclusion> exclusion);
// Returns a layout opportunity, within the BFC.
// The area to search for layout opportunities is defined by the given offset,
// and available_inline_size. The layout opportunity must be greater than the
// given minimum_size.
NGLayoutOpportunity FindLayoutOpportunity(
const NGBfcOffset& offset,
const LayoutUnit available_inline_size,
const NGLogicalSize& minimum_size) const;
Vector<NGLayoutOpportunity> AllLayoutOpportunities(
const NGBfcOffset& offset,
const LayoutUnit available_inline_size) const;
// Returns the clearance offset based on the provided {@code clear_type}.
LayoutUnit ClearanceOffset(EClear clear_type) const;
// Returns the block start offset of the last float added.
LayoutUnit LastFloatBlockStart() const { return last_float_block_start_; }
bool operator==(const NGExclusionSpace& other) const;
bool operator!=(const NGExclusionSpace& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// The shelf is an internal data-structure representing the bottom of a
// float. A shelf has a inline-size which is defined by the line_left and
// line_right members. E.g.
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 0 +---++--+ +---+
// |xxx||xx| |xxx|
// 10 |xxx|X-------Xxxx|
// +---+ +---+
// 20
// In the above diagram the shelf is at the block-end edge of the smallest
// float. It would have the internal values of:
// {
// block_offset: 10,
// line_left: 20,
// line_right: 65,
// line_left_edges: [{0, 15}],
// line_right_edges: [{0, 15}],
// }
// The line_left_edges and line_right_edges are all the floats which are
// "against" the shelf at the line_left and line_right offset respectively.
// An opportunity has a "solid" edge if there is at least one float adjacent
// to the line-left or line-right edge. If an opportunity has no adjacent
// floats it is invalid.
// These are used for:
// - When we create an opportunity, making sure it has "solid" edges.
// - The opportunity also holds onto a list of these edges to support
// css-shapes.
struct NGShelf {
explicit NGShelf(LayoutUnit block_offset)
: block_offset(block_offset),
shape_exclusions(base::AdoptRef(new NGShapeExclusions)),
has_shape_exclusions(false) {}
// The copy constructor explicitly copies the shape_exclusions member,
// instead of just incrementing the ref.
NGShelf(const NGShelf& other)
: block_offset(other.block_offset),
base::AdoptRef(new NGShapeExclusions(*other.shape_exclusions))),
has_shape_exclusions(other.has_shape_exclusions) {}
LayoutUnit block_offset;
LayoutUnit line_left;
LayoutUnit line_right;
Vector<scoped_refptr<const NGExclusion>, 1> line_left_edges;
Vector<scoped_refptr<const NGExclusion>, 1> line_right_edges;
// shape_exclusions contains all the floats which sit below this shelf. The
// has_shape_exclusions member will be true if shape_exclusions contains an
// exclusion with shape-outside specified (and therefore should be copied
// to any layout opportunity).
scoped_refptr<NGShapeExclusions> shape_exclusions;
bool has_shape_exclusions;
Vector<scoped_refptr<const NGExclusion>> exclusions_;
// See NGShelf for a broad description of what shelves are. We always begin
// with one, which has the internal value of:
// {
// block_offset: LayoutUnit::Min(),
// line_left: LayoutUnit::Min(),
// line_right: LayoutUnit::Max(),
// }
// The list of opportunities represent "closed-off" areas. E.g.
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// 0 +---+. .+---+
// |xxx|. .|xxx|
// 10 |xxx|. .|xxx|
// +---+. .+---+
// 20 ........
// +---+
// 30 |xxx|
// |xxx|
// 40 +---+
// In the above example the opportunity is represented with the dotted line.
// It has the internal values of:
// {
// start_offset: {20, LayoutUnit::Min()},
// end_offset: {65, 25},
// }
// Once an opportunity has been created, it can never been changed due to the
// property that floats always align their block-start edges.
// We exploit this property by keeping this list of "closed-off" areas, and
// removing shelves to make insertion faster.
Vector<NGShelf> shelves_;
Vector<NGLayoutOpportunity> opportunities_;
// This member is used for implementing the "top edge alignment rule" for
// floats. Floats can be positioned at negative offsets, hence is initialized
// the minimum value.
LayoutUnit last_float_block_start_;
// These members are used for keeping track of the "lowest" offset for each
// type of float. This is used for implementing float clearance.
LayoutUnit left_float_clear_offset_;
LayoutUnit right_float_clear_offset_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGExclusionSpace_h