blob: 00a6dd8c216a65a6304a48eb140ba363fb8fdf50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef CSSParserContext_h
#define CSSParserContext_h
#include "core/CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/css/parser/CSSParserMode.h"
#include "core/dom/ExecutionContext.h"
#include "core/frame/WebFeatureForward.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ResourceLoaderOptions.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/Referrer.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/TextEncoding.h"
namespace blink {
class CSSStyleSheet;
class Document;
class StyleSheetContents;
class CORE_EXPORT CSSParserContext
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<CSSParserContext> {
enum SelectorProfile { kDynamicProfile, kStaticProfile };
// All three of these factories copy the context and override the current
// Document handle used for UseCounter.
static CSSParserContext* CreateWithStyleSheet(const CSSParserContext*,
const CSSStyleSheet*);
static CSSParserContext* CreateWithStyleSheetContents(
const CSSParserContext*,
const StyleSheetContents*);
// FIXME: This constructor shouldn't exist if we properly piped the UseCounter
// through the CSS subsystem. Currently the UseCounter life time is too crazy
// and we need a way to override it.
static CSSParserContext* Create(const CSSParserContext* other,
const Document* use_counter_document);
static CSSParserContext* Create(const CSSParserContext* other,
const KURL& base_url_override,
ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy_override,
const WTF::TextEncoding& charset_override,
const Document* use_counter_document);
static CSSParserContext* Create(
SelectorProfile = kDynamicProfile,
const Document* use_counter_document = nullptr);
static CSSParserContext* Create(const Document&);
static CSSParserContext* Create(
const Document&,
const KURL& base_url_override,
ReferrerPolicy referrer_policy_override,
const WTF::TextEncoding& charset = WTF::TextEncoding(),
SelectorProfile = kDynamicProfile);
// This is used for workers, where we don't have a document.
static CSSParserContext* Create(const ExecutionContext&);
bool operator==(const CSSParserContext&) const;
bool operator!=(const CSSParserContext& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
CSSParserMode Mode() const { return mode_; }
CSSParserMode MatchMode() const { return match_mode_; }
const KURL& BaseURL() const { return base_url_; }
const WTF::TextEncoding& Charset() const { return charset_; }
const Referrer& GetReferrer() const { return referrer_; }
bool IsHTMLDocument() const { return is_html_document_; }
bool IsDynamicProfile() const { return profile_ == kDynamicProfile; }
bool IsStaticProfile() const { return profile_ == kStaticProfile; }
bool IsSecureContext() const;
// This quirk is to maintain compatibility with Android apps built on
// the Android SDK prior to and including version 18. Presumably, this
// can be removed any time after 2015. See
bool UseLegacyBackgroundSizeShorthandBehavior() const {
return use_legacy_background_size_shorthand_behavior_;
// FIXME: This setter shouldn't exist, however the current lifetime of
// CSSParserContext is not well understood and thus we sometimes need to
// override this field.
void SetMode(CSSParserMode mode) { mode_ = mode; }
KURL CompleteURL(const String& url) const;
void Count(WebFeature) const;
void Count(CSSParserMode, CSSPropertyID) const;
void CountDeprecation(WebFeature) const;
bool IsUseCounterRecordingEnabled() const { return document_; }
bool IsDocumentHandleEqual(const Document* other) const;
ContentSecurityPolicyDisposition ShouldCheckContentSecurityPolicy() const {
return should_check_content_security_policy_;
void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
CSSParserContext(const KURL& base_url,
const WTF::TextEncoding& charset,
CSSParserMode match_mode,
const Referrer&,
bool is_html_document,
bool use_legacy_background_size_shorthand_behavior,
const Document* use_counter_document);
KURL base_url_;
WTF::TextEncoding charset_;
CSSParserMode mode_;
CSSParserMode match_mode_;
SelectorProfile profile_ = kDynamicProfile;
Referrer referrer_;
bool is_html_document_;
bool use_legacy_background_size_shorthand_behavior_;
SecureContextMode secure_context_mode_;
ContentSecurityPolicyDisposition should_check_content_security_policy_;
WeakMember<const Document> document_;
CORE_EXPORT const CSSParserContext* StrictCSSParserContext(SecureContextMode);
} // namespace blink
#endif // CSSParserContext_h