blob: f7ab5d6f3e15e27cc398bd46bfbf4a5183d97ccd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/predictors/glowplug_key_value_table.h"
#include "chrome/browser/predictors/predictor_table_base.h"
#include "chrome/browser/predictors/resource_prefetch_common.h"
#include "chrome/browser/predictors/resource_prefetch_predictor.pb.h"
namespace tracked_objects {
class Location;
namespace predictors {
// Interface for database tables used by the ResourcePrefetchPredictor.
// All methods except the ExecuteDBTaskOnDBSequence need to be called on the UI
// thread.
// Currently manages:
// - UrlResourceTable - key: url, value: PrefetchData
// - UrlRedirectTable - key: url, value: RedirectData
// - HostResourceTable - key: host, value: PrefetchData
// - HostRedirectTable - key: host, value: RedirectData
// - OriginTable - key: host, value: OriginData
class ResourcePrefetchPredictorTables : public PredictorTableBase {
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(sql::Connection*)> DBTask;
virtual void ScheduleDBTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
DBTask task);
virtual void ExecuteDBTaskOnDBSequence(DBTask task);
virtual GlowplugKeyValueTable<PrefetchData>* url_resource_table();
virtual GlowplugKeyValueTable<RedirectData>* url_redirect_table();
virtual GlowplugKeyValueTable<PrefetchData>* host_resource_table();
virtual GlowplugKeyValueTable<RedirectData>* host_redirect_table();
virtual GlowplugKeyValueTable<OriginData>* origin_table();
// Removes the resources with more than |max_consecutive_misses| consecutive
// misses from |data|.
static void TrimResources(PrefetchData* data, size_t max_consecutive_misses);
// Sorts the resources by score, decreasing.
static void SortResources(PrefetchData* data);
// Computes score of |data|.
static float ComputeResourceScore(const ResourceData& data);
// Removes the redirects with more than |max_consecutive_misses| consecutive
// misses from |data|.
static void TrimRedirects(RedirectData* data, size_t max_consecutive_misses);
// Removes the origins with more than |max_consecutive_misses| consecutive
// misses from |data|.
static void TrimOrigins(OriginData* data, size_t max_consecutive_misses);
// Sorts the origins by score, decreasing.
static void SortOrigins(OriginData* data);
// Computes score of |origin|.
static float ComputeOriginScore(const OriginStat& origin);
// The maximum length of the string that can be stored in the DB.
static constexpr size_t kMaxStringLength = 1024;
// Protected for testing. Use PredictorDatabase::resource_prefetch_tables()
// instead of this constructor.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> db_task_runner);
~ResourcePrefetchPredictorTables() override;
friend class PredictorDatabaseInternal;
// Database version. Always increment it when any change is made to the data
// schema (including the .proto).
static constexpr int kDatabaseVersion = 10;
// PredictorTableBase:
void CreateTableIfNonExistent() override;
void LogDatabaseStats() override;
static bool DropTablesIfOutdated(sql::Connection* db);
static int GetDatabaseVersion(sql::Connection* db);
static bool SetDatabaseVersion(sql::Connection* db, int version);
std::unique_ptr<GlowplugKeyValueTable<PrefetchData>> url_resource_table_;
std::unique_ptr<GlowplugKeyValueTable<RedirectData>> url_redirect_table_;
std::unique_ptr<GlowplugKeyValueTable<PrefetchData>> host_resource_table_;
std::unique_ptr<GlowplugKeyValueTable<RedirectData>> host_redirect_table_;
std::unique_ptr<GlowplugKeyValueTable<OriginData>> origin_table_;
} // namespace predictors