blob: b9d7d278fc60b52dc60bfba68b916174491060a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2008 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2012. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/svg/SVGTransformList.h"
#include "core/SVGNames.h"
#include "core/svg/SVGParserUtilities.h"
#include "core/svg/SVGTransformDistance.h"
#include "wtf/text/ParsingUtilities.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
SVGTransformList::SVGTransformList() {}
SVGTransformList::~SVGTransformList() {}
SVGTransform* SVGTransformList::consolidate() {
AffineTransform matrix;
if (!concatenate(matrix))
return SVGTransform::create();
return initialize(SVGTransform::create(matrix));
bool SVGTransformList::concatenate(AffineTransform& result) const {
if (isEmpty())
return false;
ConstIterator it = begin();
ConstIterator itEnd = end();
for (; it != itEnd; ++it)
result *= it->matrix();
return true;
namespace {
template <typename CharType>
SVGTransformType parseAndSkipTransformType(const CharType*& ptr,
const CharType* end) {
if (ptr >= end)
return kSvgTransformUnknown;
if (*ptr == 's') {
if (skipToken(ptr, end, "skewX"))
return kSvgTransformSkewx;
if (skipToken(ptr, end, "skewY"))
return kSvgTransformSkewy;
if (skipToken(ptr, end, "scale"))
return kSvgTransformScale;
return kSvgTransformUnknown;
if (skipToken(ptr, end, "translate"))
return kSvgTransformTranslate;
if (skipToken(ptr, end, "rotate"))
return kSvgTransformRotate;
if (skipToken(ptr, end, "matrix"))
return kSvgTransformMatrix;
return kSvgTransformUnknown;
// These should be kept in sync with enum SVGTransformType
const unsigned requiredValuesForType[] = {0, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
const unsigned optionalValuesForType[] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0};
static_assert(kSvgTransformUnknown == 0,
"index of kSvgTransformUnknown has changed");
static_assert(kSvgTransformMatrix == 1,
"index of kSvgTransformMatrix has changed");
static_assert(kSvgTransformTranslate == 2,
"index of kSvgTransformTranslate has changed");
static_assert(kSvgTransformScale == 3,
"index of kSvgTransformScale has changed");
static_assert(kSvgTransformRotate == 4,
"index of kSvgTransformRotate has changed");
static_assert(kSvgTransformSkewx == 5,
"index of kSvgTransformSkewx has changed");
static_assert(kSvgTransformSkewy == 6,
"index of kSvgTransformSkewy has changed");
static_assert(WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(requiredValuesForType) - 1 == kSvgTransformSkewy,
"the number of transform types have changed");
static_assert(WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(requiredValuesForType) ==
"the arrays should have the same number of elements");
const unsigned kMaxTransformArguments = 6;
using TransformArguments = Vector<float, kMaxTransformArguments>;
template <typename CharType>
SVGParseStatus parseTransformArgumentsForType(SVGTransformType type,
const CharType*& ptr,
const CharType* end,
TransformArguments& arguments) {
const size_t required = requiredValuesForType[type];
const size_t optional = optionalValuesForType[type];
const size_t requiredWithOptional = required + optional;
ASSERT(requiredWithOptional <= kMaxTransformArguments);
bool trailingDelimiter = false;
while (arguments.size() < requiredWithOptional) {
float argumentValue = 0;
if (!parseNumber(ptr, end, argumentValue, AllowLeadingWhitespace))
trailingDelimiter = false;
if (arguments.size() == requiredWithOptional)
if (skipOptionalSVGSpaces(ptr, end) && *ptr == ',') {
trailingDelimiter = true;
if (arguments.size() != required && arguments.size() != requiredWithOptional)
return SVGParseStatus::ExpectedNumber;
if (trailingDelimiter)
return SVGParseStatus::TrailingGarbage;
return SVGParseStatus::NoError;
SVGTransform* createTransformFromValues(SVGTransformType type,
const TransformArguments& arguments) {
SVGTransform* transform = SVGTransform::create();
switch (type) {
case kSvgTransformSkewx:
case kSvgTransformSkewy:
case kSvgTransformScale:
// Spec: if only one param given, assume uniform scaling.
if (arguments.size() == 1)
transform->setScale(arguments[0], arguments[0]);
transform->setScale(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
case kSvgTransformTranslate:
// Spec: if only one param given, assume 2nd param to be 0.
if (arguments.size() == 1)
transform->setTranslate(arguments[0], 0);
transform->setTranslate(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
case kSvgTransformRotate:
if (arguments.size() == 1)
transform->setRotate(arguments[0], 0, 0);
transform->setRotate(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
case kSvgTransformMatrix:
transform->setMatrix(AffineTransform(arguments[0], arguments[1],
arguments[2], arguments[3],
arguments[4], arguments[5]));
case kSvgTransformUnknown:
return transform;
} // namespace
template <typename CharType>
SVGParsingError SVGTransformList::parseInternal(const CharType*& ptr,
const CharType* end) {
const CharType* start = ptr;
bool delimParsed = false;
while (skipOptionalSVGSpaces(ptr, end)) {
delimParsed = false;
SVGTransformType transformType = parseAndSkipTransformType(ptr, end);
if (transformType == kSvgTransformUnknown)
return SVGParsingError(SVGParseStatus::ExpectedTransformFunction,
ptr - start);
if (!skipOptionalSVGSpaces(ptr, end) || *ptr != '(')
return SVGParsingError(SVGParseStatus::ExpectedStartOfArguments,
ptr - start);
TransformArguments arguments;
SVGParseStatus status =
parseTransformArgumentsForType(transformType, ptr, end, arguments);
if (status != SVGParseStatus::NoError)
return SVGParsingError(status, ptr - start);
ASSERT(arguments.size() >= requiredValuesForType[transformType]);
if (!skipOptionalSVGSpaces(ptr, end) || *ptr != ')')
return SVGParsingError(SVGParseStatus::ExpectedEndOfArguments,
ptr - start);
append(createTransformFromValues(transformType, arguments));
if (skipOptionalSVGSpaces(ptr, end) && *ptr == ',') {
delimParsed = true;
if (delimParsed)
return SVGParsingError(SVGParseStatus::TrailingGarbage, ptr - start);
return SVGParseStatus::NoError;
bool SVGTransformList::parse(const UChar*& ptr, const UChar* end) {
return parseInternal(ptr, end) == SVGParseStatus::NoError;
bool SVGTransformList::parse(const LChar*& ptr, const LChar* end) {
return parseInternal(ptr, end) == SVGParseStatus::NoError;
SVGTransformType parseTransformType(const String& string) {
if (string.isEmpty())
return kSvgTransformUnknown;
if (string.is8Bit()) {
const LChar* ptr = string.characters8();
const LChar* end = ptr + string.length();
return parseAndSkipTransformType(ptr, end);
const UChar* ptr = string.characters16();
const UChar* end = ptr + string.length();
return parseAndSkipTransformType(ptr, end);
String SVGTransformList::valueAsString() const {
StringBuilder builder;
ConstIterator it = begin();
ConstIterator itEnd = end();
while (it != itEnd) {
if (it != itEnd)
builder.append(' ');
return builder.toString();
SVGParsingError SVGTransformList::setValueAsString(const String& value) {
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return SVGParseStatus::NoError;
SVGParsingError parseError;
if (value.is8Bit()) {
const LChar* ptr = value.characters8();
const LChar* end = ptr + value.length();
parseError = parseInternal(ptr, end);
} else {
const UChar* ptr = value.characters16();
const UChar* end = ptr + value.length();
parseError = parseInternal(ptr, end);
if (parseError != SVGParseStatus::NoError)
return parseError;
SVGPropertyBase* SVGTransformList::cloneForAnimation(
const String& value) const {
return SVGListPropertyHelper::cloneForAnimation(value);
SVGTransformList* SVGTransformList::create(SVGTransformType transformType,
const String& value) {
TransformArguments arguments;
bool atEndOfValue = false;
SVGParseStatus status = SVGParseStatus::ParsingFailed;
if (value.isEmpty()) {
} else if (value.is8Bit()) {
const LChar* ptr = value.characters8();
const LChar* end = ptr + value.length();
status = parseTransformArgumentsForType(transformType, ptr, end, arguments);
atEndOfValue = !skipOptionalSVGSpaces(ptr, end);
} else {
const UChar* ptr = value.characters16();
const UChar* end = ptr + value.length();
status = parseTransformArgumentsForType(transformType, ptr, end, arguments);
atEndOfValue = !skipOptionalSVGSpaces(ptr, end);
SVGTransformList* svgTransformList = SVGTransformList::create();
if (atEndOfValue && status == SVGParseStatus::NoError)
createTransformFromValues(transformType, arguments));
return svgTransformList;
void SVGTransformList::add(SVGPropertyBase* other, SVGElement* contextElement) {
if (isEmpty())
SVGTransformList* otherList = toSVGTransformList(other);
if (length() != otherList->length())
ASSERT(length() == 1);
SVGTransform* fromTransform = at(0);
SVGTransform* toTransform = otherList->at(0);
ASSERT(fromTransform->transformType() == toTransform->transformType());
SVGTransformDistance::addSVGTransforms(fromTransform, toTransform));
void SVGTransformList::calculateAnimatedValue(
SVGAnimationElement* animationElement,
float percentage,
unsigned repeatCount,
SVGPropertyBase* fromValue,
SVGPropertyBase* toValue,
SVGPropertyBase* toAtEndOfDurationValue,
SVGElement* contextElement) {
bool isToAnimation = animationElement->getAnimationMode() == ToAnimation;
// Spec: To animations provide specific functionality to get a smooth change
// from the underlying value to the 'to' attribute value, which conflicts
// mathematically with the requirement for additive transform animations to be
// post-multiplied. As a consequence, in SVG 1.1 the behavior of to animations
// for 'animateTransform' is undefined.
// FIXME: This is not taken into account yet.
SVGTransformList* fromList =
isToAnimation ? this : toSVGTransformList(fromValue);
SVGTransformList* toList = toSVGTransformList(toValue);
SVGTransformList* toAtEndOfDurationList =
size_t toListSize = toList->length();
if (!toListSize)
// Get a reference to the from value before potentially cleaning it out (in
// the case of a To animation.)
SVGTransform* toTransform = toList->at(0);
SVGTransform* effectiveFrom = nullptr;
// If there's an existing 'from'/underlying value of the same type use that,
// else use a "zero transform".
if (fromList->length() &&
fromList->at(0)->transformType() == toTransform->transformType())
effectiveFrom = fromList->at(0);
effectiveFrom = SVGTransform::create(toTransform->transformType(),
// Never resize the animatedTransformList to the toList size, instead either
// clear the list or append to it.
if (!isEmpty() && (!animationElement->isAdditive() || isToAnimation))
SVGTransform* currentTransform =
SVGTransformDistance(effectiveFrom, toTransform)
if (animationElement->isAccumulated() && repeatCount) {
SVGTransform* effectiveToAtEnd =
? toAtEndOfDurationList->at(0)
: SVGTransform::create(toTransform->transformType(),
currentTransform, effectiveToAtEnd, repeatCount));
} else {
float SVGTransformList::calculateDistance(SVGPropertyBase* toValue,
SVGElement*) {
// FIXME: This is not correct in all cases. The spec demands that each
// component (translate x and y for example) is paced separately. To implement
// this we need to treat each component as individual animation everywhere.
SVGTransformList* toList = toSVGTransformList(toValue);
if (isEmpty() || length() != toList->length())
return -1;
ASSERT(length() == 1);
if (at(0)->transformType() == toList->at(0)->transformType())
return -1;
// Spec:
// Paced animations assume a notion of distance between the various animation
// values defined by the 'to', 'from', 'by' and 'values' attributes. Distance
// is defined only for scalar types (such as <length>), colors and the subset
// of transformation types that are supported by 'animateTransform'.
return SVGTransformDistance(at(0), toList->at(0)).distance();
} // namespace blink