blob: 2a6e361da6693a9be11c06e1947ab9e157c191a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
* Production implementation of PasswordManagerHandler, making calls to native C++ code to retrieve
* the data.
public final class PasswordUIView implements PasswordManagerHandler {
private static SavedPasswordEntry createSavedPasswordEntry(
String url, String name, String password) {
return new SavedPasswordEntry(url, name, password);
// Pointer to native implementation, set to 0 in destroy().
private long mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid;
// This class has exactly one observer, set on construction and expected to last at least as
// long as this object (a good candidate is the owner of this object).
private final PasswordListObserver mObserver;
* Constructor creates the native object as well. Callers should call destroy() after usage.
* @param PasswordListObserver The only observer.
public PasswordUIView(PasswordListObserver observer) {
mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid = nativeInit();
mObserver = observer;
private void passwordListAvailable(int count) {
private void passwordExceptionListAvailable(int count) {
// Calls native to refresh password and exception lists. The native code calls back into
// passwordListAvailable and passwordExceptionListAvailable.
public void updatePasswordLists() {
public SavedPasswordEntry getSavedPasswordEntry(int index) {
return nativeGetSavedPasswordEntry(mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid, index);
public String getSavedPasswordException(int index) {
return nativeGetSavedPasswordException(mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid, index);
public void removeSavedPasswordEntry(int index) {
nativeHandleRemoveSavedPasswordEntry(mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid, index);
public void removeSavedPasswordException(int index) {
nativeHandleRemoveSavedPasswordException(mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid, index);
public void serializePasswords(Callback<byte[]> callback) {
nativeHandleSerializePasswords(mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid, callback);
* Returns the URL for the website for managing one's passwords without the need to use Chrome
* with the user's profile signed in.
* @return The string with the URL.
public static String getAccountDashboardURL() {
return nativeGetAccountDashboardURL();
* Destroy the native object.
public void destroy() {
if (mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid != 0) {
mNativePasswordUIViewAndroid = 0;
private native long nativeInit();
private native void nativeUpdatePasswordLists(long nativePasswordUIViewAndroid);
private native SavedPasswordEntry nativeGetSavedPasswordEntry(
long nativePasswordUIViewAndroid, int index);
private native String nativeGetSavedPasswordException(
long nativePasswordUIViewAndroid, int index);
private native void nativeHandleRemoveSavedPasswordEntry(
long nativePasswordUIViewAndroid, int index);
private native void nativeHandleRemoveSavedPasswordException(
long nativePasswordUIViewAndroid, int index);
private static native String nativeGetAccountDashboardURL();
private native void nativeDestroy(long nativePasswordUIViewAndroid);
private native void nativeHandleSerializePasswords(
long nativePasswordUIViewAndroid, Callback<byte[]> callback);